Safe Sex


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His glans was swollen purple with engorged blood. As he brought it closer her vagina seemed to dilate and open up in eagerness to accept him. He saw the pink darkness within her and the moisture that glistened on her vaginal walls. He felt a strange trepidation, as though he was about to push a delicate part of his anatomy into an unseen cave or even the maw of a beast, where it would be out of his sight and potentially out of his control.

He chastised himself and pushed such nonsense thoughts aside. Man was the violator... the penetrator. He'd argued with enough idiot MRAs online to know men's problems paled into insignificance when compared with the daily harassment women had to suffer.

He was aware this was a commercial transaction, where the pleasure would be one-sided, but he didn't have to be a brute about it.

He eased his penis inside her. He felt a little resistance at first, but was then able to sink all the way inside her. Even this little resistance surprised him. He'd thought sex workers did this frequently enough that a certain slackness entered their intimate parts. Eunice was tight inside. And warm. Her vagina pressed all around him. It was such a snug fit he might have fancied they'd been made for each other. He was also pleased to hear Eunice's erotic sigh as he entered her. Realistically, he knew there was a good chance she was faking it, but it was pleasing she at least tried to build the illusion pleasure here was more than a one-way street.

Tim was also relieved he'd managed to hold on and not empty his load the moment the mushroom head of his manhood had burrowed down into her warm flesh. He was even more impressed he still managed to hold on after her body shivered beneath him and her sex clenched around him. She smiled up at him and while he wasn't stupid or naive enough to mistake it for love, neither did he feel like he was subjecting her to an unpleasant ordeal either. Maybe Annette was right and he should reconsider his attitudes to sex work.

He started slow, not wanting to hurt her but also not wanting to ejaculate too quickly either. He stared down at her, feasting on the ripe contours of her body as he pushed his cock back and forth inside her. Her vagina felt so good, even with the nuisance of the latex barrier. He felt the pressure of her intimate flesh. He felt it move against him as she rolled her hips beneath him.

Her legs wrapped around him and then suddenly he was toppling backwards. He fell on his back and sank into the soft spongy surface of the bed. Eunice was on top and astride him. She rose up and down the pole of his erection.

"You seemed uncomfortable setting the pace," Eunice said. "I thought you might like it more with me on top."

Tim had to concede he did feel more comfortable this way. Him on top plus the financial inducement underpinning their coupling had an unwelcome connotation of force, which discomfited him intensely. Perhaps, with this unwelcome connotation of force squatting between his shoulders, he'd been guilty of being too gentle, of holding back and going too slowly—treating her like a delicate bloom, easily broken. On top, Eunice was most definitely not a delicate flower. Her hips came down on him in thudding whumps that reverberated off the mirrored walls. Tim barely had to do anything. The mattress, while soft, had enough spring so that each of her bounces caused his hips to recoil up with her. His penis slid back and forth inside her, but rather than her sex being merely a fleshy tube in which he could deposit his semen, it moved around him—squeezing, pulsing. She moved her hips as if his erection was a tool to scratch all the intimate spots within her. Her pants and sighs suggested she was getting more from this than the cash Tim had presented up front.

Of course, now Eunice was on top and in control, Tim realised he could no longer slow down the pace to delay his inevitable ejaculation. And with Eunice on top and setting the pace, there was no way he could hold it back at all.

"Coming," he gasped.

Eunice caught his signal and sank down on top of him. Her vagina swallowed the full length of his erection and she gripped him with her thighs. She folded her body on top of him. Her arms slid underneath him and she pressed her hot body tight to him. Her cheek rubbed against his.

"Come for me, baby," she whispered in his ear. "Spurt a big fat load up into my juicy cunt."

Her hips moved against him in short sensuous bounces. Her vagina tightened around his erection. The friction rubbed his foreskin back and forth. The prophylactic she was wearing might as well not be there at all.

"Come for me, you bad boy." Tim felt her hot breath tickle his ear. "Come."

