Rescuing Dianne Ch. 02


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You need some new sports wear. I noticed your breasts bouncing badly when you ran this morning. I saw you holding your breasts when we were cooling down. You need to be properly fitted for sports bras, running shorts and shoes too. Those sneakers won't cut it."

"Those are better than what I have ever used."

"I know that may well be, but I love your boobs and I will not let you make them sag down more than necessary."

She smiled at me. "You just want to slow me down so you can beat me."

"Hey girl, I may have to get a pacemaker put in just to try and keep up with you." "Do you have a doctor you visit on a regular basis?" "Yeah! I see one every six months." "Good! I will go with you next time. I need to know how to take care of you, what you should weigh, what you should eat and everything to keep you in perfect health for me."

We had a great afternoon. We bought her a lot of nice stuff. She fussed that I was spending too much on her. I explained that if all the drawers and shelves in her closet were unused I was wasting money too. She agreed. She was still far from filling them up when we were finished.

In a week Dianne had taken over almost every waking moment of my life. I couldn't get her out of my mind. If I wasn't deeply engrossed in my work I was thinking of her. Every thing in my life was running smoother than ever before. Even in my work she was a help. I took her to the office with me and showed her what I did all day. She watched for several hours then turned my head and kissed me. She said, "Please forgive me if I am being silly, but why are you wasting your valuable time doing these reports? All you are doing is secretarial work entering data from these reports into those reports."

"That's how we keep tract of our account upgrades and know who we need to send upgrades to----I don't know why I do them."

I called my chief engineer into the office. "Jack, why am I doing the system upgrades reports?"

"Gee boss, I really don't know. I guess we started out that way years ago and you still do it. Ah! I'll get someone else to do them from now on, boss."

"Hire someone if it takes too much away from other work."

"Right boss."

He left and Dianne giggled, "I love it when you get bossy."

I looked at her for a long time. "What do you know about computer generated estimating?"

She looked at me. "Nothing."

"Let me show you the way it operates in our programs." I drew her diagrams and schematics of how our system operated. After four hours of showing her these things she said she was tired. We went home and had a nice swim in the pool. She looked hot in a skimpy little yellow Bikini. She just bought it to tease me with; it was too daring to wear in public. I loved it and chased her around the pool until I disappeared under the waterfall and she lost track of me. I quickly slipped out of the water and crawled back to the rear of the concrete cave. Di swam around looking for me; she ducked under the waterfall and looked around. She didn't see me. She went back out and I saw she was getting frantic so I dove in the pool and caught her before she could get out. She was crying and I held her tightly to me. She leaned away from me. "You scared me when I couldn't find you," she sobbed. I was afraid I had lost you. What would I do without you?"

"You would be just fine, I changed my will when we were at the attorney's the other day. You will be fine. You won't have to go back to Tom if you don't want to."

"OH! I would never do that no matter what, but thank you so much for thinking about me that way."

The next day I took her back to my office. We went over the Construction Estimating Program system again. She looked up at me. Can I ask a question?"

"Sure you can, what is it?"

"Well, am I correct in that your customers have to enter the local prices for each of the materials they will use and for the different labor rates?"

"That is correct, Di. That is how it works. Why?"

"Wouldn't it be better for the people who use you system if they could just enter a figure or conversion factor for the area they are located in? How many different items are involved?"

"There are hundreds of items from nails to concrete girders." I stared at her. I had originally considered that concept, but because at the time it was too complicated to acquire current price information from hundreds of locations. Now with the widespread use of the Internet it could be done. Now I was surprised that this girl with virtually no knowledge of computers or the construction business was able to find this flaw in my system so quickly.

I buzzed my secretary and told her to set up a meeting of my research, development and advertising department heads in my office in thirty minutes if possible.

When they were all seated and the greetings were over I got right to it. I told them I what had happened and asked them if they saw any reason we couldn't implement her idea right away. They looked at each other, they looked at Di, and they looked at me. They all said no. I asked if anyone had an idea about how to introduce this change to the system.

They were all writing on note pads when Dianne's little hand hesitantly went up.

"Yes dear, do you have an idea?"

"Well, I hate to speak out of turn but I wonder if the best way might not be to give the change to your existing customers free of charge. It would boost confidence in your system and show you were interested in solving their problems. Sorry!"

I grinned at her. "Thank you for your input. I think you are right. We will introduce this change as a free upgrade. It will be included at no extra charge in new releases. Now we have to find a way to gather all the information we need to arrive at a conversion factor for all the various locations." Her little hand went up again.

"Yes Ma'am, go ahead."

"Could you devise some sort of incentive plan where your users could input what you need to know?"

