Roommate Relations Ch. 06


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Jess's skirt had ridden up around her waist by this point. If someone had come in the room, they'd have seen her pert ass as it bounced up and down, her cunt lips stretched thinly around Ian's impressive shaft, her skirt a thin band of black just above her hips, her long, dark hair dangling down in front of her over one shoulder and just brushing against Ian's chest. Her tits were practically spilling out of her tiny red shirt. The two lovers gazed deeply into each other's eyes, their mutual passion obvious to any observer.

Ian rolled, and Jess laughed as she found herself underneath him. "I thought it was my choice," she said playfully. Ian didn't answer, but his hips rose and fell, and soon Jess's playful objections were lost as she started to writhe and moan underneath him.

"Quiet," he said again, and then he quieted her himself with a passionate kiss. Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck, holding him close as they kissed and her hips rolled and he drove into her like a piston. The bedsprings started to squeak, so Ian slowed, so that the only sounds in the room were the sounds of their breathing and the distant throb of the bass from the party coming through the floor.

Jess wrapped her legs around Ian's waist, unwilling to let him go. Their kiss ended, but their embrace did not. Ian could feel Jess's hot breath against his ear as she whispered, "Fuck me, baby. Fuck me and send me back to Kyle with your cum dripping down my leg." He closed his eyes and focused on the feelings—of her legs as they encircled him, of her breasts crushed against his chest, of her lips grazing his earlobe as she continued to whimper and whisper more filthy things to him. And most of all, the feeling of her cunt gripping him like a velvet vice, her walls rippling around his shaft.

Normally, Ian and Jess fucked like demons. This was something different. Ian's thrusts were slow, measured. Each time, he speared Jess to her core, and she gasped and bit back ecstatic moans. The need for secrecy and silence compelled them to do this, to eschew the rough, almost violent sex and replace it with this intimate embrace. But even now, their need for each was clear; they hadn't even been able to undress before starting.

Ian's lips sought out Jess's, their hunger for each other demanding it. Their breath mingled, all the little sighs and moans blending as well in a euphonic symphony. Their hands roamed free, groping and gripping. Ian palmed one of Jess's firm breasts, her flesh yielding underneath him. He worked his hand under her top so he could feel her heat. Her hands ran up his sides, his back, her nails running across his shirt. She could feel his muscles moving, gathering, tensing, as he rhythmically worked in her, bringing them both closer to the inevitable moment of culmination.

They moved in sync. Ian's hips rose and fell, and Jess rolled hers under him. They grabbed and groped for each other. Jess's fingers dug into Ian's back, her nails leaving little crescent-shaped marks in his skin, under his shirt. Again, their lips found each other, and as they kissed, deeply and passionately, they came.

Ian exploded inside her. Jess trapped his lower lip between her teeth, biting down as she joined him in euphoric climax. Her cunt seemed to grip him in time with his ejaculations, squeezing him, wringing every last drop from him. They were both silent, apart from their raspy breathing; their eyes were closed, and for an endless moment the world shrunk, until all that remained was their intimate embrace.

When they returned to themselves, Ian rolled over, pulling out of Jess. Her hand went between her legs, cupping her pussy and keeping his cum from spilling out and staining her skirt. "Get my panties, baby?" she asked. Ian looked around, his cock still hanging out of his fly, and found her tiny black thong hanging over the lamp shade. He tossed it to her.

Jess pulled on her underwear and rose. "Mmmm, that was amazing. When we go back down to Kyle, you'll be dripping out of me." She walked over to Ian and dropped to her knees, taking his half-hard cock into her mouth. She closed her lips around him, her tongue swirling, grazing every inch of him, cleaning off their mixed juices. And when she was done, she kissed the very end of his shaft, leaving a red lip-print on him, and then carefully put him back in his pants.

She stood back up and leaned against Ian, who took her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "Think we've given your boyfriend enough time, babe?" he asked.

"I think so. But we should make a plan."

"Go down together? That should get him good and angry. He makes a scene, you storm off."

"Sounds good to me."


And so they returned, and Kyle did indeed get angry and make a scene. But things didn't go according to plan. Kyle had a bit more fight in him than expected, and he took a swing at Ian, and then things went downhill for him. The two of them wound up carrying his unconscious body back to the dorm he shared with Ian.

