Poke Her Night


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'What the Hell,' I thought and started to blow him in earnest.

"Oh God, that's good," he said.

I continued to bob my head over that thing as it grew in my mouth. My lips were being stretched and I felt the distance between my hand and my mouth grow. He moaned again, clutching my hair.

At last, he said, "Unless you want me to blow a load in your mouth, you'd better stop and let me fire you up a bit, so I can screw your brains out again."

I stopped and smiled up at him. "I'll leave that choice up to you."

He took my hand and pulled me up to lay beside him. "You respond so well to my touch, I think I'd like to screw you if you don't mind."

"No need to ask my permission, as you said, you got all night and for $ 500 you can damn well do what you want."

"What I want to do is you," he smiled as he pulled me into and embrace and kissed me with not a little passion.

"I think I'd like that," I told him.

Considering what I'd just done for him, I thought he'd jump right in and have his way with me, but not Gary. I mean Ryan would have, but then under the same circumstances Ryan wouldn't have warned me, but simply blown his load in my mouth. I'd have been lucky to get a kiss or even a mumbled, "Thanks," before he went back to sleep.

Gary started in with his patented foreplay and soon had me soaring to heights I hadn't known possible before that night. Again, he got me off for a multiple before him and after he was though, smiled as he slowly brought me off again. 'God, how am I ever going to be able to go back to just Ryan after this?'

We slept again and it was daylight when I awoke. It took me a moment to understand the yearning in my loins and to remember what was going on. Gary was spooned up behind me with his hard on against my butt, tracing little circles on my belly with his fingers and planting ethereal kisses on the nape of my neck. I captured his hand, brought it to my lips, kissed it and placed it on my boob. It was then I realized my nipples were rock hard. Knowing I was awake, he redoubled his efforts to arouse me, not that it'd take much with the memory of the two times before racing through my mind. As he moved up to kiss my ear, I rolled back and grabbed his head, pulling his lips to mine.

What ensued was an hour an a half of gentle body teasing bringing my desire to a boiling point until finally I begged, "For God's sake, Gary, fuck me, fuck me hard!" I couldn't believe I'd said that. I don't talk that way, but at the moment, I wasn't myself. I was Gary's slut, sex slave, his five hundred dollar a night whore and I behaved like it.

Laying in post coital bliss, he kissed me lightly and rubbed noses with me. Looking up at him, I felt a different kind of stirring in my stomach. "Hungry?" I asked.

"I could eat," he replied.

Getting out of bed, I grabbed Ryan's robe and tossed it to him. "Let's go see what I can rustle up for breakfast."

"Shouldn't we get dressed first?"

"Ryan knows you've been in here having your way with his wife. I don't know how the neighbors couldn't know what with all the screaming last night. Besides, I want to rub it in his face a little bit. Not to mention, your $ 500 night started a little late, don't you think it should end a little late as well?" I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat when I said that.

He slipped on the robe and followed me to the kitchen. "Nice outfit," he commented.

"I've only worn it once before. It was an anniversary gift."

Eggs and hash browns were the order of the day. Ryan came in just as we were finishing eating. He did a remarkable imitation of a gold fish as he looked me up and down.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" I asked.

"No," he growled, walking to the counter for a cup of coffee. "What are you doing..." he started and I cut him off.

"Just taking a nourishment break. Being a 500 dollar a night whore takes energy you know."

"I started to ask, what are you doing dressed like that?"

I pulled at my nightie, "Helps me get into character, makes me feel slutty enough to take care of business."

He did his gold fish imitation again as Gary and I finished eating. He tried several times to say something, but all he could do was move his mouth and in the end just stare at me. We stood when finish and headed back to the bedroom. "Be a dear, Ryan, and clean up the kitchen, Gary's not through with me yet."

I was giggling like a school girl by the time we reached the bedroom. Once there, I attacked Gary. Stripping the robe off him, I pushed him on the bed and pounced.

During a pause in my aggressive foreplay Gary said, "You know, you were really cruel out there. I thought Ryan was going to blow a gasket."

"If he's going to treat me like he was my pimp, then I'm going to act like I'm a whore. Besides, I like what I'm doing. He should know that."

"Revenge is sweet," he said as he rolled me over and took over the aggressor role.

