POW Pt. 01


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No sooner had he cum than he was up and out of there. Abdullah made Melanie get back on all fours and fondled her butt cheeks. They stung when he touched them. Apparently he decided that she'd had enough for tonight, and declared "you are dismissed." All the girls got up and silently headed for their rooms. Melanie followed their example. Laying on the bed, her smarting cheeks made it impossible to sleep. Although a dedicated back sleeper, only after she gave up and lay on her stomach did she finally rest.


Melanie was still sleeping when the door to her room slammed open. There was then a loud crack as Abdullah smacked the door with a riding crop. Startled awake, she heard four more cracks down the hall, guessing this was "Reveille." She walked tentatively toward the hall, and saw Heather and Chin Li already headed for the dining room. Heather turned over her shoulder and told her "hurry up. Breakfast is only served for a half-hour, and if you miss it you're out of luck." Breakfast was basic but warm and decent.

"Hurry and vash up and zhange your cloze before Abdullah returns," Sasha warned as the hour drew near.

"Why? I just got these ones yesterday."

"Jhou haf zome blood on ze pants... it does not look good." Melanie wanted to protest that she didn't care, but again she thought the better of taking on Sasha. Besides, she imagined that the men would prefer she not have bloodstained clothes, too--maybe she was just trying to help her out. So she did, but she may as well not have bothered because the first thing Abdullah did was make her strip naked. He then chained her to the wall, arms and legs spread apart, and began to whip her. Giving her several fresh stripes, he stopped and fondled her cheeks again. Then, like the night before, he ran his fingers over her cleft. She closed her eyes and thought of the army, trying desperately not to get excited even though his fingers felt so good in contrast to the pain of the whip. He backed up, landed the whip a few times more, then fingered her slit again. He pulled her hair; she tilted head back and opened her mouth to relieve the pressure. That seemed to be what he wanted, for when her mouth opened he put the handle of the whip in it, then released her hair. She wanted to spit the whip out of her mouth, but realized her punishment would just be that much worse if she did.

With both hands free, he now coordinated his efforts. She was still facing the wall, but Abdullah was practically on her smarting back, reaching one hand over each hip and to her crotch. With his left hand, he pulled and pried her outer lips apart. They were dry and unresponsive, so he had to work at it a little. But once he did, he sent the other hand after her clit like a bloodhound. Again physiology trumped psychology, and her juices began to flow in spite of herself--which was exactly what he wanted. Keeping her lips apart with his left hand, he now probed for her vagina with his right, stimulating her clit all the while. She sighed with resignation when she felt his fingers enter her pussy. First one, then two, he slid his fingers in and out while rubbing her clit. They entered easier and easier; she felt her wetness increase in spite of her mental revulsion.

Abdullah pulled his right hand away and rubbed her clit with his left. She was now excited enough that he didn't need to prey her labia open anymore. He retrieved his whip, then held his hand in front of her face. "Look at you, you dirty slut." The hand disappeared for a moment as he spanked her, hard. "Clean your filthy juices from my fingers!" he commanded. Obediently, licked her pussy juice from his fingers. His other hand fingered her clit mercilessly. He now smacked her ass while fingering her--instead of pleasure interrupting pain, it became pain interrupting pleasure. It made no difference. The pain subsided quickly, but its magnification of the pleasure remained.

Melanie's slit was dripping by now. Out of nowhere, Abdullah now produced a new toy (presumably one of the girls had brought it over--she was too occupied to notice). It was a huge pink dildo, with a little side arm sticking out like a bubble gum cactus. "Suck this," he commanded. She took the dildo into her mouth and wet it with her spit. When it was good and wet, Abdullah went and shoved it up into her pussy. She felt him turn it on, felt it vibrate inside her. Then she felt him turn it, adjust it, and then... oh... The little arm rested right on her clitoris, buzzing it busily. A little shiver ran up her spine. Then she heard a ripping sound. Looking down between her legs, she saw him taping the little buzzer into place with duct tape. She swallowed hard. He made sure that the little arm was situated right on her clit, held tight by the tape. Then he took a step back andsmacked her with the crop. Before, it had been pain interrupted by pleasure. Now, it was pleasure interrupted by pain. She jerked with a start each time the crop slapped her bare buttocks, the intense pleasure momentarily replaced by a jolt of sharp pain. But the buzzing little monster was constant while the whipping intermittent; pleasure soon replaced it again, and the switch from one to the other somehow magnified the pleasure. She could feel herself getting ready to cum. She closed her eyes, thought of awful things--like what happened to Michael. She did NOT want to cum--but the insistent physical sensations could not be ignored. She bit her tongue to keep from calling out as her body shuddered violently with orgasm.

