Quads Ch. 01

Story Info
18 year old quadruplets grow closer.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/18/2003
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This story is pure fiction. I will appreciate the e-mail and feedback that I receive. Enjoy.


We got stares everywhere that we went. At first, when we were younger, it bothered us greatly. But, as we got older we didn’t care. Let me explain by starting at the beginning.

Our father met our mother while in college getting his engineering degree. He was tall at 6’4”, with brown hair, brown eyes, and he wasn’t involved in any sports because he really didn’t like them too much. What he did when he wasn’t studying was lift weights. He wasn’t big and bulky like most weight lifters, but he was still big enough to cause people to look. Our mother was almost a foot shorter than my father at 5’6”, with the same brown hair and eyes. She wasn’t the best-looking female at the school, so many of the students wondered why my father would date someone like her. My mother was on the school swim team, so she kept herself in shape by doing aerobics and light weight lifting. Of course, they meet in the gym. When my mother needed someone to spot for her one time, the first person she saw and asked was my father, and they were rarely apart after that.

When they both graduated from college they got married. At first they didn’t want any kids because they were engrossed in their careers. Five years later we were conceived.

They don’t know how it happened, because on both sides of the family there was not one multiple birth, ever. You see I am one from a set of quadruplet’s, two boys, and two girls. Shawn, Shane, Stephanie and Stacy. I am Shawn. My mother never took any kind of fertility pills to get pregnant, and my father did not believe in drugs. Every one was scratching their heads. My parents, grandparents, doctors, everyone. But we are living proof that it happened. Another thing that had them puzzled is that besides the typical sex difference, we were identical to each other. When we started talking both Shane and I sounded identical and both Stephanie and Stacy sounded identical. We would drive our parents crazy because they couldn’t tell us apart. After we were born, my mother had her tubes tied because she thought that four kids were enough.

All four of us had the same brown hair and eyes like our parents. My mother always dressed us differently so that she could tell us apart, but we talked her into letting us have our hair the same. If the girls grew their hair long, we grew ours long. We also thought alike. Often we wouldn’t have to say anything to each other, and we knew what each one of us would be thinking or want. That was scary.

One thing that my parents did before we were born was to put in an in ground pool in the back yard for my mother, and build a home gym for my father. When we were young my mother taught all of us to swim, and when they were lifting weights we would bring them the light ones. Of course when we got older, my sisters took more to the swimming and my bother and I took to lifting weights.

The whole time that we were growing up, we spent with each other. When we started going to school, we never made any friends with any of the other kids. We just stayed close and took care of each other. .

In our hometown, our junior high school was in the same complex of buildings as our senior high. Both Stephanie and Stacey were swimming so well by that time that the school wanted to jump them up to the next level. My parents told them no. The girls started getting teased by a lot of the others because they knew that my sisters were better than they were and didn’t like it. It never got out of hand because of my brother and me. Both Shane and I were almost as big as some of the kids at school. At 13 we were both standing at 5’5” and didn’t have one ounce of fat on us. Just pure muscle from working out with our father. When we saw the other kids gang up on Stephanie and Stacey, we would walk up behind the girls and everyone would get quiet and leave. They knew that we were close, and Shane and I would fight when pushed. My parents didn’t like us to fight, but they also taught us to never back down from anything. Like I said, we were real close with each other. In high school we got even closer.

When we were seniors and the school started talking about the senior dance, we talked amongst ourselves and decided that we didn’t want to go. We didn’t have dates, and the friends that we did have already had their dates set. Just about the whole student body considered us out casts, so we said the hell with it. The dance also happened to coincide with our eighteenth birthday. When mom and dad asked us if we were going to go, we told them no and the reason why. Then my mother made a suggestion that we didn’t think of before.

“Why don’t you take each other? This is going to be the only time in your life when you will be able to do something like this and I don‘t want any of you looking back and wishing that you could have gone.”

“We never thought of that mom.” I replied.

Later on that evening we got together in Shane’s room and mine and talked about it.

