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I almost started crying.

* * *

It was almost nine when Robert showed up in the kitchen. I was showered, dressed and just finishing my first cup of coffee. He appeared to have also showered, but was still in his robe.

"Alan still sleeping it off?"

"Nah, he was called into work early . . . some emergency. It happens all the time."

"Oh, how long will he be gone?"

"Who knows, could be three or four hours or ten. Cream, sugar or both?" I asked him.

"Black, thanks."

"Just so you know, I told him it might be a little awkward for us to be here alone after last night."

"Oh, and what did he have to say about that?"

I took my cup and his and headed out to the patio. While I was walking, I answered "He laughed and called us silly. He said that if we wanted a repeat performance we should go for it. He insisted that he wouldn't mind at all."

"Awfully nice of him." He said with a chuckle.

I let out a little giggle "I thought so." And then, after sitting our cups down and while we were waiting on them to cool a little, I looked right at him and said "Just so you know, I do . . . want a repeat performance, I mean—one or three or four or twenty, the more the better. I just thought you should know."

He stared at me for several seconds before asking "When?"

I didn't blink "Now, an hour from now, later, or all of the above . . . whenever you're feeling up to it and want it."

He grinned but didn't say anything, so I asked, "penny?"

He looked around the fenced yard and then up at the sky, shielding his eyes from the morning sun "Nice morning."

"Anything I can do to make it nicer?"


Gawd, I couldn't believe how bold and forward I was being, but I wanted what was between his legs, and after last night, I somehow didn't feel the need to play coy. "Just say the word and I'm there."

"And what word would that be?"


He chuckled, "Okay, now."

I didn't even care that I was wearing shorts and my bare knees were going to get scraped up on the concrete. I was between his legs in a flash, opening his robe and working his boxers down and off. My hands were around his massive cock in a flash, my tongue swirling over the purple head.

"You really do like cum, don't you?"

"Hell yes . . . yes I do . . . so are you going to give me some?"

"That all depends on you, now doesn't it?"

"Ummmm" I purred at the thought of eating another huge load of his cum.

"How does mine taste compared to Alan's?"

I continued to massage his cock while I answered "Well, there's a lot more of it, that's obvious. But other than that, his is a bit sweeter, and yours is a bit tangy."

"Which do you prefer?"

"Yours for the volume, his for the taste."

"Honesty, I like that. Now, do you like anal sex?"

"Uh . . . sometimes . . . with Alan but . . ."

He let out a loud laugh "I didn't mean with me. You couldn't handle it."

"Probably not, in my pussy or in my ass, but we should probably try before you leave anyway just to find out."

"Nice, but what would Alan think about that?"

"He told me that I should try it before you leave, but I'm sure he was referring to my pussy. I think I'd rather try those things with him here with us though."

"I understand. He's a better love than I am. I've seen him in action plenty of times."

"He's wonderful, yes." I said as I continued to stoke his rapidly hardening cock and lick the head between speaking.

"I've never had to be. All women want from me is a chance at my cock."

"Can you blame them?"

"No, not at all, but I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to be normal and be able to enjoy the other things too."

"I'm sorry. I guess I didn't consider that."

"Most don't. Men are jealous of me, women are in awe, but none of them know what it's like. That's why I enjoy being around Alan so much. He understands. He's seen it first hand a lot of times."

"I understand."

"So, now that I've pissed in your Post Toasties, maybe we should get back to the business at hand, which is producing a nice load of cum for you to enjoy."

"That sounds like it's all for me, and not any fun for you."

"It feels good, but sometimes I wished it didn't."


"Never mind."

"Robert . . . you tell me what I can do to make it better for you, and I'm there, understand?"

"Thanks, I appreciate that. For now, just work up a nice load of cum to enjoy, and I'll be thinking what you can do for me later?"

"You don't have to tell me twice." I said as I began stroking and licking his monster cock more urgently.

* * *

Yes, I made him cum, and yes there was a lot of it again, and yes, I thoroughly enjoyed catching as much of it in my mouth as I could and then licking up the spillage afterward, but as it turns out, that wasn't the most important event that happened prior to Alan getting home at around two p.m. that afternoon.

After getting Robert and I another cup of coffee, I ask him "So, have you decided what I can do for you?"

