Play it by Ear Ch. 04

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Melinda and Astrid tease Sam; Melinda gets what she wanted.
6.2k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 10/14/2023
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It was approaching Midnight when I arrived home, having spent the afternoon and evening engaged in adulterous sex with my wife Melinda's lover, Astrid. Melinda was sleeping soundly when I stripped off my clothing and slipped into bed nestling my naked body against hers. My tryst with my wife's lover had been fantastic sex, but I was now exhausted and slipped into sleep as soon as my body was pressed up against my wife's warm naked back.

Melinda had been well aware of where I was and what I was doing. She and I had recently decided to broaden our sex lives by including others. The terms of our not too clearly articulated agreement, which we called 'play it by ear,' permitted each of us to have sex outside the bounds of our marriage, but not in secret. If either of us had sex outside the marriage we were to provide the other with the details of our activity with the so-far successful objective of spicing up our own relationship. It wasn't clear whether advance notice was required. That was a detail still to be worked out.

Our first foray into this expanded relationship had been with Astrid and Lars Gustafson. Prior to today it had been Melinda who was 'playing it by ear' as she had a lesbian fling with Astrid followed a few days later with a three way with Astrid and Lars. She had shared the details of each event with me generating some of the best sex Melinda and I had ever experienced, along with repeated assurances from Melinda that she was not in love with either of her new partners. They were just "a good fuck," as she put it. Lars and Astrid were attractive Swedes, raised in Stockholm and now living in the US. He was the manager of the gym where Melinda and I worked out and she was a sex therapist.

My assignation with Astrid had started with lunch at a downtown restaurant. When Astrid had asked me to join her for lunch, Melinda and I correctly assumed that what Astrid really wanted was to seduce me. Melinda's parting words to me that morning were, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" (a very low bar given her recent conduct with Astrid and Lars), and "Have fun dear." I did.

I slept soundly that night, especially I suppose for a first-time adulterer, or perhaps it was simply because Astrid had worn me out the day before. I undoubtedly would have slept later, but I was awakened by the delicious sensation of someone sucking on my cock. That was a first. Melinda loved to suck my cock as a prelude to fucking, but she had never awakened me in this fashion. My cock was far from fully erect but I could feel it rapidly growing as Melinda caressed it with her tongue and lips. Oh.... Oh, so nice," I said as I opened my eyes. I felt the snake between legs grow, filling more and more of Melinda's mouth as it, and I, came to life.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Sam," she responded as she briefly pulled her face back before immediately sucking my rapidly growing cock back into her mouth.

"Oh fuck. You're so good at that."

"Hmm. Better than Astrid?"

Warning bells went off throughout my system. It can't be good to have the woman sucking your cock, your wife, ask whether she was doing a better job than the woman she was sure had been sucking your cock the night before. I responded with a groan, hoping that would convince her she was the best, without me actually needing to answer.

She worked my cock a bit more and then picked her head up and said, "Remember Sam you have to share all the details with me. I know you were 'playing it by ear' with Astrid last night and I want to know all of it. Was she a good fuck?"

The answer of course was yes. Astrid is a sex counselor. She knows more about what it takes to be a good fuck than most prostitutes.

"I'm sure she was Sam," Melinda said, ignoring my silence. "But you are going to have to wait to share the details with me until tonight. Your boss called last night and asked me to be sure you were at work by 8:00 this morning. Apparently there is an issue with one of the software sales you made last week. So lover, it's time for you get out of bed, shower, and get dressed and off to work. Last night's details will just have to wait until tonight after dinner. Now get up and I will fix you a quick breakfast."

I picked my head up just in time to see my naked wife's lovely ass wiggle out the bedroom door leaving me aroused and unsatisfied. As she walked away, she said, "Oh and don't do anything nasty in the shower. I want you to save yourself for tonight."

When I arrived in the kitchen she was standing at the stove, her back turned to me, wearing an apron that left her backside completely exposed. My she has a lovely ass, I thought. I still had about half an erection from her uncompleted wakeup call.

