Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 10


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There were a lot of close-up shots of what she was doing, so I couldn't get to see his face very much. The first time that I saw the video, that was okay. Now, though, I really wanted to see how he was handling this.

Nevetheless, I simply had to gawk at her ability to take him so far into her mouth. She was a true sword-swallower, and I didn't mind the attention the camera paid to her at that moment. I wondered how long it would take me to get that much of the dildo down my throat.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I marveled at just how nonchalant the thought had come to me. I guess once you taste your father's come - even second-hand - you tend to gloss over more minor transgressions.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I fished out the dildo and once again held it in my hands. I rewound the video to just before Punk Girl began to take him in her mouth, and paused it. When I tried to do this (yesterday!) I could barely get the head in behind my teeth. I must not have been doing it right, as this girl was as small - or smaller - than I was, and she didn't seem to be having any problems whatsoever. There must have been something I was doing wrong. But how could I tell?

I wasn't sure what to do next, when a thought struck me.

The full length mirror that doubled as a clothes rack stood in the corner of the room. The idea would have been laughable even one day before, but now it seemed perfectly logical. For research purposes, of course.

I took off all the remaining clothing from the mirror and angled it so that I could see myself and the video at the same time. I picked up the remote, and found that my hand was shaking as I pressed play.

I tried to mimic what she was doing, but she worked over his dick with her mouth and tongue so fast that it was impossible to completely replicate. I did the best I could, until I realized that the key to all of it was simply getting it lubricated properly.

Trying not to think about how I had nearly gotten stuck while blowing the fake cock, I made absolutely sure that I coated the head and the shaft immediately underneath with as much saliva as I could. It wasn't too difficult, because I felt as if I were practically drooling anyway.

My eyes flicked to the mirror, and I immediately realized I had made a terrible mistake. I looked ridiculous. Just who was it that I was trying to fool?

Disheartened, I dropped the dildo to my lap, and turned to the video once more. Instead of feeling like an idiot, though, I realized that Punk Girl had the totally right idea, and I was totally wrong. This was just as much attitude as it was appearance. More so, even.

I raised the dildo to my lips once again, and began to put myself in her position - all attitude, no tits.

When she opened her mouth to take him in, I swallowed and then aimed the head directly at my face. I watched my reflection, side by side, and understood that Punk Girl was using a completely separate technique than I was. I hadn't realized it until I saw just how much she was using her lips and cheeks to work the head into her mouth, whereas I was just trying to shove it in my pie hole.

Once I allowed my jaw to stretch and allow myself the use of my entire mouth - lips, cheeks, tongue and all - the head slipped inside with no problem. My eyes widened in surprise and I couldn't help but allow a "Woo hoo!" escape. Well, it was more of a "Wnnh Nnnh!" but it worked for me.

My saliva helped a great deal, and I realized just why it had been so difficult in the shower. The falling water had actually washed off most of my saliva's natural lubricant, making it so much harder than it needed to have been. I saw her moving her lips back and forth, feeding the cock in a little more at a time but then backing off just enough before trying again.

I turned to watch myself in the mirror. Initially I wanted to make sure that I was doing it right, but then I began to become fascinated by what I was seeing. I turned myself at a slight angle so that I could see more of the side of the shaft, rather than just a full-on view. My jaw looked impossibly wide and stretched, but at least the cock was moving back and forth.

The feeling was indescribable. The massive cockhead pushed against everything, stretching the sides of my mouth and pushing my tongue back into my throat. I felt a strong urge to gag, and had to withdraw the head enough to swallow. A trail of saliva hung between the head and my lips, tiny bubbles reflecting the TV light.

I used that to my advantage, making sure that the entire first third of his cock (I mean, the dildo) was drenched, and I placed it back against my lips as Punk Girl began her deep throating action on the screen. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do anything like that, but I did manage to slide the head a little further than I did before.

Mirror-me worked the head back and forth, and I watched tiny reference points on the dildo disappear into my mouth, and then reappear. Then a new reference point would disappear, and then another. Once more I felt the gag reflex kick in, and I need to pull it out in order to swallow. It felt like I was trying to stick a soda can into my mouth, but there was just enough give in the material to make it less of a struggle.

