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"Damn I'd love a job like you've got. Hell I heard you had a wild time a couple years ago with a girl I used to know before she got married, her name was Carol. Hell, that girl could give a blowjob to die for and was hell in bed." I saw that he was trying to think.

"Short blonde hair with a killer ass?" I nodded yes. "Shit man, she was hell on wheels and wore Danny and I out before the night was over. For a small girl she sure could take a lot of cock. We even double-teamed her before the end of the night. The guy she married is one lucky son of a bitch that's all I have to say." He laughed and I faked one to keep him off guard. "Yeah she was a dynamo in bed that's for sure." I paid him his blood money, we shook hands and I went out to my car and died. This was going to be one hen party that none of them would ever forget.

Keith, Tom, David, Kathy's fiancée, and myself met at a bar just off college row.

"No fucking way in hell!" David screamed at us. "Kathy would never do what you're suggesting. She's so damn shy we still do it with the lights off. You're trying to tell me that she's going to have sex with this Greg guy and maybe a few others? No fucking way."

"Well then you'll have no problem sneaking in and watching; that is if you're one hundred percent sure that Kathy wouldn't even look at another guy?" The wheels were turning.

"Okay, I'll go, we'll all go and I'll show you that Kathy isn't like all those other sluts. I'm going to make you eat your words."

"And I'll be glad to do it if you're right."

For the next three days I stayed as far away from Carol as I could. I told her I thought I was coming down with the flu and didn't want her to catch it. More than a couple of times she asked if anything was wrong because I was acting a little distant. I just smiled and told her that I loved her; and I still did at that point.

Saturday I bribed the bouncer to get us into an adjacent room just off the backroom they had rented.

"You gave the guy two hundred dollars? Are you fucking nuts?" Keith said sneaking into the room.

"Not nuts, I just need to fucking know that's all," I replied hoping against hope I'd be wrong tonight.

Boring, that's what the first hour was. It was all hen talk about the wedding as Tom snuck out and got us another bucket of beers.

"The bouncer said that if something happens and we go nuts we're on our own and he's going to play stupid when the cops come. I told him nothing was going to happen, I didn't lie to him did I?" he asked David.

We agreed no matter what happened that it wouldn't be worth going to jail for. Well I hoped not anyway. Then the strippers came in and the party really started.

Drinks flowed and everyone got into the party mood. A lot of her single friends did everything but fuck the guys on the make shift stage. When they brought Kathy up to the stage she was already feeling no pain but still looked a little uncomfortable. After her brides maids brought her out three more straight shots of something and the rest of the animals started screaming the party got into full swing.

I thought guys were bad, but even when we were drunk, it didn't compare to what was going on. These women were going nuts and it appeared mob mentality had taken over. I hoped that there were cabs being called for afterwards, because there was no way in hell that any of these women should be getting behind the wheel.

After two more shots, and with a little encouragement from her supposed friends, Kathy was grabbing handful after handful of what was being dangled in front of her.

When she started stroking Greg's cock he dribbled oil all down his front of his body, which made it a lot easier for her. When he slipped off his thong, or what ever he was wearing, the crowd went wild as more than one guy was seeing a lot of action.

Carol came up, kissed Greg, slipping him a lot of tongue, grabbed his package and started pumping it until it got fucking huge. I about lost it when Kathy got down on her knees and started giving him a blowjob while Carol made lips with him as he now felt her up. David however did.

"That fucking bitch," was all he got out as he paced back and forth inside our hidden room. When Kathy let him feel her up, both top and bottom, we had to literally sit on David.

"Don't you want to see how far she lets him go? This way you'll know once and for all."

When Greg started to dry hump Kathy and lowered her shorts we all decided it was time to stop this dead in its tracks. We broke in just as he pushed her underwear to the side and was getting ready to give her the meat so to speak. Looking back I'm not sure if she even knew what was happening at this particular moment she was so drunk.

"You fucking slut," David screamed at the top of his lungs, as the party got real quiet. "Don't fucking call me or try to fucking see me ever again, do you understand? The God damn weddings off." She just looked at him through her drunken stupor as he stormed out with Keith and Tom in hot pursuit.

"Don't mind us, just go back to what you ladies were in the process of doing before we so rudely interrupted you." I didn't smile but I gave Carol a look that told her I fucking knew everything.

It took five more beers to calm David down. We took his phone and car keys away and decided it would be best if he didn't go home tonight. Everything was fuck this or fuck that or that God damn bitch. I was thankful when he finally did pass out.

"Well that was a fun and exciting evening," Keith said after putting David in his guest room. "I'd hate to be in Kathy's shoes tomorrow or for that matter any of the girls who put this shindig on."

"You okay?" I told him no, but I'd survive.

Keith and Tom had baby-sitting duty while I got my shit together and headed for home without even a plan of what I was going to do.

Carol wasn't there when I got home so I just cleaned up and hit the bed after locking the bedroom door. No use getting into it tonight when we were both tired and wired. It took a while but I eventually did fall asleep and surprisingly I got almost eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.

By ten o'clock I was showered, shaved and heading down to breakfast. Still no Carol. I fixed myself a big breakfast and was reading the Sunday paper when she came barreling in.

"Real nice Steve," she yelled walking through the door. "It took us most of the night to get Kathy to settle down after your little ambush. How could you? You know they're probably not even going to get married now don't you?"

"Not my problem."

"Not your problem? What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Just that. If he wants to marry the tramp it's up to him, I don't have anything to say about it."

"Kathy's not a tramp!"

"Couldn't convince me by what I saw last night. Hell she was just getting ready to fuck Greg when David said he had finally seen enough."

"It was her hen party and Kathy's last time to be wild before she tied the knot and you can't tell me David didn't get a little from some stripper the night before at his stag."

