Redemption Falls: Stillwater Rises


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"Hi, Mary, Whatcha been up to?" Kerry Price said in a loud cheerful voice.

"Hey Kerry, how's the family?" Mary returned the greeting.

"They's doing just fine. I heard through the grapevine you're single again. It's a shame really, and with that cute little baby. I don't know how a man could do that to someone like you."

Marry rolled her eyes. "Yeah it's been hard, but I'm making it... you still dating Melissa?" She tried to divert him from what she knew was coming.

"Naw, we decided to call it quits awhile back. Hey, since were both not seeing anyone, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the carnival coming up?" Kerry said, acting like he just thought of it.

Mary groaned. "I'm sorry, but with the work on Amber's house and everything, I'm not going to be available. Thanks for asking." She tried to shut him down nicely.

"Yeah, I can understand that... Well maybe some other time..." He let dangle, in the hopes Mary would offer an opening.

"I don't know... I'd rather wait until the divorce is final before I even think about any of that." She said, letting him know that she was being nice but not interested.

"Well, I don't think someone as pretty as you will be single a minute longer than you want too. Just remember me when it's all said and done." Kerry smiled tightly and walked off, carrying his bruised ego behind him.

Rob had just left the counter and saw the last of the conversation and smiled. "I take it you're getting a lot of that?" She asked Mary as she passed.

Sighing, Mary said. "More and more lately.... Hi, I'm Mary Mouser... um, Bailey." Mary stammered her introduction.

"Ah, that explains it. Hi Mary, I'm Rob... Robyn Porter." She reached out her hand.

"Hi, I saw you the other day at Sheila's place. You're the new Medic..." Mary shook the offered hand. "What do you mean, that explains it?" She asked as she stepped forward in line.

"Yeah, about that... um, you know we bunk with the fire department until we get our own place, didn't you?" She stepped with the shorter woman, hating what she had to say.

"Yeah, I never thought about it, but it makes sense." Mary said confused.

"Well, I've worked with an engineer named Mouser... From what I can put together, he's your soon to be ex." She sighed. "He's put it out that there is some kind of bet going on to see who can date you first. He plays it off like it's funny, but... well, I don't really like him."

"A bet...!" Mary gasped. "God, what an ass." She rubbed her head. "I should have known better." She sighed, frustrated.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. The guys have this big betting board up, with about every single males, and few not, seeing who can take you out on a date first. They have to write the time and place down. This Mouser guy is all of a sudden egging them on. I mean he is good in a crisis, but no one should be the subject to a betting pool."

"I knew he had something up his sleeve. Thanks you for telling me. I wonder why he's even talking to you. He doesn't think women should be in the fire department."

"Yeah, I got that vibe off him. But I don't work for the department. I work for County EMS and I out rank him. Anyway, it's known that I pitch of the other team anyway, so they try and treat me like one of the guys." Rob said, testing the waters without saying it.

"Oh, which team is that? Are you into sports?" Mary asked without thinking, and then something clicked, making her blush. "Oh... that team. I'm sorry I'm a bit slow today...." She smiled ruefully.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Rob chuckled.

"Yeah, but living with my sister-in-law and her girlfriend, I should be quicker than that." Mary said, shocking the tall Robyn. "Good luck finding dates. This town can be a bit stodgy about those kinds of things. I know Amber set the town on its ear when Tara moved in." She put her hand on the startled woman's arm in a friendly welcoming manner. "Or do you have a girlfriend already?" She added innocently.

"Um, no... we broke up." Rob answered automatically. "Well honestly, she went back to a husband I didn't know she had. That's why... I don't know why I'm telling you this." Rob shook her head, trying to clear it.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Mary added as she was motioned up to the counter. "Well good luck anyway, I hope to see you around, but I have to get these mailed off." She smiled, as she motioned to the waiting clerk.

"Oh, yeah, I'll see you around. Nice meeting you Mary." Rob said in a daze and walked away. She got all the way to her jeep before her brain re-engaged. "What the hell just happened?" She asked herself.

Inside, Mary conducted her business and headed to her next errand, muttering. "That jerk...! I ought to... the nerve of him." The longer she thought about it, the madder she became. By the time she got home she was boiling.

