Protecting Marcus


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Another three hours passed until Pat came out and told me. "She'll pull through. She's still critical, but stable; she'll pull through. Her vitals peaked when I was able to tell her that her son was here."

"What's the damage, and how long is she going to need care?" I asked dreading the answer.

"I had to do an emergency partial hysterectomy, the spleen was okay for once, but the big problem was the ruptured colon. I stitched up her scalp and reset an old, badly set, break in her arm. She'll need drained for at least a week to make sure I got all the infection. She'll need a cast for at least six weeks and rehab for mobility once she heals. I did everything internally from a bikini line incision, so there should be minimal scaring. I'm keeping her sedated until morning. I'll send you the X-rays. She has patterned abuse fractures on the arms, hands and face. She's one tough lady." She rubbed her face, fighting the fatigue. "I need a few hours sleep. They'll wake me if anything changes. I've left my orders with Sally... I wonder if I could get her transferred into my department...." Her eyes lost focus as she pondered the situation.

"Thanks Pat, when do you think she'll be able to take care of herself and her son?" I needed to know what I was going to tell the judge in the morning. No matter what, I had to consider Marcus's best interests.

"A couple of months, at least, if not longer." She sighed and walked off.

I looked at my watch and noticed I'd have to call my parents and tell them I wasn't going to be able to make it to dinner like I'd planned. I had too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Dreading the next step, I went looking for Shelly and Marcus.

I found them in the waiting room with Beth's sister and her husband. Before I could say a word, her brother-in-law approached and asked. "So, what happens now? Can we take Marcus home with us, or what?" Motioning to a chair, I entered the room and closed the door.

"Shelly, can you take Markus..." I started telling her to take the little boy to the play room.

"Let him stay... he might only be five, but he has the right to know what's going on, it is his life." The man said abruptly.

"Sir, I'm not sure that's best... I'm Trish Hafez; I'm the case manager for the hospital... I...."

"Paul, quit being rude..." Anne, Beth's, sister told her husband. "Sorry Mrs. Hafez, we're just worried... We know what has to happen... we've been through this before." She put a restraining hand on her husband's arm.

"Trish; please call me Trish. Shelly can watch Marcus draw in a corner while we talk...." We waited until they moved.

"I have to make an assessment to offer the judge. Usually in the case of an accident victim, the family could take him home with no problems. But in the case of suspected or reported abuse, I'm required by law to report it. I need to know I'm putting Marcus in a safe environment. We don't have to get involved often, but once we are... There are no halfway measures." I told them seriously.

We talked about Beth condition and how she was doing after her surgery for a few minutes, until everyone was in a more even temperament. Anne told me that they had gone through the classes to become foster parents, which made my choice easer.

"Have you had the home inspections yet?" I asked Paul, keeping eye contact. If I didn't miss my guess he was ex-military. He had that no nonsense bearing about him that I've learned to recognize.

"No, when Beth got the court to cancel Emil's visitation and moved, we thought it was going to be okay."Anne told me honestly. "Marcus gets a ride to and from school every day. They have a copy of the restraining order and he comes to my house after, until Beth can pick him up."

"Yeah, the son of a bitch is scared shitless of me. He knows I'll break him like a twig if I ever see him again. That's why he pulled his bullshit while I was at work." Paul said furiously.

"Well, Beth said there was a threat to his life, when she told us where he was. That's how I got the order to have him picked up. I'll have to answer for that... I can't let Marcus go back into your house tonight. It's too much of a risk. The judge might say differently tomorrow, but unless you can take him somewhere safer, I'll have to put him into emergency foster care. My options are limited right now. It's going to be months before Beth will be able to care for herself or Marcus again."

Anne put a hand on Paul's arm, stopping the tirade she knew was coming. "We can get a hotel close by, or if you have a place for Marcus to sleep here tonight. He wants to see his mommy. The nice doctor told him that she was sleeping and wouldn't wake up until morning."