Melinda heard me enter and turned to say: "Have a seat. Coffee will be right up. Eggs need a few minutes more." When she poured my coffee I found myself looking down the front of her apron at her tasty looking breasts.

Why am I leaving here to go to work, I wondered? Whatever happened to calling in sick?

"How was your afternoon?" she asked. "It must have been very good since it seemed to extend late into the evening."

"It was very good," I responded, telling her essentially nothing. Before our flings with Lars and Astrid, we had used fictional stories of sex with others to excite each other on Friday nights. The process typically started with each of us asking, "How was your week?" which, under the terms of our game, meant "Did you get laid by someone and how was it?" Invariably the first response was "very good," which led to a process of dragging a lewd story out about some fictional adultery. Now we were still doing the same thing, but the adultery was real.

"I'm sorry Sam but you will just have to wait until this evening to give me all the details. Your boss said it was very important for you to get to the office on time today. Something about one of the orders you took last week. I think he said the buyer wants to increase the size of the order." Since I work on commission that last statement got my attention, at least for a moment. Melinda was leaning against the kitchen counter as she spoke holding her coffee cup in one hand and using the other to release the knots holding her apron in place. When it fell away she was completely naked. My mind was ridden with conflict: confirming a major sale and the resulting commission versus immediate sex with my beautiful wife. God life can be hard sometimes.

"If you could stay here you could share the details with me this morning and then I could make sure Astrid didn't damage your cock last night. It did seem to be alright when I woke you up though. But you better go to work. You'll probably be in dull meetings all day. I want you to spend your time in those thinking about how good our sex is going to be tonight after you share the details of your luncheon with Astrid with me. I need for you to be thinking about sex today so you are fully recovered from your debauchery with Astrid."

I was silent as I stared lustily at my naked wife.

"Now I think I'll get a shower," she said. With that she walked from the room using her slinkiest walk. It was all I could do to refrain from following her.

When I arrived at work I discovered that the buyer in Los Angeles wanted to increase the number of user licenses he was purchasing by a factor of 1000. Since our product was priced on the basis of the number of user employees authorized to access the software, the change would turn a good-sized sale into a huge sale. I wound up spending the whole day in meetings with my boss and our tech folks and on calls with the buyer's purchasing agent discussing the training logistics for the buyer's users and haggling over the pricing for the much larger order they wanted to place.

Given the impact this huge sale would have on my income I started out the day focused entirely on making sure the process went smoothly. Starting around 11:00 my focus became seriously distracted. That was when I began receiving regular text messages from Melinda. They came in about every half an hour or so. Each transmitted a photo of Melinda that was definitely NSFW and contained an appropriately lewd caption followed by the words, "... but don't let this distract you."

The first was a picture of her wearing a pair of skintight jeans and tall heels. She was facing away from the camera so that focus was obviously on her yummy ass, but she was also naked from the waist up and in the near background there was a mirror that provided a lovely image of her bare breasts. The caption read, "I know you like this ass... but don't let this distract you."

In another picture she wore the sundress she had recently worn to the church service at which we sat in the back pew and she had repeatedly flashed me. She had pushed the top of the dress down to her waist so she was still naked from waist up, but this time she was facing the camera. She was cupping her breasts and holding them out towards the camera. This time the caption read, "Wouldn't you rather be here sucking on these tits... but don't let this distract you."

In yet a third picture she was sitting in a chair, her legs lewdly spread and the skirt of the sundress was pushed up to her waist showing off her shaved pussy. "Do you still remember how to eat pussy Sam... but don't let this distract you."

The photos continued throughout the afternoon, each more salacious than the last until she was totally naked and posed in very pornographic positions with captions like, "My pussy needs your dick," but still followed by "don't let this distract you."

Fuck! I had a semi erect cock all afternoon. The woman was trying to drive me crazy.

Still we got through the work that needed to be done and by five o'clock I was in my pick-up truck about to head home. I hadn't dared respond to any of her prior messages but finally I sent a brief message that simply said, "Now leaving office. Home soon."

She immediately responded with, "Good. I can't wait to hear the details from last night."