It was about ten by the time I regained my senses. Gary was just laying there looking at me with a smile on his face.

"I wanted to wait until you came back to Earth before leaving," he said.

"Good I'm glad you did. You're leaving?"

"Yes, I have to get my car in for service today. My appointment is for 12:30."

"Well, then, there's one more thing I want to do before you go," I told him as I slipped down the bed to bring my face even with his crotch. I looked up with an impish smile and took hold of his manhood. Never looking away from his eyes, pulling the foreskin back, I licked the end.

"You minx."

"Isn't 'minx' a synonym for slut," I smiled, returning to the task at hand.

"Could be," he allowed, throwing his head back.

As I went about my business, his tool responded just like I knew it would it got larger and larger until the head nearly filled my mouth and I discovered the with both hands around it, there was still a bit to work on. I alternated stroking it with my right hand, in time with my bobbing head and taking a needed break to lick the underside all the way to his balls, which I licked and sucked in turn. Each time I put that thing in my mouth, I made eye contact with him, silently imploring him to fill my mouth with cum. I tried my best to look the wanton slut, because at that time that's what I was. Although I did have an ulterior motive for this blow job, I'd have done it without one as a thank you for all he'd done since first getting into my bed.

Finally, with labored breath he said, "I hope you want a mouthful, because, if you don't stop right now, that what you're going to get." Always the gentleman... a warning though I doubted that he didn't already know that's what I wanted.

In answer, I looked him in the eye, pulled my mouth back to just cover the head. I worked the underside, the most sensitive part with my tongue while my right hand stroked him furiously and the left fondled his balls. I was rewarded with a hand to the side of my head; a grown followed by repeated grunts as his hips bucked and cum shot into my mouth. I had reasons for not wanting to swallow it right away, but couldn't hold the load, what with the bucking and thrashing he did, and some of it escaped down my chin. When he stopped, I removed my mouth, smiled at him as I swished it around my mouth, coating the roof of my mouth, my tongue and teeth with the love juice, ending with gulp as I swallowed it. I stroked him up and leaned in to wipe the end on my breasts then took it back in my mouth deeply and milked out the last of his cum into my mouth.

"OK," I said, flopping on my back. "You can get dressed now."

He shook his head as he stood to pull on his shorts. Smiling he pulled on his pants and asked, "You don't suppose your husband would be fool enough to borrow another $ 500 from me next game?"

"We could hope," I smiled. He was trying to be funny, but God help me I really did hope I could come up with a way to make that happen. Not that I really thought I could.

I didn't dress, but instead followed him to the door in my nightie and as Ryan watched, I hugged him tightly and said, "Any time Ryan needs a loan to stay in the game, feel free to make it. I'll personally stand good for the debt."

He shot a quick glance at Ryan, then looking me in the eye and said, "I could only wish." He nodded at Ryan and gave me a quick peck on the lips and left.

I smiled a devilish smile as I walked over to where Ryan was sitting and sat on his lap. "I've decided to forgive you," I told him and kissed him full on the lips, smearing the cum I'd left on my chin all over his and sticking my tongue in his mouth.

"When did you decide to do that?" he asked sullenly. He worked his tongue as if there was something on it he didn't like. I was sure there was at least a taste of something he didn't like. Although I thought the taste in my mouth was great.

"Oh, somewhere between 1:30 and 2:00."

"I think I heard you make the decision." His voice was curt.

"Perhaps you did. Did you also hear me confirm that decision about 4:00?"

"Yes," he spat, wiping his chin, "and again before breakfast and after. From the look of things, you must have thought the decision was worth toasting." The anger was rising in his voice.

"What? You were happy for me to let him screw me, but you're angry because he made me enjoy it and I decided to thank him for that? You don't a think a five hundred dollar call girl would have done the same?"

He fumed, about ready to explode. "Look mister. Last night you pimped me out and all I did was do a good job. The john should always think he's the greatest lay a girl ever had. That's how she gets repeat business."

"Well, he's not going to be a repeat customer," Ryan seethed.

"He'll be sorry to hear that. He said and I quote, 'You're damned good lady,' and he meant it."

"What about him," Ryan wanted to know.

"He was 'damned good' too."

I stormed off to the bathroom and took a shower.

