Revenge Ch. 03


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She really knew how to get him hard fast. As she was sucking and licking his cock he pulled her body around and she straddled his head with her knees.

Tom watched her pussy over his head leaking his cum on to his face as she lowered it to his waiting mouth. Within seconds she was having another oral orgasm from Tom's magical tongue and two fingers.

She moaned and moaned with his cock in her mouth as Tom licked and licked her wide-open pussy cleaning her out too.

Then when she felt his cock was hard enough and ready, as quickly as she could, she spun around and sat on his cock and with one fast downward movement.

She let the fat mushroom head slip up into her soaking wet pussy. Tom moaned very loud as her cunt sucked all of him deep into her hole. She smiled down at her wonderful husband and didn't move. She held his cock deep inside her, loving the way his fat cock filled her pussy and made her feel so warm and good.

After a few seconds she slowly lifted up until she held just the large cock head in her pussy. As she looked down on this man whom she loved and who loved her so much she began rotating her body on the head of Tom's cock. She moaned the words: "I love you so much."

She felt him lifted his hips and put 3 inches of his cock up into her. She closed her eyes and began to pump her body on his cock as she sank lower and lower down on it until she had him all the way back in her pussy tunnel. She than began to rock back and forth on it for a few minutes.

With all of him buried in her as deep as he could go, she now started up the shaft again. Up and down, up and down, up and down Barbara pumped her body on Tom's wonderful cock. She was moving so very slow and enjoying every part of his cock as she moved on it.

She really enjoyed this type of lovemaking with Tom! They had fucked like animals just a few minutes ago and now it was time for some long and very slow lovemaking. They both knew what she liked and wanted now.

She wanted him to fuck her for as long and as slow as he could. She wanted him to fuck her like they had all the time in the world and that's was just what he was doing. Nothing hard, nothing fast, he let her set the speed. She wanted this to last for as long as she or he could control it. He had just cum so she knew he was good to go for a long time.

She rocked back and forth now rather than up and down on this nice, hard, hot man rod inside her pussy. She smiled down at him as she said: "Oh god baby. This feels so good. It has to be what heaven feels like all the time. I love it when we make love like this, slow and easy. Oh god. It feels so good Tommy."

Tom held her hips and smiled as he heard her tell him how good it was. He knew how good she was, he could never seem to get enough of his wife's body. He was sure she was right when she told him this must be heaven. They rocked together just like he knew she loved it.

He was slowly circling her clit with a soft finger as she fucked herself on his cock. Back and forth back and forth she moved resting her hands on his chest now and her eyes closed. Her tits hung down and he softly moved his hand off her clit so he could squeeze each one, working the nipples with his thumb and index fingers.

She moaned again as she felt him milking her breasts as he continued to push up into her taking her to the next level. As he got her nipples hard as rocks and sticking out an inch he made her moaned again as she felt his fingers return to her hard thick and very hot clit.

She said: "I'm sorry baby but I have to move faster, my body is screaming at me. OH god you feel so good."

She started lifting up and down on his cock fucking him faster now, and somewhat harder too. His endurance was good and she was going to orgasm, really hard she knew it. He could feel it in her pussy as she squeezed his cock tighter and tighter with the walls of her pussy holding his cock deep inside her.

He held her hips helping her pump and pump and pump her pussy on his cock. "Man she is hot tonight", he said to himself.

He was completely under control and was happy he was pleasing her so well. He knew she would cum first and he was glad he was lasting so long. She was so damn beautiful even after all these years being married you her, he always had that trouble and usually shot his load before she did. But, thank god he would stay hard and continued to fuck her until she climaxed a number of times.

She would finally fall on top of him or him on her, both completely drained. She put everything into her lovemaking. She was close, so close now, just a little more and she would cum. She moaned: "Faster baby! Fuck me faster!"