Oh god, I thought. My wife has been torturing me with lewd pictures of herself all day and now she wants a detailed description of the sex I had the day before with her lover Astrid.

When I arrived home she had disconnected the garage door controller forcing me to come in the front door. Because I normally entered through the garage I didn't carry a key for the front door. There was a long wait after I knocked. When the door opened, Melinda stood before me wearing a lightweight almost transparent robe that barely came to the tops of her legs. It wasn't fastened in the front so her breasts and pussy were readily visible. She stepped forward onto the front porch, threw her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a long steamy kiss that lasted for several minutes. My arms around her back rapidly slipped down and under the robe so I was cupping her bare ass cheeks. The robe was pulled up around her waist so as I spun her around her naked ass was fully visible to anyone walking by or looking out a window from across the street.

I suppose I should have been worrying about what the neighbors would think of my nearly naked wife and I necking on our front porch. But like most of the rest of my day, I was distracted by my sexy wife. Eventually we came up for air. Melinda asked, "So, how was your day?"

I laughed at her and pushed her inside saying, "Get inside you horny wench. You know damn well how my day was. It's a good thing my boss was in our meetings. I would have agreed to almost anything to get home and fuck the horny woman who kept sending me smutty pictures of herself. Besides, I thought you wanted to hear about my yesterday with Astrid."

As Melinda was walking away from me into the living room She shrugged the robe off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor so she was naked. She smiled lewdly at me and as she flopped down on one end of the couch, her legs spread apart, one foot on the back of the couch and one on the floor. I stood staring at her.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked.


"And yes, you do owe me a detailed description of the afternoon and evening you spent with Astrid yesterday. Sit down and tell me all about it," she said pointing at the opposite end of the couch.

"Don't you want to go upstairs to the bedroom?" I asked.

"No, I think this will be just fine. Take your clothes off and sit at the end of the couch. I think we should be watching each other masturbate while you tell me about fucking Astrid. And when we get to the climax, I want to watch that lovely prick of yours squirt. I love to watch you squirt."

That's true, I thought. She does love to watch my cock squirt cum, especially if it lands on her tits.

"If Astrid hasn't completely worn you out, after you coat my tits with your cum we can go upstairs and fuck or whatever other debauchery you want. After all we are celebrating your joining me in adultery."

We settled ourselves onto opposite ends of the couch, naked, legs spread, hands beginning to molest tits, cocks, and pussies. "Before we begin Melinda," I asked, "who took those pictures you sent me today? Those weren't selfies." I was gently stroking my already rigid cock.

Melinda looked at me and then as I waited for an answer she removed a finger from her cunt and inserted it into her mouth where she sucked on it for a moment before removing it and asking, "What pictures are you referring to Sam?" She began using the finger just removed from her mouth to rub first one and then the other of her breasts.

"I mean, you little vixen, the pictures of you naked or indecently dressed that arrived on my cell phone every half hour or so today. Shall I show them to you? I haven't deleted the message string."

"Oh those pictures. Yes well Astrid helped me with those. She dropped by this morning right after you left. After she shared all the details of her debauchery with you of yesterday, we decided that we should send you a few pictures of me to help you recover adequately by tonight. I'm sorry if they distracted you from your work, but looking at the size of that boner, I would say they did the job."

"Did you fuck her this morning?"

"Me?" she asked doing her best to portray wide eyed innocence.

"Yes you. You horny slut."

"Sam I'm not a slut. Well I must admit I've become a bit sluttier since we extended our relationship to include Astrid and Lars. But no, I didn't fuck Astrid this morning. Well only a little. She didn't have time for us to do it right because she had to leave for one of her private counseling sessions. So we fooled around a little and then she helped me with the pictures and had to leave."

"Wait a minute," I said. I paused as I smeared a few drops of precum around the head of my cock. "If you and Astrid already talked about everything that happened yesterday why don't we just go upstairs and fuck. I'm sure I can't make you any hornier than you are now by telling you details you already know about how I fucked Astrid yesterday. And you have been pursuing a program to drive me to sexual distraction ever since you woke me up with a half-completed blow job this morning."