When Punk Girl finally straddled him, I reluctantly pulled the dildo out of my mouth. I felt like I had been challenged, and I passed, but I wanted to keep going. I also wanted to feel it slip into my pussy again, and those two feelings were battling it out.

I suddenly realized this was the same part of the video where I had been tempted to fuck the dildo, but was too chickenshit to do so the first time. This time, I didn't feel held back by some sense of impropriety, and immediately made up my mind to do what I wasn't willing to do before.

I broke speed records getting naked, and aimed the wet, saliva-covered cock at my cunt and penetrated myself.

And then screamed in pain.


Gingerly, I extracted the penis from my tender, sore, aching pussy. There was no way I was going to be able to fuck myself with that monstrosity again so soon. I needed time to recover, and I had no idea how long that would take.

I sat on the edge of my bed, naked, damn near tears in sexual frustration. I know I had no right to be, as I had had more sexual activity in the past 24 hours with more than just my fingers than I even thought about having in my entire life. I should have been completely satisfied in just how much sex I'd gotten.

Yeah, right.

I was acutely aware that I was no longer a virgin, and felt like I had waited too damn long as it was. My libido was a runaway train, but my body felt like I was stuck on some sort of circular track.

On the screen, Punk Girl was thrashing about on my father's cock, reveling in her own sexual drive. Unable to partake, I felt a growing envy as she could have more freedom in her activity than I could at the moment. In a fit of petulant pique, I simply raised the dick to my mouth and began sucking on it absentmindedly.

To my utter amazement, it started to calm me down almost immediately. Feeling the shape of the cockhead on my lips seemed to placate me at first, but then I found myself strangely drawn to the feeling. I remembered that Punk Girl had rubbed her face with my father's cock on the video, and I was beginning to understand just why she did that. It felt remarkably... comforting.

I caught my reflection once again, and was surprised to see a look of contentment on my face. I began to fantasize about some guy that I had yet to meet, watching me love his cock the way I was playing with this one. I wondered if my imaginary lover would be turned on by what I did, or if he would feel offended for just thinking about a disembodied cock instead of him as a person.

Maybe Tracy would know how to answer my questions.

In the meantime, though, I found myself ignoring the video more and more, and instead felt encouraged by watching myself in the mirror. Once again my lips found their way to the tip, and I began to naturally purse them in preparation for taking it into my mouth.

This time, my jaw seemed to know what to expect, and it automatically stretched to the proper aperture. To think, just the day before I had almost locked my teeth behind the head so that it couldn't get out at all. Now, though, I was able to put the head in my mouth without any real trouble at all.

Fast learner? I thought. Beginner's luck?

The girl in the mirror, naked and orally pleasuring the fake cock, looked... hot. I wondered if I could ever have the attitude that Punk Girl had, but she had definitely given me motivation to reconsider myself as a sexual being. As usual, my nipples were completely erect, and if I didn't need both hands to hold the damn cock my fingers would be caressing and pinching them like crazy.

At that point, a thought struck me. I spun around on my bed, and lay down with my head hanging off the end. I could still see the video, though while I could see Punk Girl fucking my father, it was difficult to register the details upside down. It didn't matter, though, because I was actually more interested in what I saw in the mirror.

You can do this, I tried to encourage myself.

I held the dildo above my head, and allowed gravity to dip the head back towards my mouth. Success! I could simply let the Earth do the hard work for me, and I could use one hand to guide it while the other managed to provide some release to my nipples.

There was an additional benefit as well, one that I hadn't considered. Being in this inverted position, I was able to train my mouth and throat to have greater control of the fake dick. Within a few moments, I was getting into a rhythm where I could allow the dildo to slide deeper, and I could push it back out with my tongue, all the while caressing my nipple with my free hand in a similar cadence.

As the dick slid in and out of my mouth, I saw my reflection in a completely new light. My mouth was being fucked. By all appearances, some disembodied cock was fucking me in a steady rhythm, moving in and out with intent and purpose.