“You know mom is right. We can go to the prom as each other’s date.” I started the discussion.

“Yes, but what would everyone think when they say us there?” Stephanie asked.

“I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks.” Shane threw in. “There is only a handful of people at the school who I get along with, and if the others don’t like it, they can kiss my ass. And I hope that someone wants to start something because I will knock their damn teeth in.” Shane was the one who had a temper, while the girls and I could hold it in a little better.

“We are going to go there, enjoy it, and not cause any problems.” I told him.

“I think it would be a good idea for us to go there together,” Stephanie said.

“Okay, it’s a deal then. I have been thinking on it since dinner and if you three agree with me, then Stephanie you and I will go as a couple and Shane, you and Stacy will go as a couple.” The three of them nodded their heads and agreed on it.

“Ok. I have also come up with an idea on how to get back at the jerks at school and here it is.” I explained to them the idea I had, and the more I told them the more they agreed and the harder they laughed.

We were going to pool our money together and get two separate limousines. But they weren’t going to be any ordinary limos. I had heard about a local man who had started a limo business with what I had in mind. They were two 30-foot long stretch Hummer’s. One pearl white, the other jet-black. Easily the longest and biggest one’s within a 200-mile radius of us.

We were also going to be dressed to the limit also. From years of swimming both Stephanie and Stacy had nice long, toned and sculptured legs. Their breasts weren’t very big; maybe a C cup, but they were noticeable. They both stood at 5’6” and were very shapely. Like my mom, they weren’t the best-looking girls, but they would be turning heads at the prom. They were going to be wearing strapless, body fitting, mini-dresses. One white, the other black, and the dresses would stop right below their groin. When I told them this, both of them turned crimson red from blushing, but they had a smile on their face that went from ear to ear.

Shane and I would be wearing tuxedo’s, but with a slight alteration to them. Both of us stood 6’3” and tipped the scales at an easy 240 pounds. My mom often had to alter our clothes so we could fit into them from years of lifting weights. Instead of a suit jacket with a shirt and bow tie, we would have a tight, sleeveless button down shirt with a bow tie. One white and the other black This way everyone would see our arms and chest. We weren’t big and bulky like our father, but we were still big and solid. Both Shane and I were perhaps the biggest and strongest ones on our weight lifting team.

When everyone agreed on it, we got the ball rolling. The first thing we did was call for the limos. They were still available and we got them for the date of the dance. Stephanie and Stacey next went and got their dresses. When I asked if I could see them, they had a mischievous grin and said that I could see them at the dance. When the few friends we had at school asked us if we were going to the dance we told them yes. When they asked whom we were taking, we just laughed and told them they would find out when everyone else did. We also had a good laugh when word got out that a few of the kids wanted to try and get the stretch Hummer’s that we had. But they got upset when they found out that someone had already nabbed them. They kept asking around to see who had them, but everyone said that they didn’t know.

The week of the dance, the school was buzzing with activity and people talking. A few days before the date, both Stephanie and Stacey decided to go and get their hair done. Both the girls had theirs cut and trimmed, while Shane and I had ours trimmed down a little. All of us still kept our hair looking almost the same, which now has a little bit past our shoulders. The day of the dance, the whole school was like a 3-ring circus. It was being held on a Friday night, so everyone had plans set up for afterwards. We just wanted to show our faces at the dance and then come back home.

We had an early dinner and then decided to get ready. Shane and I took turns taking a shower and then got dressed. It didn’t take us long because we really didn’t have to do much to get ready. It took Stephanie and Stacy almost an hour. Shane and I were starting to wonder how much longer they would be when mom came into the living room and told us that they were ready. We saw that my mom had a big smile on her face and looked at us, but we didn’t say anything. When we heard the girls get to the bottom of the stairs we both turned around and our jaws hit the floor. They didn’t have the dresses that we agreed on, but ones that were even better.

