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I was tempted to argue but thought better of it. I showered and came back out into our bedroom to find Katherine lounging on the bed wearing a negligee that I had not seen before. It was a tan shade of diaphanous silk and she looked achingly beautiful.

As she got up to take her turn in the shower she handed me a couple of pillows and it was then that I blurted out.

"Katherine I've bought something for you...well for me really."

She opened the presentation box and frowned before looking at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Thank you. I'll take a look when I've showered. I'll see you in the morning."

I wanted her to call her back and make her understand what it represented but she closed the door behind her and I dejectedly slunk to the spare room. About an hour later I was no closer to sleep when she knocked at the door and came into the room.

I sat up in bed and noted that she had the box in her hand. She looked at me earnestly.

"You would do this for me?"

I nodded acquiescence and a slight smile crossed her face as she sat down on the bed.

"Come here, and close your eyes"

I was naked under the covers and as I got up to stand in front of her I felt strangely self-conscious. I closed my eyes as she asked and felt her slip the tube over my manhood. This was followed by a retaining ring secured around my sac and the two were mated together with a solid click. She then took the whole thing firmly in hand as she turned each of the four nuts closed.

The contraption felt somewhat heavier than it had in my hand but there was no obvious discomfort. Only now that it was on did it occur to me that I would have to use the toilet sitting down whilst I was wearing it.

I stood still as she examined it from various angles and then she began to pull at it to convince herself that was totally secure. The only problem was that her manipulations began to have an effect.

I felt the first stirrings of an erection and then an ache as it was frustrated by the enclosure. I instinctively reached down to my groin but then realized the futility. Katherine took all this in with an interested expression.

She stood up and slipped off her bath robe, beneath which she was completely naked, and I noticed that her nipples were engorged; they had shaded from their normal coral pink to a stippled ruby hue.

This evidence of her arousal gave me hope that, assured of my fidelity, she would allow me back into our bedroom but she surprised me by immediately sliding beneath the quilt and inviting me to join her.

I wanted her to remove the device, and I was on the verge of asking her, but something told me that this was not the moment.

The bed sheets were cool contrasting with the welcoming heat of her body and, out of long habit, I lay on my back put my arm around her as she nestled her head into my chest. The ease with which we fitted together and the familiar smell of her hair created a mood of peacefulness that I had not felt for weeks.

I laid still for a long time listening to her regular breathing and then I felt her fingers gently combing the hairs on my chest. In the past this was usually a signal, conscious or otherwise, that she was frisky and this was borne out as she trailed her way south until her hand was between my legs.

For a few seconds I had forgotten about the device altogether but I was swiftly reminded by a resurgence of the dull ache that I had felt before. For what seemed an age she used her fingertips to examine it the cage arrangement allowing her to stroke the very tip of my manhood.

As I result I felt myself repeatedly trying to become aroused only to be bitten back. All the while I sensed that she was listening to my breathing and gauging the tension in my body until, after a particularly prolonged stimulation, I gave an involuntary groan.

At this point her hand slipped away and, only a few minutes later, it was apparent that she had fallen asleep. It was some time later before Morpheus granted me the same boon but it did not last long as I woke with a cramping pain in the groin.

In my befuddled state I thought I needed the toilet but I found that Katherine was spooned into my back with her hand cradling my balls. It seemed that she was still asleep and so I gently extricated myself and went to the bathroom.

It felt strange taking a seat but it presented no problems and I crept back into bed. Tiredness quickly overcame me but I was awoken twice more in the night as Katherine inadvertently reached out to me.

By morning I was having troubled dreams not least a recurring nightmare. As a child my parents had owned an antique sea chest which they pressed into use as a window seat. When I was about eight years old my sister, seven years my senior, was doing schoolwork with a friend when they decided to have some fun.