"Is that a complaint?"

I laughed. "No not really. It's been an exquisite form of torture though."

"Well, I admit I am super horny right now. All afternoon I've been thinking about watching you masturbate and squirt that nasty cum of yours on my tits."

"So I can skip the description of last night?"

"Well, given how horny I feel and how hard your cock looks, it would be rather pointless, wouldn't it?"

"Yes," I agreed. I'll ask about what 'only a little' meant later, I thought.

She giggled. "The best part of what Astrid told me was her description of your misconduct in the restaurant and the hotel elevator and hallway."

"She started it," I responded. "We barely had our lunch orders in before she started stroking my cock under the table."

"And you were surprised and shocked I'm sure," Melinda said.

"Well, no." I chuckled. "It was Astrid I was sitting next to. But all I did was put my fingers in her pussy while we ate lunch and then fondle her bare ass in an elevator full of people later."

"That's all?" she asked. she was massaging both of her breasts as she stared at me stroking my cock.

I smiled. "Yes, well there was more later." A great deal more, I thought.

"What about strolling out of the restaurant and through the lobby with a massive boner making a tent in your pants that everyone in the place stared at?"

"That was her idea. And besides she caused the boner. I never touched it myself."

"Like you are now?" she said staring pointedly at my slow steady stroking of my erection.

"Yeah. I didn't do that in the restaurant or the hotel lobby or anyplace else where there were other people."

But Astrid thinks you enjoyed showing off your boner as the two of you walked through the restaurant?"

I smiled. "A little. With a babe like Astrid on my arm it was making a lot of people jealous."

"Do you like to masturbate Sam?" she asked suddenly changing the topic. She had two fingers sawing in and out of her cunt and one hand mauling her tits as she asked.

I smiled. "Yes I do, especially when I can do it while I watch you."

"Good, because this is really nice. But don't let yourself cum too quickly. I'm enjoying it and it would be a shame to end it too soon."

"Well that might be a challenge given the way you have been teasing me all day."

"Try," she said. "Do square root problems in your head."

I laughed. "I don't think it works that way." I smeared more precum around the head of my prick and began using one hand to fondle my balls.

"So what are you thinking about?" she asked.

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now." She pinched a nipple between a forefinger and thumb and cried out very softly.

"You like pain, don't you?" I asked.

"A little sometimes."

Returning to her question I said, "I'm thinking about how much I enjoy spraying my cum on your tits. It's just so nasty."

"Good." She whined as she pinched a nipple again.

"I'm thinking about how I'm going to lick your pussy while I wait for my cock to recover after I spray cum on your tits."

"Yes," she said with a hiss. It wasn't clear whether she was responding to what I said or what she was doing to her nipples.

"I'm going to spread those big swollen pussy lips of yours apart and start by sucking on them one at a time, teasing them with my tongue, maybe even nipping them with my teeth."

Another gasp from her titty play. "Then what?" she whispered.

"I'm going to use my tongue to lick that tissue between your pussy lips, from your fuck hole up to your clit--long slow strokes while I slide my fingers into your cunt."

"Oh yes That sounds delicious. Are you going to lick my clitty?"

"Not at first. I will save that until you are dying to orgasm."

"You're mean."

"And you love it."

"Yes," she hissed, again ambiguous as to it was simply in response to her own titty play or in response to my statement.

"And what are you going to be doing with your fingers?" she asked.

I will be fucking you. Finger fucking. When I think you are close, I will be pressing them on your special spot, the one that makes you squirt when I suck on your clit.

"You mean like this?" Two fingers, gleaming with her juices were sawing in and out of her cunt.


We were both silent for a while as we watched each other masturbate. I was having to work to avoid climaxing and I assumed she was too but watching each other was delicious.

"What are you thinking about," she asked after several minutes of silence.

I smiled at her. "I'm trying to calculate the square root of 1296."

She laughed at me. "That's easy. It's 36."

"How the hell do you do that?"

"Remember. I was just starting work on my Masters in math when I met you and decided fucking was a lot more fun than numbers theory."