Ruined - Cheaters Ruin Everything


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"Yes, you call next time and Larry, I was disappointed too. I was looking forward to being with you again and we will just see what we can work out in the future."

Well that conversation had the steam boiling out of Alex's ears. "son of a bitch" he thought. "That bitch has been cheating on me and will again. I knew there was something fishy about Trish and Larry at our house," he said out loud. He took a short break and poured himself a glass of scotch.

The next call he listened to was Jodi calling Trish.

"Trish, get the kids in the car and come over. We have to sit and figure out how to handle this so neither of us gets hurt. Come over now and please hurry."

There were a couple of non related calls then early this morning there was a call from Jodi to her work asking to take the day off.

Alex switched to the feed from the cameras and audio in the house. He noticed her cleaning up the mess he had made in the dining room and it was obvious that Jodi was upset over the destruction of her mother's heirlooms. There was no way that the china or crystal could ever be repaired. He had done a total number on it and there was no piece bigger than an inch. The silver was bent beyond repair and the napkins torn in two. Nothing could be done with any of it.

He could see Jodi sobbing as she placed the ruins in the garbage can. He saw her pick up his destroyed wedding ring and her sobs intensified. She didn't put it in the garbage though instead holding it in her hands like a cherished relic. Then she gently held it over her heart and then slowly put it in her pocket. He heard her moan, "Oh what have I done? I have to convince him it was only Trish. I couldn't possibly live without him. What was I thinking telling Larry I would see him a different time?"

When she had finished cleaning up the dining room Jodi went into the living room and sat in his recliner and cried. He watched her for a while and then Trish arrived.

Jodi said, "Trish, we have to convince Alex that it was only you who was having an affair with Larry. If he thinks it is me my marriage will be over. He will divorce me in a heartbeat if he thinks it is me. Then you are going to be in trouble too because Carl will get suspicious if we get divorced."

"You are right Jodi," Trish said, "But then how do I save my marriage? If Carl gets suspicious he might get a DNA test on the twins and then I am totally screwed. He will find out the twins are not his and my marriage is over. What are we going to do?"

"Like I said," replied Jodi, "We have to convince him that it was you and then beg him to not tell Carl. Play on his soft side so he won't destroy your marriage. Plead with him and promise you will never make that mistake again."

"Oh shit Jodi, I will never make that mistake again. This has me scared shitless and I really do love Carl. Whatever it takes we will do it. Convince Alex and plead with him to save me."

They both sat there quietly in thought for a while and Alex just watched them until Jodi started in again. "Damn why did we all have to be just like mom. She cheated on dad and now you and I have cheated on our husbands too and Kay and Bobby have been cheating on their husbands for years. I think the next time we get together we ought to make a pact to never cheat again even though mom never stopped until she died."

Trish asked, "How many times have you cheated on Alex? I have only cheated on Carl twice both times with Larry. This would have been the third time. The second time I cheated I got pregnant with the twins and this was going to be my last time. I never will cheat on Carl again."

Alex was especially interest in Jodi's response. "Well, I guess I have cheated a few times too. Twice with Larry and a few times with guys that picked me up in a bar. When Alex traveled I hated sitting home alone so would go out and let some guys buy me drinks and flirt a little. I guess I overdid it a few times and next thing I knew I was on my back with my legs spread. I can't say I regret it but there was no intent those times. I was just looking to not be alone."

Trish laughed, "No intent? Jodi, that is priceless. You go to a bar and flirt and let guys buy you drinks and then say you never intended to let them fuck you? You do make me laugh."

Jodi smiled, "Okay, you are right, but they weren't the same as with Larry. I just let it happen on the spur of the moment, but with Larry we both set it up in advance."

Alex listened and watched the rest of their conversation up until Trish took the twins and went home. There was nothing more than them hashing over again how they were going to convince him that Trish was guilty but not Jodi. Then how they were going to beg him to give Trish another chance. Finally Trish left and Jodi went to bed.

