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When I got back to the house, I almost slumped over in relief, but managed to stand up as I waited for them to catch up with me. My girlfriends told the guys they had to leave now and they took me into the house, still naked but for my shoes. My pants had been on the car, but I didn't even think to put them on. My friends made me take off my shoes and sleep naked that night.

After that night, whenever we were all together, I usually ended up topless or naked. They made me undress in front of everyone, not allowing me to remove my clothes in another room. The guys always got feels of me, but other than that they didn't try to force me to do anything. And I am certainly not going to tell you about whether or not I had sex. You'll have to decide that for yourself. I will tell you that I did not have sex in front of everyone in any way, shape or form!

Other things that they did to me that summer was to drive out in the country and make me take off my clothes standing on the side of the road. Then they would take my clothes in the car and drive down the road, leaving me standing naked. They would stop in sight and wait for me to walk or run to the car and then just before I would reach it, they would drive off further and stop again. They would do this several times until I started crying, then they would let me in the car but still not let me have my clothes, driving off with me naked still. They'd only let me start getting dressed as we got back to town.

They also would take to me to a parking lot were the guys were waiting. Then they would give me an envelope and tell me to take it to the guys. I had to get into the guy's car while they opened the envelope and then the guys would read the note and laugh. Then they would give it to me. It usually told me to give them my bra or underpants. I had to strip from the waist up or waist down to give them my bra or panties and I know the guys loved it when they saw me coming. The last time they did this to me I knew that something was up for sure when it happened after dark and we were parked in a lot that had no traffic or cars. The note in the envelope was passed around (they had the interior light on to read and see me). Each one laughed and turned to me, waiting for me to read it. By now I was trembling. This wasn't usual with the notes. I took it when it was handed to me, shaking slightly. When I read it I couldn't help myself.

"Oh god no."

The note told me to strip, put my shoes back on and come back to the girl's car. I looked out the window and saw that they had driven away from the guy's car. It was probably only 100 feet, but it looked like a mile to me. I looked around at the guys, shivering, seeing their smiles. I didn't want to do this, but they had all seen me naked before. What did I have to lose? Slowly, I bent and removed my shoes and socks. I thought a bit and then removed my pants, keeping my exposure so far below the window of the car. As I looked around, I saw the power I had to excite guys and that gave me a rush. Even so, I was shaking as I took off my top. I was in my bra and panties and I knew all the guy's eyes were glued to me. I quickly stripped off my underwear and then slipped into my shoes. I then got out of the car and ran naked to my girlfriends, giggling to myself. Eventually that night I got my clothes back, but they kept me naked for a while, driving around town and threatening to make me get out of the car.

I was shaking, sure that I was going to be caught naked that night, but it didn't happen. I was very excited that night. I could always tell because of how stiff my nipples were!

I will tell you that I was eighteen when all this started and it was only during the summer before I left for school that this stuff went on. Unfortunately, the girlfriend of mine who was the nastiest to me was going to the same school as I was. I didn't really think about that until I was close to leaving and she reminded me with a nasty smile.

"You will mind me, won't you Sabine?"

All I could do was to give her a sick smile as my stomach clenched. I realized then that leaving for school wasn't going to change much for me. But, I also knew that I would be scared and excited both if she kept doing this to me. Now, as I look back, I realize that I could have said no. At home my friends just would have stripped me anyway. At school, until she found girls who would cooperate with her, I could have gotten away with a no. But I also knew that she would get even eventually and that made me very hesitant to piss her off.

I just didn't realize how quick she would find girls who would like to humiliate me. It sure didn't take her long!

I did have two weeks of pure joy where I was able to keep my clothes on. That came to an end the third weekend of school. It was a Saturday after the football game that she came to my dorm room with four other girls.

"Put on some shorts and your tennis shoes."

I kind of looked at her helplessly and then at the other girls. As soon as I went to my dresser to find a pair of shorts, they started giggling. I blushed immediately and slipped into my shorts. I looked at them, blushing, knowing that I was soon going to be humiliated.

"Come on Sabine. You're going to have fun tonight."

Blushing all the time, they led me back to the football stadium. It was dark out and the stadium was mostly dark, but there were streetlights that kind of lit it up on one end of it. Around the football field was a running track. They led me to the dark end of the field. When we stopped, I looked at them and they were all grinning at me.

"Sabine, we are going to see how fast you can run. I want you to run around the track from here and back to us. You have sixty-five seconds to run the track back to here. If you don't make it in that time, you get to pay a penalty."

My heart just leaped into my throat and my stomach clenched. I hung my head because I couldn't look at anyone.

"You can start now."

I didn't get going immediately because I wasn't expecting her to have me start without telling me the penalty in front of everyone. I yelped in surprise and started running, hearing chuckling behind me. I ran as hard as I could but I knew in my heart that I wasn't going to make it around in sixty-five seconds. I was right. As I came back to them, panting from exertion, I stopped, bending over to catch my breath.

"Give me your top."