Caroline was a budding gymnast and, while I watched, she contorted herself inside the chest whist my sister closed the lid. They then bet me that I could not do it and filled with childish bravado I made the attempt. I was only a little smaller than Caroline but I lacked her litheness and it was a tight squeeze.

Needless to say when I tried to open the lid again it would not budge. I started to shout as I heard them laughingly fastening the thick leather straps that secured the chest. I immediately started to panic and tried to kick out but the chest was constructed of stout seasoned oak and it was totally unyielding.

They both sat on the chest and the more despairing my shouts became the more they laughed kicking their heels against the sides of the chest to increase my torment. I have no idea how long it lasted but in my panicked state the stifling heat and heavy smell became indelibly imprinted on my subconscious.

I was in that same waking nightmare now. I felt unhealthily overheated and I struggled for a fresh breath of air. As I rose to consciousness I found myself pinned beneath the duvet with Katherine's sex filling my mouth.

She loomed over me with her eyes closed and her fingers teasing her nipples. From her obvious state of arousal I guessed that she had been in place for a moment or two and my immediate reaction was to try and buck her off.

She laughed and, with her knees pinning my shoulders, she rode me down. I took pause and drew a deep breath as she eased up a little clearly intending that I should lick her. Far from complying I felt a surge of anger. I had confided in her and she knew how my fear of closed spaces had arisen. It was for this reason that we did not adopt this particular position even though I knew that it excited her.

I could have struggled free but only at the cost of possibly hurting her and my abhorrence of causing harm to the fairer sex was deeply ingrained. Instead, I closed my mouth tight and hoped that I appeared suitably aggrieved.

Katherine looked down at me as if I was a petulant schoolchild and she began to tease my lips with her dampened pelt.

Her scent was strong and one might conclude that she had been aroused for hours but the sun was only just rising and she could not have been awake for long.

"Don't you want to please me?"

For a second or two I said nothing feeling that my silence spoke volumes by itself but then she bore down on me a little more insistently. She began to rub herself over the whole of my face smearing me with mixture of my sweat and her own musky emissions.

She laughed and made light of it but then she became more purposeful. She found a rhythm and, working her hips, she traversed my features from my chin to my forehead and then back again.

At first she was gentle but she quickly became excited and less controlled. She placed a hand on the top of my head to steady herself as she gathered speed and abraded my face.

With my mouth closed it became difficult to breath; my nose was being crushed and nostrils felt filled with moisture. I began to make a genuine effort to dislodge her but my struggles only seemed act as a spur.

Most unusually she began to whisper urgent expletives as she drove herself on and then I felt her thighs clenching me tightly. To my astonishment I realized that she had started to come. It had all happened mercifully quickly but now she rested heavily on my face as she recovered.

It would have been hard to tell which of us was breathing harder but then, through it all, I became aware of an added discomfort. Notwithstanding the abuse I had suffered my manhood was making a valiant, but doomed, attempt to rise the occasion.

This unexpected development made me uneasy but I was left with no time to dwell on it as Katherine finally dismounted.

"You'd better get yourself ready for work or you'll be late.

Chapter Five

Having arrived at the office I could not concentrate. Katherine had shown me a facet of her personality of which I had not previously been aware. It was a mere glimpse but I kept wondering what it augured.

At the finish I put it down to her need to get even. I had belittled her in a way that no woman deserves and I suppose I should have been grateful that she had not taken a more obvious option in order to gain revenge. I was not happy with the state of affairs but at least, for now, we were still together.

Any thoughts of Katherine, and there were many, brought with them a reminder of my restrained state. I had quickly grown used to the device and, for minutes at a time, I could forget that I was wearing it but then I would find myself checking its outline through the material of my trousers.

At lunchtime, as I often did, I took a stroll across the park but the late sunshine had brought out a lot of young women who lazed on the grass with hoiked dresses to top up their holiday tans.

I looked, as any man would, trying not to be too obvious, but now there was a price to pay. I had not realized, until then, just what an effect the act of simply looking had on my libido. It was not by any means a fully fledged reaction but even an initial stirring was enough to painfully remind me of what I had volunteered for.