My god, I wanted to come. Now, though, I also had a strange craving to feel my imaginary lover come as well. In my mouth. While fucking my face.

My eyes flicked over to the screen, and I saw my father's upside-down image spraying Punk Girl's chest and throat. I squeezed my nipple and imagined the cock erupting into my mouth.

Sure as fuck, I felt my pussy spasm. It wasn't the mind-blowing, ribcage-rattling explosion that I had experienced over the last week, but it was definitely an orgasm. I felt my breathing catch with each inhalation, and my shocked reflection stared back at me in the mirror.

I didn't even know that was possible!

I felt torn between not wanting to take the cock out of my mouth, and wanting to completely open up my airways to breathe. I could feel my breath travel along the dildo until it reached my hand, and it felt hot and humid.

A rush of pride filled me, and I took the head of the dildo out of my mouth. I sat up, and put the volume on mute as the screen went to black and another girl faded into view. I hadn't seen this part of the video before, and at this point I didn't really care. I was only about a third of the way, I guessed, but I supposed the real impressive stuff was going to happen later.

As if I hadn't already seen some impressive feats already!

This new girl was a plastic blonde, a cardboard cutout of the typical porn star. Very pretty, nice body, but I had absolutely no interest in her preening for the camera. Instead, I wanted to brag about my accomplishment. I wanted to share the achievement with someone. Someone... intimate.

I reached for Tracy's card that I had thrown on my nightstand and without thinking about it, I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

After a couple of rings, I finally heard her voice. "Hello?"

"Hi Tracy, it's Shannon," I said.

"Oh Shannon! Hang on a sec, I need to get off the other line." The phone went silent for a moment, and I took the opportunity to lie back on my bed and get comfortable. The video played on, muted, and I lazily traced my fingertips across my naked body.

Just waiting for Tracy and being naked put me in a very strange state of mind. I felt naughty, and not just a little bit coy. I wanted to hear her voice, and I wanted to play with my nipples when I did.

"Okay, I'm back," I heard hear voice come through loud and clear.

All of a sudden, I didn't know what to say.

"Shannon?" I heard her ask.

Say something, dammit! She thinks the call dropped. She'll hang up!

"I'm naked," I blurted out.

"Oh wow," Tracy said. She took a beat, and then said, "I wish I could be there with you."

"I could turn on my camera," I offered.

"No, don't," she said. "I just want to hear your voice."

I pouted, disappointed. I hadn't realized until that moment that I had really wanted to see her face. Or maybe I wanted to hear her say how sexy I was. "Okay."

"Let me get this straight," she said, and I could hear that she was trying to get herself comfortable. "You got naked and decided to call me?"

I grinned. "Yep."

"And what, prey tell, are you doing naked?"

I told her what I had just done, how I had figured out how to suck on the cock and touch my tits at the same time. "It wasn't as good as when you fucked me last night, but it was still an orgasm."

I felt giddy about it, a huge grin spread across my face as I whispered the truly naughty bits, conspiratorially.

"Good for you!" she exclaimed. "That's the way to do it. I'm so incredibly impressed! I'm definitely sorry I missed that."

I beamed. Somehow, hearing praise from Tracy boosted my ego as well as my pride.

"Now that you've had your orgasm," she said, slyly, "what are you doing right now?"

"I'm watching..." I trailed off. I almost said, watching your porno with my dad,and then realized that it probably wouldn't be a good idea. Tracy had no idea about the video.

"Porn?" she suggested.

"Uh-huh." Close enough.

"And you're now horny?"

I nodded, and then realized how silly that was. "Of course," I said.

"Are you fucking yourself with your dildo?"

"No," I said, and I think my frustration came through on the phone. "I'm too sore from last night."

She laughed, "Yeah, well, that doesn't surprise me. I still can't believe you took that much in on your first time!"

"Me neither," I agreed.

"Don't worry, sweetie," she said. "It gets easier with practice. Also, when you get the real thing, it's much more forgiving with your body than the dildo."

"The real thing?" I asked, not sure I heard her right.

"Well, you know what I mean," she said.

