Redemption's Kiss


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So she was, by far, the best looking streetwalker I had ever seen. But she was still a streetwalker. And she was in my John's kitchen. For all intents and purposes, this was my kitchen while I was with Daniel. I turned towards him now and, for the first time ever during our relationship; I couldn't manage to speak to him in the seductive purr that he preferred.

"Who is she and what is she doing here?" I said flatly, crossing my arms in front of my breasts. Trying to feel less exposed. The girl stood up and turned towards me (I am not sure if she had even really noticed me before). Whether she noticed the look of proprietary anger in my eyes and ignored it or was simply oblivious, I will never know. But when she took note of me, she smiled easily extended her hand.

"Beth," she said, clearly using her actual name (something I had never been naïve enough to do, I was always 'Skye'), "A pleasure to meet you." Her voice was high and sweet. I didn't take her hand. I didn't look at her. I was looking at Daniel, trying to contain myself. Daniel looked like the cat who swallowed the canary. He definitely didn't notice my anger or inflection. He was just so excited that he had set up this meeting for some reason.

"Who is Beth and what is she doing here?" I asked again, sounding more annoyed (somehow) than before. Daniel's shit-eating grin faltered briefly. He wasn't used to this non-pliable attitude from me. Maybe he hadn't realized before that it was an act. But I was in no mood to be the good girl right now. I did not like this surprise and I didn't like that I had no idea what it meant.

"It's Beth..." Daniel said nervously. I raised my eyebrows and put my hands up in a sort 'so what?' manner. Daniel cleared his throat, "She is a friend of mine," he said finally, "I thought you two would get along."

"How long has Beth been your 'friend'" I asked, putting on hand on my hip and sipping my wine coolly. Daniel laughed a bit nervously, looked over at the girl, and then back to me.

"We just met," Beth offered innocently. She picked up her own wine glass from the counter and took a drink as well. Her face looked open and without artifice. She hadn't been trying to get smart with me; she was just answering my question. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. She was an idiot.

"Beth is a hooker," I said, keeping my eyes on Daniel. Beth just kept smiling at me, an unintentional admission of the obvious truth. Daniel shrugged nervously and his voice came out in a sort of bumbling stammer.

"Well...yes but so are..." he said and then stopped. I opened my eyes wide and stared him down. We both knew that the only word left for him to say was 'you.' I was also a prostitute. The only problem was that while that fact didn't bother me, it would crush him to have to say it aloud. It would ruin the fantasy that he was a virile catch and I was his trophy girlfriend.

"Yes?" I asked putting the screws to him. I saw sweat beading on fleshy face. I didn't really care. He needed to know that his behavior in bringing someone else into this without my permission was not going to fly. I was a professional and I had the right to demand appropriate treatment. He seemed to sense that now and he changed tactics.

"Look babe," he said, speaking like we were actually dating, "I know how...adventurous you like to get in the bedroom. I do too. I guess I shouldn't have...sprung this on you all the sudden like this, but I thought you'd like this. I mean she is young and pretty," I looked at him sharply at that, "Not as pretty as you..." he looked at Beth, but she didn't seem to notice. She was watching me intently, a look of pure curiosity on her face, "so I thought it might be fun." He let out a sigh as he finished speaking.

"We had a date tonight Daniel. This isn't what I expected," I found my sultry voice slip back in slightly. I had given him the stick, now it was time for the carrot. I reached forward and sensuously grabbed his wrist. He jumped slightly and I tapped the face of his watch, "we are going to run out of time."

"Danny told me about your 'date,'" Beth said, not reading the moment and speaking in sort of cheerful voice, "He said he was thinking about just staying in with you tonight. Like a date night in. He said I could join." She spoke very simply and directly, it was clear she was totally innocent. I'd never met a hooker like her before. I turned for the first time and looked at her.

"Where did 'Danny' find you?" I spat out his new nickname like it was cobra poison. Daniel looked as though he wanted to stop my questions, but backed down.

"Oh I don't stay in any one place. I move around on the streets to avoid cops and find Johns," she said, smiling broadly and coquettishly, as though she was discussing her daily commute to the office. She seemed to have no sense that what she was discussing was not only illegal, but also incredibly dangerous. Far more dangerous than what I did, I can assure you that.