He quickened his thrusts up into her. She moaned again and opened her eyes to look down at her wonderful husband! But!!! She didn't see Tom. She only saw - - Marvin!!! The Bad Marvin! OH GOD! IT WAS MARVIN!! He was looking up at her not Tom. He was under her fucking her again with that big cock. Where was her husband? "Oh GOD NO!!! NO!! NOOOOOO!! It wasn't happening again.

She screamed as just then the big orgasm hit her!!!, "OH GOD!!!"

She continued to scream like someone was killing her. She was cumming as she tried to pull off and stay on his cock at the same time. She didn't know what to do. He was fully up inside her.

Her husband had his eyes closed when she screamed and when she started to pull off of his cock, he opened his eyes and tried to grab her hips as she pulled off of him. She finally moved off of him and then moved off the bed still in the throws of her orgasm and still screaming.

There was horror on her eyes! Her body shook and shook as she held her hand to her mouth and began crying. Then she began sobbing and then she collapsed on the floor.

When she woke up she was in bed with three paramedics standing over her. She opened her eyes and they asked her if she was? OK? She told them: "Yes. I'm OK! Shook up but I think I'm OK!"

They asked her what happened? She told them: "I don't know. I have no idea."

Her husband was standing there just looking at her. He told the paramedics: "She was screaming and scared like she was having a nightmare. She jumped out of bed and fell to the floor."

He didn't tell them they were making love. They suggested she go to the hospital for some tests and observations to make sure but she told them no. They left and she sat up holding her husband crying like a baby. They talked and she finally broke down and told him what happened and what she was feeling. He looked sacred too.

They made an appointment that next morning to see her doctor and afterwards he made a few recommendations for her to see someone who handles emotional and mental problems. She was scared but went. Tom went with her the first few times.

During the next 3 weeks she went a few more times each week and after a great deal of reluctance, she told the doctor all about what happened and her feelings regarding Marvin and what he did to her. She told the doctor how she was dreaming of being made love too with a foot long cock.

The doctor gave her some more appointments because he felt she would really need them. He also gave her some tranquilizers and some other pills to help settle her down. She was as tight as a drum from all the emotional things she had suffered over these last few months.

She tried to go back to school and did the best she could. But Mr. Wilson was giving her a problem. She may have to drop his class.

Finally, one afternoon she was going to school and then to the doctors. She drove herself since the doctor told her she should start coming alone without her husband. He felt that she may open up more if he wasn't there in the room.

Tom didn't like it but agreed to do it since he wanted his wife to heal. Hell we would do anything for Barbara. The doctor prescribed a stronger medication for her and she was taking them. The doctor told her not to drink while taking them because it could affect her adversely.

When Mr. Wilson's class was ending she walked up to him and told him: "I'm going to have to drop this class. I can't keep coming here it's to hard."

He looked at her and asked her why? She almost starting crying! She got herself together and told him what happened. Well almost what happened, she began to tell him she was fucking, no making love to her husband when she had the breakdown but she just told him she had a breakdown. He touched her hand and she shook from the touch! He had to hold her when she began to shake worst.

She started to cry when she felt him holding her and then pulled away. He asked her: "Come on let's get a cup of tea and sit down. You are to smart to just drop this class. Please Barbara, talk with me about this. Please!"

She felt she did own him a better explanation and they went to the school's cafeteria for that tea. They sat alone for maybe an hour. As they drank their tea, she began to tell him a little more of what had happened that day in the cabin. She told him about the raped this time and how they beat her and its effect on her then and now. She told him with the nickname he had, Marvin, and he was black and the teacher, she just couldn't handle being in his class any longer! He had the same name as the big man who raped her so bad.

He was trying to calm her and held her hand again with both of his hands. He told her to have some more tea and went and got her another cup. He sat back down to talk more with her. She took a long drink of the warm beverage and felt the tea going all the way down her throat!

After a few minutes, she was starting to feel funny inside, a little warm but also more relaxed from the sound of his voice. She was exactly sleepy that wasn't it, but it was getting harder to concentrate.

She started to feel Mr. Wilson was a very nice man. He was almost as nice as her husband, for taking all this time to listen to her and being so kind to her. She finished he second cup of tea and about 20 minutes later, she thanked him and stood up to leave.