That was what Abdullah had been waiting for. "Aha, you dirty slut. You love it, don't you? You pretend you don't like the whip, but look you--you cum like a bitch in heat when I beat you, don't you? How would you like some more?"

Melanie didn't respond. Of course she didn't want more--or did she? The incessant buzzing kept her excited; she felt like another orgasm might not be far off. He smacked her again, and again... and the same thing happened again. Another orgasm, unbelievably intense. She felt like she might shake loose from the chains, she shuddered so hard. "That's it, whore. Cum like the bitch-dog you are," Abdullah taunted. She wondered for a second where he had picked up the slang--Internet porn maybe. He smacked her ass once more, then came around to face her. "That's it. Now show some appreciation for the climax I have given you," he commanded. He had pulled his stiff erection out of his clothes and hovered it inches from her face. Obediently, Melanie sucked it, although wondering because the others had told her that was not generally allowed. Maybe the Maulana was gone. Or maybe, she thought,that's part of training. No wonder he had smiled when given the order. All the while, the vibrator kept buzzing her most sensitive spot. She hated him, but with her body swimming in physical lust she couldn't help but suck him energetically.

She felt something behind her, but with Abdullah's cock stuffed in her mouth like a barbeque spit, she couldn't turn to see what it was. All at once she felt a pressure on her backside, and then she felt an object penetrate her rectum. Weakened by the orgasms, her reflexive resistant was not able to repel the invasion. She felt hands land on her haunches and the object began thrusting in and out of her butt. It wasn't until she heard his voice say to Abdullah"now she is ready, eh? Good work." did she know for sure that it was the Maulana, taking now what he had been unable to enjoy the night before. Melanie was too overwhelmed by sensations to be even able to process them all. The dick in her throat, pressing deeper, just on the edge of making her gag. The penis penetrating her bottom, punctuated by smarting pain if the Maulana's thrusts brought his hips in contact with her smarting buttocks. And the vibrator, filling her sex and pressing insistently on her clitoris. She was nearly frozen by the sensory overload, which was all right because the men were happily taking what they wanted whether she cooperated or not. Abdullah came first; she felt him stiffen and fill her mouth with warm salty fluid. The Maulana soon followed; she felt him press against her backside, and her anus felt the spasms as he unloaded into her colon. Only then did he dismount her, and Abdullah removed the tape (painfully) that held the vibrator that was the source of both her pleasure and her torment. He unchained her and took his leave. It was all Melanie could do to collapse to the floor. Sasha and Heather had to nearly drag her to the calming bath of healing oils waiting for her, and in the warm water she fell asleep.


For three months, that was Melanie's life. From time to time Jel Azeera mentioned her and the Americans' concern about not being able to find the missing soldier; her captors of course found this uproariously funny. Punishment was regular, being used sexually almost constant. She assimilated to being one of the harem, serving on the line and as the newness wore off, being the subject of special attentions no more often than the others. But Melanie brought something new to the table that the others did not. The Maulana might not have realized that because she had been assigned to "community liaison" duty, Melanie had learned a good deal of Arabic in the service. While the others had picked up some or the language during their captivity, the only words they heard and thus learned related to everyday life, punishment, or sex. Melanie had learned words that were much more useful. She could tell by the way they spoke to each other that her captors were confident that the girls could not understand them when they used their native tongue. Melanie was smart enough not to let on otherwise. She became a decent actress because of it, learning to feign surprise when things happened that she was not supposed to have understood being discussed.

