Pink Houses


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As he sat and brooded, he began to realize that it had been awhile since they had really and truly made love.

Oh, they'd had sex a few times over the previous few months, but not as often as they should, and when they did, it was pretty perfunctory, by-the-numbers coupling that took care of the base physical needs, but had been unfulfilling emotionally.

That needed to change, Larry thought to himself. It started to dawn on him then, in the gloom of the night as he sat on his porch, that he could lose the woman he loved -- who he knew loved him -- if he didn't act immediately.

He just hoped it wasn't already too late.

Sighing, he drained the last dregs of his beer, set the bottle down and got up to use the bathroom and to get a refill. He had just sat back down when he saw Rebecca's minivan pull into the driveway.

^ ^ ^ ^

Rebecca was putting the finishing touches on one of Kelsey's famous hamburgers, and she idly swirled a French fry in the little pool of ketchup that remained on her plate.

"This is really good," she said as Kelsey strolled by wiping a glass with a towel. "Compliments to the chef."

Kelsey had insisted that she eat before she left his bar to go home. Although she had only had four beers, he knew how little it took to reach the legal limit, and he didn't want to see this pretty lady go to jail after she had taken the time to unburden herself to him.

He felt like it had been a productive discussion. A couple of the romeos had sidled up offering to buy her a drink, but she'd declined and after one had persisted, Kelsey gave him "the look," that told the guy to back off.

"Look, Rebecca, I can't tell you how to live your life," he said after clearing away her plate. "Seems to me like you have a pretty good thing going; you just need to get that spark back. And you're not going to get it drinking beer alone in a place like this."

"I know," Rebecca said slowly. "I guess I just needed to be alone for a little bit, without the kids, without my husband, to just think and gather myself."

"A marriage takes work," Kelsey said. "Especially if there are children involved. Trust me, I know. We both know how hard divorce is on kids."

Kelsey's face darkened just a moment as he thought back to his first marriage and the rocky relationship he had with his two daughters that resulted from the divorce.

"Go home," Kelsey said, staring intently into Rebecca's eyes. "Go home to your husband. Give him all the loving he can stand over these next couple of days while the kids are away. Learn how to be a wife again. That's the best advice I can give you."

"Thanks, Kelsey, I will," Rebecca said as she sucked down the last of the glass of tea she'd had with her meal. "What do I owe you for the burger?"

"Ah, it's on the house," Kelsey said. "Just go, and be careful. Good luck."

It was then that Rebecca finally gave him what he'd been missing all night, one of her mega-watt smiles, and it hit him right in the gut.

"Thanks again for everything," she said as she slid off the stool and turned for the door.

Kelsey couldn't help staring at Rebecca's shapely behind as she walked out the door. He just hoped Larry Murphy appreciated what he had in that one, he mused.

^ ^ ^ ^

Larry took a big swallow of his beer as he heard Rebecca rustling around in the house. He sensed, more than saw, her turning on lights throughout the house.

"Larry? Are you out here?" Rebecca said as she stuck her head out the front door and looked out into the porch.

"Yeah, I'm out here," Larry said.

Rebecca walked out and just stood next to the chair her husband was sitting in. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Where'd you go?" Larry said quietly.

"I ... stopped at a bar and had a couple of drinks," Rebecca said after a moment's hesitation. She'd considered whether or not she should tell Larry exactly where she'd been and decided this night called for total honesty.

"A bar?" he said. "Why?"

"I needed to think about some things, alone," she said, sitting down on the rocker next to her husband. "I needed to figure out some ways of revitalizing our marriage. I don't think it will come as any surprise to you that I'm not happy right now."

"Honey, I ..." he started. "I understand I haven't been around as much as I should, but this project is so important to the company, and I need to give it my very best."

"Larry, I know that, and I don't want you to think I'm asking you to choose between your family and your work," she said. "Part of it is just the time of year, and the ages of the kids. It's just ... I just feel like I'm not so much your wife any more as I am the mother of your children. I love our children, and they are good kids, but they are a handful."

"Don't I know," Larry said.

"Do you?" Rebecca said sharply. "Do you really? You leave for work before they get up -- before I get up -- you're home late, then when you do get home you've got plans and drawings to look at. Sometimes I can't help thinking that you don't love me any more, at least not with the same passion you used to."

And now, Rebecca turned her chair toward her husband and took his hands in hers. His eyes were wide in no small measure of shock.

"Larry," she whispered. "I need you to be a husband again and I need to be your wife. Please, take me in the house and make love to me. I don't mean just fuck me; I mean take me to bed and love me, like we used to. I need you."

Larry's eyes were misty as he pulled his wife onto his lap and kissed her deeply.