She felt more dizzy and he moved to her and held her from falling. She shook her head and he gently pulled her to him. He said; "Woo Steady Barbara! You almost fell maybe I should drive you home."

She seemed to be pushing in against him and he was pushing back against her. She could feel his body against hers tighter now. She wanted to leave and run out of the building screaming but she didn't move, couldn't move. She stayed like that for some time letting her body lay against his for support. She could feel his warmth as he held her.

Finally he lifted her face up and wiped her tears with his fingers. He asked her if she was OK? She told him she was OK but very hungry for some reason.

She wasn't just hungry, she was very, very hungry. Starving. She wanted to look in the cafeteria for something to eat when he asked her to have dinner with him. She told him no.

He asked her again saying: "Come on Barb, I hate to eat alone. And it's my treat. We won't be long I promise."

She said no again and then she told him yes, but she didn't know why. She called her husband and didn't want him to know she was going to dinner with a man. She felt he wouldn't like that at all, and maybe he would even tell her she couldn't go. And so for some reason she really wanted to go to dinner, with Marvin or anyone.

She was famished. So she told Tom she was meeting Mary, the little girl who was beaten by the same guys that beat her. They were going to have a quick dinner and talk. The doctor told her it might help her. She would be late coming home."

Both Tom and Barbara forgot about the other doctor appointment at that point! He told her: "Take your time and enjoy herself Barb."

It was her first time out since the incident. Marvin took her hand and helped her into his bigger car. They went to his favorite place for dinner on the other side of town. He liked this place his friend owned. He always had a special table and the owner knew not to disturber him when he was with a woman, especially a white woman. By the time they got seated she had missed her doctor's appointment.

She began to feel a little better, not as dizzy, as they talked and ate. He touched her hand and face and shoulder. He even put his hand on her knee! She didn't stop him in fact she liked it when he looked at her and touched her gently.

She left her hand on the table and he held it until she moved it to get a drink from he glass of wine he had ordered while she was in the lady's room.

They talked about that night she was attacked and what happened to her. As she drank her second glasses of wine she even told Marvin about the feeling she had regarding the how she was fucked that night, but not in those words.

Tom would have been so mad at her for telling another man about that, especially a black man. Tom had known men like Marvin and what they did to women. In his work, he saw most everything that could happen between men and women.

Marvin smiled and was very sympathetic to her. Only her husband knew more than Mr. Wilson (Marvin) did now about that night.

By the time dinner was over she had confessed everything including how she just couldn't get the idea of that big cock being in her womb screwing her ass off, again not in those words! She just couldn't get it out of her head.

She started to feel very dizzy again and she guessed it was the wine. She had more than a half a bottle and had taken her medication in the cafeteria before she knew she would be at dinner. She also forgot about the warning the doctor had given her about drink while taking the new medication.

Marvin had to help her out of the restaurant and as they left he had his hand on her breast as he helped her to the car. She didn't stop him because she felt she would fall if he let go of her! And, his hand kind of felt nice cupping her breast like he was doing.

She didn't know it but her nipples were sticking out hard against her blouse again. She was feeling so damn dizzy as he began to drive them back to her car at the school parking lot.

As he drove Barb was next to him in her seat with her eyes closed and was half-asleep. No, she wasn't really falling asleep her eyes were just heavy and her head wouldn't stop spinning.

She feel Marvin's hand on her arm at first asking her if she was OK. Then it was on her knee and finally on her thigh with his fingers between her legs half way up her dress. He said: "Barb, come sit next to me and let me hold you. You don't look very well. You look like you are going to be sick."

She didn't know why but when he pulled her leg gently, she slid over closer to him. She told him: "I don't know what's wrong with me Marv, I feel so strange."

In fact she not only sat close to him now, she curled up against his shoulder and held his arm while he drove. He had one hand on the wheel and the other slowly stroked her thigh high above her knees under her skirt. His hand was warm and gentle and felt so nice, she didn't stop him.