Ian dropped Kyle unceremoniously on the floor of his room. "This place is kind of a dump," he said.

Jess stifled a giggle. "He doesn't get out much. You've really made things bad for him."

"You aren't going to ask me to go easy on him?"

"I do feel sorry for him, sometimes. But... well, it's also kind of fun to see you push him around. At first, it was just fun playing around behind his back. Now, though, the way he hurts kind of gets me off."

Ian rolled Kyle onto his back. The unconscious Kyle's limbs flopped bonelessly. His broken nose had swelled up, red and angry, and his eyes had blackened. Ian's punch had also split one of Kyle's lips. The bleeding had stopped, or at least slowed, but dried blood had crusted around Kyle's nostrils and lips. Overall, he looked like a raccoon that had its face kicked in. His breathing was steady, but he showed no signs of returning to consciousness any time soon.

Jess knelt by him and prodded his nose experimentally. Even while knocked out, he twitched when she poked at the no-doubt sensitive injury. "God, I shouldn't find this hot. But it was just so masculine, the way you floored him. Watching men fight over me... You were like a caveman," she said. She poked Kyle's nose again and continued. "One punch, ha! What a wuss." She rose. "Let's leave him here and go next door. It's a shame he won't be awake to hear it, but I need you to fuck me again right now."

Ian smirked at her; he had other ideas. He swept up Jess in his arms and carried her over to Kyle's bed. She let out a little yelp as he dropped heavily onto it, with her underneath him, catching his weight on his forearms and elbows to avoid crushing her. Ian's leg wormed its way between hers, forcing her to spread, his denim-clad thigh rough against her bare legs.

"So, you like me masculine? Like a caveman?" he said, his voice a guttural growl. Jess's heart beat faster, and she squeezed her legs around Ian's. When they'd fucked before, at the party, it had been tender, slow, intimate, even romantic. But this time Jess was in for something else, something rough and primal and savage.

Ian grabbed a fistful of Jess's hair, making her gasp at the sudden tingling pain. "I asked you a question," he said. "You want me to fuck you hard, in your fucking pissant boyfriend's bed?" Jess couldn't answer; a frisson of excitement ran through her at the way Ian took control, trapping her beneath him, mastered her in a way Kyle never could.

He slipped aside then, laying beside her, one hand still in her hair. His leg slipped away from hers, but before she could close her legs his left hand slid into place. She'd put her panties back on before Ian and Kyle had their fight (although calling it that was offering Kyle too much dignity), and Ian's hand cupped her mound possessively. "Mine," he growled, grinding the heel of his hand against her until her hips started rolling.

All Jess could do was look up at Ian's impassive face, her bright blue eyes glimmering. He moved his hand up and cupped one of her tits through the red halter top. "Mine," he repeated, digging his fingers into the firm but yielding flesh.

Next was her throat—his hand closed around her neck, although he didn't squeeze. He just repeated himself: "Mine." He didn't move either hand after that; instead, he kissed her, his hands keeping her locked in place as he slid his tongue past her parted lips, the kiss conveying his power and control as she melted under him, moaning softly.

When the kiss ended, Ian spoke once more, quietly: "Mine." And Jess shuddered, realizing that he spoke the truth, the she was his—and he was hers—in a way that Kyle couldn't claim. Ian and Jess were in sync and, as the saying goes, made for each other.

"How long do you think Kyle will be out?" she asked in a whisper.

"Long enough," Ian replied.

Jess reached down and hiked up her skirt. She tucked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and started to pull them down—but Ian stopped her. He pried her hands away and simply tore the panties off her, making her yelp slightly as the lacy fabric, damp with her juices and the cum that he'd left in her earlier, stretched and tore. He tossed the wispy scrap off the bed. It landed on Kyle's chest.

While Ian was doing that, Jess shucked off her top. She had not wore a bra, and as she dropped the red halter off the side of the bed she arched her back, showing off her perky D-cups as they rose proudly from her chest, jiggling slightly. She still had her heels on, and her skirt was bunched up around her waist. Ian sat up and doffed his shirt as well. Jess's hands wandered, feeling his powerfully built chest and firm abs. Her hands traveled south, finding his fly, which she undid hurriedly. Ian helped, wriggling out of his jeans and his underwear and kicking them off, together with his shoes.

