Reading My Fate


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"Yes of course Cat," she whispered moving even closer so that I could smell her light perfume and see the flakes of eye liner round her attractive eyes. "We will know and we will know what we have done and enjoyed won't we?" As she said that so she slid her other arm, her left one round my waist. She now had her right hand stroking my neck and shoulder with the other resting on my left hip as her left leg pressed firmly against mine from our hips to our ankles.

I was now so torn. I had no clear idea of what was coming over me, but I was becoming aroused. My breasts felt so full and a tingling warmth was spreading from the pit of my stomach throughout my body as my nipples seemed to be hotwired to my clit. My body was starting to tell me something that my mind did not want to hear. My faithful, mumsy, wifey side was fighting against the free-thinking woman in me. A part of me was saying reject this young woman and stop this nonsense now, whilst another part was saying what's the harm, you love to experiment and admit you are curious about it?

I tried again to stop her.

"Jodi this is outrageous, you are like a daughter to me."

"Mmmmm I know that Cat," she said her face moving even closer as, smiling she said in a near whisper. "And that makes it all the more interesting doesn't it?"

"Stop that immediately, that really is a taboo topic."

"So this isn't then," she whispered slowly running her hand along my shoulder and down my arm.

'God,' I thought as I felt a slight shudder go through me both at what she said and the feeling of her hand on my arm outside the open track top. She put her hand on mine, which was resting on the cushion of the sofa. It felt so good.

"Not in the same way no Jodi it isn't."

"Actually Cat it's not taboo in any way as I am sure you will soon learn."

Her right hand was now reaching right across my body and her left hand had slipped down a little and was gripping lightly the slight excess of flesh I have around my hips. She was, in effect, embracing me. Her breasts inside the cashmere and tee shirt were sticking out and nearly touching mine as was her right arm that was stretched across me. I was frozen in my position. I did not dare move and I was frightened that she would, for nearly any movement of either of our bodies could easily result in our breasts touching. Deep down part of me wanted that, but nearer the surface the larger part was scared of it. I could not stop imagining her arms going round me and pulling my breasts against hers and our mouths merging. Yet at the same I dreaded her doing that. I wanted it, but did not want it. What a fucking mess I was thinking as, with her face just inches from mine she whispered her earlier question but put it differently.

"So you have never kissed another woman have you Cat?"

I shook my head and mumbled a quiet. "No."

Her right hand came up from where it was pressing on the back of my left one and she gripped my chin as she added even more quietly.

"Yet?" As her lips grazed across my cheek and slid down towards my mouth

"Oh Jodi," I groaned knowing full well that now I would kiss another woman, that I would embark on a bisexual act and that yes I would kiss my daughter's best friend.

She was so patient and gentle, caring and affectionate. She must have known that my resistance was draining rapidly out of me, well at least waned considerably, but unlike a man she did not rush into kissing me or ravaging my mouth. No, with a maturity that I would have thought was beyond her age and a soft, smoothness that is unlike any man her lovely, full, red lips slid across mine. She didn't clamp them to mine or squirm against them, but instead used them to caress my mouth. As she slowly turned her lip caress into a kiss so I felt a combination of guilt and excitement. I acknowledged now that I wanted to satisfy the curiosity I had not known I had until today about Sapphic love and sex. Yes, I was thinking as her hand ran up my arm and rested on my shoulder while her lips travelled around my mouth, chin and cheeks maybe I do want to experiment, try it out and find a new buzz. As her lips became slightly more insistent and enquiring on mine clearly looking for a response to the invitation they were offering, so I became even more torn and even more in conflict between my mind and body.

It was inevitable that if I let this go on the end would not be Jodi saying. 'Well now you have kissed a woman.' She would want more, she would want to go further yes, of course she would want us to have sex. Kissing and being caressed by her, I could just about imagine and accept, but being undressed by her seemed such a huge hurdle. And of even greater impact was the thought of the pair of us being naked and her hands and mouth on my breasts and nipples or between my legs. Although I felt shudders of excitement as she kissed me and as my mind played with these luridly sexual thoughts, deep down I doubted whether I would be able to let her take me that far. Nevertheless though, I was letting her kiss me, I was letting her stroke my arm and back and I was doing nothing to deter her as I knew I should.