"Are you willing to sign a summons, saying you will have Marcus either here, under the care of our social welfare office, or at court when they want him?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, if that's what it takes... I can go home real quick and get some stuff while Anne and Marcus wait here. He'd not dare show his face around me..." Paul instantly replied. "Like we said, we've been through this before. I'd hoped things would've gotten better for Beth." He was grinding his hands together.

"Bring enough for a couple of days. I can have hospital security with you while Marcus is on campus. You'll only have to worry about transit and at the hotel. The police said the father was going to be held tonight, but he will most likely get out tomorrow. I'll talk to the judge before then, and have some kind of temporary plan in place. I'll have someone bring Shelly the paperwork for you to sign... I have to get things typed up for court tomorrow." I handed them both one of my cards. "Call me if anything happens." I told them, as I got up to leave.

They nodded as I went to say goodbye to Marcus. "What time in the morning?" Paul asked. "I'll have to let my boss know if I'm going to be late to work."

"You can visit no earlier than nine. Have reception call me when you get here and I'll have someone waiting. Most likely it will be Shelly. Call nursing and let them know how to get a hold of you in case...." I told them. "Marcus, I'll see you tomorrow. We'll see your mommy then. I want you to get a good night sleep for me... okay?" I smiled down at the innocent face that held to many worries for someone his age.

"Kay... bye." He said and went back to his drawing.

I went up to my office, saw David's note and took it with my laptop and headed home. As soon as I got out of the hospital, I turned on my cell. I didn't even have a chance to put it down before it was ringing.

"Hello..." I said into my Bluetooth.

"Patricia, where are you? You're late...!" My mom's irate voice echoed in my ears. Yep, I forgot to call them.

"I'm on my way now...." I sighed, knowing there was no way to beg off now.


I pounded the alarm quiet when it jolted me out of a deep sleep at six thirty. Throwing the comforter off me, I climbed out of bed knowing I didn't get enough sleep. I had everything prepared and in my laptop case, to have legal signoff on it, before I went to court.

After an invigorating shower, I looked at my wardrobe to see how I want to dress for the day. I picked a pale ivory silk shirt with a crushed grey silk skirt and matching blazer. I put on a matching lace bra and panty set and covered it with a satin chemise that went down over the tops of my garter stockings. I sprayed a puff of my favorite perfume into the air and walked through it before putting on the skirt and blazer. I went for a brighter eye liner to mask the tired eyes that looked back at me in the mirror.

This was my morning routine. It took me all of forty five minutes from start to finish. I wanted to get everything ready so I could have time to do my intake interview with Beth Williams. I had a noon appointment at the court to answer for the emergency orders I called for the day before.

My mind wandered over the conversation, slash fight, I had with my parents the night before. I knew my father always thought my sexual orientation was some sort of phase I was going through, and one day I'd snap out of it. He kept bugging me about finding a good man and adding to the family. I hated to burst his bubble, but the thought of a man touching me that way, makes me cringe.

Before I knew it, I was at work. I stopped in my office, left instructions for David on his desk, picked up my pager and headed to the surgery wing. I waved and wished people good morning as I walked the halls. I checked in at the nurses' station and got Beth's room number. I had my notebook and was ready.

What I wasn't ready for, was the physical reaction I had when our eyes met. I walked in, and she was laying there watching the door. Her eyes were pure green and her hair was flame red. I noticed that much before our eyes locked together and I stopped and stared.

It felt like someone squeezed all the air out of my lungs and my heart was going to bust out of my chest. What really shocked me, my pussy went instantly wet. I've never had this kind of response to anyone before. Especially someone who was bandaged from head to toe... what wasn't bandaged was battered and bruised.

I instantly knew once the bruises and swelling healed, she would be a very beautiful woman. I had to take a deep breath before I could clear my throat. "Um, I'm Trish Hafez... we met yesterday in the ER.... I don't know if you remember me?"

Her soft voice throbbed as she answered. "Yes, you got all the men out... I'm sorry I acted that way. I can usually control it better than that."

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked, trying to calm my body down and take notes.