I stared at her, shaking my head no, but I knew she would make me. I looked at all of them and saw grins on all their faces. I slowly removed my top and handed it to her. She dropped it on the grass.

"You have seventy seconds this time. Get going now."

I started to run faster this time, but I was also tired. By the time I reached halfway, I was beginning to cry because I knew I wouldn't make this time either. Of course, crying didn't help my breathing, which slowed me down even more. I was gasping for breath as reached them this time. Now I was scared because I didn't know how far she would go. I looked at only her this time, then down the track to the lighted end and back to her. I was sobbing softly.

"Your bra."

I was whimpering in fear as I unhooked it and watched her take it and drop it on the grass.

"Seventy-five seconds. Go."

I immediately began running, but I was exhausted and my sobbing didn't let me catch my breath. My boobs also were bouncing up and down, which hurt. I tried to hold them still with a hand under them, but they still flopped around. I could barely keep running all the way. As I stopped, panting and sobbing, I bent, trying to gasp enough air.


I looked up and all the girls there were watching me to see if I would go through with this. I didn't want to give her my shorts, but I thought they would strip them off me, so I slipped them off and watched them hit the grass as she dropped them.

"You have thirty seconds to catch your breath."

I could feel sweat running down my sides and my nose was running because I had been crying. I had to look like hell. In no time, she called my name to have me look at her.

"Sabine, now we are going to see how easy you are. Seventy-five seconds again and you know the penalty. Get going."

I really wasn't ready, I needed more time to catch my breath but I wasn't going to get it. I dashed off, holding onto my boobs with one hand, but before I had gone a third of the way, I had to let go of them to keep any sort of pace. I flopped all the rest of the way and as I came into sight, they laughed at me. I was hoping that I had made it in time, but her grin told me I hadn't.


I hesitated, knowing if I did this, the other girls would know that I could be browbeaten into almost anything.

"Panties now and you will get them back soon. If you don't by the time I count to five you won't get them back tonight. One. Two."

Before she could reach three, my panties were down and I was hopping up and down to get them off. As I handed them to her, I could feel eyes on my naked body, and blushed deeply. She took my panties, picked the rest of my clothes and began walking toward the lit end of the football field and track.

I stood dumbly, watching her walk away.

"Come on Sabine. You need to walk to cool down."

With a squeak, I began to walk behind her, with the rest of them watching my naked ass from behind and giggling. She led me right into the lit area and then turned to me, handing me my bra and watching as I got it on. My eyes kept going to the path leading to the field. Then I got my top. The other girls were giggling and whispering behind me.

She then handed me my panties and I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled them up. Then I got my shorts and I was quickly dressed again. Even so I was still pretty humiliated because several new people had seen me naked in a public place and I had stripped myself.

We all walked back to my dorm and to my room. My roommate had left for the weekend. She waited until all of us were in my tiny room and then she told me to strip naked. I blushed bright red and slowly did it. She insisted that I take everything off, even my shoes and socks. Then she told me to get on my bed and open my legs. Last she told me to open myself up so they could see if I was wet. I whimpered, but did as I was told and knew they were seeing how juicy I was. Even if they hadn't seen my wet pussy, my erect nipples showed them how turned on I was. Now it wasn't just her who knew how easy it was to humiliate me, but four other girls as well. I was not even thinking about that at the time, but when they all left me, it hit me. There were five girls now that knew I would do stuff, five too many! Thankfully my girlfriend from home was the only one who made me shame myself, but the others were usually around to see my humiliation.

It was quiet for a while after that. She and the others left me alone, but I was in a constant state of apprehension, wondering when she or they were going to catch me and humiliate me again. I imagined all sorts of things they could make me do and my mind was probably worse than anything they would come up with for me to do. Finally on a Thursday two weeks later there was a knock on my door. I cringed inside and went and opened it. I was right this time because it was she and rest of them. They looked at my clothes. They must have been acceptable because she just motioned me out of the door. My roommate watched and then she got up and followed us. I really was upset that she came along. I didn't want her to know about me.

They led me to recreation building in the center of the campus. The building had pool tables in the lower level, a snack bar on the main level and the upper level had a television room. The television room overlooked the snack bar and was open on that side. The other side had a large television and seating was higher the further you were away from the television, like a theater. I was shaking by the time we got to the building and I know I was red-faced. My roommate was walking just behind me not saying much but very curious. They led me to the upper level and sat me in the second to last row. They sat all around me. I waited with my eyes downcast. My roommate was asking what was going on. After an excruciatingly long five minutes my friend from home spoke to me softly, but loud enough for the others to hear.

"Sabine, I want you to give your roommate your bra and panties."

I gulped and my roommate's eyes shot to her and then to me. I looked up and down the rows of chairs and couches that were probably a third full of people watching the television. My roommate leaned over to me.

"Is she serious? She can't be serious."

I didn't answer but bent over and untied my shoes. As I toed them off, I looked her in the eyes and then bent once more to take off my socks. She only looked at me just like all the others. It was so quiet you could hear the sound my socks made as they slipped off my feet. I started to sniffle, very close to crying.

