Rider Ch. 01-05


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'I'm afraid about the best I can offer at the moment is to get you another drink.'

'Then I'll just have to make do with that, won't I - well, at least for the time being.'

I took the opportunity to go into the bath-room and rinse the rapidly congealing mess off my shrinking cock and balls, then with a towel wrapped around my waist, returned with a damp cloth and a hand towel so she could do the same to her pussy while I fixed the drinks. She propped herself up with the pillows and pulled the coverlet up over her legs, but I was delighted to see she left her breathtaking breasts uncovered and, having seen how hard it was for me to tear my eyes away from them, she gave me a knowing smile as I handed her a drink.

'They really get to you, don't they Rob.'

'Yes, they're beautiful.' I mumbled as I sat down on the edge of the bed beside her.

'And you're not only magnificently equipped, you're psychic too.'

'Psychic? What do you mean?'

'Knowing that right then, towards the end I mean, I wanted it up my arse.'

'You like it that way.'

'Only when I'm as turned on as you'd got me. Normally it's not very good, and with someone as big as you are it would usually be out of the question. But you'd got me so wound up, and at the same time got my body so relaxed, that right then it was exactly what I wanted. As I said, you must be psychic.'

'The temptation was just too strong, in that position, looking down at it.'

'Was it winking at you?' she asked with a chuckle.

'Almost. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it that way as much as I did.'

'Yes it certainly felt as though it was good for you. It's been a while since I've felt a man come as powerfully as you did. But then you'd hung on for a lot longer than most blokes are able to. That really got me going, I'd expected you to come a couple of times before you actually did. Right at the start, when you were fucking my breasts, I half expected you to shoot all over them then.'

'I damn nearly did Ros.'

'I actually like that, so next time, if you fancy it, I'll give you a taste of what I think of as my speciality, if you like it as much as I think you will you can really let yourself go. And as you'll find out, I get a bit of a bonus out of it. But all the same, I'm glad you didn't this time.

But then after that, I never imagined you'd be able to hold out longer than me, I was sure you'd come inside my pussy. When I felt mine coming on and you still hadn't, well, I actually began to wonder if you were ever going to.'

'I'm glad I didn't disappoint you.'

'Oh, you certainly didn't disappoint me Rob. You're a good-looking guy and I guessed you were well hung, but I never dreamed you'd be such an incredibly good lover too. If you were even half as good with her, Mandy must have wondered what hit her.'

'I admit she didn't register any complaints.' I responded with a grin.

'I bet she didn't. So, what's she like in bed?'

For a second or two I didn't know whether to answer or not. But then knowing how women talk amongst themselves; discussing their love lives, comparing lovers, and recognising that in a small town there was even more likelihood that everyone knew just about everything there was to know about everyone else, I figured, why not.

'In four words - talented, enthusiastic, flexible - delightful.'




'I should think so.'

It was her next question that really floored me. 'Would she go for a threesome? Would you?'

Even as she asked the second part of the question I found that my head had instantly filled with the most incredible images. Images of Mandy and Ros together, together with me, in the most mind-blowing positions.

Chapter 4


Ros gave me a while to think about her question before asking. 'Well, what do you think?'

'I - I don't know. I hadn't thought. Does the idea appeal to you? You like it both ways?'

'With the right girl, yes, but especially when it's also with the right man. I mean, apart from anything else about him, a man who doesn't blow his wad just by looking, a man who can hold on, as you obviously can.

So, does it appeal to you?'

'Oh yes, it certainly appeals to me.'

'Why not see how she feels, you never know, young girls who are just discovering their bodies can turn out to be very experimental.'

'As you've obviously found out from experience.'

'Some, not a lot, that's something I have been very careful about. I don't mind the people in town knowing I'm usually on the look-out for a clean, good-looking but especially, well hung male, that can work to my advantage. But the other side of me - that's best kept to a few close, very close friends.'

'I'm flattered that you trust me that much already.'

'I'm usually a pretty good judge of people Rob. You strike me as a thoroughly decent guy. I don't think I'll be proved wrong about that. I certainly hope not, or I might have to move out.' she added with a grin.

