Regina Discovers Sex


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So I looked at her. She had shoulder length dark red hair, green eyes, a cupid's-bow mouth and freckles everywhere but her now faint bikini marks (it's February), which left creamy white areas on her breasts and around her waist in the shape of her bikini. My eyebrows lifted at her pubic hair. It was actually a much lighter shade of red than the hair on her head, more like orange and gold mixed, and her freckled legs were easily as shapely as mine. And that's when I started to get that moist feeling in my pussy again, and I think it was worse this time.

I was starting to breathe a little heavier and I was still staring at her pussy and her legs, and her nipples; nipples that were an even lighter shade of pink than my sister's nipples which were even lighter than my mom's.

While I was spinning out of control on pink nipples, Patty decided to kiss me again. And it was like the last one, but more dizzying and erotic, especially now that I felt her naked body pressing against mine, and whether it was pee or lubrication fluid, I was about to get the bed wet. When her hips brushed mine, I felt wetness from her as well. She touched my breast and the sudden rush of pleasure was so great that I nearly fainted.

I pushed her back and gasped, "Patty please! I think I really need to get dressed, and for you to get dressed. And turn off the light. Really. Please!" She just said ok and nothing else, but immediately began redressing herself.

While I put on my panties and pajama top, she stayed silent, even gave me a little smile before she snapped off the light. I just huddled there for a minute under the covers catching my breath. Finally, I whispered, "I'm sorry, honey, it's all just too much. Way too much at once!"

"I know," she whispered back sympathetically, "And I didn't mean to rush you. Most girls arrive at puberty over a matter of years, not a matter of minutes. I should have realized what a shock..."

"I'm just so confused," I practically whimpered. I was usually disgusted by girly-girly feely crap, and now I was full of it. I really was confused and a little angry with myself. I felt like a coward, and that didn't fit my self-image at all.

"I can see that now," she sighed, "I know this won't help but I am a little shook myself. I mean, I never seriously wanted to have sex with another girl before, and when I saw you naked like that... I mean, sure I have normal sexual feelings for my drop-dead gorgeous friend, but I thought it was just to look at you..." I heard her sniffle, "I attacked you! My God! I was... just so... and now you'll never trust me again!" and now she was sobbing.

"Patty, I really don't want to talk any more about this tonight, but just so you know, I liked your kissing and touching, and I got pretty excited when I saw you naked, too." I knew I was somehow being hard on her, so I had to throw her that bone. If she didn't snap out of it, I would get weepy too, and then I would be so self-disgusted that suicide would be my only option.

"Really?" not a sniffle this time, in fact, her voice had wonder in it. "You think I'm sexy?"

"Not discussing any more sex tonight, Patty!" I kept my tone firm. "Tomorrow is Monday morning and we have school. Just go to sleep," I insisted. We slept. Or at least she did. I think.

I dragged myself through school the next day, tired and hung over from lack of sleep, then about three hours before school let out, the fog lifted from my brain, and I started to get panicky feelings again. I promptly went to the school nurse, told her I felt bad, and went home. As I went into the house, I absently noted that my mom's car was here, and then I remembered she only worked a half-day on Monday morning, and then returned to work on Monday night. Her job required strange hours.

Maybe I should talk to my mom about my problems, but no, I decided the preferred game plan was to go to my room and sulk. I went to my room, tossed my books on the floor and decided that a splash of water on my face would be perfect preparation to some serious sulking and sorting out of my feelings. I went down the hall to the upstairs bathroom, opened the door, and then experienced one of those strange moments in time. You know, one of those moments where mere seconds stretched into minutes. Actually, I am sure that what actually happens is that occasionally our brains speed way up, but it seems like time freezes.

What happened when I opened the bathroom door was; I saw my mom, naked. She had obviously just stepped out of the shower and was still dripping wet. That was when time seemed to freeze or at least, slow way down. I knew it was my mom, but for the first time, I couldn't recognize her as my mom. I saw the woman, Christine. She was tall and toweling her damp blond hair. Her breasts were perfect with no sag that I could see and capped with pretty, medium pink nipples; nipples that were erect at the moment, probably from feeling the cool air on her wet skin. Her belly was taut and her buttocks nicely rounded.

