Prince Bonir Vol. 02


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"He wouldn't have touched me at all, save that I underestimated the length of his reach slightly," I concluded. "I can see I need to practice more before my skills deteriorate further!"

Our eyes locked in a moment of tension. The flood of emotions in her eyes all related to me in a positive fashion, yet she was mindful of her rank in relation to myself. Then I noticed that she had finished applying the bandage, but perhaps without even fully realizing it, her hand lingered on my chest, touching the muscles protruding there. In a sudden motion I grasped her, drew her to myself, and kissed her.

She melted completely in my arms. She eagerly returned my kiss with her mouth, but her body was almost limp with surrender. I think she would have done anything I wished her to at that moment. What I wished from her was quite simple and natural—but it would have lasting consequences for her. I wanted her to be sure she knew what she was doing.

I stopped kissing her and looked at her intently. "Arianna," I said seriously, "I can not promise you anything more than I promise to Eve. I do not promise faithfulness, nor do I expect it from you. In time I will wed, but I cannot wed you. If you do this, you shall be considered spoiled, and as a result it may be difficult to find a husband for yourself. Tour continued employment in this castle is not dependent on your assenting to me desires in this. All I can promise you is my affection, and the favored status within the household that comes with it."

She looked back at me, thinking for a moment. Whether she made a rational decision or whether her feelings got the best of her I shall never know, but her response was to reach up with her lips, seeking my kiss again. With that the outcome was determined.

I reached down, put my right arm behind her thighs, and scooped her up into my arms. She was caught off guard at first, but then put her arms around my neck and gazed at me with starry eyes while I carried her to my chamber as a groom might carry a bride over the threshold. She could never be my bride, but as I would be imminently bursting her maidenhead, it didn't seem inappropriate.

I remained standing, but lay her down on my bed. As she had seen Eve do, she began feverishly undoing the stays of her dress. When it appeared sufficiently loose, I reached for the waist and pulled it entirely over her head, leaving her in just her undergarments. She quickly disposed of those as well, leaving her completely naked. She looked at me shyly, self-conscious of herself, but knowing that this was what I desired. Her flame red hair spread out around her head like an angel's halo. A darker red patch covered the area where her legs met her torso. Her skin was pale, sprinkled with reddish freckles. She was slight and slender, with supple breasts proportional to her frame and tipped with soft pink nipples.

I touched my hand to her face, then gently ran it down her cheek, alongside her neck, along the shoulder, gently down her chest, until finally reaching for and fondling her breast. Remembering what she had seen Eve do, she reached for my pants; finding that the loose practice canvas was just held up by a drawstring, she untied them, causing them to fall to the floor. She held my engorged but not fully erect member in her hand, stroking it gently, until its arousal was complete. All the while I was exploring her with my fingertips.

Drawing again from memory, she brought herself up so that she was half-reclined, resting on one elbow. She brought her face close to me, closed her eyes, and gently encircle me with her soft lips. When she had briefly held me in her mouth before, she had been tentative, unsure of what to expect. Now, she wished only to please me. She lovingly caressed my penis, instinctively massaging me with her tongue in a most exquisite fashion. She swallowed and released me slowly, but with great concentration, maximizing the contact between her soft tissues and my hard staff. I stroked her breasts, which had large nipples but small areolae. My other hand I gently ran through that marvelous red hair. I saw her look up to me, hopefully, hoping to see that I was pleased by her inexperienced efforts. I thrust forward slightly and sighed as a signal that I most definitely was. She closed her eyes again and continued pleasuring me.

I started to slide my left hand further down her torso. I came to the thatch of dark red, and started feeling for the still-sealed gates hidden therein. Finding the cleft with my index finger, I rubbed back and forth along its length, lingering by the little knot at its tip. This was a new sensation for her, and something she had not seen me do with Eve; she opened her eyes now, to see what was going on, mixed with a bit of surprise. I felt the cleft swell under my fingers and grow damp. I could feel her hips squirming in response; this new feeling was anything but unpleasant. She was ready to become a woman.