'So, think about it, if you get the right opportunity, ask her, discreetly of course. You never know, you might be surprised.'

'I don't think anything about this town could surprise me again Ros. I came down for a funeral and a bit of a break. I end up with two of the sexiest women I've ever met, anywhere. If things go on like this, I'll need time off work to recuperate from my holiday.'

'What a way to go though! Talking of which, I'd better be getting myself ready to go right now. I need my beauty sleep, especially if the nights are going to get a bit hectic.' she added as she finished what was left of her drink then slid out of bed and, with a wiggle of her gorgeous bum, disappeared into the bath-room.

After she'd gone I sat, slowly sipping a night-cap before going to bed, then slept solidly right through until some time after dawn, when the vivid dreams of coiled and inter-locked bodies woke me, with a hard-on that simply refused to go down until I went and stood under the stinging spray of a cold shower.

As though it was a sign of things to come, when I came out of the shower and took a look out of the window I found to my dismay that it was pouring with rain and as it looked as though it had been doing that for quite some time I thought the weather was going to wreck my plans for the day with Mandy. But by the time I went down for breakfast the rain had stopped, then the sun broke through the clouds and apart from the large puddles left behind, it appeared set for another fine day.

Because I was meeting Mandy I went down for breakfast earlier than I usually did and got a surprised look and a quick, saucy - 'Couldn't you sleep?' - from Ros as she went bustling past me with a tray of food. Whether it was because of her 'beauty sleep' or from what I'd done for her, she seemed even brighter than usual, her face literally glowed and her eyes sparkled mischievously.

'So who are you up so early, I mean, what are you up to today.' she asked in a low voice when she came to take my order.

Quickly deciding that in the circumstances a half-truth was both better and easier to give than the whole, I smiled up at her and answered. 'Actually, sorting out some of my old stuff, at my aunt's house.'

'Are you seeing, our friend, this evening?'

'Probably, but I'm not sure.'

'You'll be in for dinner?'

'Almost definitely.'

'If you are seeing her, maybe you'll get a chance to find out what we talked about. If not, well I'm sure you'll find something else to do.' She paused, her eyes smiling down into mine from beneath arched eye-brows, then gave me a cheekily questioning grin as she asked in a more normal voice. 'So, what do you fancy, sir?' The grin quickly turned into a far more smouldering expression as I mouthed the single word - 'You!' - before asking for some eggs and bacon.

I suppose that given the amount of energy I'd used the previous day I shouldn't have been surprised at how hungry I was and as I expected to be equally active that day I took the opportunity to really stoke up. But as I ate I kept one eye on the time, I wanted to get to the agreed pick-up spot before Mandy was due to get there and when I really couldn't eat any more I gave Ros a smile and a wink and went to get the car.

Although I hadn't specifically remembered the lane that ran down the side of the Post Office when Mandy said that was where we should meet, as soon as I pulled into it memories flooded back. I had ridden down it many times as a kid, on one of my cousins' bikes. Many years earlier it had probably been quite busy but had fallen into disuse long before I'd got to know it.

It led to what was no more than a track, a track that wound up the side of a creek, climbing up into the surrounding hills, past a place where there had been a fairly large saw mill, then higher, into the forest, branching into a series of probably now overgrown tracks, down which the felled logs used to be hauled.

It was not only a good spot to meet, it was perfect route out of town and led to exactly the kind of countryside we were looking for, out-of-the-way and most importantly, secluded.

I parked, got the old blanket out of the boot and so Mandy could make a quick entry, left the rear door slightly open, then, with my eyes glued to the rear-view mirror, sat waiting for her. It couldn't have been more than five minutes or so before I saw her appear at the corner, she saw the car, took a quick, almost furtive look around her then turned and a couple of seconds later she was in and having pulled the blanket over her, lay down on the floor.

'I'm O.K. Rob, let's go. Straight ahead, then follow the gravel road.' she said in a muffled whisper as I turned on the ignition.

'Up past the old saw mill you mean.' I answered.

'Yes. You know that road?'