Now they were both nude, or nearly so; they were flushed and breathing hard. Ian hooked one arm under her legs and lifted them up off the bed onto his shoulders, ducking his head underneath one leg so her ankles wound up by his ears. He leaned forward, making Jess bring her legs to her chest. She couldn't see what he was doing down below, but she felt the fat head of his prick grazing her cunt lips, sliding between her thighs for a moment before Ian got himself in place and his hips powered forward spearing her and making her cry out in pain and pleasure.

She reached out for him, her hands joining together around his neck, pulling him down, reveling in way this made the back of her thighs burn and stretch, the way it made him grind against her mound, the way it changed the angle of his thrusts, making him plunge even deeper into her core. She moved to kiss him, but at the last moment he resisted, entangling both his hands in her hair and keeping her from lifting herself off the bed to meet him.

Their faces were inches apart, their breath mingling, as he worked inside her wordlessly. She looked up at him, pleadingly, her lower lip quivering slightly. He denied her, even as she strained against his grip, desperate to feel his lips on hers. He held her at bay, a mélange of sensations going through her—spikes of rapturous pleasure every time he hilted himself in her, a constant burn from her legs as he forced her up against her limits, tingling pain as she tried urgently to pull herself to him or him to her and he held her down by her hair.

She was close to tears when he relented. As his lips touched hers, she quivered and came. Her back arched. She spasmed around him. Her impassioned moans filled the room. Her hands raked down his broad back. She could feel herself writhing frantically underneath him. Her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off into bliss, lost to the world.

When Jess came to, she was lying on her stomach, half-on Kyle's bed. Her legs dangled off the side limply, and her hands were being held behind her back. The bed was a mess; the sheets had tears in them and were crumpled and pulled partway off the bed. The blanket and pillows were nowhere to be seen. She craned her neck back and saw Ian, above and behind her, both her slender wrists held in one strong hand. He smiled down at her. "Welcome back to the land of the living, little lady. I thought you were going to snap your neck, the way you were going."

There was a dull ache coming from her pussy; it should have been unpleasant, but it wasn't. For Jess, it was a sign that she had been well-used by her man. What she could not feel was the telltale trickle of warm fluid running down her legs that was a sure sign that Ian had cum in her. "How long was I out?"

"Just a minute or so. When you stopped twitching I got you in position this way."

"I hope you came too, baby," she said. "I don't know if I can go any longer after what you did to me."

"I didn't," Ian replied, "and you can." His voice betrayed nothing but iron-hard self-assurance. It made Jess shiver. He lined himself up behind her and went on, "I'm going to fuck you some more. When I'm done I'm going to pull out and fucking drench you, while your shithead boyfriend stays there on the floor." And that was that; Ian's pronouncement was clearly intended to be final.

He lined himself up, his shaft aimed straight at her, and gently nudged forward. Jess winced involuntarily as the contact sent a little bright flare of pain through her. Ian stopped instantly, not wanting to hurt her in this way. He could tell the difference between the desirable kind of pain, the kind that puts a bittersweet edge on pleasure, and the other kind, and this looked to him like the latter.

Cautiously, he tried again, sliding inside her just slightly. This time, Jess sucked in sharply. Ian froze and pulled back. He took a perverse pride in the way she had stayed still for him; he had no doubt that if he wanted to fuck her now, she'd let him, and she'd do her best to make it good for him even if she found it agonizing. But he had no interest in that.

"I guess you weren't kidding," he muttered. He adjusted his aim, the tip of his shaft angling up slightly, and made one last attempt. This time, though, his cock—soaked with her juices—prodded at her asshole. She clenched for a moment, involuntarily, and then relaxed to his steady but insistent pressure. The thick head bulled its way inside, forcing her ass to yield and accept him.

Jess groaned as Ian split her, opening her up. He was the first and only man to take her this way, and while it had become a regular part of their sexual exploits she was still unable to become accustomed to him and his size. Each time, for her, felt like the first, like that day in her dorm room when he'd trained her ass with toys before claiming it. She'd improved; she could take him now without being drenched in lube, and he didn't have to painstakingly work for every inch. But there was always some pain, and that delicious feeling of fullness. The pain, though, was good—it was part of what she loved about the experience.

