Probing a Spy


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She looked defiant but could not suppress a small shiver when she saw his face. On her knees, restrained by his thighs, her hands gripped tight, she had no way to escape the look of desire in those blue eyes. Lifting her chin high she tried to ignore him. But Wulf could feel her trembling. Quickly lowering his head he kissed her hard on the mouth. "I told you, didn't I? I like a bit of fire."

The Amazon clenched her jaws and her fists. It was obvious she needed a lot of willpower to keep herself from reacting. By the look on her face she would have loved to scratch his eyes out. "Care to try that when my hands are not tied?" She nearly breathed fire, but there was nothing she could do. When he did not react, she slipped quickly from between his thighs and retreated to the back of the tent. Bending her head to the other woman.

Looking over at Runar he chuckled. "Now what is itching you? Is the mother turning you on just as much as the daughter?" He looked at the barely concealed erection Runar tried to hide. Turning his head he caught the other Amazon, Agila, staring at him. From that distance he couldn't read her eyes very well, but he thought he saw something akin to interest flash by. Shifting to have a clear view of Runar, he settled his bent legs in front of him. Resting his elbows on his thighs he picked up the wineskin and took a swig. He wiped his mouth and passed the skin to his son. "We have to share them. You realize that, don't you?" Runar nodded as he swallowed a toss of wine. Wulf continued: "It was very respectful of Ivar to grant me his catch, but she was his. Fair is fair. Besides, it would be stupid if we claimed privileges in the middle of nowhere. It's not as if we are at home, where every man has his own women."

Runar took another swig of wine before answering. "I know you're right. But how will you handle it? Besides you and me, there are sixteen men out there. You gave them a moving show so to speak. I'd say every dick twitched." Glancing at the two women he saw only two backs, their heads close together. It seemed as if they were talking, but he couldn't make out what was said.

Wulf smiled. "I know I did. But hell, I couldn't resist it. Besides, I think it really turned her on. The way she climaxed. Right on my knee," he sighed. "I think I may have come up with something though. But we have to stay on the alert in case there are more of them around. Wouldn't surprise me."

"Would be very welcome, you mean." Runar laughed softly. He could tell the old fox had the hots for the well-rounded female warrior. "Found yourself a savory playmate, have you?" He tried hiding his grin. "How about letting me have a go at her?" He said it just to goad his old man. He didn't really expect his father to go along, but nevertheless. The way she had moved when attacking Wulf had been very stirring. No matter her age, he'd fuck her with great pleasure.

Wulf shook his head in mock despair. "Wanting it all, don't you?" He shot a glance at the women. "Tell you what, after we hammered out something with regard to this sharing business, I'll teach you and that minx you caught a thing or two." Getting a nod and a grin, he grabbed the wineskin and took a drink. "I'll show you how to tame a green-eyed witch." He wiped his mouth.

"Runar appreciated his father's offer and his eyes started to sparkle. The old stud was always eager to show off. "I like that." Grinning, he turned to look at his catch. She didn't know it yet but he was going to fuck her brains out.

His father interrupted his drooling. "Now about this sharing." The two men bent their heads and started planning in earnest. Their voices were too low for the two Amazons to hear but it almost seemed as if they were not interested. After a while Wulf grinned. "That should be fun." Turning sober again he added: "We have to stay on the look-out for others of their kind though. I still feel uncomfortable over their appearance. It's odd, just the two of them." He shot a probing look to the back of the tent. "You know, we haven't had any answer yet to their being family or not."

Dyna heard this last remark and turned to look at him. She had an odd expression on her face. "She isn't my daughter." But that was all she had to say. She clamped her mouth shut and turned her back on him once more.

Wulf's face darkened in anger. He was getting a bit tired of her arrogance. By Thor, he would ... His son's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"How about that demonstration of your sexual prowess you promised me? Or are you not in the mood?" Runar chuckled when he saw Wulf glaring at him. "Don't worry, we can always trade places. I mean me, unveiling some secrets." He licked his lips at the thought of baring Agila's treasures once more. The thought of his father watching him, gave him an extra tingle up his spine. Ever since he reached manhood he had reveled in the occasional group gatherings, the more or less ceremonial fucking in honor of Frigga.

