Revenge Ch. 04A


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She was given drugs along with the other females. As they started to get high they were made to participate in an orgy which was filmed and sold over the Internet! She had no ideas she was being filmed for thousands to see. There were different men and different women most every week coming to the apartment and fucking her now.

One special night, there were about 10 men and just Barbara! They all fucked her for what seemed like hours while Marvin filmed them taking turns, one after the other. He just continued to feed her more and more drugs and she would fuck all night long. But that night, she had every hole filled with a big cock and it went on and on almost all weekend long! She was even made to eat one of the other women's pussy, which was filled with a bunch of strange men's cum. Meanwhile, another group of men were fucking her up the ass and in her cunt at the same time. That seemed to really make her hot!! She was screaming so loud Marvin told another man to put his cock in her mouth to muffle her voice!!

After many weeks of this, her pussy and ass had been stretched so much from all the cocks fucking her she was not much good any longer even for Marvin. Oh he still gave her a good fucking now and then, but he wasn't there that much any more. He had a new guy there almost every night now to keep her company! She had been fucked so many times by so many black men, some of them were afraid they would catch something! Marvin had gotten her into this Internet fuck movie ring and he did it quiet easily.

He was proud of how he had so easily manipulated her into participating! It was now her life, drugs, filming of strictly porno for a living! Living conditions for her were even worst now. When they would finish a movie the girls would leave. But if they didn't finish, all the women would sleep on the floor including Barbara! Then the next morning right after breakfast they would start again! Barb's last movie had her fucked by 4 black cocks and 2 white all 10+ inches and as thick as her arm!

She took them all on as a dare from Marvin and she lasted all night! But, Marvin was starting to get tied of feeding her drugs and paying for all the living expenses! She didn't get much unless she was very good that night fucking or doing what Marvin told her to do!

He decided he would tell her she now had to work for the drugs before he would give her any! Everyone was gone one night when Marvin had her all to himself. She was no where near as beautiful now as she was when he took her away from Tom. He looked her and he didn't really want her nearly as much as he did before. He told her that and really upset her! He blamed her for the way she looked telling her: "If you would take better care of yourself bitch, and stop doing all those fucking drugs, you wouldn't look like shit all the time!"

He stood there towering over her and told her if she wanted her drugs this morning, she was going to have to suck his cock and his brother's before breakfast. And, she better do them both real good! She dropped to her knees and held his big cock her small white hand and could still see the dried cum on it from last night fuckings! It was covered with it. Marvin had not even showered yet. His brother was just waking up and his too was covered with dried cum. But she wanted her candy so bad, she sucked them both dry! While she sucked their black dick,

Barbara didn't know it, but today was the day Marvin was going to decide her fate. He would deciding if he was going to turn her out into the street to begin to hook for him or just let her go without anywhere to go. He smiled when he started thinking maybe he would just leave her outside Old Tommy boy's gated community and drive away!

She was a whore and an addict now and no where near as beautiful as she was the first day he took her! He still remembered how beautiful she was back then. It seemed like a 100 years ago, but it was less than a year. God she was so fucking hot back them and he figured she was still hot enough to bring him a nice sum off the street before she became a totality burned out addict! He laughed to himself as he watched his brother's cock shot his huge load into Barbara willing mouth and face! Then Marvin did the same and she swallowed all of it just like he had taught her. He was thinking: "I wonder just how much cum my beautiful whore has swallowed since that first night in the school parking lot when she did me for the first timed! Man I couldn't believe how she wanted to fuck me so bad that night! And, the night in the cabin when Marvin had fucked and sucked her so much in front of her husband, TOM! He did her so good, she saved his life when Tom got the gun! Marvin had fucked her so great that night, Barbara decided to stay with him and leave old Tom. He had broken up their marriage and done it easy while kidnapping them both! She just loved to be fucked by my big black cock he guessed!

He smiled as Barbara wiped her lips and then began to clean the cum off of his cock!. She always told him how much she loved to suck his cock and then she always wanted him to fuck her after she sucked him back to his hardness! But today he was just too tired. Besides she had sucked him dry again this morning! If she had learned anything it was how to suck a cock!! Marvin had made sure he taught her that trade very well. He laughed again when he told himself: "Barbara you better suck all of my cum baby! Because it's most likely all the protein you'll get today baby! God these white women were so fucking easy!"