Ian, for his part, was always careful. Even when he was thoroughly consumed with lust, like he was now, he didn't go too far or too fast. He took his time, letting her get reacquainted with him. The only lube he had this time was spit and her juices, and even though he wanted to just make her take every inch of his shaft all in one go, he knew he couldn't do that without doing some damage to her—and it probably wouldn't be pleasant for him, either. So he took his time, steadily going deeper, fucking her with shallow strokes that let him slide in a few inches at a time.

Before either of them realized it, Ian's thrusts bottomed out. His sack made contact with her abused cunt, and she shuddered as it sent a brief burst of pain through her. "Fuck," she gasped, more out of surprise than from the actual sensation. "You fucked me too good earlier. I'm ruined."

Ian leaned over her. "You could never be ruined. You're perfect." She craned her neck back, turning her head to look at him, and he gave her a quick but passionate kiss. "Now get ready to get fucked some more."

That was the last thing he said for the rest of their torrid encounter. Once he'd hilted himself in Jess's tight asshole and she had a few moments to get acclimated to him, he started to fuck her harder and faster. His strokes lengthened until he was burying every inch inside her every time. Jess gathered up Kyle's blanket and bit down on it to muffle her screams—screams that were drawn from the waves of pleasure that crashed over her rhythmically and from the little spikes of pain she felt when he made contact with her tender pussy or stretched her clenching ass out even more.

On the floor beside them, Kyle stirred, briefly, his head lolling bonelessly. Perhaps he was dreaming, the muted sounds of Ian and Jess's lovemaking sinking in unconsciously. He didn't wake; he just let out a small groan as he moved slightly, twitching there on the floor, mouth falling open to help him breathe.

Jess eventually failed in her self-imposed challenge to stay quiet. Ian gave her a few especially deep, powerful strokes, all in a row, and she gasped, the blanket falling out of her mouth. Her legs kicked out, backward, and she cried "Fuck! Cumming!" That was all she could manage before her eyes started to flutter and her ass clenched around Ian's length. Her hips started to roll, and she ground her clit against the edge of the bed, the pain forgotten and drowned out by her carnal needs.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck..." she chanted as her climax crested, each outburst coinciding with another mighty thrust from Ian. For his part, Ian was almost silent, except for his steady breathing as he worked toward his own pinnacle. She pushed herself up partway, arching her back, tilting her head back as far as it could go so she could see him, see the one who was making her feel this way. "You're a fucking god!" she wailed.

As her orgasm receded, leaving her in a delighted haze, she let herself drop onto the bed, "Please, Ian," she said, her voice little more than a whisper. "Please cum."

That was enough. Ian had held back before, when Jess passed out, and he'd been on the edge for some time. Jess's pleading pushed him over. Her ass clenched around him and before he knew what was happening, he found himself erupting, his first spurts filling her ass as he pulled back, aiming to keep his promise to paint her with his cum.

Jess moaned, feeling the wet heat of him inside her as he withdrew. When he came free from her ass she rolled and slid from the bed, sitting on the floor in front of Ian with her face level with his stiff and pulsing prick. He was still cumming as she moved; a line of sperm had hit her back up between her shoulder blades, before she could get in position. More splashed against her chest. But then she was in place, and volleys of Ian's thick cum exploded from him and landed on her.

He started out aiming low, and another strand landed on her firm tits before he went for higher targets. The next shots landed on her chin and her lips, which she left resolutely closed, wanting as much of his cum as possible on her skin. More streamers landed on her cheeks and nose, and yet more on her forehead, powerful shots that landed with a nearly audible splat.

Despite the pain she'd felt earlier, Jess's hands dove between her legs and she gently rubbed herself as Ian came on her, marked her as his. Her lips parted, and some of Ian's cum oozed between them; her tongue darted out to taste him, and she moaned, low and long. She was still tender, but her feather-light touch only sent a delicious frisson of sensation through her, the pleasure and pain blending together exquisitely.

When Ian was finished, Jess sat in front of him, blinking her eyes open and smiling up at him proudly. Silvery streamers decorated her face and chest. Ian looked down at her, breathing hard, and watched as she dipped one delicate finger in a small pool of his cum and swirled it around. Jess then slid her finger into her mouth and sucked it clean, pulling it out with a pop. "Tasty."