"Becca, Becca, Becca," he said when they came up for air. "Don't ever for a minute think that I've ever stopped loving you. You are the rock that holds my life together. I am so lost without you, and I'm just sad that you would even think thoughts like that."

"Then prove it," Rebecca said, as she leaned in and kissed her husband again, with a passion she hadn't shown in quite a long time.

Despite the beers he'd consumed, Larry's cock was quickly at attention as Rebecca did a lap dance on his crotch. He filled his hands with her teacup-sized breasts, rhythmically squeezing the cloth-covered flesh.

Suddenly, his stomach growled, and Rebecca looked at Larry in surprise.

"Did you not eat?" she said.

"No, I ... was worried about you, and I just didn't get around to it," he said.

"Come on, let me fix you a sandwich," she said, standing up, pulling him up with her and leading him into the house. "You're going to need your strength."

It was while Larry was eating that he looked up at his wife and smiled.

"How would you like to spend the day together tomorrow, just you and me?" he said.

"What about work?" she said.

That was when he told her that they'd finished the proposal and it was on its way.

"I'm so proud of you," Rebecca said, as she bent down and hugged Larry tightly.

"If there is any way you could get a couple of days off, I'd love for you to come with me for the announcement, assuming we win the bid," Larry said.

"Depends on when it is," she said. "If it's after school starts and things get settled, I might be able to go. I want to be there for you. I know you guys are going to win the contract. You're too good not to."

Larry was putting the plate in the sink when Rebecca strolled over and encircled her husband's chest with her arms. Then she turned him around and they embraced, kissing hot and heavy.

"Come on, lover, I've been patient, but it's time for you to take care of business," she said.

Larry was propped up on the bed, leaning back on the headboard, staring intently as Rebecca came sauntering out of their bathroom. His cock was on red alert as it always was when she was like this: naked and ready for love.

His eyes drank in the sight of her slender body, with the modest breasts, the flat stomach and the neatly trimmed bush of flame-colored hair that framed her sex. She walked slowly, almost in a strut, a slight smile on her face.

She knew the effect her body had on Larry Murphy, and tonight she was going to play on that effect. She stood at the foot of the bed, idly twirling her rose-colored nipples, which jutted from her tits like twin erasers.

Husband and wife were just staring into each other's eyes, letting the moment linger, letting their lust simmer, letting the sexual tension build.

"You know, it would have been real easy for me to cheat tonight," she said suddenly. "I think I got hit on by every guy in that bar. Of course, I didn't have much competition, but still it was gratifying to know I could attract other men. Even the bartender gave me a few lustful looks. All I would have had to do was say yes to one of them and ..."

"But you didn't," Larry said.

"No, and I really didn't even consider it," Rebecca said as she crawled onto the bed and took up position between her husband's legs. "Sex to me is an expression of love, and I still love you, Larry Murphy."

Rebecca could feel the gripping tingle in her groin that spoke of her deep need to be sexually satisfied. Her pussy was a swamp of lustful feelings, even after the thorough cleaning she'd just given it. She wanted Larry in a way she hadn't wanted him in a long time and she was through waiting.

"Yes, I do love you," she whispered, almost to herself, seconds before she slashed her tongue up the underside of Larry's throbbing, iron-hard cock.

Larry leaned his head back and closed his eyes, a smile on his face. He knew this night was turning into something special merely from the fact of Rebecca using her mouth on his cock.

She wasn't all that fond of oral sex, so for her to be willing -- anxious, even -- to suck him meant she was sitting on a powder keg of lust. And he planned on lighting the fuse and making that powder keg explode.

Rebecca didn't take long to get the head of Larry's cock into her mouth and start bobbing her head up and down on his dick. While this wasn't something she liked to do a lot, she had taught herself how to give him a competent blowjob, because she knew he liked having it done. She'd even learned to swallow, although she couldn't say she was fond of the taste of his semen.

But she was giving it to him enthusiastically, because ... well, just because. Tonight was special, and she wanted there to be no inhibitions between them.

Larry enjoyed the feeling of his wife's mouth on his cock for a few minutes, but he was equally eager to reciprocate, so he gently pried Rebecca's mouth off his cock and got her to swivel around so they could 69, which she did, with relish.

Rebecca straddled Larry's head with her legs and slowly lowered her crotch toward his mouth. His hands gripped her perfect ass as he looked up and marveled at her juicy cunt. Smiling, he ripped his tongue across her coral-colored insides, and groaned as she slid his cock back into her mouth.

Their mutual lust was feeding off each other now, as Rebecca sucked on Larry's rod several strokes, then pulled off and licked all over the purple head and angry red shaft. She repeated the process over and over, with mounting frenzy as Larry brought her closer and closer to meltdown.