He laughed again thinking how easy he had taken her away from her husband! He was going to deal with Tom very soon. Hell maybe he would take the 13 year old daughter and break her in!! Barbara might even help teach her how to fuck a man.

But now, he then sat her down and told her what her life was going to be from now on. She didn't like it so Marvin beat her until she begged him to stop saying she would do whatever he wanted. She was going to start hooking if she wanted her drugs, food and a place to live. He told her to get dressed and pack her bags. He took her to her new apartment, which she was going to share with 2 other women. He now had her on his payroll full time. He would start her off just like her started many other women. She would be a high priced call girl at first only offered to big money clients or people who he owed.

Then as she faded further, he would put her out on the street as a $30.00 cocksucker. She told him she liked to suck cock so he would let her and he would get paid for it! He introduced her to the other girls and told them to break her in and show her the ropes! He left and would be back tomorrow to see how much Barb had earned for him! She was starting to think to her self that she might have made a very bad mistake.

MARVIN Marvin was left screaming in pain with a busted head and a knee that had been shattered by a bullet from Tom's gun. Tom had really done a job on Marvin's knee. The doctors couldn't repair the knee they had to replace it with a fake one. Marvin also had a fracture skill from being hit on the head by Tom. The police were called to see Marvin, but he told them he fell. He was thinking: "I'll deal with Tom boy my own way."

He had Barbara now and took her home when he was released from the hospital. He was badly hurt and could not have sex for over a month because of the pain in his knee! If he moved quickly his head spun and hurt like hell too. He gave Barb what he could but he couldn't fuck her and he knew that was what she really wanted. He was worried she would go back to old Tom.

She seemed to live for his cock! And, when she couldn't have it she bitched and complained all the time. He was wondering if this pussy was worth all the grief that he was getting from her. He would tell his friends: "Fucking white woman bitches all the time. I glad when she sucking my cock cause she don't talk!" She was so horny he had to get her a huge black vibrator and she used it all the time. He also was putting drugs into her food and drinks without her knowledge.

The drugs and the big vibrator calm her down when he couldn't fuck her. After he had healed, he was then able to give Barb what she wanted! Man she could fuck too! She was always hungry for his dick and he had her fuck him or suck him 3 or 4 times a day. He even did it in front of his friends or on the street, anywhere he wanted. He would say: "Baby my cock hurts so bad for your warm, tight little white pussy. Come here and love it for me. Help me with the pain baby!"

And she did! Anywhere, even in public she would sit on his lap with his cock shoved up her cunt under her skirt. And, she would cum and cum! She knew people saw them fucking but she didn't care, she loved the feeling she was getting from Marvin's cock in her womb! She was so much in love with this new sexual excitement she was going crazy with lust!

They fucked all the time. He felt tired as hell some days from all the pussy she gave him! But, he was training her and after a few weeks he could make her fuck or suck him most anywhere and whenever he wanted it! The sex was great just like he imagined it would be with this tight white sex hungry bitch. He had her doing things with him that she never did with her husband Tom.

Three months went by, Marvin started to put more and more drugs into her and soon he had her sniffing cocaine almost daily or at least every other day. He was doing some drugs too, for the pain he still have in his knee. He would even put some other type of drugs in her drink from time to time just to shut her up or make her sleep so she wasn't on his case about fucking all the time! She was on him like a second arm most of the time and he couldn't begin to talk to any other white women which he wanted to do! She would get mad if he did! She wanted to go wherever he went all the time. He finally had to tell her NO he needed to do some work with the people he was involved with and she couldn't go with him.

He had now stopped teaching except substituting every once in awhile! And then he did it only to see what white meat was out there he might be able to snag for his pleasure like he did Barbara and his cousin Lee did with little Mary. White girls were dumb as hell but white girls in college were the easiest! They were hot to fuck, especially the ones who had had a sheltered life in high school. They were now away from mom and dad and wanted to show they were adults! And, they LOVED their professors, especially if they felt being nice would get them a good grade. Some of them were just like his whores only they were fucking for grades not money or drugs!