You'd have thought it was mid-January if Ryan's mood was any indicator. I went through the motions of being a loving wife the rest of the day and when we got in bed, he snapped. He did what I thought Gary would have done. He just came over in a demanding way and had his way with me. When he was through, he gave me a smug look as if to say, "There, you're my woman." He rolled over and went right to sleep. I guess he just reclaimed his territory and was happy, because Sunday you'd have never known anything had happened. Just like my servicing him would make me forget the rapture of Gary's technique.

Well, I did try to forget, but I didn't really. I mean, it was a night of ecstasy and passion. How was I supposed to forget it?

* * *

Two weeks later we were a Bill and Barb's for poker night. Things went as usual. Everyone was there, including Gary. Ryan had finished the job he was working on and we were flush again. Seeing Gary made me wet, but fortunately I was wearing black shorts and no dampness showed through.

During the break, we were all in the kitchen loading up on snacks when Barb asked Bill how things were going.

"Great," Bill boasted. "I'm up quite a bit."

"Are you going to be the big winner tonight?"

"You bet."

"Good," Barb said, "I so want to sleep with the big winner tonight."

"I promise babe," Bill said, "you'll sleep with the big winner tonight."

We all thought that it was kind of cute that Barb would be excited about sleeping with Bill. Nothing more was said until midnight rolled around and we were all getting ready to leave. As everyone was saying goodbye, Bill said, "Bad news Hun, if you want to sleep with the big winner, you'll have to sleep with Gary."

Barb shot him a look. "What happened?" she wanted to know.

"Well, it was like telling you that I was the big winner jinxed me. I couldn't draw a good card. I was up nearly a grand and lost it all and some of my original stake most of it to Gary. He's the big winner."

"You promised me I would be sleeping with the big winner," Barb pouted.

Glenda leaned in as if to whisper, but said loud enough for everyone to hear, "You might want to hold him to his promise." She nodded toward Gary. "Lynn once told me that he was bigger than most and really knows what to do with it."

Gary had the decency to blush and retired to the bathroom. I was startled and opened my mouth. Ryan grabbed my arm and ushered me toward the door. "I've got an early day tomorrow. See you guys later."

When we were in the car, I asked, "Why the bum's rush? You haven't really started on the next job, so you have tomorrow off."

"I wanted to get you out of there before you confirmed Glenda's statement."

"Well, she's right, you know, but I'm not fool enough to admit I have any personal experience."

It was quite most of the way home. As we pulled into the garage, he hit the door button and looked at me with a question on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Is he?"

"Is he what?" I queried.

"Is he bigger than most?"

"Gary? Well, yeah I guess. Not that I know just how big 'most' are."

"The Internet claims six or seven inches is average."

"Well, using that as a guide, then I'd say, yes, he is bigger than most."

"I see... is he bigger than me?"

I thought for a minute. 'Do I tell him the truth?' Ryan is about eight inches and Gary is bigger than that. 'Or do I lie and say about the same.' A part of me was still ticked at Ryan for not dismissing the idea out of hand, so I told the truth.

"A few inches and a bit bigger around too, I think."

"Oh," he said and went into the house. It wasn't like he was mad or anything, but more like disappointed. He didn't say another word that night as we got ready for bed and he just laid there when I kissed him goodnight.

On Saturday I caught him looking at me a few times as if he were seeing me for the first time. I tried to act as if everything was great, but he... well he held back and eventually found reason to go somewhere. I wasn't really sure just where, but when he came back I could smell beer on his breath. He wasn't drunk or anything, but he'd had more than one beer. The next Saturday morning, I got a call saying all the girls were meeting for lunch at O'Connell's and inviting me with the promise of juicy gossip. Well, what woman could resist? So I told Ryan that he'd be on his own for lunch and, after changing into something I was willing to be seen in a restaurant in, headed out.

I was last to arrive and found them sitting out on the terrace away from any other diners. Everyone started pumping Barb as to what she wanted to tell us. She made us wait until we got our meals before she began.

"Oh God," she said. "This is so wicked I just have to tell you guys. I just hope you'll all understand."

"Understand what?" Diane wanted to know.

"Well, you know last Friday?"

"You didn't!" Glenda declared, jumping to conclusions.

"You mean that you and Gary...." Jenny asked

"Well it was Glenda's idea," Barb said defensively.