He did as she asked. A little more vigorously than he'd anticipated. The pressure built up in his balls, higher and higher, until his hips bucked and he released it all inside her. Her pussy convulsed around him and she breathed hot orgasmic sighs into his ear. Tim shuddered uncontrollably with bliss until, finally spent, he relaxed and let his body sink into the luxuriously soft bed. His breath came out in ragged sighs. He felt like he'd just completed a full workout.

Annette had been absolutely right. He'd bloody needed that.

He closed his eyes and relished the post-orgasmic glow. He felt Eunice sit back up until she was straddling his lap. She placed her hands over his eyes before he could open them to look at her.

"Before you look at me I need to tell you something," she said.

Tim's brow creased. Was this a new game?

"When you see me you're going to see something different to what you expect," she continued.

Tim's puzzlement grew into nagging alarm. Was this a good game, or the type of game that wasn't a game and would leave Tim deeply regretting his decision to come here?

"I'm different to what you expect."

Her voice had changed. Similar to before, but as though it had picked up an odd metallic echo from somewhere.

"Don't be alarmed when you see my true form. However my appearance might unsettle you, I mean you no harm. Please don't be frightened."

True form? Tim's alarm crashed through the ceiling and rocketed up into the clouds.

Eunice removed her hands. Tim opened his eyes. He saw her true form. His mouth opened to scream.

Eunice was a she-devil. Not figuratively, but literally. The real usage of literally. The being astride Tim was still recognisable as Eunice, but she'd changed. Her skin had darkened to a shade of red that was not natural for any human being. Her hair had darkened to midnight-black and a dainty pair of devil horns emerged from her temples. Worst of all were her eyes. They were gone. Absent. They'd been replaced by two black pits that sucked in all light and emitted none.

The thing that had been Eunice placed a hand over his mouth and stifled his scream before it could burst out and shatter the intimate atmosphere of the massage room. She placed a finger to her over-plush lips.

"Shh," she said. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're a d-d-devil," Tim stuttered after he'd calmed down enough for her to remove her hand.

This presented certain spiritual problems to Tim given that he hadn't believed in a God since he was ten years old. He was atheist+ and proud of it.

"That's the name your kind gave me," Eunice said. "Forget most of what you've heard associated with that name. It isn't true."

Tim's mind fluttered around in shock for a while. Then it managed to come to an arrangement with the shocking new information it had received and settled down, as much as a mind could settle down when presented with incontrovertible truth of the supernatural he'd heretofore believed did not exist. He parsed it into thought patterns he was familiar with. She hadn't slashed his throat open or ripped his heart out, so there could be something to her claims of misrepresentation and one thing Tim was very familiar with was minorities' complaints of misrepresentation.

"Hmm. The organised church is an artificial construct built to reinforce and perpetuate the hegemonic dominance of the patriarchy," he said. "With all the other lies they've told, it's not surprising they'd lie about this as well."

"Um... yeah," Eunice said.

"I take it you're not a devil devil?" Tim said. "You can't be a devil-from-hell devil as hell doesn't exist. That means you could be an alien or genetic offshoot or something similar that was branded a devil by stupid, superstitious people."

"Yes, something like that," Eunice said.

Tim looked around. The room was decorated nicely, but it couldn't hide the facts of its true function, which was a bedroom in a tacky massage parlour in a small English town, where money changed hands to broker tawdry acts of sex.

"Why here?" he asked.

Eunice nibbled on her lower lip. "I'm a succubus. One part of the myth is true. We feed off sex."

Tim's mind was free-wheeling as it assimilated all the new information he'd received. Once he got over the shock of her appearance everything else could be rationalised as the bricks fell back into place.

"Of course, that explains it. What better place to be than at a brothel where your food comes to you."

He thought about what he'd just said, then remembered that Eunice was currently sitting astride him in a very dominant position. He whitened.

"Um, you're not going to eat me are you?"

"No, don't be silly. I mean we can, if we take too much energy, but that's not a very good long term survival strategy for a succubus. There are a lot of you and you don't react too kindly when you discover predators in your midst. Nope, lots of small yummy snacks are much more preferable to the modern succubus than a big feast. Better for the figure and with considerably less chance of ending up burnt at a stake."

She circled Tim's nipple with a finger.

"That makes sense too," Tim said.

