Returning The Favor


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"Ah. I do see."

"So, to answer your question more fully, no, I have never been with a white guy before, but I made myself open up to the possibilities. And hey, it never hurts to eat."

I chuckled. "No, it sure doesn't."

* * * * * * * *

A very pleasant couple of hours later, the waitress was clearing away our plates. "Can I get you guys anything else?"

I said, "No, thanks, I think I'm full. What about you, Tangi?"

"No, thank you, I'm full too. But it was all delicious."

The waitress smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll just bring you the check, okay?"

I said, "That's fine. Thank you."

"Be right back!"

The waitress moved off. I turned to Tangi and said, "Well, now that you've had a chance to dine here, what do you think?"

"Like I said, the food was delicious. I think I might want to come here again. With you."

I could feel an embarrassed grin forming. "And I think I might just want to take you here again."

Tangi smiled. "I'd be honored to accompany you."

"So, once we get the bill paid, do you want to go home or do you feel like staying out a little longer?"

"I am actually having a really good time with you and I would like to stay out a little longer. I don't feel like going home just now."

My cock twitched at those words. Just then the waitress came back with the bill. I handed her my debit card without even bothering to see how much it was, and she moved off again at once.

I turned back to Tangi just in time to see her take a lipstick out of her purse, take the cap off and touch herself up.

I said, "Where would you like to go?"

Deliberately taking her time, she finally put the tube away and smiled. "You know what, why don't we just go to your place?"

I swallowed. "Uh, are you sure?"

"Quite sure. Let's go to your place."

"Okay. Let's go to my place."

* * * * * * * *

It was a short but quiet drive as we left the restaurant and went straight to my place.

As we drove, Tangi looked at me and said, "Thank you, Jack. For the best non-date date I've had in a long while."

"You're welcome."

As we drove home to my place I couldn't help but think it sure as hell was a great idea that I swept the floors this morning. Matter of fact, I went all over my apartment this morning, not knowing exactly why I was, except for that nagging voice from my mom telling me I needed to pick up my room if I was going to have company over.

I stopped at a red light.

Tangi softly said, "You're probably wondering why I'm here with you right now. Why I agreed to go with you to your aparment."

Slowly I nodded. "Yes, actually, I was wondering."

"Well, let's put it this way. I wasn't going to be caught dead doing any favors for Andre, sexual or otherwise. But you, on the other hand...."


She reached over and patted my hand. "Well, let's just say I wouldn't mind doing a favor or two for you."


"Really. Just don't jump my bones the second we get in the door."

"Sure. Not a problem. Totally respect that."

Tangi laughed at my rapid reply. "I know you do. I'm just saying don't stop the taking good care of me approach. It's working."

"Noted for future reference. Speaking of which, we're almost there."

Tangi looked around and said, "Wow. Must be pretty nice to draw a Vice President's salary."

"It has its perks."

"I'll bet."

"Like being able to take a beautiful woman out to dinner once in a while."

Tangi giggled and squeezed my arm. "You are too much!"

I chuckled as I drove up to the gate, put in my code, and eased the car past. Finally I parked in my space and killed the ignition.

"Home sweet home."

"Cool. I can't wait to see your place!"

Smiling mostly to myself, I got out, went around to Tangi's side and let her out.

Tangi's long brown legs came out first, leaving me transfixed as first her right leg and then her left leg eased out. Her heels touched the ground and then the rest of her poured out of the car.

Just in time I remembered to put my hand out for her to take.

Smiling, she put her hand in mine and stood up. "Thank you. So which one is yours?"

Holding her hand, I said, "This way, my lady."

Tangi giggled. "Such a gentleman."

I felt my pulse quicken with each step towards my front door, each click of Tangi's heels, each swish of her dress.

I nearly fumbled with my keys as I switched from the car key to the house key, I was so distracted and aroused.

Finally we got to my front door. I somehow managed to unlock my front door. Purely by feel, I reached for the light switch and snapped on the lamp on the side table.

Finally I held the door open for Tangi. "After you, gorgeous."

"Why, thank you..."

And with a click-click-click of her high heels on the hardwood floor, she stepped inside my apartment.

Tangi looked around. "Nice."

I casually tossed my keys on the side table. "Feel free to make yourself at home."

There wasn't much to my apartment, or at least there wasn't to me, but that was because I lived there.