Before Wulf could open his mouth, the youngest Amazon reacted in insult: "You can't be serious! You cannot treat us as city drudges." She turned an outraged face toward her companion, only to discover an alarming sight. Dyna's face was nearly crimson, her eyes were cast down and her hands were gripping each other to the point of showing white knuckles. "Dyna? What's the matter?" The expression on her face turned slowly into horror. "They didn't. Tell me they did not do that to you." When the older woman just nodded, Agila furiously turned to Wulf. "How could you do that? What has she done that you insulted her like that? Have you really turned her on her back and taken her like a common female?"

The big soldier raised his eyebrows and barked a short laugh. "Don't be ridiculous girl. I honestly don't know where you two got the idea of insult. I just made her squirm a little, no big deal." He grinned a bit evil. "Besides, she enjoyed it, a lot, I would say."

Both soldiers were completely surprised by the sudden move of Agila. Like Dyna she was chained by her ankle, but her hands were not tied. With a shrill battle cry she jumped at Wulf. She kicked him high on his leg, missing his groin by inches.

Wulf growled in anger. "Trying to kick me in the balls, are you?" His big hands shot out and grabbed Agila by the arms. "I'll teach you some respect girl." But she left him empty handed. By Thor, how did she do that? Resembling a snake she twisted out of his grip and punched him in the stomach. Too bad he hardly felt the blow. The thin layer of fat neatly masked the muscles below. From the corner of his eye he saw Runar restraining Dyna. Swiftly he turned his head back to watch Agila. She might have been at a disadvantage from being chained, but she sure gave a good try at kicking his ass. "You've got guts girl." He started to get in the mood now. "Like I told her." He made a gesture towards Dyna. "I get quite a turn on from a fiery woman. And you sure are." He showed a broad smile as he made his move.

He saw Agila watching him warily. She knew she had no hope in hell to win this fight. But obviously she had been damned mad. By the look of her she'd try to ruin his genitals if it was the last thing she could do.

Wulf grinned. Totally unexpected he dived for the ankle chain. Grabbing the chain with both hands he gave a powerful jerk, sending Agila sailing through the air. She landed on her tail, all the air knocked out of her. "Ha, got you." With a shout of delight he pinned her arms, securing her legs with his own.

With his free hand he wiped the sweat from his brow. "I guess I might as well go on with the demonstration right now. If you don't mind my using this one?" Wulf glanced at his son with a broad smile on his face. He savored the slender limbs wriggling beneath him. His arm touched a soft breast. He was almost reluctant to get up. But he had better take advantage of the fact that Agila was still out of breath.

Settling himself on the pile of furs, he pulled her across his knees, draping one leg over hers. One of his big hands held her two wrists with ease, stretching her torso in front of him. He just inspected her. No yet touching her, just looking and waiting. Waiting for the understanding in her eyes. The understanding that he was the master. The minute he saw it, he started his maneuvers.

Wulf started by lightly trailing his fingers over her face, her neck, tracing her collarbone, following the curve of her breast. At her waist his hand took a firm hold, his thumb drawing small circles on her stomach. Swiftly he lowered his head and kissed her. His lips tasted the velvety, generous mouth. In moments his tongue sneaked between her lips, exploring, exciting. The soft sigh she tried to conceal gave him all the encouragement he needed. His tongue licked a path down the side of her neck, making her try to move away. "You like that, don't you?" For an answer she froze as if she were turned to stone. But when his hand moved on from her waist to her hip and lower to her thigh, her breathing betrayed her.

"Are you finished yet? I'd say you have made your point." Agila sounded a bit husky as she tried to bluff her way out. The way she avoided his eyes was very significant however. Wulf chuckled. She could fight her emotion all she wanted. He knew she would not be able to hold out.

With a last lick on the beginning of her breasts, he lifted his head. He saw Runar with his eyes glued to Agila's body. One hand holding Dyna under control, pressing her face down on the floor, the other moving in lazy circles on her bottom.