Larry's lips and tongue were everywhere, diving for her pearl-like clit, tongue-fucking her pussy and idly rimming her pink asshole with a finger. As he did, Rebecca thought she might finally let him take her in the ass. He'd made subtle overtures back there before and she'd gently, but firmly, rejected them. But that was then, this was now.

First, however, she wanted him in her. She was ready to climax, and she wanted to do with his cock firmly in her smoking-hot pussy.

Abruptly, she pulled her mouth off Larry's cock, and slithered her way down his body. When she got to where she needed to be, she whipped her body around, all the time keeping a firm grip on her husband's cock.

"Fuck me, husband, fuck me good," she said softly as she fit the head of his cock to her liquid opening and let her weight fall, sucking his cock all the way into her sheath in one glorious plunge.

"Take it, wife, take it all," Larry said, with a sardonic smile on his face as he thrust his hips upward to drive his cock deeper into her velvet pussy.

"Wife, hmmmmmmm, I like the sound of that," she said languidly as they worked together in a slow but steady rhythm.

Larry reached up and gathered Rebecca's jiggling breasts in each hand and squeezed, almost like a rubber ball. He loved the feel of her tits in his hands, especially her rock-hard nipples, which were oh so sensitive.

Rebecca threw her auburn locks back and felt the express train of passion begin to build from the feeling of Larry's hands on her breasts. She was working harder and faster now, willing herself to build to that moment when they would explode together.

It didn't always happen that way, but they'd been together long enough to know how to get where they wanted to go at pretty close to the same time.

And Larry could sense that moment arriving, as well. Suddenly, he slid his hands around to Rebecca's sweat-slick back, pulled her down do him and in one swift motion rolled them over.

Rebecca smiled widely and her eyes got big, for she knew they were indeed on the same wavelength. She lifted her long legs, wrapped them around the small of Larry's back and surrendered to his now-demanding thrusts.

Like a machine, Larry churned his cock back and forth in Rebecca's creamy cunt, and she worked her pussy in time. He was fucking her deeper than he had in a quite awhile, and she could feel the results in the gathering climax that was building to a head.

Rebecca's head was shaking from side to side as Larry picked up steam.

"Oh, baby, baby, so good," he chanted as he worked his muscular hips faster and harder. Rebecca just cooed and gasped out her passion .

"Yes, yes, yessssssss," she panted as she felt herself giving way to the mighty orgasm that she'd been wanting from her husband for so long now.

Seconds later, Larry let his control slip away and with a gasp and a groan, he cut loose with a successive jets of cum deep in his wife's womb. They clutched at each other with a passion they'd almost forgotten they had as the tidal wave of emotion swept them along.

The feeling was like catharsis, and Rebecca found herself weeping with a combination of joy at what they'd rediscovered and a bit of frustration that their disconnect had gotten as far as it did.

"I don't ever want to get like that again," Rebecca said after she'd calmed down and they were snuggled up together on the sweat-soaked sheets.

She didn't even mind that she was still lying on the wet spot. To her, that was the physical evidence of their renewed lust and love for each other.

Larry did take a personal day off work the next day, and he and Rebecca spent most of it in bed making love. And, after a nice long bath to relax, Rebecca laid some pillows on the bed, lay down on her stomach -- with the pillows elevating her butt -- and invited Larry to introduce her to the wonders of anal sex.

He took it real slow and easy, and, fortunately, he wasn't so big that he hurt her when he finally got his cock all the way in.

Once he got it in and got going, Rebecca found she liked the feeling. She knew it wasn't something she wanted to do all the time, but she also knew she wouldn't mind doing it on special occasions.

One such special occasion came up about six weeks later, when they traveled to the host city of the manufacturing firm Larry had been working with to accept the contract for the new plant.

They spent three days and two nights alone in the city, and they treated themselves to all the loving they could stand, and returned home more in love then ever.

Rebecca Murphy learned a valuable lesson from her little sojourn to Kelsey's Bar and Grill.

Marriage, especially marriage with children, takes work, and there are always going to be times when things are up and times when things are down.

And, when a marriage hits one of those downs, the thing you have to do is stop being a mommy for awhile and go back to being a wife.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nice: 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sweet story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I've heard it said that marriage is not a commitment - it is a promise to recommit when times are difficult. These two figured it out and good for them. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To the naysayers: she wasn't close yet to cheating. But she did realize she was not happy and something needed to change. For his part the husband realized before she stepped out on the porch that night that the marriage had issues and he was at least partially at fault (probably in his mind mostly his). She got lost in being a.mother to four kids. Stay at home parent is a lot of work with multiple kids. It deserves respect. And it can sometime be too much. They just needed to rekindle their spark. And they did. Case closed.

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