On the left as I came in was a black leather couch with a glass coffee table. On the right was my kitchen, with coordinated stainless steel appliances, grey and black marble counter tops, and black cabinets. Directly across from the living room and next to the kitchen was my black dining table.

In between the living room and dining room was the hallway which led to the bathroom and my bedroom.

I really liked the choice I'd made to get hardwood floors. Tangi's high heels made an especially sexy clicking noise as she walked across to the kitchen and put her little patent-leather clutch purse on the counter.

Pulling myself together, I said, "Uhm. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please. What do you have?"

"Well, I got a couple of bottles of wine. And I have a brand-new bottle of champagne I put in the fridge last night."

"Oh, can I have some champagne, please?"

"Sure. Let me just find a couple of champagne glasses."

Minutes later I had the bottle of champagne in my hands. With a loud FOOP the cork flew out. I had forgotten that champagne wants to geyser out when you open a new bottle.

Tangi giggled. "Your champagne bottle came."

I chuckled deeply. Then I poured each of us a good measure of golden fizzy champagne, shaking my head. I wasn't about to go there.

Finally I handed her a crystal champagne flute and took one for myself.

"Thank you, Jack."

"You're welcome, Tangi."

"Here's to a lovely evening."

"Cheers." We dinged our glasses together and drank deeply.

Then Tangi looked around and said, "Do you have any music?"

"Yeah, let me boot up my computer." Several minutes later, quiet instrumental music filtered through the wall mounted speakers.

I said, "Would you like to dance?"

"No, thank you. Let's sit down and make ourselves more comfortable instead."

"Sounds good to me."

We went to sit down on my couch. Tangi swirled her champagne around in her glass, then looked at me and said, "I have trouble believing you don't have a girlfriend."

"Why's that?" My love life, or lack thereof, had come up for discussion at the restaurant during dinner.

"Well, here you are, a man with his shit squared away, got this nice apartment, you know about the finer things in life, you got your own place, don't have to share with a room mate like I do. And you obviously have money."

"Thanks. I think."

"No, really, that was meant as a compliment. I'm sorry if it came out wrong."

"Well, thank you."

"Just that I can't understand why a guy like you is single, is all."

"Ah, well, the right woman hasn't really come in to my life. Plus I kind of pulled out of the dating scene for a while."

Tangi nodded. "I know the feeling. It all gets to be too much sometimes. All the games. All the Rules. All the bullshit."

I grinned, but the grin faded a little. "Yeah. All the bullshit. Plus, all the women who weren't really interested in me at all. Just my money."

"Yeah. There are too many women out there who are only interested in what a man can do for them and not necessarily concerned about what they can do for the man. I know a few of those myself."

"But you're not like those women."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because of the conversation you had with Andre. If you were just interested in the money, you would have already taken his money."

"Very perceptive."

"But you have morals. And I like that."

Tangi smiled. "That's good."

"Which was why I offered to help you out."

"Ah. I see. By the way, did you know the check you wrote me was for like three month's rent, plus other expenses?"

I played innocent. "Was it, really? I wasn't paying attention when I wrote the amount."

She lightly back-handed me across my arm. "Not paying attention. You are too much. But I will admit that's how I was able to get my nails done for you. So thank you again."

"You're welcome. And you did that for me, huh?"

"Of course. I wonder if guys will ever figure out that if they just relax a little and have patience that everything they want will come to them? Kind of like you have."

I stared at my champagne glass. "Well, fortunately for me, they haven't. Otherwise we wouldn't be here right now."

"I guess not." She drained her champagne in one swallow.

"Would you like some more champagne?"

"Yes, please. It's very good."

"Coming right up." I got up and crossed the floor back to the fridge to get the bottle out. As I turned around, Tangi was standing right there. "You didn't have to do that."

"I thought I would meet you half way."

Smiling, I poured more champagne in her glass, and a little more in mine.

"Thank you, baby." She took a deep pull off her glass and said, "So. How about the grand tour?"

Damn! "Oh, uh, sure, coming up." I gestured grandly around me. "The kitchen. The living room. The dining room."

Tangi giggled. "What's down the hall?"

"Oh. Uh...."

"Weren't you going to show me the bedroom?"

I swallowed. "Uh, yeah, sure. Come on."

Tangi put her champagne glass on the counter, then took my hand, slipping her fingers between mine, and squeezed it in a reassuring way.

The computer was still playing the play list I had brought up as I led Tangi past the couch and into the hallway.

The clicking of her heels sounded so sexy on my hardwood floor.