As so often, in such situations, I comforted myself with thoughts of Katherine and I in bed together but, right then, I could not be sure that she would be willing to make peace.

The remainder of the day passed slowly and I found myself looking anew at the girls around the office. One or two were physically desirable in a very obvious way but I found that, even amongst the others, there were some who acted on my subconscious.

The result was that, when I returned home, I felt incredibly frustrated and wondered how I could go about charming Katherine.

I was surprised to find that she had arrived before me. We usually worked late and I had only come home early because of the unusual stress of the office. I could smell something cooking but Katherine was not in the kitchen.

There was music coming from the living room and I began to hope that this was the prelude to one of our, more formal, romantic dinners at home which usually finished up with a torrid bout of lovemaking.

The shock as I walked in was profound. Katherine was reclined on the sofa; she had her eyes closed and she was completely naked. For a fleeting second I thought that she might be asleep but then I registered a flash of orange.

She had her hand between her legs holding something that might have been a piece of fruit except that it was buzzing purposefully. It was quite small and held in place by a single strap around her fingers.

That it was a vibrator of some description was obvious but this seemed designed to excite her clitoris whilst still leaving her fingers free to stimulate her sex which she was doing with evident pleasure.

I had no idea that she owned such a thing and my immediate reaction was to feel affronted but as she gave a low pleasurable groan my manhood reared and I clutched my groin as the resultant pain kicked in.

She sensed my presence and opened her eyes but rather than appearing embarrassed she looked completely unabashed.

"You must have been reading my mind."

I looked at her uncertain how to reply and she made no move to cover herself as she continued.

"The truth is I've been thinking about you all day. The idea that you've let me lock you up has made me as horny as fuck."

Her language jolted me. Katherine is one of the most well spoken women I have ever met and even though she swore occasionally, sometimes in the throes of passion, she had never been coarse.

"I was just wishing that you were at home and, lo and behold, here you are."

Under other circumstances her words would have cheered me but there was something about the way she said it. My fears were confirmed when she discarded the vibrator and opened her legs.

"Come and finish me off."

It was obvious what she was demanding but I stood my ground.

"Unlock this thing. I want things to be as they were."

She gave a smile that I recognized. It was the triumphant smile that crossed her face when she found the vital flaw in an opposing counsel's argument.

"You've got to do a lot more to earn that. Right now I want you to use that skilful little tongue of yours."

I felt my anger growing and I had to fight the urge to walk out of the room. I had, after all, brought this upon myself and if the price to pay was a couple of days amusement at my expense then I would have to take my medicine. The problem was that I had not anticipated her retribution having quite so cruel an edge.

"Let me get showered and changed and..."

She cut me short.

"You can shower after you've satisfied me. I'll prepare dinner while you change."

There seemed little point in arguing. I knelt down beside the sofa and surveyed the heated maw that was her sex. She must have been pleasuring herself for quite some time as her labia remained slightly parted revealing a pink wetness within.

Her scent was strong but there was a redolence of something slightly synthetic no doubt induced by the vibrator. I tried to ignore it as I tentatively began to lick the dewdrops of arousal that gilded her labia before commencing with bolder strokes of my tongue.

She visibly relaxed, which confounded my immediate hopes of quickly getting it over with, and began to instruct me on where to focus my attentions.

It seemed like a hour, but was probably a lot less, before she told me to concentrate on her clitoris by which time my face shone with sweat. I felt her tensing herself as her climax blossomed but even as it began to shake her I could tell the she was holding something back.

She gave a satisfied sigh and I was, at last, dismissed to go and sort myself out after which dinner seemed unnaturally routine. Katherine again quizzed me on the defence paper and I told her about the rumours concerning some possible dissension from the back benches.

She took a keen interest and I liked to think that it was because she wanted to help further my ambitions but she had also spoken, at different times, of perhaps entering politics herself.