Her skin was pale and smooth, only marked here and there by moles that really looked more like strategically placed beauty marks. Her thighs were generously rounded and womanly, and I knew them to be firm and not at all flabby. Her calves were gracefully curved with muscles that flexed exotically when she pointed her toes, or when she stood with her weight on one foot with the other foot standing on tiptoes – which is how she was standing at the moment, like some avatar of Diana, the goddess of the hunt, posing naturally and unselfconsciously in the moonlight after having stepped out of a pool in a forest glade. Of course, that is right when Diana catches that poor guy looking at her naked, gets mad and turns him into a deer.

Slowly she seemed to turn toward me, a moue of surprise on her pretty lips that turned into a warm, welcoming smile. Her turning made my eyes drop to her wide hips and to the golden blond triangle that nestled there. I became conscious of a rush of lust that filled me, longing to be wrapped in the arms of this magical goddess, to worship her body with licks and kisses. I felt the sphincter of my asshole clench with pleasure as my pussy flooded with wetness, and somewhere in the center of me a wave started. Not just a wave, a tidal wave, a foam-flecked monstrosity that swept through me like a watery mountain of pleasure, washing, undulating and pounding against the surf of every part of me.

Some part of my brain knew my body was standing in a doorway, my mouth agape, but most of me had dissolved into that tidal wave of pleasure that pounded like the rhythm of blood against my clit, my toes, my breasts, my finger tips – all through my body, racing, and I swear I could even feel the pleasure in my hair. This seemed to go on forever, but I was also vaguely aware of weakness in my knees, a lurch where I nearly fell, and running out of the room back to my bedroom, sobbing. Weeping, partly in relief, and partly in horror. And there it was: My First Climax While Looking At My Own Naked Mother, by Regina Simmons, ILP (Incestual Lesbian Pervert).

I sat on the edge of my bed, crying, being a weepy chick. I despised weepy chicks, but even so, I couldn't stop crying. After a few minutes of this, my mom entered the room wrapped in a terrycloth robe. She carried a box of Kleenex with her and she daubed my tears and had me blow my nose several times, then daubed more tears, and more blowing until there was a little mountain of discarded tissues filling the waste basket beside my bed. The only thing she actually said was, "We'll talk, but only after you are feeling better."

I was already feeling a little better because it reminded me of when she had taken such gentle care of me when I had the flu – I think I was seven at the time. Not that I felt great, but I did feel a rush of love for her and really felt her nurturing and concern. Of course, balanced against that, I had just had my first full sexual experience with my mom in the bathroom. She walked me back to the bathroom, had me splash water on my face, gently patted my face dry, walked me back to the bedroom and sat me down back on the bed, never leaving my side for an instant.

"Ok, Regina, are you recovered enough to discuss it? It looked like you walked into the bathroom, saw me, and either had a seizure or a powerful sexual release. I am assuming the latter. Is that correct?"

I guess maybe there was something to the weepy chick business. Between the climax and the weeping, I felt emotionally drained enough to discuss myself openly and matter-of-factly, something I had probably never done before with anyone. "Well, I suddenly saw how beautiful you were mom, er, Christine, and suddenly I just had this orgasm. I was thinking about how it would be to make love to you when it just happened. Guess I am a queer pervert. I may need to readjust my self image a bit."

She chuckled, "And I think you are over-dramatizing a bit, but I don't really blame you. I have worried about this for a while, and I knew it was only a matter of time."

"Christine, I can't believe you knew I was a queer pervert while I never suspected a thing." I said flatly.

She giggled again, this time a little nervously, I thought. I couldn't imagine anything funny about my predicament. "No dear, that is the over-dramatizing part. Let's focus on reality a moment. You have been severely sexually repressed and borderline socially retarded since you turned thirteen, and this is a seriously abnormal condition for an otherwise healthy child, and it was only a matter of time until you blew up like a volcano. You are attaching much too much significance to the circumstances that lit the fuse. For all we know, it might have happened while you were looking at a fire hydrant. But I knew it would happen, and my therapist warned me to look for behaviors like this in my children."