Alex watched Jodi get ready for bed and as she lay there he heard her crying once again. "I have to make this right, I just can't lose him."

Alex turned it all off. He could see that there were more phone calls recorded and more video to watch but his heart wasn't in it anymore. He had heard and seen all that he needed to. His anger was at a level that made him wonder if he would explode. His only thoughts at the moment were how he would strangle the bitch if she was here right now.

Completely out of character now Alex picked up the bottle of scotch and took a long pull then dumped the rest down the drain. He lay on the bed thinking and soon fell into a deep sleep. He didn't know how long he had been asleep but was brought back to consciousness when heard someone opening his room door. There was a slight intake of breath when the maid realized he was still in the room.

"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't know you were in here and the security chain wasn't on the door. I will come back to clean your room later. Do you have any idea when I may come back?", she asked.

"What time is it now?, asked Alex.

"It is 11:00 am," she replied.

"Okay miss, I will be out of here in an hour."

The pressure in his head had subsided and the throbbing in his chest had almost completely gone away. Alex figured he could handle the situation now so he picked up his phone and called Jodi's office. He wanted to leave a trail that didn't give away the fact that he already knew. Of course he was told that Jodi was off so he said he would call her on her cell phone.

When she answered he said, "Jodi, where are you? I tried calling you at work but they said you didn't come in today. Are you out fucking some guy behind my back?"

Jodi's anger rose but she knew she better play it cool. She told him, "Alex, I am not out fucking some guy as you so eloquently put it. Trish and I both told you that it was her not me planning to meet Larry. I am home. I am too upset to go to work so I took the day off. Please come home Alex so we can clear this all up."

"I am coming home right now. Call Trish and get her over there."

"Get her cheating ass over there with your cheating ass," he thought to himself.

When Alex walked in the door they both rushed up to him and began pleading their case. Jodi tried to hug and kiss him but he pushed her off. He let them go on for a while all the time thinking about what he was going to do and what he was going to say. Finally he had had enough and put up his hand to stop them from talking anymore.

He wasn't going to reveal what he knew precisely or what the source of his information was but he was going to let them know that he knew more than they thought.

Alex said, "I want you to stop all of the bullshit. Just so you know I am not buying any of it. Trish, I believe you are having an affair with Larry. You were the first on the scene and I believe that Jodi was babysitting for you. But, I also believe that after you left my loving wife was going to fuck Larry too.

"Why do I believe that? Because, when I confronted Larry he didn't tell me I was mistaken, he didn't tell me it was Trish and not Jodi. Larry was expecting to fuck you both wasn't he?"

He could see from the expressions on their faces that he was right and of course he already knew that too.

He continued, "When you mother passed away your dad came to me and told me of all the things she had done and warned me about you Jodi. He said that you and your sisters were all just like your mother and warned me to watch you closely. At the time I didn't really put much stock in that but as it turns out he was right. I wish he were here so I could tell him how right he was but sadly he is gone too. That is probably good so he doesn't have to see what a mess you have made of your lives."

As he was mentioning their mother and father the two ladies were getting more and more upset. Tears were streaming down their cheeks and they were kind of huffing as they breathed. Alex knew he had them now.

"Okay Jodi, this is it, your one chance. Only one though, one slip and it will be over, you got that?"

"Yes Alex, I have it, I understand."

"The whole truth and nothing but the truth," he said. "How many times did you fuck Larry Evendale?"

"Alex, please don't make me answer that. I love you and I truly want to save my marriage, I want you to go on loving me, please Alex. I'll tell you if you insist but please don't make me, please."

"Tell me."

She hung her head and said, "Twice."

He asked, "How many other men have you fucked since we were exclusive with each other?"

Her head snapped up and her eyes were wide and scared. "Oh God Alex please don't make me answer. You will hate me. Please."

She could see the anger in his face as he spat out, "Tell me or I am gone."

She whispered, "A few, I don't know for sure."

"What!" he shouted, "I didn't hear you."

"I said a few and that I didn't know exactly how many. Please Alex don't leave me please. I have been perfectly honest here now, please," she begged.