The meal was delicious and Katherine looked beautiful. She wore the simple blue dress she had bought for herself on holiday and I loved the way that it defined and emphasized her breasts.

One or twice she smiled as she caught my eyes flitting downwards and then she leant forward and touched my hand.

"I didn't bother with underwear."

For a guilty second my mind flitted back to my encounter with Chloe but I recovered and turned my hand over to hold hers in mine.

"Come up to bed."

She freed her hand from mine and sat back a little.

"No, I want it right now."

I looked at her earnestly.

"Katherine, have a heart, I've done everything that you asked."

Her eyes flashed to anger.

"And you'll carry on doing everything I ask if you want to repair this marriage."

At that moment my temper got the better of me.

"Look, I'm tired, let's go up to bed. I think we could both do with an early night."

She raised an eyebrow suggesting that she was surprised at me temerity.

"I don't care how tired you are. I want you down on your knees right now and you'll be finished only when I say that you are."

I stood bewildered by her reaction so much so that she spoke again.

"Let me make it clear to you. You either do your best to please me or, tomorrow morning I will take off my wedding ring before I leave for the office. Would you like to take a bet on how quickly it will take some sharp eyed tabloid journalist will spot it?"

"You can't do that! Not right now. Not with the defence bill and everything."

"Do you want to try me?"

I must have stood mute for a least a minute as I frantically tried to weigh up the implications. Katherine just stared at me coolly knowing that both physically and metaphorically she had me by the balls.

Galling as it was I had no cards to play and knew that I would have to do as she asked but, for the very first time, I found myself seriously speculating how my future might be without Katherine in it.

With poor grace I knelt down as Katherine smiled and raised her dress

"There's a good boy."

I immediately noticed that she had not showered before dinner which, for someone as fastidious about cleanliness as Katherine, was out of the ordinary. From my intimate vantage point I could smell traces of her earlier arousal on her skin and her dressing of dark hair was untidily matted.

I leaned in towards her sex but she placed her hand on my head and brought me up short.

"Lick my thighs."

It was then that I understood that, for her, this was as much an exercise in humiliation as it was an act of lovemaking. As I began to lick her tainted skin I felt angry but I could not account for the fact that my manhood was stretching into life not least because it was clear that she had no intention of releasing me for the time being.

As I finished on her left thigh and moved to the right I tried counting in my head to calm myself down but increasing pain attested to my failure. I worked my way up to her pubis whereupon she moved slightly and I found myself licking at her dampened curls before she allowed me to focus on her sex.

She was already leaking and I centred on her clitoris but she touched my head once more.

"Take your time. Get your tongue nice and deep and then suck me."

Whilst I found going down on her a chore I counted myself reasonably proficient and so this recent predilection for issuing instructions was unwelcome. Nevertheless, I did as she asked and the taste of her flooded my mouth.

Over the next half an hour she continued to make precise demands of me heedless of my increasing discomfort. My knees and back vied with my tongue and jaw in claiming relief but the worst of all, because I could not understand it, was the pain of my thwarted erection.

It was at least another fifteen minutes before she succumbed to a lazy climax which she heralded with an appreciative sigh.

I got up from the floor and, in a show of petulance, I cleaned my face on my linen napkin but, if she noticed, she chose to ignore it. Having cooked, she left me to clear up and went up to bed. When I followed, sometime later, I found the door locked.

Chapter Six

Three days later I was revisiting the cursed website in order to buy a spare unlocking tool. Katherine had become unreasonably demanding and my patience had worn thin. Each night she expected me to minister to her orally with no hint that she was prepared to forgive.

I decided that I would give it just a few more days on the basis that I could free myself from time to time without her knowing and then lock myself up again.

I had hoped that I could buy something from the local hardware shop but, on closer examination, I saw that the recess in each tiny nut was irregular. It was clear that only the bespoke tool would do the job.