"No, in fact he didn't. He told everyone he wasn't going to do anything because he wouldn't have been able to look Kathy in the eye on their wedding night. I guess he was a wimp, wasn't he? And just for argument's sake, did anyone bother to ask Kathy what type of party she wanted? Maybe, just maybe she might have wanted a quiet night with a few friends? Or did you just assume she wanted to get laid by a complete stranger?" She didn't reply.

"Well I do hope they get back together anyway. Whatever possessed you guys to do what you did anyway?"

"Just wanted to see what kind of sluts our wives and girlfriends really are and you guys sure didn't disappoint us. Too bad I didn't bring a movie camera along, it would have made for some excellent viewing for a few guys I know."

"And you?"

"Oh I saw enough last night but what really opened my eyes was my conversation with Greg the other day when he said how lucky I was to be married to you. Well he didn't exactly say it in so many words, since he didn't have a clue who I was. It was more like the way he described what he and Danny did with you the night of your hen party. About how you wore them out after taking them both on at once. I think his exact words were something like you were the hottest piece of ass he'd had in a long tine and that he envied the guy she was married. But you know what? I don't feel so lucky about now. Now I wish I'd had a bachelor party with about ten hookers instead of just going out for drinks with my good buddies."

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way but it was only that one night and I haven't so much as looked at another guy since that night. You've got to believe me about that."

"Why should I and how many other lies have you told me? Now I'm starting to doubt everything you've ever told me. Remember our last discussion about being exclusive? What about only you and me didn't you understand?"

"Steve, it was before we got married and like I said, I haven't done anything since."

"So making lips with that son of a bitch, letting him run his hands all over your body and getting him hard for Kathy is what every good wife does for a friend? What if I was kissing on some girl and fingering her so she was all hot and bothered for someone else to fuck her? Would you say that was all right? I did find it was a nice touch that you jacked him off with the hand that you wore your wedding rings on? Class, nothing but class."

"Steve," she started to say but I stopped her, holding up my hand.

"Carol, I think it would be best if we don't talk right now, or at least until I have a chance to cool off and get those pictures out of my head. Right now I feel like our marriage has been one deceitful lie from day one. How many other hen parties or girl's nights out were you the good friend?" I'd said what I wanted to say and right now she had nothing I wanted to hear.

I didn't move to our spare bedroom and neither did Carol. We slept together but were physically and emotionally apart. We talked about nothing but the insignificant details of our lives and had sex only when we were both climbing the walls, but that's all it was; something to do when you got tired of hand jobs and fingers.

David and Kathy? Well they are still together but the wedding has been put on hold much to the chagrin of her father, who lost a bundle of money on down payments. She's on a short leash, and David hasn't a clue when or if they'll get back to where they were before this nightmare started. Too bad she went brain dead and let others blow her chance at happiness.

Our so-called life has gone on unchanged for the last three months. We're still physically together but that is about it. We eat together, sleep together, but only talked to one another when we absolutely have to; life sucks. We've both spent more time with our friends than we have with one another.

I for one am getting tired of that damn look she gives me every time we sit down to dinner, which is getting to be a rarity. It's like she's saying, "All right I made a mistake, get over it and lets move on.' The problem is, I believe I still love her but the trust is all but gone and I don't know if I've got the wherewithal to wait to see if it's going to come back.

Saturday I asked her not to go out with her friends and we'd stay in, order a pizza and try and talk through this.

"Talk or yell?" was her quick reply.

"Probably a little of both." She rolled her eyes and went upstairs I guess to get ready to go out.

When she came back downstairs she was dressed in her party/dance clothes.

"We'll talk tomorrow," is all she said walking out the door without so much as a kiss on the cheek.

I went to my desk and took out the envelope and set it on the counter. It had her name on it and had been sitting in that desk drawer for better than a month. My ring came off pretty easily since it hadn't been on that long anyway. It was now my turn to go upstairs and change.

Maybe by Monday I'll know where I'm going to end up but right now I feel like I've wasted the last three years which I'll never get back. Keith and Tom think I'm a wimp and tell me I should have tossed her ass to the curb the night of the hen party. But they're still fucking anything that breathes and neither one has been with the same girl more than six months so I don't value their opinion too much. So I waited hoping I guess for some miracle.

Is Carol going to go nuts tonight if and when she gets home? Maybe but at this point I'm not too sure anymore. Is there any chance of us starting over again? Not after her walking out that door tonight.

A pretty great marriage, a stupid laps in judgment and a lack of trust, Priceless, just fucking PRICELESS!!!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

15 days ago anon. White boys not bois

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Finish your stories

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

She cheated from the beginning. Only lawyers think she didn't. I never asked my eventual wife to be exclusive. We just were because we knew we belonged together and that fucking someone else would hurt the other person and destroy our relationship. She was a selfish slut from the beginning as proved by the periodic "non-cheating" blowjobs/handjobs/kissing possible sex. Who could trust a lying bitch like that? I guess if you want to keep her for the good sex, like an on-call prostitute, that works.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider195519 days ago

Nope. Stories that end like JPB's lose a minimum of one star. You were close to a 5 star story, but, the ending lost it. 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Carol didn't cheat until her hen party and that could easily be compartmentalised given the circumstances and context.

However the writer sure has a thing for the BBC trope and I guess the implication here is that fragile whiteboi feels he can't compete and Carol must be cheating at every opportunity, because once you go blk you can't go back right? and every blk person has a giant nob. Lol. Well maybe in Senegal, but not in America.


Anyway, the story would have been improved by the post divorce hammer fall expose that showed the wife to be a LW that lost something precious. But what we're left with is a fragile whiteboi and a woman that'll hardly notice he's gone.

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