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked her. It couldn't have been long. She looked too fresh and happy to be a streetwalker. Hell, her color was so good and her hair so clean I was pretty sure that she wasn't even on anything. She lifted her finger to her lips, taping it slightly. She looked off into the distance. One hip rose slightly as she thought and her large breasts bounced perkily on her chest. The seductive energy was pouring out of her, but it seemed like it was completely natural. She wasn't even trying. Or she was an even better actor than me and went with a sort of "bubbly, cheerleader, innocent sexpot" theme.

"About two months I guess. Ever since I graduated high school. Well, not graduated but, you know, I'm done," she explained nonchalantly. She seemed totally without guile. She took another sip of her wine.

"Do you have a pimp," I said. I had always done a good job of staying out of the gravitational pull of leeches. If this girl was even somewhat tainted by a pimp (which seemed likely), I wanted to get the hell away from her. No need to get caught in that bullshit now.

"No," she said sweetly and shrugged her shoulders. There was no chance she was lying, I could see right through her. So at least that was good. In fact, it was hard to have any real feelings about anything Beth said. She seemed almost completely devoid of substance, just an incredibly attractive body that didn't realize what it was doing. Whatever anger I'd had at her when I first walked in dissipated. No. That isn't right. It turned on Daniel. And I turned with it.

"So what is your plan here Daniel?" I asked, "I come in and see her and say, 'whatever you want big boy'?"

"You were just about to say almost that exact same thing before you saw her," he said, but he looked at his feet as he spoke. He was, of course, right. But only because I thought I knew everything that Daniel could possibly want. Thinking of his desires, I decided to change tacks.

"Regardless," I said, "How do you see this going down? The three of us are going to climb into your bed and you are going to play puppet master?" Beth looked over at Daniel as well, as though she were also curious about what happened next.

"I..." Daniel started.

"Who are you going to fuck first?" I asked, but I made it clear in my voice what I was really saying. I knew, and Danny knew, that he was not one for stamina. Usually, when it came to sex, he would ask me to do something kinky and he would cum before I was halfway finished. Once he came, all he wanted was to go to sleep. If he fucked Beth first, I wouldn't get fucked and vice versa. Not that I cared about his pathetic attempts at fucking. But I knew how Johns thought. Did he think he wasn't going to pay me if we didn't fuck? That just watching didn't count or counted for less? If that was the plan, he was sorely mistaken.

"Well, you know..." Daniel said, the sweat pouring from him now, "That...uh... that was not, exactly, you know, what I was thinking. Not like that." As he spoke, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"You only have one dick Daniel, you can't fuck us both first," I said hotly, "And I will tell you this. Even if you manage to fuck both of us, I am not climbing on your dick after her. You pulled her off the street, who knows what she has!"

"I don't have anything," Beth said simply.

"No, not that," he said, more nervously than before, "I mean I wasn't going to...I thought that maybe you...and her. You know, that you would... I wouldn't..." Daniel said, clearly struggling for the words. Now it became apparent what Daniel had been planning.

"You want me to have sex with her while you watch?" I asked flatly. Daniel nodded vigorously, clearly relieved that I had tapped the issue on the nose. Beth turned and looked at me and gave me a little smile. She shrugged her shoulders and bit her lower lip. Well she was game.

"I am here for a date Daniel. That's what we do, we go one dates," I said brusquely, "I don't do live sex shows and I am not a stripper. I am not entertainment." And there it was, a statement of my professional ethics. I did certain things, I didn't do other things. I decided what went in column A and what went in column B and I made that decision before I arrived at a job.

"Yes but..."

"And even if I did, I would not have sex with a streetwalker, Daniel. Good god, I thought you understood that I have class. That is why you date me," I pointed to Beth, "She does not have class. She has chlamydia."

"I don't have anything," Beth repeated.

"Oh come on, she has only been at it a couple of months, she looks completely healthy. More than healthy," Daniel responded, acting a little bolder because he was defending his lady. I saw his eyes roam over her. I felt a stab of jealousy. Not for Daniel's 'affection,' but for the right to his attention and his money. I decided that this was definitely not a healthy way for me to feel. I was tired of Daniel's shit and I didn't even really want to be out that night.