I seemed to go into a daze, it was as if I was under a spell, perhaps hypnotised might be a better description. I could feel myself giving in, coming under her control and, I hated to realise, becoming putty in her hands as her lips moulded themselves round mine and she kissed me properly and fully, lips on lips. At the same time she placed her hand in my hair on the back of my neck and gently applied some pressure.

At first I did nothing. I did not respond and certainly I did not kiss her back. I suppose I was just taking in what was happening, getting used to it and working out just what my reaction should be. That sounds rather cold and calculating and I was far from that, but in reality it was what I was doing. I was, I suppose working out what would happen? Was it possible to savour a kiss as an example of dipping a toe in the bisexual water I wondered? Could I just have a taste of it without taking a mouthful? Could I be a marihuana smoker that did not move on to coke or other stuff? I did not know, but as Jodi's lips became more enquiring and persistent on mine and as her right hand slid down a little way from my shoulder and rested enticingly just a little way from where my breast flared out from my chest, I began to have my doubts and my turmoil increased as I felt my resistance fading.

At the same time, I felt the pressure on the back of my neck increasing and her lips pressing slightly more persistently against mine. The pressure moved my body forward a little at the same time as which she leaned more towards me. The effect on my mind and body as our breasts grazed together was instant and intense. A flood of sensations roared through me and they opened up my mind to a more acceptable, amenable and if I was honest more desirable manner. My body and mind were now becoming more, but not completely, as one, as I found myself kissing her back.

Looking back, I think the most memorable aspect of Jodi's seduction of me was her patience and consideration. Not once did she rush me, not once did she move on until she was assured that I was comfortable, not once did she seek her pleasure before ensuring that I had gained mine and not once did she rush me or be overly assumptive.

Once she realised that, maybe slightly reluctantly, but nevertheless with increasing enthusiasm, that I was comfortable, well more or less, with us kissing she spent an age reassuring me. This was both physically, with increasingly overt kisses that gradually moved from our lips brushing together to her kissing me full on my lips with both of our mouths open and emotionally as she talked to me. Between our mouthfuls of each other she whispered how she had wanted to do this with me for such a long time, how beautiful she thought I was, how wonderful it was holding and kissing me. And boy was she a great kisser. She licked each of my lips individually then together. She gently bit them, then sucked them one by one into her mouth and used her tongue so suggestively sliding it in and out of my mouth, incongruously I thought, like a cock going in and out a pussy!

"We will be wonderful together Cat," she whispered slipping her hand inside my track top and stroking the bare skin of my shoulder.

I still could not accept that I was taking part in a lesbian seduction with my daughter's best friend, but the sensation of her hand on my shoulder started to confirm that I was. Slowly, so very slowly and patiently as we kissed so she moved her hand out from my neck, round my shoulder and a slight way down my arm to nearly my elbow. Again, the sensation of her soft hand and fingers on my bare flesh was intense and extreme. They were both intensified when I realised that as her hand had slid down my arm it had taken the track top with it and that the sleeve was now down beneath my elbow the collar off my shoulder. That for some reason seemed particularly erotic, almost wanton. I guess it was a sign of what was to come, a signal of her intent and a prelude to her undressing me. As I thought that and as we kissed a shudder went through me as the concept of being sexually undressed by another woman hit me.

She left the top dangling half on and half off me for some time with just my left arm bare. That also felt so arousing and sort of special.

"Are you ok Cat?" she whispered into my ear. "Just relax."

"Yes Jodi I am," I managed to stammer back feeling anything but either relaxed or ok.

Jodi always has a soft tone to her voice and generally speaks quietly, but now it was even softer and quieter. If it's not a stupid analogy her voice was as smooth as silk as she said as she gripped the collar of the top with both hands what were some of the most erotic words that have ever been spoken to me.

"Let's take this off shall we?"