"Well, here's the bathroom."

"Very nice. A shower and a bath tub. I'm jealous."

"And across from there is the guest bedroom."

Tangi giggled. "Nobody in there right now, I see."

I chuckled back. "Nope." Finally we got to the end of the hallway, where I leaned in and snapped on the lights. "And here is my bedroom."

I have to say, I liked my bedroom. It was done in similar style to the kitchen and living room - black wooden dresser on the left coming in, black wooden platform bed to the right, and matching night stands on either side of the bed.

Tangi took two steps inside with me. "Wow. Very nice."

"Thank you."

"It's nice to meet a man who knows a few things about decorating his home."

"Wow. Thanks again."

We stood there. Holding hands. Standing in my bedroom. I could feel the rising sexual tension getting the better of me.

Swallowing, I said, "We should...get back to the living room. waiting."

Tangi shook her head. "I want to stay right here."

And then she took two steps towards me and kissed me, her hands on my arms.

Like an idiot, I stopped her.

"What's the matter, baby?"

"Are you, uh, sure you want to do...what we're about to do?"

"Shut up and kiss me, baby."

And so I did. I slipped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer towards me. Our kisses became more passionate. Our tongues soon got in the act.

I have no idea how long we kissed. Tangi slowly walked us over closer to the bed. Then she whipped off my jacket, placed her fingers on my chest and lightly pushed, so I sat down on the bed.

Then she climbed on the bed, straddled me, and kissed me ever more deeply. Then she paused, her face barely an inch from mine. "I have to say, I've been waiting for this moment from the second I saw you."


"Really..." Then her soft lips were back on mine and her tongue was in my mouth again.

Then I noticed her hands were roving down my chest, unbuttoning my shirt. Her soft lips were suddenly kissing their way down my chest, down my tummy, and finally her big boobs were in my crotch.

Tangi looked up and grinned at me. "I have to warn you about chocolate women. We're addictive. You won't be able to get enough of me. You might get a sweet tooth. Your dick might get a sweet tooth."

I chuckled, watching her slowly unzip my trousers. "I think I can take it."

Grinning at me, she finally took my cock out. "We'll see about that."

Then she bent down and started sucking on my dick.

I stared at the ceiling, listening to the sexy sounds she made while going down on me.

"mmmm....mmmmm....mmmmm.....sssllurrrpppp .... sllluurrrrrpppp..."

"Oh, crap, Tangi..."


"You like this white dick?"

" this big white dick...mmmmm....Mmmm!"

I was enjoying this, for sure.

Then suddenly she stopped. "I never thought white dick would taste so good!" She straddled me again and kissed me. "Would you like to find out what chocolate pussy tastes like?"

"Uh. Yeah. I would. Very much."

Tangi giggled. "Take off my dress, baby!"

She didn't need to tell me twice. I slipped my arms around her waist and finally found the zipper to her dress. After more searching I found the handle to the zipper and pulled it down.

The unzipping sound was loud in the quiet room.

"Oh, yes, that's it. Unzip that zipper. I want you to see the surprise I have in store for you."

"And what might that be?"

"You'll see..." Tangi stepped back, holding the dress up. Then she started to push it down, wiggling her hips as she did so. Finally she threw it on a nearby chair, and then simply stood there, hands on her waist. "Well... what do you think?"

I drank in the sight of her. Standing in my bedroom. Dress off. And naked. So she "had" been going commando.

Finally looked at her face. "I like it. A lot."

Tangi giggled as she walked forward again, took my face in her hands and kissed me. "Good boy!"

She climbed back on the bed, kissing me again, so tenderly yet so passionately, each kiss with a clear beginning and end, each kiss soft and warm and slightly moist, her tongue lightly playing against mine.

Suddenly Tangi rose up slightly so her big round boobs were right in my face. I sucked on them eagerly but gently, like an ice cream cone, making soft popping sounds as I switched between left breast and right breast.

I felt her run her nails through my hair. "Mmmmmm, yes....Do you like the taste of these chocolate titties?"

"Just like chocolate."

Tangi giggled. "Well, wait till you taste my Kitty Kat."

I stood up and switched places with her, gently laying her down across the bed, kissing her. Then I pulled her to the edge of the bed so I could kneel on the floor between her legs.

She rested her legs on my shoulders as I feasted on her pussy. It was just like the rest of her, chocolate brown, and it was shaved. No hair was in the way as I found her clit and started to lick it and suck on it.