"I don't care," I said finally, "I am leaving Daniel. Call me if, and only if, you are ready to treat our dates with the proper respect." And with that I turned quickly and started heading towards the door. My shoes clicked heavily on the expensive floor and I felt the righteous anger in me build with each loud step. It felt good almost, like I was standing up for myself and the dignity of what I did. I was a callgirl. I was not a hooker or a streetwalker. There were certain things that I got by virtue of my sophisticated and professionalism and I was not going to let Daniel or Beth steal that from me.

"Three times!" I heard a voice call loudly from the kitchen. The voice was Daniel's, it sounded desperate. I had no idea what he was talking about. I stopped in the hallway leading towards the front door and turned my head over my shoulder. I saw Daniel, poking his head around the corner, I felt his eyes slide over my round ass.

"What?" I asked, my annoyance really shining through.

"Three times," he said, more quietly now.

"What does that mean?" I asked. He looked down at the floor nervously and then shrugged. Finally, he let out a low sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"Three times your...normal allowance in your coat pocket if you stay," he said finally, keeping things just barely in our "dating" routine. His eyes darted up at me briefly, and then fell back down on the floor. My eyes widened; $1,800.00 an hour.

"Where do you want to do this? The clock started running already" I asked, even before I had thought through exactly what he'd said. So much for dignity and professionalism, I guess.

* * * * *

Around 15 minutes later, the three of us were in the living room. Daniel had a massive sectional couch that sort of boxed in the living room area on three sides. On the fourth side was a massive wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the city. The lights were off in the room, it was dark outside, and the patch of hardwood floor on which I stood was illuminated mostly by the sparkling lights of the buildings surrounding us outside. In the corner of the room, sitting out a bit from the wall and the window, was a small fireplace (a gas fireplace, no wood), that sent a few orange shafts of light onto the floor and warmed the room, making it feel cozy. The light from the window and the flames cast a somewhat golden glow upon us, I admit, could have had a sensual or romantic in certain situations. Though not really this one.

That was because Daniel, in his attempts to create a "natural" situation in which I would fuck Beth had sort of sucked anything that remotely approached spontaneity out of the moment. And, as a very good call girl, I knew that impulse was the heart of romance. Daniel knew that too but he didn't know how to allow it to happen. He had instructed us that we should "do what feels right," and that he would just sit quietly on the couch and watch. We were to pretend that he wasn't even there. He reiterated that point at least a dozen times. He wanted us to start clothed, to kiss (which was against my rules as a callgirl save for cheek kisses, but I waived here for the sake of the 'show'), and to disrobe one another. Then, once we were in a natural state, we were supposed to do "what felt right." But, in doing what felt right, Daniel wanted us to feel free to "do something nasty" or to "really explore" our "wildest fantasies, kinks, and desires." So, in short I was playing to role of some sort of kinky lesbian slut with this woman who I barely knew.

Beth and I were standing on either side of the room, both of us now barefoot but otherwise clothed. Daniel was sitting on the couch, naked now with his hand around his cock, staring at us but trying to be silent. My back was to the fireplace and my ass felt uncomfortably warm. I was looking across the room at Beth, trying to cover up my anxiety. I had agreed to this now, so I wanted to behave professionally. But I was still not sold on doing anything with this girl. Street girls were dangerous (regardless of the money). Without her massive boots on she was slightly shorter than me and this, for some reason, was less daunting. But I also saw now that she was standing the almost otherworldly proportions of her body. The smallness of her feet, the slenderness of her legs, the width of her hips, the narrowness of her waist, the massive roundness of her breasts, the beauty of her face, and the silkiness of her hair. Her sexual allure was downright intimidating. She had an almost blank, but not unintelligent, look on her face that I couldn't place. I guess it was that look that held me back. I guess I didn't even really know how to start.

Luckily, Beth's lack of self-awareness and her extreme naïveté carried the day and she was the one who got things going. She looked over briefly at Daniel and nodded her head once, a bit like a figure skater checking with the judges before starting her routine. Daniel nodded up and down rapidly but made no noise. That, I guess, was enough of a signal. Beth started to walk the distance separating us. For a moment I stood and simply watched her moving towards me, the swaying of her hips and the gentle bouncing of her breasts. Her lips curled up, showing animal desire so pure it could hardly have been an act.