Turning back to the supple flesh across his knees, Wulf moved his fingers to the cleft between her breasts. All of a sudden savage, he hooked his fingers under the silky orange fabric covering her body and yanked it down. Baring the modest mounds with their pink tips. He felt her jump at the unexpected move. She tried to lower her arms, no doubt wanting to cover herself. Wulf grinned. Her nipples were starting to lift their heads and they seemed to call him to please taste them.

The big soldier raised his knees a little. In doing so he stretched the woman a bit more, forcing her to thrust her breasts out. "Offering me your tits, I really appreciate that." Softly laughing he bent his head and engulfed one of the pink buds in his warm, wet mouth. His action caused the Amazon to gasp. Stimulating him to suck the nipple with strength. Meanwhile his hand never stopped caressing her thigh, drawing patterns from her knee to her loins. Moving upwards along the back of her leg, he kneaded her buttocks. His mouth alternated from nipple to nipple and after a while they were both stiff like little spikes. He moved his hand up again.

"All right. You call the shots. I understand. You can stop now." The Amazon started to sound a little desperate. She still did not look Wulf in the eyes and she moved her head to glance at Dyna. The sight giving her such a surprise that her mouth fell open. "No, I don't believe it." She whispered. "How dare he?" Her face turned a bright red by the vision presented to her by Runar.

Wulf followed her gaze and laughed softly. "Have you never fucked before? You act like a virgin, girl." His hand turned her face back to him, holding her chin so she couldn't escape the sparkling blue eyes. "He's only stroking his cock. Doesn't that make you proud? He's doing it because of you, you know." He watched her frown. All of a sudden he saw the blood rush to her face and she closed her eyes. "Ah, I see, it does affect you." His hand starting toying with her breasts, making the nipples even stiffer. Bending his head he whispered in her ear: "Shall I show him your entire body? Will that make him stroke harder?" Her body jumped on his knees. "Is that turning you on? Seeing him stroking himself? Knowing it's because of you?"

He did not really expect an answer to that, so he tugged the material down her hips and tossed it aside. He let out an audible sigh. "By Thor, you are very, very sexy." His hand left her breasts and glided across her stomach to her belly. Circling her bellybutton and trailing towards the silken brown curls between her legs. She had her thighs clenched tight and he smiled. Raising his head he looked towards his son.

Runar still had one hand on Dyna's bottom. With the other hand he was slowly stroking his cock. He had a look of bliss on his face. When he saw his father looking at him, he grinned. "You're still a mighty mover, old man." He left his proud dick alone for a minute and hauled Dyna on her back. "I'd say it's time you watched the show as well." His stroking of her bottom had turned her nipples stiff and he flicked them with his fingers, causing her to gasp. "Watch the devil and learn." He nodded to Wulf to continue.

Wulf licked his lips. The sight of Dyna getting turned on made him hot. Maybe even more so than the young body in his lap. He felt his cock twitch and raising its head. "Now folks, here comes a neat little trick." He sent a wicked smile to Runar. Then he concentrated on Agila's body. "I could use your help Runar. Will you hold her hands? I need both of mine for this." Runar stepped up and stared full of lust at the female displayed on his father's knees. Holding her hands he gazed at Wulf's actions.

"See how she clenches her legs? She tries to deny me. Now watch." Wulf placed his fingers on both sides of the spot where her clit was hidden. He delicately pulled the satiny folds back a bit and revealed the small moist bead, as if peeking around a corner. He licked his forefinger and started to tickle and tease the pearl. Stroking and rubbing the skin all around and finally sliding down on it. Both men saw the tremors running through those endless legs when his finger lightly touched the little button. Quickly seizing the opportunity Wulf slipped his finger in the crevice, bending it slightly and stroking up and down, stimulating her clit, already slick with her own juices.

Runar groaned. The sight of his father stroking the clit of the sexy Amazon was making him incredibly horny. He just had to touch his cock. Dropping his gaze he looked straight in her eyes, by now blazing with passion. She still tried to keep her legs closed, but he could tell she was about to give in. Her mouth was half open and she licked her lips. That did it. Almost without thinking he placed his dick against her mouth. Delighted that she started to lick him. He turned his eyes back to her cunt.