"Mmmmm!!! Yes! Oh god yes, lick my clit! Lick my fucking clit, white boy!"

It didn't take too long to have her hips bucking like a rodeo bronco. Her nails dug in the sheets hard.

"Oh god yes, I'm gonna cum! Make cum, you fucking white boy! Oh, GOD! YEEEESSS!!!"

And then there was a few seconds of silence.

I started to stand up. But Tangi sat up and said, "Where do you think you're going?"


"I know you've got condoms. Don't just stand there gaping, I want to fuck!"

Quickly I went into the bathroom and found a box of condoms and tore it open. Then I located the lube and went back into the bedroom.

When I got back in there, Tangi had made herself more comfortable. She'd kicked off her heels and was laying across the bed.

"Oh, you wonderful man. You have lube!" She got up and started helping me get undressed.

"Someone is horny."

"Told you. Haven't been on a date in a while."

Minutes later I was as naked as she was, dick hard and straight as a flagpole. She sucked on it a few more times, then slipped a condom on, then squirted a blob of lube on her fingers and stroked it on.

Then she climbed back on the bed, got on all fours, and stuck her ass high in the air.

I knew what to do from here. I climbed on the bed behind her and held her waist. She reached back with one hand and deftly guided my pink cock to her waiting brown pussy.

The head parted her lips. Then I gently thrust my hips forward.

The shaft of my cock slipped inside her like a whisper of sin.

Tangi gasped as I thrust forward. "Oh god, this is why I love lube!"

I grinned as I adjusted my stance somewhat, placing my hands on her waist. Then I began to move inside her, thrusting slowly at first.

"Oooohhh, baby...Oooohhhh...Ooooohhhh...."

Shit, her pussy was tight! If it wasn't for the lube I'm sure if I could have gotten all the way inside her. It must have been quite a while indeed since her last time.

"Oooohhhh, shit...Oohhh, shit!....Oh, shit, fuck my fucking pussy, you fucking white boy!"

I grinned at her. "Such. Language."

"Oh, shit! I'll pray extra long in church tomorrow!"

"That you're a naughty black slut who loves white cock?"

"Oh GOD, yes, I'm a naughty black slut...who loves...white cock!"

I slowed down a little bit. "Be my bad girl."

"Shut up and fuck my pussy, white boy!"

"Your my command!"

"Oh, shit ...oh, god ... oh ... OH! ... OHHH!! ... coming ... coming ... OH GOD!!...AHHH!!"

Tangi slumped forward on the sheets, quite still for a minute. "Oh my God. Where have you been all my life?"

I chuckled. "Working in that office, waiting for you to come work there."

"Let's not talk about that right now. You come yet, baby?"

"Incredibly enough, no."

Tangi pulled my cock out her pussy. Then she pushed me so I was lying on my back. Then she quickly straddled me and slipped me back inside her. "Let's see if I can fix that. Okay?"

I gulped. "Okay."

Tangi giggled even as she started to move her hips again. She moved slowly, staring into my eyes. "Mmm! I never thought white cock could feel so good."

"Now you know what your friends were talking about."

"Yes, very much so...MMmmmm....God, please..."

Minutes later she was thrusting her hips so fast and shouting the most dirty language. "Oh, shit! Come on, you white motherfucker, make me come again. Fuck the fucking shit out of this fucking black pussy! Mmmm! Yes! Yes! YES!! AHHAHHUUH!"

At that moment, her pussy squeezed my dick and I finally came inside her.

Then she collapsed on top of me. Oddly, I noticed not a hair was out of place. The pins were still in.

I gently rubbed her back.

After a long moment, feeling her breath on my neck, she said, "Oh my God, Jack."

"I know. Mind-blowing, huh?"

She looked up and kissed me. "I think I blew so much more than that."

We laughed together and kissed, languidly. Then after a few minutes she climbed off me and laid down next to me, her soft breasts against my ribs, her lips next to my neck. Her long nails gently scratched the small patch of hair on my chest.


"Yes, Tangi?"

"You need to give me money more often..."

I chuckled. "Yeah."

She yawned and stretched, then snuggled back up to me. "I think I could sleep till Monday..."

"Me too..."

Then darkness took me.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I jerked awake quite suddenly. It seemed like I'd hardly fallen asleep.

I looked around wildly. No Tangi. No dress. No high heels. Quickly I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and put it around my waist. Then I looked around.