'You forget, I used to come here as a kid, I used to cycle up this way lots of times. The saw mill was a great place to explore.'

'There's not much left of it now, so nobody goes up there, not even the kids, that's why I thought it would be a good place for us to leave the car. I thought we'd go for a walk up over the hill, I've got some sandwiches and stuff for us. Mum couldn't understand why I was putting so much food together.' she giggled. 'I said some of it was for my friend. Of course she thought I meant Sandra, we do that sometimes, and as I didn't say anything else I didn't actually have to tell a lie.'

Once we'd left the last of the houses behind I stopped and let Mandy out of hiding, helping myself to an eyeful of her body as I gave her a hand in getting out of the back of the car. As we settled into the front seats and she saw how my eyes lingered, her cheeks coloured and she gave me a nervous smile, then urged me to get the car even further away from the town. We drove in silence for a while and I needed most of my concentration to negotiate the poorly maintained gravel track. Most but not all, whenever we came across a more level section I found myself looking out of the corner of my eyes, catching glimpses of the curve of her breasts or the way the cotton fabric of her college uniform outlined the long, slim line of her legs.

After we'd gone a fair way out of town and as a way of breaking the growing silence I asked her what had happened the previous evening, and she explained that one of her friends who normally rode at another training centre, which was closed for a few days while they did some repairs, had come around and her Mother had said she should come back for dinner with them. 'I'm sorry but I just couldn't get away Rob, and Mum insisted she do that while they're doing the work, so I won't be able to see you for the next few evenings.' she added miserably.

'That's all right, I understand - we've got all day today together Mandy.'

'I know, it's lovely, but I would much rather have been with you than having a meal with her. I can't tell you how excited I've got every time I had time to think about it and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the previous evening. How quickly it all happened, how you looked, the things you did to me and the way you made me feel. It was all simply wonderful.'

'For me too Mandy.'


'Truly, you're one very attractive, and very, very sexy girl.'

'I've been feeling sexy ever since, I just can't seem to stop it. Even at school, when I think I'm concentrating on the work, I suddenly find myself actually thinking about some part of the evening. Sometimes the way you looked, standing up there on the balcony, sometimes the look in your eye as you looked at me, sometimes the way it felt when you touched me, when I touched you, and even about how it felt when you were actually inside me.' She was sitting with her hands lightly clasped in her lap but as she reminded herself of the various feelings she'd experienced she gave a sudden shiver and drew her hands tightly down against herself.

'How about you, have you been thinking about those things too?'

'Of course I have.' I answered truthfully.

'Last night, when you were disappointed I couldn't come up to see you?'

'Especially then.' I answered less truthfully.

Luckily, just then the old saw mill came into sight and I was able to change the subject before her questions and my answers became too complicated.

'We can leave the car over there, behind what's left of the timber shed, there's a flat bit of ground there and the car will be out of sight, though I can't imagine anyone else coming up this way.'

Having parked it and got out I had my first real opportunity of actually getting a good look at her, the light cotton dress was quite smart for a college uniform and certainly did nothing to disguise her shapely figure beneath it. So when she said she was going to get changed I suggested she leave that until later. 'I actually like the way you look now.' I said, unable to tear my eyes away from the tantalising curves.

'If you like.' she replied quietly as she saw how I continued to stare at her, adding in the same low tone. 'What did you have in mind?'

Right then my mind was filled with thoughts of slowing undoing the buttons that ran all the way down the front of the uniform, uncovering what was beneath it, removing it, kissing and fondling every inch of her unblemished flesh and then making violent love to her. Instead of putting those actual thoughts into words I answered. 'Let's go for that walk you suggested, up the hill, there used to be a great view from up there.'

'Yes there still is.' she answered as she reached out and took my hand in hers.

The overnight rain had left the air clean and sweet smelling and I breathed deeply as we set off up the narrow path that led up the hill. But by the time we reached the crest I was panting for breath, though Mandy seemed as fresh as when we'd started. Most of my shortness of breath was certainly due to the steepness of the track, but some of it could also be attributed to the fact that the uniform, to my eyes at least, seemed designed to flaunt her youthful body, rather than disguise or even simply cover it.