I was blown away by his answer "Yes, you can hold me."

"I don't understand." I confessed.

"Beth, I've never had what Alan has. I've never been married or even had a meaningful relationship in my life. I'm jealous of him for that. I'm jealous of him for finding love, for finding someone he's not afraid to be himself around, someone he's not afraid to be vulnerable in front of, to be humble in front of. That's what you are to him. You're friends. You share something that I've never had. I'd die to feel that even if only for a few minutes."

Needless to say, I was totally blown away. I thought about it for a long while before asking "How can I give you that?"

I thought he was going to cry, but he fought back his emotions and said "Pretend I'm him . . . just for a little while."

I put some dishes into the dishwasher and poured us both another cup of coffee, all the time racking my brain for a way to give Robert what he needed. We were almost finished with that cup without another word being spoken between us when I got an idea. "Honey, I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to turn in early. Make sure the doors are locked before you come up to bed." And with that, I got up, rinsed my cup in the sink, put it into the dishwasher, and then headed upstairs. Once there, I closed the heavy curtains to block out the sun and darken the room, then I stripped and got into bed.

Several minutes later, Robert entered the bedroom. I could hear him taking off his clothes and then he slid into bed. "Good night, Honey." I said, turning to give him a brief kiss and hug. Then I turned away from him and pretended to sleep. Within seconds, he rolled over toward me and spooned his body against mine, his hand finding my near breast. "Good night, Hun." He said in little more than a whisper.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but when I moved, Robert rolled me onto my back and laid his head on my shoulder. He crooked a knee over my legs and hugged me tight. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you more." I whispered back.

When he heard that, he began so sob. Soon his body was convulsing slightly and his sobs grew louder.

* * *

It was a little after two p.m. when the bedroom door cracked open and Alan peered in. Robert was still hugging me tightly. He was asleep, but still whimpering softly. I put a finger to my lips to silence Alan and then shooed him out with the back of my hand. Obediently, he closed the door, but not before showing me a most confused look.

Another hour passed before Robert stirred "Good morning, Dear. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. What time is it?"

"Almost time for you to go to work. You'd better hurry and take a shower. I'll turn your water on and then go down and cook breakfast. Better hurry." I said as I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I almost closed the door, but I thought better of it. I never closed it when Alan was present, at least not if I only needed to pee. So I left it open, turned on the shower to warm up, and then went pee.

When Robert entered the bathroom, I was still on the toilet. He rubbed his eyes and stared at me in disbelief.

"What's the matter, Honey? You're acting like you've never seen your wife take a pee before.

He still looked a bit disoriented, but then he seemed to catch on. "Oh, my wife . . . uh, yeah, okay." And he stepped into the shower.

I finished but didn't flush for fear of scalding him. Prior to walking out of the bathroom, I opened the shower door and asked him, "Ham or sausage with your eggs this morning?"

"Sausage, please."

"Okay, but you'd better step on it. You overslept a little bit."

When I left the bathroom, I hurried downstairs. I found Alan working in his office. I kissed him and said, "I don't have much time to explain, but I will in a little while. In the meantime, I need you to just stay in here and work or go outside or whatever. I'll explain later, I promise."

It was obvious that he didn't understand what was going on, but my dear sweet husband trusted me enough to play along. "Okay, whatever you say."

I kissed him again and then hurried to the kitchen to fix breakfast. Robert came downstairs just as I was setting the table. "I know this is Saturday and you'll only have to work for a few minutes, but you'd better eat up and git or you'll be late . . . oh, and will you do me a favor and stop somewhere on your way home and pick up a bottle of white wine for dinner?"

"Uh . . . sure thing. Of course." Robert answered, still a little unsure of what to make of the charade.

He ate quickly and then I ushered him to the door "You won't be more than a couple of hours will you? I'm going to have a late lunch prepared for you." And without waiting for him to answer, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled his head down to mine so that I could give him a brief passionate kiss. "See you in a couple of hours." And I almost pushed him out of the door.