I looked up and at my roommate. It was as though she and I were the only two there. She watched me as my hands went to the button on my jeans. Our eyes were on each other's as though no one else was there. My zipper went down and I reached for the waistband. I squirmed back and forth until they were below my butt. Then I pushed them down and off, blushing so hard. Someone pulled my jeans out of my hands and I reached up for my panties. Then they were down and off. This time I was allowed to clutch them in my hand until I reached toward her. I held them out and she took them from me. I was naked below the waist. Next I pulled my top off. This time I looked past my roommate towards all the other people to see if anyone was looking at me. No one was. My top was pulled out of my hands and I leaned forward to remove my bra. I slid it off my arms and handed it to my roommate.

As soon as I did that hands grabbed my legs and pulled them open and forward until my ass was resting on the edge of my seat. Two more hands reached over my shoulders and cupped my boobs and thumbs brushed over my nipples.

I was naked and they were starting to play with me in public. I groaned out loud. My eyes closed as I felt a finger slip inside me. My head fell back and I felt something at my lips.


My panties were shoved into my mouth to keep me from making too much noise. The finger began to move in and out and my nipples were pinched. I gasped into my panties. I felt myself becoming aroused. My hips began to lift into the finger that was thrusting into my pussy. I opened my eyes and saw my roommate staring at me with her mouth open. She couldn't believe what I had done and what I was allowing to be done to me. My hips moved up and down. The finger stopped moving and let me do the work. They all watched me hump on the finger until they felt I was close to coming. Then the finger pulled out of me and I moaned in frustration. The hands left my boobs and I whimpered through my panties.

My panties were pulled out of my mouth and I felt them at my pussy. Panting, I opened my eyes and looked down as someone started pushing my panties inside me. Very softly I began to cry from what they were doing to me. I watched along with everyone else as they disappeared inside me. I felt so full when the last bit of fabric disappeared from my sight.

My jeans and top were dropped in front of me.

"Get dressed."

Shakily, I pulled my top on and struggled into my jeans.

"Stand up."

I did and they led my back to my dorm. We went up the stairs to my floor. My roommate was stopped.

"Is there anything you would like the bitch to do right now?"

She looked at me and grinned.


I blushed. I was at the top of the stairs on my floor, perhaps fifty feet from my room. I toed off my shoes. Then I undid my jeans and squirmed them down, taking my socks with them. I tugged my top over my head and stood holding it in my hands.

"Drop it."

I obeyed and it hit the carpeted floor. They pushed me forward and I began walking to my room. Everyone watched my naked body walk down the hall. When I reached my door I couldn't get in because I didn't have a key. I turned to the girls and they were still at the top of the stairs. My roommate giggled and then walked down the hall to our room. She brought my clothes, unlocked the door and went inside. I followed her. She tossed my clothes in the closet on the floor. I stood with my face down. She walked up to me and pushed my chin up.

"We are going to have fun, Sabine. We will have a lot of fun. Beginning tomorrow, whenever you are in the room, you will be naked. Now get your panties out of your pussy."

I felt with a finger inside until I could catch my panties, then I pulled them out slowly, moaning as they rubbed me on the way out. She took them from me and pushed them into my face, rubbing them on it. They were wet and my face ended up wet and smelling of pussy. I didn't like it, but I said nothing.

She cupped my boobs.

"What are these?"


"No, for you they are tits. Say it."


She slapped my butt.

"What is that?"

"My butt."

"No, for you it's an ass. Say it."


She then reached between my legs and rubbed my pussy.

"What's this?"

"My pussy."

"No, for you it's a cunt. Say it."

I sobbed softly.


"If anyone uses any words other than those to describe you, you will politely correct them and tell them that you have tits, an ass and a cunt. Understand me?"


"Oh yes, we are going to have so much fun!"

I buried my face in my hands and began to cry.

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Psycherotica17Psycherotica17about 1 year ago

Fuck this is not. I know it's been on lit forever. It I just returned here and it's awesome. Thanx Sabine. Are you still writing ?

Anguished_AmyAnguished_Amyover 7 years ago


I love your story. It made me incredibly horny as I related your joy and anguish towards your exhibitionism. I've shared those same feelings at times as well when indulging my fetish. I still remember the feeling I had the first time I bared myself in front of others and still love it.


ChrisTor22ChrisTor22about 8 years ago
Very interesting....

Although presumably written for lesbians, as an Alpha male, I find the forced exhibition and arousal excellent reading material.... I will slowly read through all your stories....IF these are autobiographical I just wish I had been a student with you in High School and College... I knew exhibitionists and enjoyed their skin, but even though I was a budding Dom, I never got the chance to force a semi-willing exhibitionist like you!! Bravo!!

krazikendrakrazikendraover 10 years ago
Very Hot !!

I've read all of your stories and WOW you are a great writer and person ! Knowing that some of these stories are true it just makes the reading that much more exciting !

As always I look forward to reading your future writings :)


MartinimanMartinimanover 12 years ago

Very very hot! A must read!

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