"What about Bill?" Diane wanted to know. "Did he just let you?"

"Well, he didn't just jump at the idea, but kinda."

"Spill! Tell us exactly what happened," Glenda demanded.

"Well most of you know that Gary went to the bathroom while the rest of you left. I decided to have a little fun with Bill, so I teased him a little.

"I said, 'How you gonna feel when I take Gary to bed tonight?'

"His eyes got big and he said, 'You don't really think you're going to sleep with Gary tonight!'

"I countered with a pout, 'But you promised I'd get to sleep with the big winner tonight and Gary's the big winner.' He just blinked at me. So I went in for the kill. 'Bill,' I said, 'you promised I could sleep with the big winner and Glenda was right. Lynn told me the same thing.' I got all dreamy eyed and said, 'I was so looking forward to finding out for myself.' I tell you, it was all I could do to keep a straight face watching him squirm.

"'You wouldn't really would you?' he asked.

"The real answer to that of course was, 'Hell yes I would, if I could get away with it.' I mean, all of you must have heard Lynn brag about how good he was at one time or another."

Well, I hadn't, I'd never been open about my sex life. In fact I'd been openly embarrassed when any of the girls had said anything about theirs so Lynn had spared me the details of their bedroom, but I nodded along with the rest because I didn't need hearsay about how good he was.

"So what'd you tell him," Jenny wanted to know.

"I just said, 'If it won't freak you out, I really would like to hold you to your promise.' Just then, Gary walked back into the room behind me. Up to now it had all been in jest to push Bill's buttons, but Gary changed that.

"He stepped up and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. Looking Bill in the eye he said, 'I'm more than willing to help you fulfill your promise. God knows I could use a good roll in the hay. What do you say, Bill, here or at my place.'

"Now here's the part you won't believe. Bill's eyes got big, but not as big as the bulge in his pants. Opening his mouth, he sucked in a breath and stammered, 'I don't want you to take her to your place.'

"Gary shrugged and said, 'As I remember, your guestroom has twin beds, I hope you don't mind if we use your bed,' and he just walked me to our bedroom as if it was a done deal.

"I've got to tell you I expected Bill to come running after us, but nothing. Gary asked, 'Have you got something sexy to wear?' I nodded and got out a shortie nightie and went into the bathroom to change, still sure that Bill would put the kibosh on the deal before I could change. So I took my time and didn't hear anything, so when I was standing in my nightie and could stall no more I opened the bathroom door and peeked out just in time to see Bill going out the door with a change of clothes and his pajamas in hand."

"No," Jenny said. "Really?"

"Really," Barb confirmed.

"So you did it?" Glenda asked.

"Hell yeah! Wouldn't you?"

"Got me there, girl friend," Glenda confirmed.

"I can't believe it," Diane said as if in shock.

"Oh don't look so shocked," Glenda told her. "I know you've wondered if he was as good as Lynn claimed and even wistfully wished you could find out." Then turning back to Barb, "Well, dish Barb. Was he good... as good as Lynn said?"

Barb just rolled her eyes back and said, "Lynn was holding out on us. She didn't nearly do him justice. Let's just say I had more climaxes between 1:00am and 10:00 that night then I'd had in the previous month with Bill."

I couldn't help but nod. Fortunately, everyone was looking at Barb and didn't notice my silent agreement.

"Is he really big?" Glenda wanted to know.

Barb just nodded and held her hands about ten inches apart.

"Oh God!" Glenda exclaimed.

Everyone started asking questions at once, everyone but me. I knew the answers, but wasn't going to supply them.

I guess, after ten to fifteen years of marriage, we were all a little bored with our sex lives because we all agreed with what came next all to quickly. It was as if Barb had done it and that made it alright.

When Barb had finally fielded all the questions Glenda said, "Gary's often the big winner, isn't he?" We all nodded. Gary was a good poker player. "I'm going to lobby for a rule change."

"What rule change," we said almost in unison.

"The hostess has (slash) gets to sleep with the big winner."

"Lot's of luck. I doubt that you'd get any of the husbands to agree with that. Especially if they know that Gary will long dick them," Diane offered.

"Bill will," Barb claimed. "After Gary left, he was all over my and got me off twice by 1:00. He's usually not good for a second time in the same day unless it first thing in the morning and last thing at night."