"You are both a couple of whores," Alex said totally in control of himself now. "So here is what is going to happen. Jodi you have ignored our wedding vows and destroyed our marriage. Starting right now I am going to start fucking anyone I want, anywhere I want and as often as I want.

"Trish, you are a whore who cheats on her husband. Well from now on you are my whore. I never really liked Carl anyway so I don't mind putting the horns on him. If you don't like the idea I guess I will just have to let him know what you have been up to."

She yelled, "No way am I going to be a whore for you Alex. It is not going to happen."

"Oh you think not? By the way, after I saw Larry I was struck by how much your twins look like him. You know those little flat spots on the top of their ears? So, maybe I will have to drop a hint to Carl to get things checked out. I am sure DNA will come up with a result that you won't like. So is 'no' still your answer?"

Alex could see from Trish's face that he had her.

"Now get your ass up to my bed and strip off everything but your panties. I will be up there in a minute. Get your ass in gear right now or this will not turn out so good for you."

She looked scared as hell with wide eyes and quivering chin but she gently nodded her head in acceptance and while glancing at Jodi in an imploring way left the room and went off in the direction of the bedroom.

Jodi was aghast at the way things were going and said, "Alex, how can you do this to us? How can you do this to Trish? I know I was wrong, but this is going to make it hard for us to get past this."

"Jodi, I don't give a shit right now if we make it or not. If you don't like it just leave. I don't care. You and Trish fucked yourselves into this mess so I don't care if you have to fuck yourselves out of it."

"How long are you going to do this Alex? When will you have enough of your getting even? When can we start trying to save our marriage?"

"Do you want the truth? I don't know how long I will fuck other women. I guess I will probably keep fucking other women until I don't feel like choking you every time I see you. I may never stop fucking other women. Since you voided our marriage vows I see no reason to keep them either.

"I will tell you this though, if you ever fuck another man our marriage will be over right then and there. There will be no reprieve. You've had all the extramarital sex you are going to get while married to me. Do you understand?"

Jodi nodded and whispered, "yes."

Alex acknowledged her agreement and said, "Now if you will excuse me I have a woman to fuck."

In the bedroom Trish stood beside the bed with her perky little breasts looking downright edible so Alex sat on the edge of the bed and asked Trish to come stand between his legs so he could play with her breasts. First he rubbed gently around each nipple causing them to stand out a little. When he could get his fingers on them he pulled them gently as well and they grew in his fingertips.

"You know Trish, I have often wondered how lovely your breasts might be and now I can tell you they are as lovely as I ever imagined."

Trish looked confused but pleased, "You mean you have imagined my breasts Alex?"

"Yes of course I have. You are a beautiful woman Trish and I honestly have imagined more than how your breasts might look. I have also imagined how it would be to make love to you. But, being married to Jodi I have never acted on those feelings but believe me I had them.

"Now though there is no reason why I shouldn't tell you all the things I imagined doing to you. There is no reason why you and I can't just enjoy the hell out of making love. And trust me, I also plan of fucking your brains out once in a while."

Alex took that moment to gently pull Trish to himself and wrap his lips around one of her distended nipples. Oh it was so sweet to him and every indication was that Trish enjoyed the attention it was getting. So much so in fact that she moaned a little giving Alex additional incentive to suck harder. Switching breasts he gave breast number two as much attention as he had breast number one and pretty soon Trish was moaning louder still.

While gently sucking and licking her breasts he slowly lowered her panties off her hips and down her legs. "Step out of these baby," he said.

With her panties in his hand he stopped sucking and looked Trish in the eye and said. "Trish, this is the last time you will ever wear panties in my presence. Any time you come to this house you will come without panties on. If you know we are coming to your house you will take your panties off. If at any time we are together unexpectedly you will excuse yourself and go take your panties off. If I walk into a restaurant and you are there you will get up and go to the ladies room and take your panties off."