Instead of being strapless mini-dresses, they were full length ones. What had us tongue-tied was that the front was tied behind the neck and had a slit in the middle that went down to their belly buttons. When they turned the backs were completely opened and went down till you could start to see the downward curve of their ass. The dress brought out all their highlights and left little to the imagination.

“Okay you two, close your mouths before a fly flies in and chokes you.” Stephanie said while blushing. “Do you like?”

“Damn girl, you look great. We will have to fight off all the wolfs there tonight.” I told her.

“Well, as good as you two look, I think you two handsome men will have no problem protecting us.”

My mother wanted to get pictures of us so we put up with that for a few minutes. When the limos got there my father pulled Shane and I to the side real quick.

“Ok. I don’t need to remind you two to watch out for your sisters tonight. Remember that your mother and I will be out the whole weekend and I want the four of you to take care of the house. We will be gone when you get back.”

“Yes sir,” both Shane and I replied together.

Since both Stephanie and I were wearing white we got into the black Hummer, and Shane and Stacy got the white one. When we got on the road I put my arm around Stephanie and pulled her to me.

“Damn munchkin, you look beautiful tonight.” I told her using my nickname for her.

“You look good also stud.”

“How are the two of you keeping those dresses up and everything covered?”

“Female secret hun, and a little help from mom.”

“I would like to know something else, but I will just leave that to my imagination.”

Stephanie got real close to me and laughed. “Maybe you will find out later tonight.”

We talked a little more till we got to the school.

When we pulled into the drive I could tell that a lot of the students and their dates were mingling outside talking with each other. When the limo’s pulled in they turned to see whom it was. Word spread fast and when we got closer the crowd grew. I am sure that they were curious on who had rented these monsters. Everyone had to move and back up when we finally stopped because the hummer’s easily dwarfed everything around. Both Stephanie and I had to laugh at the facial expressions on everyone while we waited for the driver.

When the door was open I was the first one to step out. As I got out, I saw the expression on some of the faces change from curiosity to one of hatred and envy. All I did was smile as the driver put a set of steps in front of the door and I held out my hand for Stephanie. When Stephanie stepped out, the crowd gasped as one and the whispering started. I put my arm around her, held her close and waited for Shane and Stacy.

To me Stephanie and Stacey were the most beautiful girls there and could tell that by the looks on some of the other girls’ faces. Some of the guys were also ogling at them, which made my blood boil a little. When Shane and Stacy joined us, all of us started to walk inside together.

It seemed that the people outside followed us in, and when the few who were inside saw us, they had the same facial expressions. None of us cared, we were here to enjoy ourselves. We quickly found us a table and made ourselves comfortable.

We spent the majority of the evening dancing with each other, sometimes switching partners, drinking the punch, eating what small stuff they had, and talking about some of the others we saw there. Out of some of the whispered conversation of others I knew that the big talk was about the four of us. We didn’t care and got a big laugh out of it. When it was time for the pictures, we had them taken as a couple and then decided to get one taken with the four of us. The girls were standing sideways facing each other, and Shane and I were standing behind them with our arms wrapped around them in a hug. Stephanie and Stacy put their hands on top of ours and we had the picture taken like that. When the photographer wanted to take one more, Stephanie pushed herself against me and I knew that she could feel my raging hard on. She didn’t say anything but pushed back even harder and grind herself into me. I was kind of embarrassed a little, but didn’t say anything.

When we walked back to the table I had to walk behind Stephanie because if I didn’t everyone would see the hard on that I had.

“What are you doing walking behind me like that?” Stephanie asked me.

“Ummmm, it’s nothing,” I managed to choke out.

Stephanie smiled at me and I noticed a twinkle in her eyes that I hadn’t noticed before.

We stayed a little longer and then decided to call it a night. We said our good nights to the friends that we had and then walked out to the limos.

“Do we have to go home right away?” Stephanie asked.

“No we don’t munchkin. We have the limos for as long as we need them.”

“Good. Stacy and I would like to thank both you and Shane for tonight.”

“What do you have planned?”

“Oh, you’ll see.”

After telling the driver where she wanted to go, Stephanie got in the back of the Hummer and got close to me.