"I was run off the road and hit a tree or something.... Then, I was here, and men were grabbing at me. You came in with that other woman. After that, it gets a bit fuzzy. I remember waking up last night as a nurse was giving me some medication in my IV." She said as she tried to move her arm.

"Don't try and move yet... your doctor will be in later and give you a list of what you can and can't do. Why did you think your son, Marcus's, life was in danger last night?"I asked getting to the point of my interview

"Is he okay? Did Emil get him?" She sat up panicked.

"He's fine... we got him... He's with your sister and her husband. They will be in later to see you." I reassured the frightened woman. I got up and softly stroked her good arm, not being able to stop myself from touching her.

"Thank you...!" She sobbed "I was so afraid... he's all I got anymore. I'd do anything for him...." She cried as I held her hand.

"It's okay sweetie... I'm going to call in one of the nurses. I have to ask you some hard questions and I don't want to put your health at any more risk, but I have to see a judge this afternoon." I told her as I pushed the call button.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as we waited. I saw the scars and the beauty. I saw the pain and the fear. I also saw the strength. When a nurse came in I had to finally ask her. "Do you mind if I record this interview?"

"No, I was wondering when someone would come...."

"Okay just relax... Nurse, I'll need your information once I get the session started." After everyone stated their name into the recorder, I had to ask.

"Why do you feel you and your son's lives are in danger?"

We listened as she told us of her marriage, her son's birth and when the abuse started. She gave us the case numbers and details of when she divorced. She told us there was a copy of the restraining order and orders not allowing her ex-husband to see their son in her purse. Then she told us about the day before.

"I was at work when he called. How he found me again, I don't know .... He said he was going to kill me and take Marcus where I could never find or get to him. He laughed when I told him he couldn't come anywhere near us. All he said was, 'You can watch me from your grave.' I bolted and was heading to get Marcus when all of a sudden a big truck pushed me off the road. I had nowhere else to go. I remember the sound of metal ripping... I knew if he found me, he'd know where to find Marcus." She finished.

"Do you have the name of your protective services coordinator?"

"It changes every time I talk to them. I have their card somewhere... When can I see my son?"

"As soon as we're done... we'll have security and an advocate with you and Marcus at all times." I made a snap decision. "Mrs. Shelly Wright will be your case manager for the hospital after today. I'll let you know what the judge says. He might assign someone else from the county, but I doubt it. We have a good working arrangement with them. Anne and Paul will most likely get temporary custody of Marcus until you are on your feet again." I knew I had to get some professional distance. I didn't want my attraction to this hurt woman to interfere with what needed to be done for her innocent child. I also knew I was going to do whatever I could to help.

"Thank you... has anyone ever told you that you have nice eyes?" Beth said as her head slumped nodding off.

I turned off the recorder and had the nurse sign the correct paperwork before heading up to my office. I spent the next three hours on the phone with the head of the hospital, the courts and child protective services.

"David, I'll be gone for a bit." I called out to my assistant. "Field all my calls and page me if anything important happens. Keep me posted on Mrs. Williams. If she calls, tell her I'll be back as soon as I can." I fired off to him as I left my office. As I drove to the courts, I pondered my reactions from that morning.

On the way back, I realized why I decided to become an administrator, rather than a full time social worker. If I had to listen to; Reunification is always the goal. One more time, I'd scream. How much evidence did they need? Anyway, Shelly was ordered to be case manager and needed to report to the proper people in the next couple of days with a full evaluation. I could get back to my job and was now professionally free, to see why my body reacted to Beth the way it did.



I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't rest and I tried to fill in what had happened to me. I must have lain there awake for hours in that sterile hospital room. My mind floated and I started hearing words in my head. 'Why am I still alive? What happens next?' My thoughts were a confused jumble.

Fortunately the medicine kept the pain away so I was blissfully numb. I tried to figure just where it all went so wrong. I felt a shiver of fear every time Marcus crossed my mind, but then remembered a nice voice telling her that he was safe. Trying to clear my mind I let the memories take over. I thought back to the exchange student seminar. I remembered the tall good looking man who just stared at me throughout the lecture.

