Pitching to Mom


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She said, "I think she probably does understand, maybe she's just not ready to accept her feelings the way you are John, maybe she just needs more time. Be patient with her John; I'm sure she loves you."

I reached across the table and touched her pretty face and said, "Okay Maria, I'll take your advice."

She got excited and said, "I almost forgot, what's your news?"

I said, "They want to sign me. They offered me a three year contract and said I'd be going to triple - A, but Brian thinks I should just sign for one year because if I can win as many games as I did this season, he thinks I'd get to the majors within two years and get a huge contract. As it is, he said that between the signing bonus and a one year deal I could make eighty thousand next year. Eighty thousand! Can you believe that? We pay everything off, get a decent car, maybe even move. How's that mom?"

She was beaming. "I'm so proud of you baby." She was tearing up. "Look at you, wow."

We spent the rest of dinner talking about the different possibilities and when we got home I said, "So Maria do I get a good night kiss?"

She said, "Absolutely." She came to my arms and we kissed as lovers. Our tongues met and I gently caressed one of her full breasts. I didn't push it past that and we broke the kiss after a few minutes. She said, "I guess I'll go in and read a bit before going to bed, good night sweetie."

After about an hour, I knocked on her door. She told me to come in. She was sitting up, holding up the covers. She said, "What is it baby, everything okay?"

I said, "Sure mom, I just wanted to ask you something." She motioned me over and I sat on the edge of the bed. I said, "Remember a while back you told me about hearing Jennifer and me...?"

She hesitantly said, "Yes?"

I said, "I can't stop thinking about it. I imagine you getting excited, and then...masturbating. Did you?"

She flushed and said, "John!" Her mouth was open and she shook her head, not believing I actually asked her that. Finally she copped to it. "Yes, I did...for two days. Now are you satisfied?"

I said, "Wow that's great, I mean, that that you could tell me that. I would have loved watching you do that."

She laughed and said, "I'll bet. Now get out of here."

I said, "Not before one more kiss." She gave me a resigned look and opened her arms. As the covers dropped I could see her nipples through the nylon top she had on. They were large and darker than most I had seen. We kissed and I slid my hand under the top feeling my mother's soft breast and hard nipple.

Then she did something just for me. She reached under the cover and rubbed her pussy. She knew that I knew that she was doing it. She sighed and stopped after about twenty seconds. She took my face in her hands and said, "There, now go."

I felt good that she could do that in front of me and I said, "You do love me don't you mom."

She said, "Yes, I do, now go already."

In the morning I said, "Will you come to the game on Saturday mom, it'll be my last start of the season." We were playing about ninety miles from home.

She said, "Well if you want me to, of course." I hadn't asked her before because I didn't want the added pressure of thinking about her when I pitched, but now it was different.

I said, "Listen, I don't want you driving that junk box, so here's money for the train. I'll pick you up, and get you a room so you can stay until Sunday, then we can go home together."

She said, "That would be great, are you sure I won't make you nervous being in the stands?"

I said, "I'm sure, you haven't seen me pitch since high school and this is a good time, since I've been going good, and the hundred fifty people in the stands actually are encouraging...hey, you're not going to boo me if I get shelled are you?"

She laughed and said, "Never."

We won the game four to one, and I ended the season with fourteen wins and two losses. My manager who had yelled at me all year, even when I did well, said nice things when I introduced him to my mom. Mom asked me why the people in the stands were yelling "Heat," and I told her that had become my nickname and that's what they called that out when they wanted me to strike somebody out. She smiled and said, "Well, it's a good name, it fits you for more than one reason."

I took mom out for dinner and after a walk around town, I took her to her motel room. She said, "Boy, this is very nice." They knew me there and had given me a suite for the same price as a regular room.

We sat on the small couch and I said, "Only the best for you from now on mom."

She took my hand and said, "You're the best, and I can't tell you how proud you make me, you've done all this..." Before she could finish, I kissed her. She kissed me back. I knew that if it was going to happen, the chances were much better away from home. We were two people in a motel room.

In between the kissing and the touching, every once in a while she's say, "Johnny..." which sounded something like; 'We shouldn't be doing this.' But we kept doing.