"What's wrong Sweetheart?" He dad asked as soon as he saw her face.

"Trace... do you know what he did? I'm going to kill him!" Mary vented.

"Hold on there. What happened? He couldn't have... He's on duty out at a fire..." He said and shut up when she turned on him.

"How do you know that?" She asked angrily.

"Well, um, I bought a scanner... I wanted to know so he couldn't corner you again." He said fast. "Never mind that, what did he do to upset you this time?" He diverted her.

"He... he made me into the betting pool. They are wagering on who is man enough to date me...! Can you believe that?" She tossed her purse down and flopped onto the couch.

"Keep it down... Louse is sleeping." He warned her. "I told you that agreement would come back and bite you. He thinks he's got you right where he wants you."

"Like hell he does!" She raked her hair back.

Her father wanted to correct her language, but knew better. "So, what are you going to do about this? You know you can't hide from it." He said instead.

"I could have Amber kick his butt when she gets home..." She mused in irritation.

"Having other people fighting your battles isn't your way, or you'd let me take care of him!" Her dad insisted. "When you can calm down and discuss this rationally, let me know." He said getting up. "And don't even think about getting revenge. You have to think before you leap and make this a bigger mess."

Mary huffed in frustration, knowing her father was right... again. She took a deep breath and the glimmer of a plan speared through her head. "Oh, that's so bad... but I can't use someone like that." She murmured to herself as plans within plans swirled through her brain. She wished that Amber, Tara and Sherry were there to help her. She was just about to leave again when she heard the cranky voice of her daughter. Sighing, she got up to tend her child and put Trace and revenge into the back of her mind.


Tara rubbed her temple against the headache. She was glad it was finally over. She walked out with the thick folder in her oversized purse. Her divorce was signed, sealed, and delivered. It was worth it, even if it did cost over twenty thousand dollars in lawyers to disentangle all the accounts. Lucky for her, there were no children, or it would have gotten really complicated.

It didn't matter that her ex-husband was a freak. She knew his family had enough money and influence to put up a good fight. She might have won in the end, but she missed that bullet. When she first got back to her old haunts, she thought it might be fun. But after the first night, she realized she missed Amber and watching her past friends getting drunk and making fools of themselves wasn't her idea of a good time.

As she entered the upscale club, she didn't have anything on her mind but to have a drink and relieve some of the stress from the last few days. She was looking forward to going home and hopefully making love to Amber as a truly free woman again. She took her drink to one of the back tables and watched as the people started coming in after work.

She didn't realize the efficient bar girl brought her a refill and paid out of reflex. She leaned back and sighed at the warmth of the strong drink hit her empty stomach. She leaned her head back as someone started some soothing jazz on the music player. Her eyes snapped open when she heard her name.

"Tara... is that you?" the tall boyishly handsome man said with pleasant humor. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked as he sat across from her.

"Adam? Adam Barrett... is that you?" Tara asked, putting a name to the face smiling at her.

"Yeah... Long time, what have you been doing with yourself?" He asked looking her over, remembering the desire she could always cause the male population.

"Oh, I was transferred... downsizing. I took a job in the mid-west. What are you up to?" She asked, making small talk and sipped her drink.

"Not much, just doing my thing. I was just leaving a meeting and thought I'd drop in and see what's happening." He waved the cocktail girl over and ordered. "A highball Wall-banger and another of what the lady is having." He waved off the waitress and asked Tara. "So, what brings you back to town?"

"I had to finalize my divorce. I fly back tomorrow." She said taking a deep drink.

"Oh, Wow...! That means it's time to celebrate." He exclaimed and got up for a minute.

The music got louder and faster as Adam came back and swooped Tara up and out to the dance floor. Between the music, her stressful day, the lack of food, and the alcohol, Tara started to feel the effects of her suppressed frustration.

Letting her hair down, she started to enjoy herself as the music and the drinks flowed. Before she knew it, the place was crowded and her inhibitions started to slip away. It seemed like just a song later and her head was spinning and she was being escorted back to her room. After that, things turned into one big blur.

The next morning, with the constant ringing of her phone, Tara opened her eyes and regretted it. Blindly reaching over, she picked up the phone. "Yeah..." She croaked.