She meant just the top, of course, but the significance, implication and the intent beyond that was so enormous that my heart pounded even harder and, if possible my pulses raced faster. I felt helpless, I had no resistance, I could not speak and I seemed to go into a trance as, leaning so close to me that her breasts brushed against mine, she peeled the track top off me. Momentarily it got caught up and I sat there with my arms behind me, the material of the top wrapped wound my wrists, Jodi's breasts touching mine and our faces very close. She kissed me again. It was a soft, gentle, licking kiss the sexual power of which was magnified by my situation. 'I am being kissed when I feel as if I am tied up,' I thought to myself thinking of the mild bondage that Richard and I had started to indulge in recently. I felt her press her small boobs more firmly against mine and that gave me another jolt of arousal that I realised was also want and desire. I was beginning to want her to go further so when she whispered.

"Is this ok Cat?" As she slowly squirmed her chest against mine, I nodded and muttered. "Yes."

She let go of the track top and her arms that were already round me came upwards and held me. I did not move and she pulled me closer to her with my breasts engulfing hers.

"You have wonderful breasts Cat," she whispered as her hands ran up and down my back.

She was obviously now turning up the temperature, turning the screw and going for broke. She must have worked out that my resistance was waning rapidly and that I was becoming putty in her hands. She had been priming me all afternoon and now she wanted her reward, I deduced. And I knew that I was her reward.

"Thank you Jodi, you have a lovely figure," I rather inanely replied.

"Have I Cat, do you really think so?"

"Yes, yes I do," I replied.

"Thank you Cat, thank you so much," she gushed as she cuddled me and then kissed me again.

This time the kiss was not slow, gentle and enquiring. No this time it was urgent, open mouthed and tongue wieldingly urgent. And I responded. As much as Jodi's lips ground against mine, so mine responded on hers and as much as her tongue plunged into and round my mouth so I found mine reacting similarly.

There was one other great big difference with this kiss, though, and that was as we kissed so Jodi's hand came upwards and brushed against the side of my breast. It was there only briefly before moving away, but it came back and this time it stayed there pressing gently on the side of my left breast. I wanted to move, push it away or ask her to stop, but I could not muster any objection so it stayed there with one of her fingers rubbing me through the singlet. It felt so lovely that a part of my mind told me. 'Something this wonderful cannot be wrong can it?'

Wrong is very subjective, of course. Such a gesture done, for instance, by a husband would not be considered unusual or immoral and certainly not wrong. But when done by young girl to a woman well old enough to be her mother many would consider it all three. My head was all over the place so I stopped thinking. Jodi obviously took that as a sign or a signal or perhaps an indication of my capitulation, which it may well have been. Looking right into my eyes and moving her body slightly away from me she slowly, so slowly almost imperceptibly slowly edged her hand round and between us so that her palm cupped my breast. As she did her eyes did not leave mine for one second.

"Just relax Cat, everything is going to be marvellous," she said in her quiet, dulcet tone.

I was so far from relaxed I would have laughed had the situation not been so serious.

"Oh Jodi," I muttered, grabbing her wrist. "This is bad. We mustn't."

"Mustn't what Cat?" She whispered gently squeezing my breast, sending shock waves of sensations through me.

"You know, this," I groaned so disappointed in myself that I had such low resistance.

"What this?" she whispered nibbling my lower lip as her fingers found my nipple and pinched it. That made my whole body jump.

"Yes, we should stop," I sighed feeling even more disappointment when I realised how much I was enjoying what she was doing.

"Why should we stop Cat? We are both enjoying it and we are not doing any harm to anyone else," she whispered, sucking my lower lip between hers. "You are enjoying it aren't you?"

I could not bring myself to reply or bear to look at her looking at me so I closed my eyes. Possibly encouraged by my lack of resistance and silence she kissed me and caressed my breast more firmly. "Aren't you Cat?" She asked again.

"Jodi I can't."

"Can't what?"

"Oh I don't know," I groaned feeling totally confused as my body began winning the fight with my mind.

She did not reply to that, but continued sending such exquisite feelings through me from what she was doing to my breasts and the way she was kissing me. As the pleasure surged through my entire body, it hit me that I was now kissing her as enthusiastically as she was me and that I was squirming my breast against her hand.