When her bra came off and she sat there with her breasts exposed, she again said, "Johnny..."

This time I said, "Shh..." and kissed her, taking charge. I said, "You love me, I love you, that's all there is." She didn't say "Johnny" that way again. When we were naked, I told her how beautiful she was, and it was true. She had a woman's body that didn't show her thirty-eight years. It was curved in all the right places and I wanted to mold myself into those curves. She kept her eyes closed as I nudged her into position on the bed. She didn't say anything, but moved as I urged her to. I knew she was fighting her doubts and fears, and she didn't want to see that it was her son that was about to take her.

I opened my mother's legs and she was clearly wet. I could see the sheen on her trimmed pussy and some droplets on the small patch of hair she had kept. I brought my cock to her. It felt like a pipe in my hand. When I put the head on her folds, she took a deep breath, and when I split that soft curtain of flesh, she sighed and I entered her.

I felt the connection in every part of my body. It wasn't just that it was better than being with other women, it was different. I was having her, and craving her at the same time. It was a white hot desire I'd never experienced, and it was because I was inside my mother's pussy. As I pushed forward and slowly penetrated her opening, she was almost crying out my name. I could hear that she was feeling some of what I was feeling. The connection was tight and firm and each stroke called forth a sound from both of us. I was saying "Ohh..." again and again; as I penetrated the place I'd fantasized about so many times, the place a son is never supposed to posses. I was inside her, fucking her, but more than that, I was loving her.

She said, "John..." and "Yes..." and "OH..." and "You're inside me..." as over and over, I pushed into her forbidden opening. She moved to meet my thrusts and clawed at my back. She said, "Oh God, I feel like my heart is going to burst," and I understood what she meant. She got louder and humped higher and cried out, "AhhhOhhh...ahhhohhh..." I looked and saw her eyes squeezed tight in an expression of pleasure that seemed to be reaching the edge of her experience.

I said. "This is where I was meant to be Maria, inside you, with you. Can you feel it m...Maria?"

She said, Yes baby, I can feel it; I feel you. Yes, baby yes..."

I increased the pace and angled into her from a slightly different position and she responded as if I'd hit a new set of nerve endings inside her. With more intensity she said, "Oh yes, baby, yes, yes..."

I wanted to hear her say it was good, and it was right, and I said, "Isn't this where I belong, tell me how it feels Maria."

She said, "It feels good love, it feels perfect. I can hardly stand it baby...oh God..." Perspiration had made her body slick and shiny and I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my face as we moved at an ever increasing tempo.

I drove harder, deeper, faster, and she responded with sounds that lost her breath. Then I heard the unmistakable cry of my mother's approaching orgasm. It filled me with a fleeting pleasure because I couldn't concentrate on listening to her as my quick strokes into her pussy were taking me over.

I released the first cord of sperm into my mother's vault and called out "MOM, MOM..." as I came. A fleeting thought crossed my mind that I should have called her Maria, but it wasn't in my control at that moment. It seemed like I wouldn't ever stop releasing as I filled my mother's pussy with my cum.

As we came, she said, "Yes baby, yes, come inside me, I can feel you, yes, momma loves you, momma wants you inside her, do it love, do it...OHHHhhhhh..." Her cry was very loud and it made me as happy to hear her climaxing, as it was to hear her call herself my mom as she came.

I kept stroking through our commingled juices inside her pussy. When I finally stopped coming and pulled out of her, she put her hand over my soaked cock and said, "So good for me baby...I didn't think it would be like this...oh love."

She buried her face in my chest and curled into me. She got quiet and I said, "What are you feeling mom?"

She said, "I'm feeling as if I didn't know what it was to have sex with someone I truly loved, and I'm feeling...strange. I knew you weren't just having sex with Maria, any more than I was just having sex with John. You were making love to your mother, and I was making love to my son. I can't fool myself into thinking that I'm not. And it was the most passionate physical feeling I ever had, and don't be mad at me baby...but I feel ashamed, of myself. I should be stronger; I shouldn't let you do something you might be sorry for later on. This is incest John and I let you do it. I don't care for myself, and I know you don't think so now, but someday you could hate me for letting you do this, for not stopping you from...fucking your mother. I let you fuck your mother John."