“Ok, you want to tell me where we are going now?”


I playfully poked her in her side and she started laughing. “When Stacy and I went to the bathroom we talked about it and wanted to thank both of you. So we came up with this idea.”

“Well, what is it?”

“I told you I am not telling.”

“Women, you can’t live with them and you can’t live with out them.”

Stephanie laughed at that and poked me in my side.

We rode for a while and I noticed that we were heading away from the city and into the country. We traveled for about another thirty minutes before the limo’s slowed to a stop. I looked out and noticed that we were at a nearby lake and we were parked at a spot were the high school kids jokingly called Kissing Point. I looked at Stephanie and all she said was, “Come on.”

We got out and walked a little way to where we could look across the lake and enjoy the view. I turned around to see where Shane and Stacy was, and noticed that there had stopped a little back from us. But looked out at the lake also.

Stephanie grabbed my hand. “We planned it this way and wanted to spend sometime alone and came up with this. We left a little early because we wanted to beat everyone here.”

“I really appreciate it hun. But you know the both of you didn’t have to do this.”

“I know, but we wanted to say thank you and this is what we came up with, and here is something else I wanted to do.”

Before I could say anything, Stephanie took my hands, placed them behind her on her ass and then threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.

It was not like any other kiss that she gave me while we were growing up. This was a deep passionate kiss and her tongue started to explore my mouth. At first I didn’t know what to do, but then let it happen. While we kissed my hands started to roam up and down her back and then I got a little daring. I managed to squeeze my hands down the back of her dressed and grabbed her naked ass. Stephanie moaned in my mouth and then broke our kiss.

“Does that answer your question from earlier?”

“Damn girl yes it does. If you knew what is going through my mind and what you are doing to me.”

“Let’s go back home and maybe you can show me,” Stephanie said with a big smile.

She kissed me again and then took my hand and led me back to the Hummer.

On the way back home we kissed some more, and when I tried to grab hold of her tit’s one time, she slapped them away and told me that would have to wait. I smiled and started kissing her again.

When we got back to the house, I paid the driver, gave him a good size bonus and told him that I hope we could use them again.

We walked inside and I saw that Shane had his arms around the waist of Stacy. Stacy kissed me, told me that she had a really nice night and then took Shane’s hand and went upstairs.

I took Stephanie into my arms, kissed her and asked her if she had a nice night also.

“Yes I did, but the night isn’t over yet.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Stephanie kissed me and then took me by the hand. “Come on upstairs with me.”

When we got to the door of the girls’ bedroom she opened it and started to lead me inside. I pulled back from her and stayed in the hallway.

“What are you doing? Stacy called it the night and is in bed.”

“No she’s not. Look.”

I looked in the bedroom and noticed indeed that the room was empty. I looked at her with a question to ask, but she pulled me into the room and closed the door. Once in, she sat me on the bed, straddled on my lap and started to kiss me again. The magnitude of this kiss was probable the best that she had given me all night. Suddenly she stopped and stood up with her back to me. Stephanie looked back at me, untied the dress from the back of her neck and then it fell to the floor. Slowly she turned to me, and she stood there with nothing on but her shoes. My eyes were as big as saucers and I took all of her in. From her beautiful face, to her wonderful tits with the nipples sticking straight out at me, and then down to her shaven mound except for a little bit of hair at the top. I was speechless. She took my hands and stood me up. Then she slowly started to undress me. I started to help, but she slapped my hands away.

“This is my treat for you. Let me do it.”

I didn’t argue with her. I kicked off my shoes and let her take my pants off. When she pulled my boxers off she was on her knees and my hard dick smacked her in the face. I heard her gasp at the size of it and then grabbed hold of it. When we were both fully undressed she pushed me down on the bed and crawled her way up to face me.

“Stacey and I got together after we decided to go to the prom and decided to do this. You and Shane have always been there for us and we wanted to say thank you and that we love you.”

“Hun, we love you too, but you don’t have to do this.”