Pocket Full of Innocence Ch. 03

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Rochelle & Gavin face new hardships, and an ending.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 07/02/2009
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With every inch the Sun clicked higher in the sky, Rochelle and Gavin couldn't help but bask in the warmth, each almost genuflecting with their free hands as they tried chasing the chill from their bones. They were wet, muddy, hungry and haggard, but they were still alive and the fact that they survived the night gave them each the will to keep fighting.

The memory of what had happened right before Sunrise faded from Gavin's mind for the time being, replaced by the pressing need to get themselves rescued. Taking a few minutes to fill their bellies full of cold water from the river, Gavin and Rochelle knew they better get a move on while they still had the strength.

If they needed any reminder of their predicament, all they had to do was see the wreckage of Rochelle's Volvo once they'd scaled the river bank. There seemed to be an invisible but definite aura of dread surrounding the crumpled vehicle, mainly because of what was laying eternally lifeless in the front seat.

As badly as she didn't want to stomach the thought of ever going back near her station wagon, Rochelle racked her brain about what may be inside it that could help with their efforts. Having a teenage Son, she knew there were several opened bags of chips and such in the backseat. Even though she'd quit smoking six months earlier, she was also pretty sure there were a few lighters in the glove compartment. Sadly, she'd decided not to keep an emergency packs of smokes in there because she could have really used one. There was also the matter of Ernesto's gun. It wasn't doing him a bit of good in his current condition, and with all the potential surprises lurking around the forest, a little protection couldn't hurt.


With the previous night being so unseasonably cool, the smell of decomposition hadn't taken root as of yet, but Rochelle didn't want to contemplate what the inside of her battered car would smell like in a couple of days. It didn't take long for her stomach to begin to roll.

Their haul from the car had been worth it however.

Thankfully the passenger door still opened, so getting the lighters out of the glove compartment had been a snap. Looking like a kid reaching over the rail at a ballgame to retrieve a foul ball, Gavin looked silly blindly throwing the left side of his body over the seat to try and recover what food he could from the floorboard. He remembered a 3/4 full bag of Doritos back there from the day before and he also grabbed a stale bag of popcorn that had been in the car for over a week. Straining as far as he could, Gavin was also able to salvage most of a bag of Reece's miniatures as well.

The entire time Gavin was stretching himself to grab the junk food, Rochelle was forced to kneel by the opened door, less than three feet from the slumped corpse of the man that had kidnapped her. The only redeeming part of the process for Rochelle, since she'd lost whatever appetite she may have had, was picking Ernesto's pistol off the floorboard beneath his feet.

Helping Gavin out of the car once he was done collecting the food, Rochelle couldn't help losing what was left of her lunch from the day before in the bushes beside the Volvo.

Even though he wasn't a firearm aficionado, it didn't take long for Gavin to notice there were only two bullets resting inside Ernesto's gun. Clicking the safety on, he and Rochelle felt a cool and sobering chill collectively sweep through the pits of their stomachs knowing each one of those bullets could have easily found a permanent home in their skulls if they hadn't acted when they did.

"Let's find a big rock and see if we can somehow shoot the chain on these cuffs in half," Gavin eagerly offered.

"Only two bullets...?" Rochelle asked.

"Yeah," Gavin double-checked as they walked up to the makeshift road.

"Then we probably better....," Rochelle started to say before she screamed in agony.

For a second Gavin thought Rochelle had literally been swallowed up by Hell itself. His right arm nearly coming out of socket when she fell, Gavin quickly crumpled down to his knees beside the large hole she'd fallen into.

"My God...," he stammered. "Are you OK?"

A long and gut-wrenching groan leapt from Rochelle's throat when she tried using her right foot to push herself out of the three foot deep weak spot in the ground where a tree stump had been before the loggers came along.

"Slow down..take your time," Gavin muttered, still startled himself as he sensed clearly the pain in Rochelle's voice.

It took a couple of minutes, but Gavin was finally able to extract Rochelle from the hole. By the time he'd gotten her upright and dusted some of the dirt that covered her all the way up to her sternum, Gavin quickly noticed she was having a problem putting weight on her right foot.