I said, "Mom, if that was all I did, you might be right, but that's what I'm always trying to tell you, for me, it's about loving you, not fucking you. I want you because I love you and that's not going to change."

She said, "And you're not in the least ashamed to have a mother who lets her son have sex with her? You don't think I'm a slut...or a whore? Oh sweetheart, I would feel so terrible if what I did...and the way I came, made you think of your mother as a whore."

I said, "Mom, are you crazy? When I was inside you all I could think of, was how proud I am to have a beautiful mother like you, a mother who really knows how to love her son. And when you came, it was so great, you let me know how I made you feel. It was beautiful. Mom, I will never be sorry about what we did, or ashamed...never. I love you."

She got teary and said, "Keep telling me John, keep telling me that you love me, because I love you so much, and I would do anything to make you happy. I wanted you baby, but I also wanted you to have me because you wanted it, and I want you to know how much I love you,"

I said, "I know mom... or do I have to keep calling you Maria?"

Her laugh erased her worried look and she said, "No you can call me mom...I'm your mom." We kissed, and our hands found each other's body again, and our bodies found each other again.

We spent most of the night making love. The next day was raining and the last game was cancelled, so we headed home. It would seem reasonable to assume that after that night, things would go smoothly; well at least our sex lives, since we had crossed the biggest barrier. But life isn't always logical, and relationships are complicated, especially between a mother and son.

Mom went to work the next day and I lazed around the house thinking about her. I ordered Chinese food and had everything prepared when she got home. She was quiet, and reticent to interact with me, but I attributed it to her workday. She put me off for the next few days telling me she wasn't ready, or for me to be patient. A few nights later, we watched a movie and I couldn't wait to have sex with her anymore and I leaned over, kissed her, and said, "Mom let's go to bed."

She knew what I meant and said, "Honey, listen to me. What happened...happened, and it was a special night, and even though I did tell you I was ashamed of myself, I can't say I'm sorry for what we did. But I can't be your lover, I can't be your wife, I can't sleep with you every night...I don't know if I can be your mother after all that's happened. I'm so confused Johnny, I don't know what I am, and going to bed with you isn't going to help."

I said, "That's just it mom, you don't have to pick. You can be all those things, my mom, my lover, my wife. You told me to keep telling you that I love you, that's because you know that there's nothing more important than that."

She said, "You make it sound so simple, but..."

I said, "It is simple mom. I love you and you love me. That's all there is to know. If we could re-make the world and just be John and Maria, we would, but we're here now, and we're who we are, should we throw it all away? How many chances do people get to have someone who'll love them for their whole life? That's what we have mom, we have that chance. All you have to do is love me."

She hesitated and said, "Baby, you know I do...I'm not saying...it's just complicated."

I said, "Uncomplicate it."

She said, "There's just no future in this..."

Then I stopped. I knew she'd have an answer for whatever I said. I was frustrated, and I said, "Okay mom...I'm going out for a while."

She said, "Oh honey don't be mad at me, don't go."

I said, "Mom I'm not mad." And at that moment, I wasn't; I only felt defeated. I said, "I'm just going out for a ride, I'll be back soon."

She said, "When?"

I laughed, "In a couple of hours."


I said, "I promise."

I drove around for a while listening to music, and ended up at the mall. Most of the stores were closing. I thought to myself that maybe she was right; maybe there was no future for us. I mean, the odds were against it, the age difference, the attitude difference, oh, and that little thing that we were mother and son. I passed a jewelry store, and a thought occurred to me that lifted my spirit. I went in and bought her a piece of jewelry.

When I got home, I parked and sat thinking a thousand different thoughts. It was almost midnight when I stood by mom's bedroom door. I know I'd had the fantasy of a visit from her in the night, I hoped that maybe she'd also had one about me. I opened the door quietly, but she was up and she rolled over to face me. She said, "Hi John, I'm glad you're home. I missed you."

She sat up and I sat next to her on the bed. I couldn't help but be distracted by how much of her cleavage was showing. She made no attempt to cover herself. Her eyes didn't meet mine. She looked like a vulnerable young girl, almost lost. I brought out the jewelry and said, "I have something for you. While I was out I thought about you worrying about the future. Mom, the future is now." She opened the box.