I couldn't decide which was the most provocative, when she was climbing beside me and I could see the upswept curves of her breasts in profile. Or when she scrambled up ahead of me and I could see up under her skirt, see her strong yet slender thighs, and occasionally, as she clambered up a more steep section, the start of the firm swell of her bottom. Then, because I'd been busy enjoying all that and I was running short of breath from the climb, she reached the top of the rise ahead of me, and having reached it, quite naturally stood for a few moments to admire the view. And so did I.

The sun at that moment was immediately ahead of her, and so worked like a gigantic spotlight, its beam shining through the uniform and creating a perfect silhouette of her body.

In spite of the exertion of the climb, the tantalising glimpses I'd had during it, coupled with the knowledge that we had the whole day ahead of us, had naturally kept my cock semi aroused. So when I stopped for breath and saw the outline of shapely body I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was to feel myself getting a full-blown erection.

Becoming uncomfortably aware of what was happening I moved forward, up the last steep section, stood beside her and put one arm around her waist. Taking a few moments to catch my breath, then said. 'It's absolutely beautiful isn't it. It's well worth the climb.'

'Mmm, yes it is.' she answered, snuggling closer.

But why were you so determined to race me?'

'I wasn't racing you Rob. It's just that I, well, I was trying to burn off some of what I'm feeling.'

'What do you mean?'

'Oh, you know, what we were saying before. I mean it's obvious isn't it. We're out here, alone. How do you expect me to feel?'

'You mean you were feeling sexy?'




I didn't waste any more words - I simply pulled her, almost roughly into my arms and clamped my lips to hers. And she responded instantly, her tongue swirling around mine as she ground herself against me, her fingers digging deep into the cheeks of my arse as she pulled me hard up against herself, and felt the hard length of my cock pressing against her thigh.

'You too!' she gasped excitedly as we broke for air.

'As you can feel.'

'Do it now!'

I did just that, unzipping my trousers and freeing my cock as she pulled the skirt of her uniform up around her waist and tugged the crotch of her panties to one side. I had time for a quick glimpse of the blonde fur covering her mound, and then I backed her up against the nearest tree and fucked her, as I needed to, and as I knew she wanted me to, fast and hard.

She made hoarse whimpering sounds as I thrust up into her and I wasn't sure whether they were caused by the urgency of her need or the roughness of the bark her bottom was being ground up against each time. But it was clear from the way her fingers gripped me, urging me to go even harder, faster, that I was giving her exactly what she wanted.

I wished I'd had the same staying power as I'd demonstrated to Ros the previous evening, at least been able to keep going for even half that time. But, perhaps because the circumstances were so completely different, the time and place of the fuck so unexpected, it wasn't to be. After just a few minutes of excruciatingly exciting thrusting in and out of her incredibly tight little pussy I felt the rush approaching. Felt my balls tighten as the pressure inside them neared criticality, and as that pressure rose even higher, I thrust deeper, almost winding her as I forced her harder back against the unyielding tree.

Then Mandy grunted and clutched me even tighter with both her arms and, as the start of her own climax suddenly gripped her, with her pussy, and that was the spark that triggered my first blast.

I felt it searing up through me, then heard myself let out a loud guttural roar as that first load seared up the pistoning shaft and blasted deep into her cunt. It was quickly followed by an equally powerful second, then another, another and still yet another.

From her almost savage reactions I knew her own orgasm was just as powerful as mine, and when my cock had finally finished pumping the force of our mutual climaxes left us hanging on to each other for support.

Later, when we'd both recovered from the almost mindlessly urgent need that had overtaken us both, we walked hand in hand back down to the car, taking a longer, less vertical route, and at first in a semi-stunned silence.

Once I'd started to recover from the shock of what we had experienced I was initially a bit concerned that someone might see us. A school-girl and an older man out walking together on a school-day would be hard enough to explain, in a small community, it would be impossible. But then the chance of anyone else being where we were was well nigh impossible, so I relaxed and enjoyed the surroundings, the feel of Mandy's hand in mine, and the after-glow of the truly amazing fuck we'd had.