"I think I twisted my ankle..maybe wrenched my knee too," Rochelle spat some leaf pieces out of her mouth and assessed.

"Let's get over to the clearing and sit down," Gavin prodded before wrapping his arm around Rochelle's waist like a battlefield medic.

"I don't see any bones sticking out," he tried to add a touch of humor even though it was clear a nasty knot was beginning to rise inside Rochelle's right sock.

"I should have been looking where I was going," Rochelle berated herself, knowing she had momentarily lost focus seeing the bullets in Ernesto's gun, knowing one of them could have been meant for her.

Gavin reassured Rochelle not to worry and keep her chin up but deep down he knew walking together for help was probably not an option now.

"We probably ought to think about getting a fire started asap," he thought to himself. "Get that smoke up in the air with plenty of daylight left...maybe someone will see it."

"Probably need to start getting some dry brush together before her ankle really starts to tighten up," the wheels inside Gavin's head continued to turn.

Rochelle immediately wanted to disagree with Gavin's plan to stay put when he told her.

"I can still walk," Rochelle started to insist before a jolt of pain shut her up the instant she tried to stand.


With Rochelle in her current condition, it took Gavin well over an hour to scrounge up enough dry brush to make a fire as big as he wanted. Figuring it best to set up camp in the same spot along the river that they spent the night before, Gavin dragged the tree limbs in his left hand as he guided Rochelle along with his cuffed right. Taking extreme care with Rochelle as he zig-zagged through the forest, Gavin collected what brush he could carry with one hand and dropped it at the top of the river bank before setting out for more.

Rochelle did an admirable job hopping along with one foot for the 90 minutes or so it took, but she let out a gushing sigh of relief when Gavin said he had enough brush and finally began tossing it down by the river side. Using every last bit of energy she had, Rochelle somehow managed with Gavin's help to descend the hill to the spot they slept the night before.

After gulping down another dose of the cool and refreshing river water, Gavin allowed Rochelle to rest on her sprained ankle for a half hour or so before setting out to start the fire. Sapped mentally and physically, Gavin was running on fumes as he organized the brush into place, the entire time having the anchor of Rochelle's barely mobile body attached to his. She was trooper however, hobbling back and forth beside Gavin and helping when she could as the late morning Sun began to take its toll.

One Gavin had set the limbs, branches and brush in the pattern his Boy Scout master had taught him many years earlier, Gavin used the lighter to ignite several handfuls of dry kindling before setting them strategically around the pile of timber.

"AHH...Yesss," Gavin and Rochelle gasped in unison before sharing a quick and giddy hug as the fire took hold.

"Hopefully they'll be able to see the smoke for a couple of miles around..I'm guessing there aren't a lot of people around here so if anything flies over, hopefully they'll realize something's going on down here," Gavin sighed with exhausted optimism.

"Let's get something to eat," Rochelle interjected, hopping along with Gavin's help until they reached the spot on the river bank they'd spent the previous night.

Gorging themselves on a brunch of Doritos and miniature candy bars, Gavin and Rochelle hoped it was the first and only meal they'd have to eat in the wild before being rescued, but with each passing bite the idea of rationing became the prudent thing to do. _______________________________

The Sun continued it's methodical crawl across the sky with no hint of rescue. Listening periodically for any sound of a plane engine or human presence in the woods, Gavin and Rochelle had long ran out of topics to talk about.

Rochelle had remembered at some point she had an Ace bandage somewhere in the back of her car but quickly decided it wasn't worth the trouble to scurry back up the hill and deal with the face of death waiting there. Besides, with the amount of swelling, she didn't think she could get her shoe back on anyway.

Gavin had found a decent sized rock along the river's edge to try and use as a anvil for shooting the chain of the handcuffs in half but with only two rounds left to fire, he and Rochelle decided it might be better, considering the perils of the forest, to conserve them just in case.

Feeling the urge every hour or so to get Rochelle up just to keep her ankle as loose as possible, the two would share a healthy swig of water before Gavin tended to the campfire, which by now was more the size of a small bonfire.

Taking a look up in the sky and guessing from the angle of the Sun it was close to 4pm, it dawned on Gavin it had been nearly a full day since their ordeal began. He didn't feel the need however to communicate that to Rochelle.