She said "Oh honey, it's so beautiful." She started tearing up. The ring wasn't a wedding band, or an engagement ring, but it could have passed for either. She said, "You must have spent a lot of your bonus money on this."

I said, "It's our bonus money mom." I took her hand and said, "Do you want it mom? Do you want me?"

She starting crying and said through her tears, "Yes, I want it...yes I want you." I put it on her finger and she reached for me. We kissed, and she pulled the nylon cover-up over her head. She kissed me as I fondled her and when I pulled the blanket off, the dim light from the open door washed over her body. It all looked so soft and creamy.

She went onto her back and opened her legs. Instead of mounting her, I leaned over and put my mouth over her fragrant pussy. She moaned and I began sucking her. I moved into a position where her legs were over my shoulders. I worked her clit with my tongue and pressed her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. She said, "Oh honey, we're going to make it work aren't we, we're going to take care of each other aren't we?"

I stopped long enough to say, "Yes mom, always." I took her back into my mouth and circled her clit with the tip of my tongue and she moaned and writhed. I did her for a few minutes and then she surprised me. She came sharp and hard, with a quick cry and then a long sigh. She was breathing hard until she evened out. I kept sucking and licking and within a few minutes I could feel her becoming stimulated as her body responded.

She said, "Johnny, Johnny, I need you so much, oh love, be in my mouth, I want you in my mouth." I moved into the sixty-nine position and she hungrily began sucking on the head of my cock. I felt a small spasm and she moaned a little as she tasted the ejaculate of my pre-cum. It was hard to know where to concentrate my feelings, as the sensations from her pussy in my mouth, and my cock in hers, competed. We kept going until I felt myself on the verge of shooting into her mouth.

The picture was not the usual one of a mother and son, with a mother's clit between her son's lips as she sucked on his cock, but it was a picture that had excited my mind long before I lived it. Mom stopped long enough to say, "Oh Johnny, don't ever stop loving me this way." In that moment, I knew that the glass barrier between us had been shattered. The possibilities of what I had hoped for had become a physical reality. My mother had surrendered to us. I knew that there would be many times when I would come in her mouth, and she would come in mine, but at that moment, I only wanted to be inside her, between her legs, in her pussy. I wanted her as a lover and a wife, with her man inside her.

I changed position. Her arms and eyes beckoned to me. She separated her legs to accept me. She said almost fiercely, "I'm going to be better than any woman could ever be for you baby."

I said, "I know mom, and I'm always going to love you."

She said, "Yes, Yes..." as I held my cock and positioned it over her folds. I penetrated her wet opening only far enough to wet the head and then took it out and slid it over her clit. I did it a few times until she moaned for me to be inside her and I sank deep into her center. She gave a satisfied "Ahhh..." as each long stroke spread her pussy and filled her channel.

And as I stroked into my mother's pussy, the part of my fantasy that I had only lately admitted to myself got me even more excited. I thought about a day when I would come inside her, the way I would soon, with long hard cords of my seed shooting deep into her womb, only she wouldn't be on the pill, and I would make my mother pregnant.

And as I thrust my shaft to fill her I knew it might be a while before I could say anything like that to her, but I could still imagine her standing in front of me naked, with a gentle curve to her belly, and her tits swollen more than they usually were, carrying the baby I had put inside her.

After all, it had only been a year since she had thought we couldn't be making love the way we were. And as I pushed deeper into her, I wanted to hear her say the words that would make it a possibility. I said, "You're my wife now aren't you?"

She said, "Yes darling I'm you're wife, I'm your lover, I'm your mother...I'm anything you want me to be." I knew she meant it and that made it sweeter as I penetrated deep into the place that only a fortunate few sons are given by their mothers. She was taking me inside her as if I belonged there. She said, "I'm yours baby."

I pressed in deeply until I was up against her and I asked, "Is it good mom?"

She said, "Oh yes baby, you're so hard and strong inside me, you're what I always wanted, like this, like this, Ohhh..." I lifted one of her legs and cradled it in the crook of my arm. I pulled it back and continued pumping and thrusting as I leaned to kiss her. She moaned in my mouth as the position took me farther inside her than I had ever been.