I moved my left hand to be under her chin. Gently, I pulled upwards, indicating I wished her to release me and look up. When she did, I kissed her again. As we intertwined tongues, I reached for the nightstand with my right hand. Feeling for the drawer, I opened it, and again by feel alone retrieved one of the three sheaths that Eve made sure were always stocked there. I let go of her chin, and with my eyes still closed and locked in a kiss, I applied the barrier to my organ. Only then did I climb onto the bed myself.

Arianna scooted over a foot or so towards the middle of the bed, so that her foot didn't dangle over the side when she parted her legs wide open to provide me access to her most private of places. I put my right arm down by her shoulder, while rubbing the sheath against her swollen cleft using my left. "When a maiden becomes a woman," I warned, "it sometimes hurts a little at first." And with that I pushed my hips forward. I felt the gentle resistance of the maidenhead, then thrusting forward with resolve I tore through it.

"Aaagh," she cried, tensing, as I pierced the thin film of flesh. But all of the sensations that followed were altogether different and immensely more pleasurable. I initiated her womanhood with regular, three-quarter length strokes. She relaxed as she realized it wasn't going to hurt anymore, putting her hands on my shoulders and drawing her knees up even further. Her pale naked skin took on a reddish glow, and her breathing grew shallower. She looked up at me with wonder at the feelings being generated inside of her, mixed with an overriding desire to please her lord.

Her sex was rapidly becoming acclimated to me, so I pushed myself in down to the root for the first time. Her eyes widened in synchronicity with her flesh as I reached to completely fill her. I held the position for a moment, and then began to make love normally, at full pace and with full strokes. Her glow in her skin intensified. Although I wasn't being especially vigorously, she was so slight every thrust sent her reeling. She wrapped her arms around my neck to steady herself. Seeing that this helped, she followed suit with her legs. She was thus wrapped around me, under me, as I hammered away at her delicate insides.

I paused for a moment to kiss her; her kiss was breathless from the excitement. Then I straightened up and resumed my stroking, a bit faster now, as I set my sights on achieving climax. Arianna held on for dear life. She would later tell me she could not believe how much bigger my penis felt when it was insider her than it had when gazing upon it or holding it in her hands. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes to focus on the pleasurable sensations. Instinctively, she arched her back to better accommodate the angle of penetration.

Her curly red locks spilled about her, providing luscious contrast to her pale beauty. Further aroused, I pushed harder. That in turn aroused her further; she opened her mouth and inadvertently made little noises with each insertion. She was wrapped around me, holding open that which women usually keep hidden. This aroused me further, and I pushed harder still.

Suddenly she opened them and looked at me a look of surprise. Then with a definitive "Oh!" she tilted her head back again, closed her eyes, and held her mouth open. I could feel tremors shuddering somewhere deep inside of her. I watched, still thrusting, as her face briefly took on the appearance of pure rapture. When it passed, she looked at me with even greater wonder—such feelings she had never known the likes of. She would later tell me that when she was in the dungeon, she felt as if her life were over. Then, bit by bit, new doors opened to her, and suddenly there seemed to be so much life to live—and it seemed like I had been the one that opened every door. I knew none of that at the time, of course—all I knew is that as she looked at me, she was somehow even more beautiful. It triggered something deep within me. Shortly thereafter I froze, surrendering to the throes of bliss myself.

My climax, and the extra rigidity that came with it, was another new sensation for Arianna. She was watching me tenderly as I was awash in orgasmic pleasure. Spent, I was suddenly aware that I was exhausted—and that my shoulder hurt. Arianna was lightly running her fingers along my shoulders, waiting for me to say or do something. I bent over to kiss her. Then I grasped the end of the sheath, withdrew it, and rolled over onto my back. Lithely, Arianna rolled over, too, so that she was lightly pressed against my side. She lay her head on my chest, and held an arm over me. It hurt a little to have her head pressing there, but I didn't say anything—she deserved a little cuddling after surrendering her maidenhead to me.