"Relax Cat, just go with it. Love the feelings, enjoy the moment," she whispered in my ear as she continued caressing my breast that felt so full and heavy and seemed to be hot wired to my pussy and clit. She put her other hand on my shoulder and pressed. I slid backwards until I was snuggled into the corner of the sofa with Jodi half on top of me. As she pushed her chest against me squashing my breasts I protested again, but she knew as well as I did that it was only half-hearted.

Her hand moved away from my breast and was on my hip just beneath the hem of the singlet. She moved her hand upwards and then I did panic as I felt it on my chest inside the vest. This was now getting very serious, but I seemed incapable of resisting. I was like King Canute trying to stop the tide, the main difference being mine was a tidal wave of sensations and not sea water. I could do nothing as her hand slid up the bare skin of my chest, nothing when it cupped my breast outside my bra and nothing even when it was on the bare flesh above the bra cup.

Things were moving faster now. Jodi had, presumably made her mind up on me and had decided that I was up for it, albeit reluctantly. She was right, but I was not sure that I had recognised that just yet.

Kissing and squirming her body against mine the strap of the singlet was pulled down on one side and my left breast in the pale blue bra was exposed. She kissed it just above the edge of the bra and then slipped her fingers into the cup and right onto my nipple. She pinched it, quite hard and it felt sensational. Wriggling her fingers further into the cup she eased my tit out of it and whispered.

"Oh Cat it is so beautiful," just before she licked my rock hard nipple.

I was now gone. All my resistance, fight, reluctance and reservations had gone and along with them had gone my inhibitions.

I did nothing as she slid the other side down and eased that boob out of its cup as well. I did nothing as she licked and sucked that nipple. I did nothing as she nibbled both them and I did nothing as her other hand slid into my gym pants at the back and onto my bottom. But I did do something when she muttered. "I want you naked Cat."

Yes when she said that something seemed to explode in the depths of my sexual psyche and something registered in my most womanly consciousness. It was as though she had hit a need, maybe a desire that had lain dormant in me throughout my sexual maturity. Now, suddenly and without any clear reasoning I wanted her to see me, I wanted to show my body to and yes, I did want to be naked for her.

I took hold of the singlet, pulled it up my body and over my head. It was my white flag, my surrender and my total capitulation.

Smiling perhaps her gratitude, but maybe at her seduction victory she quickly reached round me and unsnapped my bra clasp and removed my bra. Again telling me how wonderful were my breasts and nipples she fed her face on them before suddenly sitting up straight. Looking me right in the eye she grasped the bottoms of her sweater and tee shirt and in one quick yank pulled them up her body, over her head and off.

Smiling she whispered. "So we are the same Cat and why should I have all the fun?"

Obviously I had seen other women's breasts before, at the gym, on topless beaches and so on, I had even seen Jodi's, but I had never had a reaction anything like I had when she removed her tops and as good as offered her breasts to me. Obviously, that was because before this moment I had never looked at another woman's breasts with a sexual intent, but now I was. It was as if some magnetic force rather than my intent that slowly drew my hand to her small, but perfectly shaped breasts that were capped by lovely, coral pink areola and surprisingly prominent nipples. As I ran my fingertips across the erect nipple so she shuddered and muttered. "Oh yes Cat, yes."

She grabbed my hand and pressed it firmly against her breast squashing it slightly.

"Mmmm that's lovely," she whispered doing broadly the same to mine.

Sitting on the sofa, we kissed and caressed each other's breasts for what seemed an age; a wonderful age when everything other than us, our bodies, our breasts and gaining sexual pleasure ceased to exist. I felt captivated. Not just by the sexual pleasure I was gaining, but now by both this stunning young woman and the idea of bisexual sex. It was amazing just how far my sexuality thinking had gone in such a short time for I was now totally up for whatever she wanted to propose.

Inevitably, I suppose, as lying back on the sofa as we kissed, her hand drifted downwards. It went onto the waistband of my gym pants, past that, across my generally flat stomach to come to rest on my pubic mound, my mons. It did not feel wrong. I did not panic or worry for I guess that I was now attuned to being touched by another woman and the concept of having sex with my young friend. So I did not move as she ran her fingertips in little circles round and round on that fleshy part going slowly downwards until it found what we both wanted it to find.