By the time the first shades of dusk were starting fall, a definite melancholy had settled over Gavin and Rochelle. The fire would provide a little more warmth than they had the previous night, but as the last slivers of sunlight began to dissolve and their hopes began another downward ebb, the two needed something good to happen.

With barely enough light left, they got that break with a pull of Gavin's left index finger.

A fat squirrel had been stalking the area all day, bounding up and down several trees while keeping the occasional eye on the humans intruding his space. The junk food, if anything, had only made Gavin hungrier, and before his mind could really process what he was doing, his belly made the decision to pull the trigger of Ernesto's pistol.

"AAHHHHHHHHH," Rochelle shrieked, covering her eyes as she ducked for cover beside Gavin, for a few seconds having absolutely no idea what had happened.

"Are you crazy....?" she grimaced as she raised her head up enough to see in the direction where Gavin had shot.

'I can't believe I shot that thing on the first try with my left hand," he wanted to laugh out loud as he helped Rochelle to her feet so they could stumble over and collect his kill, but decided bragging wasn't exactly apt given their circumstances.

The report of Gavin's shot still reverberating inside her head, Rochelle followed along and watched the young man gut the squirrel the best he could with his pocket knife before jabbing a sturdy stick through its carcass and cooking it in the fire.

The last thing Rochelle Stewart ever thought she'd put to her lips was char-burnt squirrel, but given the situation and having gone over a day without any real food, the rubbery meat tasted like a delicacy. The pair nibbled and pulled what meat they could from the bones as darkness closed around them, marking a full day stranded by the river.

Gavin tossed the remaining brush on the fire in an effort to insure their warmth through the night, as well as a lit beacon for anyone that might fly over the desolate area.

Settling in for their second night in the woods, tethered together with only one bullet remaining in the gun, neither Gavin or Rochelle wanted to contemplate their fate if a third would be required.


Just before the two prepared to turn in and somehow get some sleep, Rochelle made the suggestion that they use the bathroom before bed instead of groggily stumbling about as they'd done the night before. Gavin helped Rochelle to her feet and the pair made their way by firelight to the edge of the river.

Having jointly answered the call of nature several hours earlier, upon Rochelle's urging Gavin went first. After freeing his cock, Gavin proceeded to pee for the better part of 35 seconds, taking several deep breaths in the process and surprising himself at how easy it was the second time with Rochelle standing directly beside him. Tapping the final few droplets of urine from the head of his penis, it suddenly dawned on Gavin that getting Rochelle into position to relieve herself might be a little tougher this time considering her bum ankle.

Turning around once he'd zipped back up, Gavin couldn't help but see how much Rochelle resembled a lame dog as she held her right foot in the air, doing her damndest to keep her balance as she waited her turn.

Gavin prepared to ask if she was going to need his help in any way, but thankfully the words got caught in his throat. Instead Gavin simply placed his free hand on Rochelle's right shoulder, trying to hold her steady as she fumbled to unbutton, then unzip her muddy white shorts.

Despite his best efforts to help stabilize Rochelle as she struggled to get her pants down, it quickly became apparent she wasn't going to be able to do it by herself. Listing a little more to the right each time she tried to steady herself, Rochelle reached out with her right hand and pressed it down on Gavin's left shoulder to support her weight.

"You think you can help me with this?" she finally asked with softly spoken shame.

Gavin swallowed hard as Rochelle's words sunk in. Considering all they'd been through over the previous day and a half, Gavin knew this was simply another real-life obstacle they'd have to meet. Feeling Rochelle's fingers digging into the meat of his upper arm as she tettered and hopped a few inches in front of him, he nodded his head and told her he would.

Working the fingers of his free hand into the waist of Rochelle's shorts, Gavin did the best to keep his head tilted sideways, desperately trying not to either look down or into the woman's face as he pulled her shorts down. Even without looking, Gavin could sense how close Rochelle's bladder was to letting go however from the way her thighs shimmied anxiously together as she tried to balance on one good foot.