"So now I'm a woman," she remarked somewhat distantly.

"And quite a woman at that!" I replied.

She looked up at me, pleased. "Do you mean that?"

"Have you ever known me to speak something I did not mean?" I asked.

She lay her head down again. But I couldn't help myself but suck a little air and wince; all at once she realized that my shoulder probably hurt. "Oh my..." she all but jumped off of me, "I'm so sorry, my lord, you shoulder..."

"Shh, shh, shh," I interrupted. "It's fine. Anyway, it's my own fault—perhaps I should not have used it so strenuously, so soon. No matter...if given the chance I would do it again, in a heartbeat."

She seemed pleased with that, and lay down next to me. We lay in silence for a while. She was so slight, and yet so alive. And she was beautiful...had my shoulder not hurt, I might have been tempted to have a second go at it. As it was, I just lay with her, appreciating her presence, letting her attach her tender emotions to me.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door, followed by Jauffrey's voice calling out "Your Excellency, you are needed in court!" I got myself gingerly out of bed; Arianna had sprung forth immediately and was already bringing me my formal tunic. I must say, it was extremely helpful having her help me dress, even as she remained stark naked. Once I was dressed, she hurried me out the door. I turned and kissed her once more, then went off to court.


It was late when the cases were all finally resolved. My private apartment was empty when I retreated to it; normally Eve would have been there. I told the guard to fetch her for me.

A few minutes later, Eve entered. "You called for me, my lord?" she asked solemnly. I knew that she would have learned of my tryst with Arianna by now, and while she knew that she should be prepared for it, it didn't make it any easier now that it happened. She no longer had me to herself.

"Yes, I need you to do something for me," I replied.

"As you command, my lord," she replied formally.

"I am tired. I need you to warm the bed for me for tonight," I said. She looked up at me with a little surprise, but also a little more hopeful.

"My lord?" she asked, ensuring she had heard me correctly.

"And you may wish to bring a change of clothing, for I shall need you lie with me through the night," I continued. Her face brightened—I knew that she feared being left behind now that I had a new concubine. "On account of my shoulder, you see," I added. We both laughed; clearly my shoulder had nothing to do with it. I held my arm out towards her; she rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Ow, ow," I complained, as her squeeze hurt my wound.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I ..." she stammered. I changed the subject.

"Eve," I said seriously, "I know you know what happened today, and that it will happen again. I told you this day would come, and yet I know that it doesn't make it any easier to bear. But I want you to understand—any other concubines that may reside in this house may be complements to yourself, but shall never replace you. You were the first woman to lie with me as Duke, and you shall always occupy a special place in my heart. And even if someday we decide to end our affair, I shall still rely on you to be the head of my household."

" lord..." she sighed with relief, hugging me again. "I just thought...she's so young and beautiful..."

"As are you, dear Eve," I interjected, holding up her chin. "Fear not, there is enough Bonir to go around."

But that night, on account of my shoulder, Eve had to be on top.


Many days later I received a letter from the Count of Barcos. I read it aloud to the court.

My Lord Prince Bonir:

I am forever in your debt for informing me of the treachery within the ranks of my guard. Receipt of the sword launched an investigation that turned up much unpleasantness. Rest assured that this Captain shall never be in a position to cause harm again.

I walked up to Arianna, who was standing off to the side, and said "So, dear Arianna, you could now safely return to your family in Barcos. Or, you could remain here, and continue to serve in Castle Averic. What say you?"

"My lord," she said, communicating much more with the twinkle in her eyes than what she said with her words, "I would like to stay here in the Castle, if I may."

I stretched out my arm, saying "You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish." I put my arm around her waist, she couldn't hide an eager smile as I led her the few short steps to the door to my private chamber. I wished to show her privately how I appreciated her presence in the castle. As I closed the door behind us, I heard Jauffrey proclaim "The Court of the Province of Averic is hereby adjourned!"

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