It was so unlike my light-hearted, almost scatter-brained mom to sound so erudite, and it occurred to me that I really didn't know the woman very well. "Therapist?"

"Well of course, dear," she smiled, "It took years of therapy to straighten out my own problems after your father left." She paused with a little frown, pretty even then, "But I doubt this just happened quite so suddenly, Regina. What happened that led up to it?"

I confessed my previous night with Patty in complete and lurid detail, ending miserably by telling her that was when I knew I was gay. She just nodded like that was what she expected. I was shocked to hear her say, "That Patty certainly does have a luscious little body, and you dear! You make most movie stars look like skinny little girls, you know! Personally I would get a real thrill out of watching the two of you get it on. Gosh, that would be hot to see! But Patty was right, it was all perfectly natural, and you have absolutely no experience with men with which to compare it. Of course, you may be gay, too. I am, you know. I think your sister may be in some denial about it, but she is undoubtedly at least bi-sexual."

If I hadn't been already emotionally burnt out, this would have floored me, but somehow it made a crazy sort of sense. Some people insisted that homosexuality was hereditary, and I pointed this out to my mom. I also pointed out that I had never seen her with a woman.

"No dear, for the most part I have devoted myself exclusively to raising you and your sister. But I know what I want, and it isn't a man. Although, I do have a man that I keep for release every now and then. It's my brother, Jack. I find him perfect because he is attractive and gentle, and neither of us has a desire for any relationship beyond brother and sister. The sex is pretty much just for physical release without fear of strings attached, and we both find that agreeable. Poor man, his wife is frigid, you know. What do you think dear? I could ask your Uncle Jack to fuck you, and I can guarantee he does a great job at it. The man's hung like a horse. And then of course when you and your sister leave home, I will start looking for my first woman."

Blam! Blam! Blam! One shock after another. I felt rocked. Maybe I was recovering from my emotional burnout because my dear sweet mom, who I had always thought cheerfully conservative and a bit shallow, was really into lesbianism, incest, and no telling what all else, and she had hinted my sister might like girls, too. For some reason, right at the moment when I thought I was going insane because of how turned upside down the world really was, I don't know, I just accepted it.

Suddenly, I felt better about everything and myself. I felt like I was playing a role in a comedy, and it really was kind of funny. I saw myself for the first time as others did. I really was a knockout looker, and instead reveling in it like most pretty girls do, I had gone around for years, moping, reclusive, hiding my body behind ugly clothes, sneering at sex and what it did to people, feeling superior to them because I wasn't susceptible, and I saw that I was really ridiculous the whole time. I could only wonder what Patty had ever seen in me that ever allowed us to be friends, when everyone else just shook their heads at me.

Maybe people weren't staring at my breasts at all; maybe they just wondered what the hell was wrong with me. With an actually profound revelation, I realized why I had been sexually repressed like my mother said. It was because of my father, and what he had done to my mother, and how it had ruined her life. And I realized that since about thirteen, like my mom had also said, I had looked down contemptuously at anyone that risked messing up their lives by getting involved with what I thought of as low, animal emotions and drives. I giggled inside. Of course, it might be fair to say that sex is a low animal drive, but what the hell? I'd just found out that I was a low animal, too!

I know I had been silent a few moments, then I looked at my dear sweet mom, who I knew genuinely and completely loved me without reservation, "Okay, Christine. If you think it's best, I will fuck Uncle Jack. I have always liked him. But honestly, I don't have an urge or an attraction for him. And I really do suspect that I have an attraction for girls. I know I am attracted to Patty, and..." but I didn't want to say that. But my mom didn't mind saying it apparently.

"You still want to have sex with me, dear?" She shrugged and smiled at me lovingly, "Well of course, Regina, whatever you want. It's one of the reasons I have always asked you to call me Christine instead of mom. It is better that you see me as a person in some ways than as a mother, and I mean that as sort of a warning. I told you that I am gay. I made it clear that I don't let the idea of incest bother me. And, I made it clear that I have lusted for women, yet never had one."