He reminded me of a young Antonio Banderas. When he approached, his voice captivated me. He said all the right things, made all the right moves until I was lost. He spun a sensual image of us against the world. We would have each other for the rest of our lives. He completely enchanted my family. The only one who never trusted him was my brother-in-law, Paul.

To dizzy in love to understand the warnings signs, I fell. I can still feel the zap of our first lovemaking. It was so intense. I never felt anything like it before. He consumed me with his passion and I fell farther. I was so in love with him, I didn't even think about using protection. He said we'd be together forever. Little did I know, to him, forever meant until he got tired of me.

His face looked like a thunder cloud when I told him I was pregnant with our child. He might have killed me then, if we weren't at my sister's house. It again was Paul that asked if he was going to make me an honest woman or if he was going to run like a coward. I was deaf to the warnings again. I thought our love could see us through anything.

The first time he was verbally abusive was after I started showing. He would tell me how ugly I'd made myself. How ugly and fat I'd become. The first time he slapped me, I'd just refused to stop working because he was embarrassed to have me seen in public. The first kick came after Marcus was born had I refused to have sex with him while Marcus was fussing. The first trip to the hospital was after I learned he was cheating on me and complained.

All this time, he had systematically isolated me from my family and friends. The next beating came when I asked why he just didn't divorce me if he hated me that much. While he beat me, he told me that we'd never get a divorce. He'd kill me first. By then, the mask was off and I saw the monster I married.

I tried to make the best of it. What's really funny, I actually started liking when he'd go out and cheat on me. Then I didn't have to worry about him beating me. Then I learned that if he failed, he blamed me. One time I actually laughed while he was blaming me for not getting laid. He broke my arm and refused to let me go see a doctor to have it set. He would use that as a constant reminder of just how worthless I was.

After awhile, I started to believe him. Then he went after Marcus for the first time. I got in the way. A two year old child didn't know better than not to make a mess. I can't tell you the times I took the beating so he'd leave Marcus alone. It wasn't until his preschool teacher asked about the bruises, that I realized he was beating Marcus behind my back.

When the teacher threatened to report it, something inside of me snapped. I told her to go ahead and report it. We could wait for the police together. I thought he could beat me as much as he liked, but he wouldn't touch my son again. I knew I was signing my death warrant, but I had to protect my son.

The police had both of us admitted into the hospital. During those three days, I was assigned a Middle Eastern doctor. He told me in his country, I just got what I deserved, as he roughly examined me. That's when I had my first panic attack. I broke his nose with my heel. I refused to let another male doctor touch me. That's when I finally had to call Anne for help.

The monster played his part well in court. He said all the right things had a really expensive lawyer that he paid for out of my savings, leaving me with nothing. I thank god for the medical reports. That was the only way I could demand supervised visitation. I knew it was only going to be so long before he lost his temper again. He didn't love his son. He just wanted to use Marcus to get back at, and hurt me.

The first time, he came over to my sister's house and caused a scene, we had to pull Paul off him before he killed the monster. Lucky for us, one of the cops knew Paul and the fact that the monster was trying to break into their house stopped Paul from going to jail, but not him from being humiliated.

Then the death threats started coming every day. He finally went too far when he slapped the visitation supervisor because she refused to let him spank Marcus, for some imagined slight. He spent a night in jail. I finally got a judge to stop his visitations.

I begged, borrowed and pleaded to get enough money to move to where he didn't know where we were. I had to change my job, Marcus's school. I even went to using my mother's maiden name. Anything and everything I could to keep us safe. But, he still found us time after time.

I know I might never be able to prove it, but he was behind my accident. How he knew my routes, I'll never know. I tried to change them like they taught me at the center. The timing... His call and then the wreck, it wasn't an accident. He planned it. He wanted to let me know he's still in control. I know I would've died if Marcus disappeared.

My son, my anchor... I'd given up long ago if he wasn't there. I about did, when I woke up and those men were touching me. I didn't care if it killed me, but they wouldn't touch me. Then she appeared.