Gavin had done an admiral job the entire day blocking out what had happened just before Sunrise with Rochelle. Kneeling down in front of her as he carefully and cautiously rolled her pants down, the memory suddenly and vividly splashed once again across the tv screen of his mind. Shaking his head ever so slightly to try and focus on the task at hand, Gavin did the best he could to surpress such thoughts, especially with Rochelle in such a vulnerable state.

Quickly stepping backwards and turning around once he'd pulled Rochelle's shorts down to her feet, Gavin could feel the slack on his arm tighten as she lowered herself down to use the bathroom. Inhaling a couple of deep breaths to steady his mind, Gavin was suddenly met with a clear whiff of Rochelle's musky vaginal scent wafting through the air.

"Oh God," he moaned to himself after inhaling again.

Listening to the stream of Rochelle's piss hitting the ground, Gavin closed his eyes even tighter, swearing in his mind's eye he'd caught a glimpse of his friend's Mom's pussy out of the corner of his eye in the orange-tinted glow of the campfire.

"A nice dark blonde pelt," a strange voice in his head mumbled as his cock stirred with life inside his pants.

"OK....I think I'm done," the older woman said a few seconds later with a mixture of strain and deep relief.

Keeping his eyes closed, mostly, as he turned back around, Gavin knelt down in front of Rochelle when she stood up. Taking the shorts and panties bunched at her feet into his left hand, Gavin began working them back up her legs until he could grab them with his cuffed right hand as well. Feeling the smooth and cool softness of Rochelle's underwear against his fingertips, Gavin could see through his slitted eyes that they were lacy white and bikini-cut.

Working the garments over Rochelle's knees and up to her waist, Gavin couldn't help but feel the natural warmth emanating from the married woman's exposed crotch against his see-sawing hands. By the time he'd got Rochelle's shorts over the rounded expanse of her hips, she'd started to reach down with her free hand to help zip them back up. Gavin however beat her to it. For five seconds his fingers were literally centimeters from Rochelle's pussy as he worked the fly back into place.

"Don't worry about doing the button," she sighed down to Gavin with a touch of embarrassment and humor. "They're a size too small anyway..if we're stuck out her another day or two maybe they'll fit again."

All that was left now for the two was to slink back to their campsite and see if sleep would come. With the bonfire crackling, Gavin was tempted to suggest they sing some campfire songs, or maybe tell some ghost stories to pass the time, but he kept the idea to himself. They were too tired to sing, and the reality of their situation was scary enough on its own.


Just as it had been the previous night, sleep was fitful and tedious for Rochelle. The steady pain in her side from the crash combined with the heavy throb in her swollen ankle made finding a comfortable spot to sleep in impossible for more than a few minutes at a time.

With the shroud of night surrounding him now, Gavin found it difficult to fall asleep for other reasons. During the daylight hours, he'd been consumed by trying to get rescued, help Rochelle after her injury and basicly do what he could to keep themselves alive. Laying flat on the grassy bank with nothing but the soft hum of the river and crackle of fire at his feet, Gavin was finally able to look up into the starry sky and re-live what had happened with Rochelle right before the Sun came up that morning. Tilting his head towards her, Gavin stole an extended stare, guiltily feeling his cock twitch with life inside his jeans.

The previous 30 hours played like a slow moving loop in Gavin's head.

From being carjacked and kidnapped to killing their abductor, to finding themselves stranded and bound together in the middle of the woods, far away from any hint of civilization, both injured wet and hungry, the only thing Gavin found any comfort in was allowing his mind to re-visit the feeling he had when Rochelle Stewart's mouth clamped down tight around his cock and milked every last drop of cum from his seething balls a little before 6 that morning.

Why she'd done it, Gavin knew he would probably never know, but in retrospect with a day's worth of travail to clear away the fog, he could see the subtle but telling signs that led up to it. Turning his gaze away from Rochelle when he sensed her first stir, then start to toss and turn, Gavin calmly looked back up into the night sky.

"God's gonna be the only one who's saw all this...he might be the only one capable of sorting it all out," he said to himself, not exactly sure what he meant by those words but sincerely believing them.

It wasn't long before several groans and hiccupping sobs were once again seeping from Rochelle's lips. Rolling his eyes back to her, before he even realized it Gavin had extended his cuffed right hand and placed it gently down on top of the soiled left hip of Rochelle's weather beaten shorts.