Charlie, who headed up our development crew said, "Hell yes! These guys are all engineers or contractors, if we gave them an automatic download of the adjusted conversion factor in return for the data, they would jump on it. We wouldn't need every value; we can pick a few various indicators that we can extrapolate into the conversion factor. That should be very fast and damned accurate."

They all stared at Dianne, me too. I grinned at all my guys. "This is one "dumb blond" I want to keep around."

They all laughed. She giggled, "I do fit the dumb blond mold now don't I?"

I said, "that's right babe, you are just eye candy."

"Well, I feel like a dummy around all you highly educated guys. I guess I would be better off keeping my mouth shut."

"Charlie said, "Hell no girl, I for one always want to hear what you think. You may not be educated in certain fields but you have plenty of intelligence. You see right to the heart of a problem. You have to be born with that, you can't learn it."

"Why, thank you Charlie, I appreciate you saying that."

"Hey, why do you think I brought her over here. I think she is as smart as anyone I know. Present company included. I can say that because I am the dumbest guy here."

"Gee boss, glad to hear you admit it."

Dianne jumped from her chair and stepped to me and kissed me, a nice long kiss. She looked in my eyes, "I think you are pretty damned smart, a lot smarter that you like people to know." She stood close to me with her little hand caressing my neck. It felt so good I felt the tension drain away. I smiled up at her, "Thank you, you always know what I need."

"Yes I do, I also always know what you want, and that will have to wait for a little while." All the guys laughed and got up and left.

Di sat on my lap and kissed me again and again. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are so good to me and you make me feel so damn good when you brag on me, no one ever did that before. You make me feel warm all over."

"Girl, it ain't bragging if it's true. And I always feel warm when I am near you. Right now you might even say I am HOT."

"Me too! How fast will your golf cart go?"

"Not fast enough, shall I just lock the door?"

"Oh! No. I can't do that, let's just hurry home."

"Sweetums, is that your home now?"

"No Sugar, it is our home now."

"You know what tomorrow is don't you?"

"How could I ever forget?"

"I guess everything will change for you then."

"Nothing will change except on paper. I will still be sitting in your lap someplace."

"Is that where you want to be?"


"Oh!" My mind sort of went blank. I hadn't expected that answer at all. I felt as if I were paralyzed. I couldn't breathe.

"Were I want to be is in our bed. That is my favorite place of all. Being divorced won't change that."

I gasped for air, "Me too!"

She kissed me again. We got up and headed out the door.

As we rode home I asked her if she was ready for the all the pressure that would start the next day.

"What pressure?"

"Me constantly begging you to marry me now that you will be a free lady."

"Oh! I won't be free. I belong to you. Married or not I am yours now. Forever. You will not have to beg for very long, believe me."

"God! Girl, you make me so darned happy."

"ME! Hey, you have Mister Happy between your legs." She giggled so hard I thought she would fall from the cart.

"Mr. Happy hunh! We will have to see that Mister Happy and Miss Kitty get together pretty soon."

"Why yes, they seem to like each other a lot. They are going to be spending a lot of time together."

"Sweetheart, I think I love the post sex feeling of having truly loved and of having been truly loved and of the sense of contentment and well being that comes over me as much as the wonder and ecstasy of the sex."

"I feel the very same way, Darling, but I think I would say it different."

"How would you say it?"

"The best feeling I have ever had is after we make love."

"That'll do it. Girl, are you busy tomorrow? Do you have anything planned?"

"No, I don't think so, why?"

"Will you go to the courthouse with me so we can get our paper work done and we can get married?"

Her face lighted up with a huge grin. "Do you mean that? Really mean that?"

"Yes I sure do."

She looked very serious. "Well I did have a lot to do tomorrow. Let me think, I have a long list somewhere. Where did I put it? Oh well! I know what it says, all three pages of it."

"What does it say?"

"It says: I love David. I love David. I love David. Three pages worth."

"Only three pages worth?"

"I'm not finished yet. It may take years to complete it."

"Can I take that as a yes?"

"That would be safe."

"When? How soon?"

"I am ready when you are, it can't be too soon."


"Yes, David, yes."

"How about we go this afternoon an get the blood tests and the license? Who do you want at our wedding?"

"You, just you, my sweet love."

"I agree, we don't need anyone else. We will make an appointment with a Notary Public. Hey! Charlie is one. He can do it. Let's go ask him. Oh! Hell I'll call him on our way in town."

I waited for Di to slip into something to wear to town and I called Charlie and asked if he could marry us the next day. He was very excited about the idea. He said he would be ready whenever we were. I told him we were going to get the paperwork done.