It was because Jel Azeera was running much of the time that Melanie learned that the U.S. ambassador would be making a brief stop in Akbar on his tour of the Arabian Peninsula. When the first announcement came she was the only one to hear. She was standing at the ready while the Maulana had been entertaining himself with Sasha, who was clearly his favorite—perhaps that was why she was also the unofficial head of the henhouse. But the Ambassador's visit was in the news constantly thereafter. Melanie recognized right away that this was perhaps their only chance of escape. None of them had papers, none of them were in the country legally. The only clothes they had would have gotten them arrested in the U.S.; certainly they could not walk the streets here, where the women all wore the abayaoutdoors. They would be arrested as prostitutes, possibly stoned under Muslim law. But if she could somehow get to the Ambassador... She couldn't help but smile the next day (in spite of the lashes), when she overheard the Maulana tell Abdullah that he would be going to the hotel where the reception for the US ambassador would be held.

The next morning (for that was the time they were least likely to be utilized) she decided to tell the others. Either Sasha was going to turn her in or she wasn't. The ambassador hadn't visited for three years... she couldn't afford to miss this opportunity. She would just have to take her chances, because it would take some planning to pull of any escape. Chin Li was lying face down on a bed while the others applied salve to the fresh welts on her back. "I overheard something on the TV yesterday," Melanie began. No one replied; that wasn't anything new. "The US Ambassador is going to be in Akbar next week. Just for an afternoon, at a reception at the grand hotel. Maulana is one of the invited guests."

"Vat good does zat do us?" Sasha replied wearily.

"If we can get to him, he can get us safe passage out of the country. Since none of us have any money, papers or even decent clothes, that would be the hardest part of escaping."

"How vould you get to see him? And if jhou did, vhy vould he believe your story?" Sasha sneered.

"I think it's the best chance we have that anyone would listen, and he probably won't be back for another three years."

"How would you get to him?" Heather asked, skeptical but willing to listen.

"If we could break out of here, there's black tablecloths all over this house—we could throw them over our heads and hold them closed, it would look enough like achador from a distance. That way we wouldn't be arrested on sight outside of here. Does anyone know how far it is to the city?"

"20 minute by car," Chin Li said haltingly. The rest all looked at her. "He take me to hotel a few time... in city. Give me to friend who like Asian woman. Maybe is same hotel."

"Do you remember how to get there?" Melanie asked hopefully.

"Take driveway. Turn right. You see city ahead when you cross over hill. Hotel in middle of city."

"OK, so you get to the hotel. They're not going to let you speak to the Ambassador. There will be security everywhere," Heather thought out loud.

"Yes, but some will be US security people, and that's who I WANT to talk to. As for the locals, we take off the tablecloths when we get there and tell them we're entertainment for the Ambassador."

"How would we get there? If it's a 20 minute drive, we'd never walk there in time."

"There must be cars here on the property we could steal," Melanie mused.

"Zere are," Sasha said, "but jhou zeem to forget ze first step. IF ve can get out of here. Are jhou forgetting of Abdullah?"

"I have a plan for that," Melanie said confidently. "I was trained in hand-to-hand combat; I doubt he was. Plus we have an advantage?"

"We do?" Heather asked, confused.

"Yes. Abdullah carries the key to this area with him at all times. And his behavior is very predictable when the Maulana is away." There was silence as each recognized the truth in that statement. Melanie continued, "my biggest concern is between here and the car. We have no idea what the rest of this manor looks like. We might not ever FIND the garage."

"Vat do jhou vant to know?" Sasha asked quietly.

"You mean you'll help us?" Melanie asked.

"I don vant to have to vatch anoser girl tortured to dess. Zat vus Tianna's biggest mistake... zhe tried to escape alone. Zhe knew ze risk, and didn't vant to take anyvun else down vis her. If ve had all verked togezer, who knows? Beside... if jhou make it, vould you vant to be ze only vun left here to face an angry Maulana?"

It turned out that Sasha had been outside the compound; sometimes the Maulana was in the mood for a nightcap. When that happened, Sasha was summoned to service the master in his private bedroom after lockdown. When he'd had his fill he sent her back on her own, where Abdullah let her in. She was able to draw a very useful map of the rest of the manor. In the end all four of the girls decided it was better to risk escape and die trying than to continue to live this way. And so the plan was refined and set in motion.