She put her hand on my thigh and continued, "And you are one of the sexiest creatures God created, in my opinion. Quite frankly, I think I would have sex with any female that propositioned me but none have. I really want to do it so badly, you see? Not to mention, since I haven't had sex with a woman yet, I'm not sure what effect it will have on me. I mean, other than your Uncle Jack, I haven't had sex since your father left so many years ago, and that was usually more like rape." She smiled happily, "I suspect I am a powder keg or a volcano too."

I figured my mom was maybe as crazy as I was, and I had some real respect and fear for the powder keg analogy now that it had happened to me. But believe it or not, what was racing through my mind, and loins, was that the beautiful blond goddess in the forest glade had just agreed to have sex with me. My poor pussy, instead of being withered from years of inactivity, was already seeping wet again. And I became a little self-conscious about the fact that I hadn't had a shower since sometime yesterday. "Christine, I think I need a shower first, but then, I think I really want to do it. We can be each other's firsts. Would you mind waiting here until I get back, I'll hurry."

"If you insist, dear, but I would really rather go with you. My hair dryer is in the bathroom, you know."

I agreed and off we went. While my mom picked up my dirty clothes and dried her hair (she wore it short), I slipped on a shower cap and took a quick but thorough shower, carefully soaping out and rinsing my armpits, pussy and asshole. It wasn't clear in my mind what was going to happen except I already longed for that wonderful feeling of orgasm again, and I sure didn't want to be inhibited because I was worried I might smell bad. In fact, I suddenly realized, I didn't want to be inhibited any more at all!

I had a thousand other inhibitions to overcome, but fear of being perceived as filthy was something I could deal with swiftly and efficiently. And honestly, I hadn't one hundred percent yet decided to have sex with my mother, but I wanted my dirt out of the way when I made my actual decision, because I knew things might happen rapidly after that. My damn pussy just wouldn't stop tingling and oozing. While I tried to weigh desires against consequences, my genitals just kept screaming yes, yes, yes! It was a very short shower, it only seemed like a million years.

I stepped out, tossed my shower cap on the counter, and found my mom waiting for me with an open towel. While she patted me dry gently she casually mentioned, "Teenagers torment themselves about everything, I do hope Patty's all right."

I was surprised at how gentle my mom could be. Of course it had never occurred to me to think about how Patty had pretty much bared her soul and body to me, only to have me freak out on her, and just last night. How could I have forgotten that? I was so moped out at school, I couldn't even remember if I had seen her. "I'm sorry, Christine, I'll call her tonight."

"No need to apologize to me, dear, I just thought I would help you hone your social skills, that is if you don't mind."

"Not at all, Christine, I guess I need all the help I can get. Why did you say that Crystal was probably bi-sexual?"

Mom led me back to my bedroom, her in the robe and me nude, and she talked as we walked, "I have noticed the way she looks at me, and the way she sometimes looks at her friends, and she looks at you that way often. But what makes me certain is that one day I came in on her at the window in the kitchen, watching you sunbathe in the backyard."

I held back a gasp, was the entire neighborhood catching nudie peeks at me? "Uh, well, Christine, that is hardly proof." We entered my bedroom and mom closed the door, slipped off her bathrobe, and now that we were both naked led me to the bed where we sat down side by side.

"She had her hand in her panties at the time, and was so absorbed in what she was doing that she didn't hear me. I sneaked out of the room because I didn't want to embarrass her." Mom just looked at me and smiled.

My own twin beating off while looking at me naked! I was rocked again. And it turned me on a little, too. Maybe a lot. Which reminded me that I was sitting next to my lovely and naked mother. I was feeling a little overwhelmed again. I just shook my head and said, "Gracious!"

"Yes, dear," my mom nodded, "You and your sister were very close until you turned thirteen, you know. She has cried on my shoulder more than once about how she misses you. But I just told her that all you needed was time."

I gulped back weepy chick, "K, Christine, I'll talk to her tonight, too."

My mom slapped her knees in a get down to business gesture, "If you are still sure about us doing this, we need to get started soon; your sister will be home in a couple of hours."

I looked at my mom, sitting there naked, her breasts still proud and jutting at 33, and her nipples stiff. I said softly, "Are you pretty turned on, mom?"