Wulf was building up a nice rhythm now. His one hand was still keeping the folds taut, the other fingering her with long strokes. Grinning he looked up at his son. "That's the way boy. Let her suck your cock." He bent over and started licking her nipples again. Suddenly Agila threw her legs wide open and lifted her hips in the air. "See that? It always works." With those words he inserted two fingers in the dripping cunt. She was so tight, more was impossible. She had her mouth full with cock by now and was furiously sucking and licking, al the while moaning and bucking her hips.

The smell of all those juices and the wet fingering and stroking made his cock stiff as well. He looked over to see where Dyna was. He would definitely need her nice big cunt. When he spotted her his cock virtually jumped straight up. It seemed the fun had affected her too. She sat with her legs in front of her, slightly apart, showing the world she was wet with both hands fondling her tits.

These sights made him move his fingers even faster, making Agila cum. Her legs stiffened, raising her hips up. He felt her contracting over and over again. In reflex her mouth clamped down on Runar's cock. All she could do was utter mewling sounds.

Runar had closed his eyes and seemed to concentrate on fucking the beautiful mouth enveloping his cock. He grunted and groaned like an old bear when he squirted his load in Agila's unsuspecting face. She tried to swallow but it was too much. His seed dribbled down her chin while she was still moving, her cunt twitching from the orgasm at the hands of his father. He reached out and rubbed the stiff nipples with both hands, sighing in contentment. Looking around he spotted Wulf, on his way to make Dyna a happy woman by the looks of it.

Wulf left the undulating Amazon in the capable hands of his son. He figured it was now time to give his cock some attention. With two steps he stood in front of Dyna. She was still rolling and pinching her nipples. He sank to his knees and grabbed her legs behind the knees. Not too gently he pulled her legs apart, spreading them as wide as possible. With relish he inhaled her smell. "Ahhh woman, I truly salute you." He dragged the glistening folds towards his cock. Letting go of her legs, he took hold of his dick and slid its head a few times through the juices dripping from the entrance to her pussy. Dyna pushed his hands out of the way, grabbed his cock and impaled herself on his massive organ. Folding her legs around him she did her trick again, sucking his cock with her cunt muscles.

Wulf circled one arm behind her back and pushed her upper body gently backwards. That way he created room enough for his hand to stroke her clit. She held onto his arms, riding him like the Amazon she was. It took him no more than five or six powerful thrusts to bring her to the edge. Supporting her with both his arms now, he lowered his head and gently bit her nipples. Savoring the slightly yielding flesh of her ample breasts. "Oh Gaia, Gaia-Gaia-Gaia. Please forgive me. Fuck meeeee!" She screamed her release and her head fell on his shoulder. Her arms around his neck. The spasms in her cunt drove him nearly crazy. He felt the tingling starting in his toes, slowly creeping upwards, gathering in his balls and stretching his cock. The pressure was building till he thought he would burst. He did. His seed surged forward, flooding the hot glove that was still holding him tight. At that moment he felt soft lips kissing his neck. Making him thrust once more, emptying the last drops inside her.

Carefully Wulf rolled to his side and onto his back. Dyna in his arms, his cock slowly losing its stiffness inside her. He grinned and turned his head, searching Runar. "Was that instructive or what?" He felt Dyna move in his arms, but just tightened his hold on her. He laughed softly when he saw what his son was up to.

Runar nodded his head. "Very instructive. So much so, I'd like to practice it right away." He had already been busy working Agila into a new frenzy. His cock was half erect. He picked up the orange cloth Agila had been wearing and wrapped her in it. "The old folks need their rest. I'll retire to my own tent." With an impertinent grin he slung Agila over his shoulder and left.

I want to thank my editor for helping me. If you like our efforts, please vote. Feedback is always welcome.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Things moved at a glacial pace.

Also I could find any of the characters sympathetic.

WillsWillsover 20 years ago
Beautiful story


Good story, nicely told though I feel something is missing, need more background on why M & F live seperately. Is there a third part that reveals the whole?

Considering English is not your first language I thought you handled the narrative excellently, only slight stumbles on 'colloquial' type dialogue.

"Probing a Spy" is a great title!


wishfulthinkingwishfulthinkingover 20 years ago
More please!

Loved it! I find many authors in this category fall into the usual pitfalls when it comes to sci-fi, but yours is excellent. Look forward to more!

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