When they got to the school parking lot, she was sitting up against the seat. When she looked she realized her skirt was about 8 inches above her knee, so high her panties were showing. She didn't know why she didn't pull it back down right away, but Marvin was stroking her soft warm inner thigh about 2 inches from those panties and it felt very, very nice.

Then he bent in to kiss her gently on the lips. She lay there against the seat and didn't move except to open her mouth when he slid his tongue between her lips and teeth. She sucked on it gently as her hand went to his face and stroked his cheek.

Marvin was working his hand between her legs a little higher now and when she felt him push a little, she opened her legs wider for him.

He began to slowly stroke his hand on the inside of her thigh around the edge of her panties. As he continued to kiss Barbara his hand was gliding over her panties from one upper thigh to the other. He heard her moan softly when he touched her center gently one time!

His tongue began to fuck her mouth as he continued to move his hand over her silky and very soft skin just below her warm pussy. You know, it's where you can feel your lovers bones in her legs if she has them open wide enough like Barbara had hers open now!

He was stroking her over those bones and that very, very soft skin where those bones meet and connected to her body. Every few strokes he would guide his hand over the outside of her panties and press it against her slit as he rubbed it. She moaned and told him: "Oh that feels so nice Tommy. Yes. That it. Right there baby! Just like that Tommy! Your hand is so soft and warm. It feels so good baby. I love it when you touch me like this in the car Tommy. It's so nasty!"

She giggled a little and Marvin knew she was calling him Tom, her husband's name. He smiled knowing he was seducing her and he was winning. He kissed her again and told her: "Glad you like it Barb I love doing it for you."

His cock was hard as hell and he was thinking: "I really want to take your hot white ass and fuck you with another big black cock."

But he said: "I am so glad you like me stroking you Barb because I love touching you. You're so beautiful."

He was thinking: "Fuck yea! Let me put my finger in you and you're mine."

She moaned again and shook her head. She told Marvin she had to leave and go home. But, Marvin's fingers found the side of her panties leg and he moved his fingers under them. She felt her pussy being touched and then stroked directly now with fingers and a hand.

He had his entire hand under the panty leg and on her cunt now. It was softly as he squeezed it and stroked her clit and her slit that was wet. He used all of his fingers. There was no material in the way now and Barb felt his fingers and the palm of his hand making love to her pussy. She just sighed and said: "Oh Tommy."

He heard her moaned again, a little louder and longer as he ran his 4 finger up the entire slit and then used his thumb to rub over her clit before running his fingers back down the wet slit to Barb's ass hole. Her skirt was up around her waist and her legs were opening wider with each stroke from his big hand.

She wanted to give Tommy better access to her pussy. It felt so good. She was thinking Tom loved to do this to her and he would stroke her the same way whenever they were alone.

Her pussy was so wet now and his fingers were starting to drive her crazy with desire. Then she shook her head again and seemed to realize that the hand wasn't Tom's. But, she just lay there with her skirt up and thighs spread wide open with her eyes half closed and smiling when she felt her clit being touched again.

She wasn't sure but she seemed to feel her pussy leaking. Then she realized Mr. Wilson was the one starting to finger fuck her pussy. But she wasn't shocked, in fact she kind of enjoyed him doing it to her. He was such a nice man. She tried to sit up but was still so damn dizzy. She tried to close her legs but he held his hand on her cunt and closing her legs just served to squeeze his hand on her pussy harder. She tried to pull her skirt down but his arm was in the way.

Finally she stopped trying and made a small grunt when she felt him slipped 2 long finger into her pussy hole all the way!

She was trying to tell Marvin she had to go. She said, " No Marv, please! I have to go."

But it was just a sort of mumbled rather than words. Then she tried to say: "I have to go Marvin. It's late and I better get home."

Marv whispered in her ear: "You better wait until you are more sober Barbara. Just lay back and rest. Let me please you and help you. Let me rub you and make you feel better. Wait until your head clears baby."

She smiled and told him: "Don't call me baby, Marv, you know I'm a married woman."