Abdullah had no idea. On the day of the ambassador's visit, a few minutes after 10:00, Abdullah came out of his quarters with an urgency in his step. All he was thinking about was playtime. Heather was stationed in the hall, waiting for this. "Oh, has the Maulana left? Here, we are waiting for you in the dining room..." Maybe it should have nagged at him that Heather knew the Maulana would be away, but his mind was occupied on other things. He rounded the corner and found Chin Li and Sasha kneeling on the floor about ten feet in. Chin Li had her hands folded like she was praying, only her breasts were exposed and resting, displayed, her forearms. Sasha's arms were behind her in an apparent subservient position. Each had her mouth partly open, seeming reading to receive, and Heather went to kneel next to them. Which mouth to fuck first? Overcome with lust, Abdullah rushed into the room, not thinking of the fact that a fourth mouth was unaccounted for. He rushed into the room as if wearing blinders.

Melanie was standing pressed up against the wall behind the doorway. As soon as he brushed past,she smacked him in the back of the head with a spreader bar. Occasionally used to force the girls' legs apart, it was also a handy two-foot long wooden pole with a heavy iron fitting at the end. Melanie had applied everything she had learned about leverage when attacking him with it, and it had hit him hard. The was a big gash in the back of his skull and blood was oozing out. Sasha and Heather were up the second he was down; Sasha had been holding whips her, which Melanie used as makeshift ropes to try to tie Abdullah down. It didn't look like he was going to come around anytime soon—if ever.

Chin Li was frozen by the sight of Abdullah on the ground. "Come on," Heather urged, "so what if he's bleeding? How many times has be beaten you bloody?" With a nod, she prodded herself to get up and get moving.

They took Abdullah's key and locked him in the compound. Then they whisked swiftly through house towards the garage. They hadn't gotten far when they encountered one of the household servants on the way, but Sasha was prepared."Master called to say that the Ambassador is coming here for a visit! We are to entertain! Abdullah told us to tell you to prepare a reception in the garden!" The servant was dumbfounded, but didn't dare chance the order being wrong. She scurried away, arousing the other servants—and sending them scurrying in other directions. They continued towards the garage, pulling four black cloths from tables along the way.

They got to the room where the chauffeur usually waited, but of course he was gone, having driven the Maulana to town. As they feared, the door was locked. Melanie was about to kick the door down when Sasha held up her hand to wait. She took Abdullah's key... and the door opened. Melanie smiled at Sasha.I guess that's girl's all right after all.

Melanie reached in and grabbed three keys, each with clearly marked vehicle makes on the key. Spying an extra uniform jacket hanging on a hook, she grabbed it impulsively. They entered the garage and descended on the first likely suspect. One of their keys worked, and they jumped inside. It turned out that only Melanie knew how to drive (Heather had a learner's permit once). Sasha moved to sit in the front seat, but Melanie stopped her. Pulling her hair together tight to her head, she slipped on the chauffeur's jacket and tucked her hair under the collar. Then she sat behind the wheel. "Driving by in a car, could I pass as a man?" Sasha looked at her through the windshield, and nodded agreement. "Great. Then all three of you sit in the back, and hid your heads as best you can in those tablecloths." As they left the garage and drove for the open road, they looked like a chauffeur driving three proper Islamic ladies.

Chin Li was right about finding the city. Traversing it, however, was more difficult than anticipated, what with bicycles and carts and things constantly crossing and blocking the roads. Fortunately the car had tinted windows so they were not conspicuously unusual. Finally Melanie followed the lead of the few other cars she saw, hitting the gas and leaning on the horn and making everyone else get out of HER way.

The hotel was the tallest and most modern-appearing building in the city. Melanie dumped the car in the valet area and the four of them burst inside, making a beeline for the bathroom. Once inside, they dumped their outer layers and re-emerged in their "uniforms." Then they headed straight for... the kitchen. They burst through the doors, raising lots of eyebrows among the waitstaff. But this was a calculated gamble. "We are supposed to provide entertainment for a reception upstairs? Are there any trays the need to go up? They like it when we appear as waitresses." The waiter nearest them started snickering right away. This was what they had banked on; Chin Li had told them that when she had been there before she had seen other girls, also from other countries, throughout the hotel. From what she had picked up of the conversation between the Maulana and her visitor, they were prostitutes. Certainly the waiter responded like he'd seen nearly-naked women running around the hotel before. He gave them each a tray of hors d'oevres and even showed them to the service elevator.