I guess that is what got me moving as well. She looked like she was going to pounce on me and knock me over into the fireplace. I took a few steps towards her now as well. It felt a little silly and unnatural, like one of those old movies where two people who are in love rush towards one another and then crash together in an embrace. But once we started moving towards one another, there was really no other option available.

After just a moment of movement, Beth and I sort of ran into one another. Both because of the roles we were playing and for the shear need to hold onto something to avoid falling over, we wrapped our arms around one another desperately. I felt my breasts press into Beth's massive orbs and I could feel the heat of her skin through my sheer dress. Her face was close to mine and her hot breath smelled like peppermint.

Before I even had a chance to deal with the concussive force of our collision, I felt Beth's left had slip up my back and rest gently against the back of my neck. Her right hand dropped down and I felt her warm palm pressing against my tight ass. She squeezed it gently and I jumped a little. I heard Beth coo at my jump. When we had grabbed one another, both of Beth's arms had gone low, while mine had gone high. Both of my hands were wrapped around Beth's neck, almost to the elbows. I kept them there, thinking it looked somewhat natural, but loosened my grip slightly as I was sure I had kept my feet. My face was close to Beth's but I hadn't been looking directly at her. In fact, I didn't really register how close she was until I felt her head tilt slightly to the side and press upwards, her lips coming into contact with my own.

That kiss.

Even now, it feels almost impossible to describe what it felt like. In all honesty, I had kissed very few people in my life. Especially after high school. My sexual encounters once I became a callgirl were almost exclusively for pay and therefore I did not kiss. Even on those rare occasions when I had sex for the fun of it (like an accountant doing taxes just for the thrill, I guess), I did not kiss much, it had come to feel unnatural and wrong. But I had kissed a few people over the years. Nothing ever felt quite like this.

Even from a purely physical standpoint, this was completely different. Beth's lips were so unbelievably soft and full that my own lips just sort of melted into them. They were so pillowy and just the slightest bit damp that they seemed to envelop me. But it was more than just the raw physical feeling. There seemed to be a sort of sizzling sensation between our lips that vibrated down throughout my entire body. My eyes closed automatically as the feeling spread and I sensed a sort of warmth emanating out from my lips.

And that was even before I felt Beth's lips slip open slightly and felt her breath against my mouth. Instinctively, my own lips parted slightly. I could feel Beth's tongue skitter across my lips leaving a thin, warm trail of saliva. I should have recoiled at this thought (knowing where a streetwalker's mouth had likely been), but it felt so soft, warm, and rough against my lips that all I could do was open my mouth a little wider to moan. The moan came out sounding almost wanton and it sounded like it was coming from someone else. Like it was coming from a whore.

I didn't have time to consider this fact, or the fact that it was likely the first time I had ever made that noise without intending to impress a John. That was because Beth had sensed the opening of my mouth and she moved to exploit it. Once more she slipped her tongue across my lips, this time my upper lip. But as she did so, she slipped her tongue in deeper. My mouth, already opening to moan, gave way further, inviting her in. I felt her warm tongue press against my teeth and then pour past them. Her wet, warm tongue splashed against my own, seeming to fill my entire mouth with a crackling, velvety smoothness. I pushed back at her with my own tongue, feeling them roll together. I heard her moan now and her tongue began to move more quickly inside of my mouth. Beth's tongue dipped into my mouth more forcefully and it seemed to be everywhere at once, running over my teeth and my gums, my cheeks, and pushing back towards the back of my throat. I kept my tongue moving around inside of my mouth, trying to taste every inch of her and sucking down her peppermint-flavored saliva. The warm, sizzling sensation in my mouth only grew more intense.

But, while that strange feeling was centered in my mouth as Beth kissed me with wanton abandon, it was not limited there. I could feel the power of Beth's kiss all over my body. And I guess it was not just her kiss. I breathed in deeply from my nose and I could smell her scent, a rosy aroma with a hint of animal lust directly underneath. I could feel her hand on the back of my neck, squeezing just the right amount of pressure, her soft skin feeling silky against my own. Her other hand was gripping my ass tightly, I could feel her small fingers sinking in my toned flesh.