Marvin felt he had a knack for picking out too! He was working on another white babe now. She was young 18 maybe 19, natural blonde with blue eyes and built like a shit house. She was failing and he told her he figured he could help her if she was willing to do some extra credit work for him. She was so damn eager too! She would actually let him see up her skirt a bunch of days and she never had any underwear on. He felt he could get a huge price for her over the Internet, or hooking at conventions. But, that would be after he took her as much as he wanted first! He was going to have her move into his place and fill her with pleasures she never knew were there. She would be fucking a man's cock very soon!

Granted, she wasn't as good as Barbara but she tried hard to do what he wanted. Barbara was just an exceptional fuck! The younger girls while sexier, when no where near as talented. But, Marvin smiled a he said to himself: "After a few months with me they all seem to become cock hungry white whores who fuck much better than they did before they met me!"

Marvin was going to let his new white babe move in just as soon as he could get rid of Barbara! But, meanwhile, he had gotten the little blonde to give him sex a couple of days a week in his office or her dorm room, both of which were dangerous! He may be found out and would be fired and maybe have charges pressed against him! Na, as long as the women he fucked were over 18, the college wouldn't want the scandal! He bumped her grades up to a B average just like he told her he would do, even if she deserved a D.

He hadn't introduced her to cocaine yet, but she would be easy once she started to live with him. And he figured that would be soon.

Marvin always felt he owe Barbara a little something for saving his life from her husband that night in the cabin. He had no doubts Tom would have smoked him if it weren't for her. But now she was becoming a problem, one, which he didn't want any longer. She didn't want him to leave her alone ever! And while he had to admit he loved to like to show off his white women, he needed time alone to conduct his business and get other little white sluts who liked big black cocks to join him.

They all seemed to want black cock these days, a new trend he was happy to say! They would fuck black just so they could tell their friends they had done one! It was just for the fun of it for them that's what made it easy for him! He was not only black but he was also very big and the women loved those two combinations these days! He even bragged about taking them from their man or families!

So he decided to put Barbara out on the street and earn him some spending cash to spend on his next white beauty! He was going to tell her this morning when she got up. But first he needed to test her to see if she was as bad off as he felt she was. He made her suck his cock that had fucked 3 women last night. He didn't clean himself on purpose. He was going to see if Barbara wanted drugs bad enough to suck his dirty cock make him cum and then he would have her clean him off. Oh yea, and he wanted her to do his brother too! He knew he smelled bad when she was told what he wanted her to do. But even to his surprise Barbara dropped to her knees immediately without any problem and sucked him dry right after she sucked his brother off too! God she could suck a cock!. He was sure she would be earning him cash for a long time unless she died from an overdose of drugs or some guy beat her to death.

He then told her what her faith was going to be from tonight on. She didn't like it but she had no one else and no where to go! He drove her to the apartment he had for some of the other women on his payroll and moved her in. At first he would see if she could earn him big bucks as a professional escort or call girl.

Once she got to bad, he would just put her on the street to suck a cock for $20 or $30 bucks a pop until she was just to far gone on drugs to even do that for him! Marvin drove back to his apartment and waiting for him on the steps was Betty, the little blonde student. He smiled a huge smile when he saw her. He wrapped his arm around her tiny body and closed the door behind them! She told him she wanted to get her grade up to an A.

He quickly undressed and fucked her all afternoon! He said to himself: "This is some great pussy Marvin! But not as good as Barbara was! Yet!"

Betty was much younger and smaller than Barbara was when she first fucked Marvin. Betty was maybe 5 foot 1 inch and a real blonde! She was moaning and humping her small body up and down on that foot of cock buried in her in about 5 minutes after he had closed the front door. He took her on the living room couch saying: "Welcome home baby! I love you being here. I want you to be with me all the time and I'll make love to just like this anytime you want me!"

He was thinking to himself: "Man, this is getting easier and easier. All you gots to do is spread a rumor about black cock all being huge and the women line up for you! White women are so fucking easy to recruit! Dumb ass white bitches!"

He whispered in her ear when they were lying together. He told her he loved to feel his cock head inside her small stretched pussy!! She moaned and told him she loved his big cock all the way up inside her womb fucking her deeper than she had ever been fucked before! He licked her neck and said: "I have a great idea baby! Let's make a movie of our love making?"

She smiled a she moved her little body against his cock head inside her and told him: "Anything for you Marvin anything you want! Just keep fucking me baby! Just keep fucking me!"