Actually, I didn't. I had no idea what she truly meant.

She didn't give me a chance to process her meaning before she continued, "There's something about having a real extra-large penis that allows you to wrap around it like nothing else can. It stretches you, but it also gives a little too."

I imagined my father's hard cock buried inside of Tracy's pussy as she described it. "So it doesn't hurt?" I asked.

"No, it does, but I actually kind of like a little bit of pain, so it's okay," she said.

"You like pain?" I asked, incredulous. "Why?"

She paused to think of her answer. "It's hard to describe," she said, finally. "If you do it right, it starts off as a stretch. You're getting the muscles used to it. If you go too fast, it's too sharp and it's like getting stabbed. That's not so much fun. If you do it just right, though, mmmm."

She moaned, and I wasn't sure it was entirely because of what she was saying. I was now convinced she was touching herself as she was talking to me.

"It's like, you have to control it, control him. You take him in slowly, easing him in and feel yourself getting stretched further and further. You get just to an edge - a very, very sharp edge - but you don't let it cut.

"When you do that," she continued, "you can ride that edge for a long, long time, and it's exquisite."

I began to realize that I knew what she meant, sort of. The difference was, I had been trying to ignore the pain, get past it. Tracy, on the other hand, had turned it into her own erotic masterpiece.

"So you ride that pain for as long as you can," she said, her voice sultry with heat. "And if I'm lucky, sometimes I can bring myself to orgasm just by finding that edge and staying there."

"You can?" I asked, incredulous.

"Well, if I'm being totally honest, only twice," she confessed. "It's really, really difficult."

"Why?" I had to ask. I was genuinely curious.

"Because it slips away pretty quickly. You start to get used to it, and then the pain just goes away," she sighed. "That's why you have to have complete control, otherwise you either go to far and it hurts too much, or the pain turns into a warmth and the edge is lost completely.

"Not that it's a bad thing. When the pain slips away, you're left with that warm feeling, and every nerve ending is alive. You can feel everything," she sighed. Her breathing was becoming more ragged, and her words came out a bit more staccato.

"It takes a very special kind of dick to do that," she continued. "You need one with girth, not just length. And your father has the perfect cock for me."

"Perfect?" I repeated, not knowing what to say that could follow up to that.

"It's not just the size, Shannon," she said. "The size opens the door. Look, I've had big-dicked guys before - not like your father, of course, but larger than average - and they just thought their dick would do all the work. As if they stick it inside you, and bam! - you're supposed to have a thousand orgasms.

"But if you get a good lover, you can't help it. Every muscle, every vein, everything that he has will be touching every. Single. Part of you," her last words came out in a breathy gasp.

I pinched my nipple, wishing I could watch her. The sound of her voice was driving me crazy. It was right in my ear, and I could almost feel her hot breath on my neck. Remembering how sensitive my earlobe had been when she had taken it between her lips, I almost expected her to do that again.

"Of course," she giggled, "the fact that he is strong enough to lift me in the air and fuck me like sex doll doesn't hurt!"

I swallowed, feeling my mouth dry. Tracy was sharing more information than I ever could have learned on my own. There was a whole lifetime of pleasure that she had experienced, and that I had never even dreamed of. I began to regret my lack of curiosity in these kinds of things. Well, up until now.

"Do you let him fuck your ass, then?" I asked, thinking about Simone's doppelgänger on the video. I would not have thought it even possible until I saw it with my own eyes. Maybe Tracy's pain fetish extended to anal sex.

"No, I could never quite get there," she said, and the regret was obvious. "He loves anal sex, because apparently it's possible for him to go all the way to the root and bury himself balls deep. I've always wanted to be able to do that for him, but it's the one thing I've just never been able to do. It's just too... intense.

"But I can take him all the way in my pussy now," she said proudly. "Last night was the first time, and you got to see me do it. After nearly twenty years! It was kind of cool to have someone see me make that accomplishment!"

"Yeah," I said. "I was shocked. That was incredible!"

"Thank you!" she said. "I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it. I know he's wanted to do that for a very, very long time. Me too, in fact!"