* * *

"Okay, here's the deal." I sat about to try to explain things to my confused husband. "Robert has never been in love. He's never been loved, and he's so jealous of you he's beside himself. Alan, there's no way I can explain how depressed he is. He sees himself a giant cock and not a worthy human being. So, I've started trying to treat him like a husband instead of a sex object to see if that will help. It seems to be working a little. Hell, he just spent several hours curled up next to me crying. It was both pitiful and touching. I just sent him out, and he'll be back in a little while expecting to find his loving wife here to greet him. I don't know if you can understand this whole thing, or even if I can, but it's not a sex thing, honey, it's an emotional need that he's desperately trying to fill, even if just for a few hours."

Alan sat there, soaking it all in, and after a full minute, he asked, "What can I do to help?"

"Hell, I don't know. I've been trying to figure out how to work you into this whole charade, but I haven't figured it out yet."

"I could be your house guest . . . or hell, I can go stay in a hotel for a couple of days if you think that would be better."

"You'd do that? Damn, I mean, I don't even know if this is going to work. I just know that he's an emotional basket case and he needs help . . . probably professional help, but I'm afraid to suggest it at this point. He might take it wrong."

After a few moments, Alan got up and kissed me on the mouth. "Other than you, he's the best friend I've ever had. Do what you can for him. I'll disappear for a couple of days."

"Baby . . . I don't know what to say. I'll call you every day as often as I can. If he's not over it in a couple of days though, I think we should insist that he see a professional . . . a shrink. He's just so depressed, I'm worried about him."

Alan pressed his palm to my cheek, "You're a good person, Beth. Do what you can for him, but don't get so caught up in it that you lose track of who you really are and who really loves you."

"I promise you, that will never, ever happen. I love you and only you, and that is the way it's going to be for the rest of my life."

"That's all I needed to hear. Now, help me pack some things and I'll get out of here before he comes back."

* * *

"Hi honey." I said as Robert came though the door. I went to him and through my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. "You're early. Lunch isn't ready yet."

"Uh, where's Alan?"

"Alan? Oh, you mean your old army buddy. He decided he'd be more comfortable staying in a hotel. You know how it is. Staying in someone else's home is always so awkward. Anyway, it's just you and me again. Why don't you go relax and have a drink and I'll get lunch ready."

"Uh, okay. Thanks."

* * *

And so, that's how it went for the next two days. I treated Robert exactly like I would have treated Alan, except for sex. There was none of that. In fact, there was no mention of it. We didn't talk about his big cock or anything else sexual. We curled up on the sofa together and watched movies. We ate and worked in the backyard. We swam and relaxed and chatted about nothing at all.

We hugged all night more than Allan and I would have, but he simply refused to let go of me long enough to let me turn over. When I did finally manage to, he spooned up against me and hugged me even tighter like he was afraid I'd get away. It was all very touching and yet, very disturbing at the same time.

As promised, I called Alan several times each day. And by the end of the second day, I was proud to report that Robert seemed much better, much more relaxed and less depressed.

"Do you need another day or two?" Alan asked.

"No, but even if I thought it would help, I miss you and I want you home with me where you belong."

"Okay then, I'll see you in the morning."

* * *

It's difficult to describe the scene that occurred when Alan came home. He was no more than three steps inside the door when Robert met him and hugged him tightly. I was standing several feet away, but I could clearly hear Robert sobbing while he held onto Alan tightly. "Thank you . . . I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you. This has been the best two days of my life."

When Robert's bags were in his rental car and he was ready to leave, and while I was hugging him with Alan standing nearby, Robert said to me "You didn't get everything you wanted while I was here . . . I know you wanted to try to--"

I put my fingers to his lips to quite him. "I got more than I wanted. I got to know you." And then I added "You've got a great cock, but that's not who you are. Anytime you just want to be you and not a big ole cock, you are welcome here."

He was crying when he got into his car and drove off. I can't help wondering if Robert will ever come back, but I hope for his sake and for Allan's and mine that he does.

* * * Then End * * *

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thought it was very good . Maybe 14 is a bit big though. To add a point some men do actually enjoy the thought of their wives enjoying a big cock and some actually let them . I personally enjoyed letting her .

payenbrantpayenbrantover 1 year ago

Odd, It gets a five star for being off the wall and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent. Started well, finished even better. Really interesting turn in what was already a good story

imhaplessimhaplessover 2 years ago

Bizarre beyond belief -- but I like bizarre when it's original. Thanks for the story. 5* from me.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

An utterly ridiculous story that sense at all.

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