"This is your wake up call. Please remember you have to be checked out no later than eleven o'clock to make your scheduled flight." The voice said on the phone.

"Times it?" She asked, still groggy.

"It is fifteen minutes after ten. Please have a good day and we hope you've enjoyed your stay."

"Oh, SHIT!" She jumped out of the bed and rushed to get her shower. She didn't even register the mess or her scattered clothes. Under the spray, she stated feeling the sore spots and wondered what happened. This was harder than she remembered, as her head pounded against her hangover.

She didn't have time to do anything but toss all her stuff in her bags and race down to catch a Taxi to the airport. After she checked in, she had enough time to grab a quick breakfast sandwich and collapsed into the seat at her gate. She pulled out some of her emergency acetaminophen to back off her aching head and body.

She slept most of the five hour flight back and felt a bit better when she opened her eyes again as the attendant came down the aisle, telling everyone to put their seats up and gathering the pillows. By the time she made it to the luggage rack, she almost felt human again. She picked up her bag and headed out to her car in the long term parking lot, looking forward to seeing her lover Amber.

Her pulse raced as she climbed the hill to the house. Pulling in behind Mary's car, she forgot her luggage as she went in and called. "I'm Home!"


With a sigh of relief, Amber took a small bow and walked to her seat as she finished her presentation to the board. She was glad that she went almost last. It gave her time to refine her presentation and not make some of the mistakes the ones' before her had.

She smiled at the man across from her as he gave her the thumbs up. They turned their attention to the front as the last person gave their power-point and droned on about profit and loss at their branch.

After a week of meetings and training, Amber wanted nothing more than go pack her bag and go home. Her mind snapped back to the meeting as she heard the VP say. "Well this has been a hard quarter, but we are still solvent and eking out a marginal profit. Good work. There will be a small gathering in the Roosevelt Room. Those of you who brought your husbands and wives, they are welcome. The bar will stay open until midnight. Let the bar tender know if you have an early flight and he will serve you accordingly. The first two rounds are on the house. After that, it is five dollars a drink. Enjoy!" He clapped and dismissed the assembled people.

Sighing, Amber asked the guy across from her. "How bad would it be if I just bowed out of this shindig?"

"Very bad... Um I think the President takes a roll call. The brave ones leave at about ten. After that..." He shrugged and smiled.

"Great...!" Amber huffed and smiled back as she went down the line shaking the hands of the board.

"I'll see you later." The one woman said as Amber passed.

"Yeah, I'll be there after I freshen up a little." Amber smiled back, knowing she was known as a shark, and smelled fresh meat.

An hour later, after a quick sandwich, she put on her best dress and headed into the full room. As she went past the bar, she picked up a white wine and started the mandatory mingling. "Hey, nice to see you made it." The man from across the table said happily.

"Yeah, looks like a happening place." She smiled back, dreading the night before her. All she wanted to do was get back to Tara and blow off all the tension that had built up over the last few weeks.

"I'm Todd. I know you don't remember my name and it's better than 'hey you'." He smiled again.

"Todd... Todd. Okay I got it now. Sorry, I'm Amber." She said, thinking about putting him off until she saw the shark coming their way.

"I know. It's easier to remember the pretty girls' name. Oh, no. Here comes the ball buster." He said in a soft voice as he also noticed the VP coming their way.

"Hi Amber... Todd. How did you like your first quarterly meeting?" She asked with a sharp smile directed at Amber.

"It was interesting. I learned a lot. I'm glad our bank is showing such a good profit margin. I know things are tight all over." Amber answered professionally.

"Oh sweetie, relax. This is about fun, not stuffy stuff like profit margins. Let your hair loose. We throw these things to put everyone in a better mood after a week of boring meetings." She smiled again and rubbed up against Amber as she passed. "I'll look you up once you let your hair down a little. I have to make the rounds you know." She not so accidently brushed against Amber's right nipple and winked.

"Um, yeah sure." Amber said as she watched as she also cupped Todd's balls in an innocent looking maneuver. They both watched as she walked away and greeted a married couple in a similar manner.

"What's her story?" Amber asked perplexed.