He laughed and said: "You want to go again Betty, so soon! OK baby! If you're ready for another loven then old Marvin is ready to give it to you! Cause you know Marvin loves your tight, wet, little, white pussy!"

She moaned as he pushed 7 inches into her and started to get hard again. She said: "Oh Marvin! Your cock feels so good baby, fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me, OH GOD YES!! I love your cock so much!"

He smiled as he rolled her over on to her back now and began to teach her what it felt like to have a big black cock in her womb! He whispered in her ear: "Oh and you just received you're a+ for the class Betty. Now lift your legs for me."

She did and her pushed her knees against her tits as he slammed in her small little white cunt again and again and again with his big cock! As he was about to fill her body with his cum, the front door busted open and Marvin was sprayed with bullets. Betty was wounded badly but lived. Marvin had died with a hard on fucking a white woman!!

Finally, one day a few weeks later, the police came to Tom's house to tell him his ex-wife, had been found raped, beaten and murdered by a rope around her neck in an ally downtown. The mother of his children, his high school sweet heart, and the once, love of his life, was dead. He was wondering if that was a blessing for her. They had 2 blacks and one white addicts in custody! They wanted to know if he knew why she had a business card with Mr. Marvin Wilson's name and his personal phone number in her pocket?

He told them he didn't know who Mr. Wilson was. They told him he was a big time pimp and drug dealer who they just found out was recruiting women from the community college. They said Marvin preferred to get white women because in his words: "They white women these days were so fucking easy and wanted to fuck black men!"

Tom told then he had no idea why she had his name with her, but then he wasn't very close to his ex-wife any longer. She had moved on to other circles. He asked where he could go and see the body. They told him and he began to make arrangements for the funnel. Now all he had to do was tell his children, their poor mother was dead. This was going to be the second hardest thing he had ever done. The police had no idea who shot him but felt it was drug related. Tom just shook his head and said: "Well then he must have crossed someone! He had made them mad enough to kill him I guess!"

Thank god for Eva, the new woman in his life. She would help him and the kids recover. Eva came to the door and asked Tom if there was a problem. He told her what happened she held him tenderly saying how so sorry she was for his lost! Tom held her and knew that Barbara's part of his life was over just like this story.

Now some of this story is 100% true and some fiction to make the story more interesting. I'll leave it up to the reader to determine what was fiction! But if you see what's going on in our world and country and on the Internet, you'll know some of it is very, very true and so sad!

Many of these young girls of all colors think they are have such a great time being fucked in every hole like a damn whore by some dudes with big cocks! They enjoy it but don't realize what that type of life will do to them! But, in some cases a love one and/or a family member will save them from a fate like Barbara's!

However, one of the true parts of this story is the death of Barbara whom I knew personally! Some of these women never come back home just like Barbara. Some die quick and fast from an OD of drugs! They are the lucky ones. The others die of AIDs or some other terrible disease, or are beaten to death, choked or stabbed many times in some ally after sucking a cock for $20.00, just like Barbara my one time friend!

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fishgetterfishgetterover 3 years ago

Not well written, at all. A WELL written story is one where the dialog, premise, and actions are cohesive, and at least a little bit believable. The grammar should be revisited more thoroughly. Spelling and tense usage was not given any attention to detail, it seems, ie. " Well baby! I'm a little bit scared and a great deal more excitement ". That is just an example, some time it is the use of LOOSE in place of lose. Just a big train wreck, and detracts from a cohesive flow of information on the author's part. GRT AN EDITOR, and listen to his/her instructions !!!

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 8 years ago
Well written

But a chilling story particularly as he says it's pretty much true. For more of the wonders of black-on-white sex, look up what happened to Ashley Olsen in Florence and innumerable black-on-white crimes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love the multi endings.

Gives everyone the ending they want!!

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
I did not read the story.

It might have been a good one but I just wanted to express my displeasure with an author who cannot decide on an ending. It takes all the romance (entertainment value) out of a story with more than one ending. You cannot be "all things to all men", just write you ending and the readers will either like it or they won't. When they pick the ending they like it removes the drama that the story might project. Just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
what the hell was this?

The story started out good and the sex was hot. But the ending was really bad. Are you trying to get people off on this or make them depressed? You also need to edit better. Lots of the words were incorrectly used, missing, etc...

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