Trish looked at him with total lust in her eyes and he could smell the arousal that his declaration had caused. He continued, "I will never do anything to get you caught with me but I want your hot pussy available to me at all times when we are together. I want to be able to slip my fingers up into you anytime I want and I want to be able to slip my hot cock into you at a moments notice if the opportunity affords itself. Do you understand?"

Trish smiled at him and said, "Alex, you are making me so hot. Yes I understand and I will do as you ask."

When she said yes Alex slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and as her legs parted slightly he slipped one finger up into her already wet pussy, then two and finally three. By this time she was actually panting and Alex slowly lowered her to the bed. He pulled his shirt off he tossed it over to the chair against the wall and then told Trish, "Taking my pants off is your job. This is your one and only chance to stop all of this. You can get dressed now and leave and we will never do this again or you can unbuckle my belt, lower my pants and let me know what you think of my cock."

Trish sat up and reached for his belt buckle.

When they had totally satisfied each other Alex told Trish, "I want you to come here every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Get a baby sitter and plan on spending the afternoon with me. If you need money for the sitter I will give it to you but I want you for the whole afternoon. Also, trust me when I tell you I will be looking for opportunities to get some quickies in so don't forget I insist you never wear panties in my presence."

"I can do that Alex and I don't need help with baby sitter money. And, I welcome those quickies any time you want."

With that Trish dressed and walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway into the kitchen where Jodi sat at the table with an anguished look on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I am sorry Jodi but truthfully I am not going to give this up. I am his for the taking any time he wants me. You are a fool for risking your marriage and that wonderful man and his wonderful cock for any affairs you might have had. Larry certainly can't hold a candle to Alex and I don't know about the others but I doubt they can either. I love Carl and don't want to leave him but he is a bit of a jerk sometimes and not that good in bed but damn, Alex is the gold at the end of the rainbow and you fucked it up. If I were you I would do anything I could to keep him."

When Trish had left the house Jodi just sat there and cried until Alex came into the room. Then she just got up and rushed into the bedroom and shut the door. Alex did not see her for the rest of the day and ended up sleeping in their spare bedroom.

For the next month Alex had Trish every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and on Monday nights and Wednesday nights he arranged dates with various women he knew both from his old job and social contacts he made. Ann Colton had always shown an interest in him but of course previously he had never allowed himself to get involved but now the gates were opened wide so now he and Ann knew each other on a totally different level. Once in a while he even picked up a total stranger in a bar and fucked her brains out in a hotel room.

On those nights Alex would come home tired as hell and reeking of sex. Day after day he could see the effect it was having on Jodi and it wasn't good. He could see her hurting but he really didn't care.

Weekends he spent with Jodi and they did talk and do things together but not once in the whole month did he make love to his wife. She asked a couple of times but he just shook his head. He wasn't ready to go there yet.

It was just over a month since he discovered that his wife had cheated and he decided to bring it all to a conclusion so that night, a Friday, he stopped at a local watering hole before heading home. He knew a certain woman named Carolyn was going to be there and he invited her to his home. She had her own vehicle so she decided to follow him.

When Alex walked in the door the house was empty so he took her to his bedroom and proceeded to fuck her with no concern as to the results. Once he looked toward the doorway and spotted Jodi looking at him with Carolyn and he could see the hurt and anger in her face but he just smiled at her and continued fucking. Finishing the two of them got dressed and Alex walked her out to her car.

Carolyn said, "I take it you and your wife have an open marriage Alex but I could see that she wasn't very happy."

"We don't actually have an open marriage Carolyn, but I don't want to explain it all to you right now. I will one day though, don't worry. I really liked being with you." He kissed her gently and said his goodbyes.

Coming back into the house Jodi attacked him, pounding on his chest and screaming at him, "I hate you!"

Alex responded coldly, "Good, now you finally know how I feel. Now you know how I felt when I found out how casually you took our wedding vows. Now you know what it is like to have someone you love do to you what you did to me.

"I promise you though Jodi that I will never have another woman in this house. I will also never have sex with Trish here again. That is my solemn promise to you."