"She is what is commonly referred to as a 'round healed slut'. She owns thirty five percent of the banks and uses these things to indulge in her passions where she knows no one would dare report her, if they want to keep their job." He shrugged indifferently. "She knows everyone and their families. Watch, she's been fucking that manager's wife for years and he can't do a thing about it. He has his life tied up in the bank and can never pull out his investment if he complains. There is something in their history, but look at his face as she blatantly flaunts it in front of his face."

"What are the chances of me getting out of this unscathed?" Amber asked intrigued.

"The way she was drooling over your blouse... I wish you the best of luck. That's why I stay single. A word to the wise. Don't invest with her department or you'll end up being her slave. Yeah she can make you rich, but the price is very high, if you have someone at home. Watch your drink too. She isn't averse to spiking it and you waking up in between her legs either." He warned and stepped closer to Amber, hoping that he'd get a chance to get to know her better first.

"Now I see why you call her the ball buster. Dose the rest of the board know what she does?" Amber asked wondering how she could get out of this.

"Yeah, but as long as no one complains, there isn't much they can do about it. She is the second largest stock holder. You'd have to have iron clad proof for them to move against her. Why do you think they let the family to come to these things? It keeps the honest ones honest. Singles like us, are fair game." He shrugged against the unfairness of it all

"But I'm..." Amber started to say.

"You're what?"

"Nothing... I'm in deep shit. I'll kill my boss when I get home." She huffed and downed her drink in one gulp.

"I'd talk to him first. He might be under orders. She might have illicit designs, but the rest of the board is looking for people strong enough to stand up to her. So yeah, drink up, it's going to be a long night. We have four hours to get through. Don't forget to sample the food spread." He warned her.

Amber navigated her way to the large table at the other end of the hall, saying hi, to the people she passed. She took some of the delicacies and headed back to the bar, where she found out there wasn't any more wine. Taking a splashed Margarita, she looked for a corner to hide in.

As the night progressed, she was pulled out to the small dance floor by some of the board members and some of the bolder single men. Amber could feel both Todd's and the VP's eyes boring holes in her back as she danced.

After her third Margarita, she started getting into the music. By the forth, she didn't recognize the tingle between her legs. She wasn't completely drunk, but very tipsy. She didn't notice the hushed conversation between Todd and the predatory VP in the corner. She was feeling no pain as she walked back to her corner to the waiting Todd.

"It's midnight; we can blow this place without threat of reprisals." Todd told her. "What's your room number?" He asked as he took her arm.

"Six twenty five." Amber said and smiled. Her head spun and she knew it was time to get some sleep.

"I'll walk you." Todd said tightly, looking down Amber's opened collar. He walked her to the elevators as she said her goodbye's to the rest of the board.

Amber leaned against the back of the car as Todd pushed for the floor. Amber didn't notice that he pushed a floor other than hers. By the time she got to the room, she was warm and didn't care. Her heart sank as the door opened and there stoop the VP in a thin gown.

"I need some sleep." She protested as Todd pulled her into the suite.

"Just a quick nightcap and Todd here will take you to your room." She smiled and handed Amber a glass of wine.

Knowing she couldn't refuse, she took a drink and knew she was fucked.

An hour later, she didn't care. She knew deep down that she didn't want to be naked in the middle of the bed, her face full of hairy pussy, as Todd pounded her pussy raw. She knew she wasn't excited because she was nowhere near coming and she loved sex. She wasn't coherent enough to realize the Todd wasn't using a rubber as he fucked her.

Amber just shut off her mind and rode the storm out. Fifteen minutes later, she watched at the older woman sucked cum off Todd half hard dick. She watched dispassionately as Todd's seven inch cock, got harder and he threw down the older woman and started fucking her with wild abandon. She knew it was her cue to leave.

Stumbling, she picked up her clothes and put on her dress. She didn't know how she ended up in her room, but she sighed and started crying as she sunk to the floor. As the scenes flashed in her brain, she retched all over her dress before she could move.

Crawling to the bathroom, she cried and puked her guts out. Thirty minutes later, she was able to stand up enough to get in the shower and washed the stink and filth from her body. She made it to the bed and fell into the middle. Covering herself up, she slept.