Her heels clicked down the hallway. Her smile when she saw me was dazzling. She wore a pale pink halter dress and high-heeled pink sandals, Her hair was in a ponytail and she looked adorable. We hurried to the courthouse and went to the Family Civil Division and were surprised to learn that there was a cancellation and that the judge would hear her case in twenty minutes if she were ready. She said she was and we went to the courtroom. I waited outside. Ten minutes later she was back wearing a huge smile on her face. She said, "It's over! I'm free to marry you." She ran into my arms and put a wet juicy kiss on my lips.

We went looking for the Marriage License office. It tickled me to see how everyone who saw Dianne walking along holding my arm smiled at her. She was so stunningly beautiful and so very obviously happy they just couldn't help it. I felt the same way.

We got our license and the forms for our blood tests. She suddenly stopped. She looked at me and grinned. She pulled me aside and reached behind her neck. She pulled out a chain. Hanging from the chain was the engagement ring I had given her weeks ago. She handed me the ring. "Put it on my finger now. We can be officially engaged now that my divorce is final." I slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her to me and kissed her. We parted and she got a little hankie from her purse and dried her eyes. "Now let's find one of these places for our blood test. I don't want a long engagement."

"Really! I was thinking a year was about right."

"No way Buster! Tomorrow is too long to wait."

"I know. Believe me I do know. I'm scared to death you will see someone and fall in love with them and I'll loose you."

She stopped right in the middle of the street we were crossing. She grabbed my face and kissed me. "I see no one but you my dearest love, but I get scared something will happen too." I looked up and saw cars stopped waiting for us to get out of the way. We ran on across the street grinning at each other.

We got the blood tests taken care of and headed home. We stopped by the offices on the way home to see if Charlie had a time he was free to marry us in the morning. He asked what time we would be back from her divorce hearing. We told him it was over. He grinned, "How about in five minutes?" Dianne looked at me and nodded, tears running from her eyes. I looked at him and nodded too. He picked up his desk phone and pressed a button.


A loud cheer rang through the building. The speakers crackled again, "SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING POSSIBLE AT YOUR WORK STATIONS. OPERATIONS ARE OVER FOR TODAY." Another cheer went up.

Everyone in the building was soon congregated in the cafeteria. Charlie had a copy of the marriage service from somewhere. We stood in front of everyone and Charlie read the words over us. We pledged our selves to each other and were pronounced man and wife. I kissed the bride. We stood as everyone that worked for me shook my hand and the gals kissed me. All the guys kissed Dianne and the gals kissed and hugged her. Everyone who works for me feels they are a member of a family. We all do for each other. Di was the first new member in four or five years. Everyone was invited to the house for an impromptu reception. I knew we had plenty of adult beverages on hand and I had Dianne call and alert Maria. I hear Maria scream for joy when she heard the news.

My wife and I hurried home. Di and I helped Maria make hors d'oeuvres. Actually it was just putting frozen tidbits on glass serving trays to be warmed in the microwave. We had a fully stocked wet bar on the patio complete with icemaker. It wasn't long before Charlie and the gang showed up. I appointed him as the man in charge. I grabbed Di and headed for the master suite. I told her to go pack a small bag for the two of us. I told her we would only be gone overnight. She wanted to know if we were going out to dinner. I told her no, were would eat on the way to the place we would spend the night. I said for her to pack each of us swimsuits, t-shirts and shorts and our running gear.

I went out and found Charlie and told of our plans. He grinned, "Damned if I blame you. See you when you get back."

I saw Dianne just walking out our door. I hurried to meet her and took her hand and placed it on my arm. We made the rounds of the party and talked for a minute or two with everyone. Then I led her out the door to the garage. I asked her if there were anything she needed that wasn't on our bed with the suitcases. She said no, except she needed her pillbox from the medicine cabinet in our bathroom. She said her contraceptive pills were in it.

"Good, we have every thing we need."

She said, "Wait, I need my pills."

I looked in her eyes, "Do you?"

"OH! NO I guess I don't." Her grin was contagious.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Happily ever after?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A little push back from the abandoned husband would have been a good addition. A little conflict and dramatic tension are always nice touches to keep things interesting.

nytelyte65nytelyte65about 6 years ago

Now THAT is the way a story should end! 5 stars!!!!! That is the best story I have read!

WinestoneWinestoneabout 9 years ago

Thank you. Was a light fast fun read.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
WOW juvenile eh??

OKAY so it was a good simple easy story - minimal drama and no violence - fairy tale maybe but not juvenile -

Either way I had fun reading it - it is recreational reading -Thank you

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