"It's why I'm wearing this condom," Eunice said. "It's to protect you."

Tim felt something soft and fleshy at the end of her vagina open up and engulf the tip of his cock. He didn't feel it exactly, only the pressure it exerted through the thin latex skin of the condom. It enveloped the head of his cock and sucked. Tim twitched as though an electric current ran through him. Without the presence of the barrier he suspected that sensation would be magnified considerably and possibly hazardous.

"Safe sex," he said.

Eunice nibbled her lower lip again.

"Actually, I was going to ask if you didn't mind feeding me a little more. It's been a quiet week for business. I don't normally reveal myself to clients like this, but you seem like a nice man. Annette wouldn't have sent you here if you weren't. There won't be any harm to you. Not while I'm wearing this condom."

Tim was amenable to the idea. Highly amenable, in fact. Oddly, Eunice's transformation had not impacted on her sex appeal. If anything it might have enhanced it as her curves and figure had subtly shifted and taken her beyond earthly allure and into realms only reachable by exaggerated art.

"Sure, but..."

"Oh thank you," Eunice said. She flopped back down on him, pressing her big breasts against his chest and kissing him passionately on the throat.

"...I'm not sure I'll be able to... um... perform. Not for a while."

He wasn't a porn actor on the set of a film. He was a normal man, and for normal men certain refractory periods were needed before attempting a second helping, as it were.

Eunice lifted up until the nipples of her swinging breasts were brushing against Tim. Her sensual lips curled up in a most indecent smile.

"It's why I assumed my natural form," she said. "It has plenty of tricks to aid men with moments of temporary weakness."

The inside of her pussy did some strange things that sent waves of pleasure washing through Tim and caused his knees to tremble.

ooo, that did feel nice

His cock started to swell and expand inside her.

"Does this mean I get my money back?" Tim asked, not at all serious. "If I'm feeding you then technically I'm the one providing the service."

"Cheeky sod," Eunice said. She grinned and rubbed the tip of her nose against his. "I still have to pay the rent on this place."

She sat up and shifted into a more comfortable position.

"And it's not like you're getting nothing out of this deal. Do you know any girls that can do this."

The walls of her pussy squeezed tightly up against him. Muscular bands of flesh gripped his shaft and jerked up and down in soft stroking motions that pulled him up, up, up, until his erection was full and throbbing and his breaths came out as little sighs.

really nice

Eunice rose up and down on top of him. She had red skin and horns and was still indescribably sexy. Her large breasts swayed pendulously with her movements. Within her pussy, soft muscular bands gripped his cock and stroked up and down.

Tim's fears about not being able to perform without a lengthy recovery period were blasted away as she rode him to a very quick orgasm. He shivered again in helpless bliss as his balls erupted and he spurted another long stream of cum into her enveloping sex.

He didn't think that was the end of it either.

They broke off and Eunice shifted position until she was artfully draped over the cushions in the corner. It wasn't just her skin colour and horns he noticed. She had wings, black and leathery like those of an enormous bat. They were splayed out against the mirrors. A devil's tail flicked up and down on one of the cushions. He was surprised at how little this mattered to him. He was also surprised at how eager and ready to go again he was after already emptying two enormous loads into her delightful pussy.

He came over to her and plunged back down between her legs and into her luscious warmth. Powerful muscular contractions gripped his swollen manhood and tugged. The air was thick with a musky mix of sex and perfume. This time he didn't feel the need to treat her as a delicate flower. His thrusts were rapid and powerful, and it didn't take many of them before he was climaxing again. He pressed up tight to Eunice and moaned as another thick stream of semen rushed from his body and poured into her.

Now he was exhausted. After the flow subsided he fell forwards onto the soft pillows of her breasts. There he hung, trying to get his breath back. Eunice ran a hand through his hair. Her other arm went around him and her long fingernails traced light, lazy circles on his back.

"Mmm, that was wonderful, but I'm still a little hungry. Do you think you can give me one more?" she whispered in his ear. "One last big pop."

Tim nodded. He could do that. Just a moment to get his breath back first.

Eunice wrapped her legs around him and gripped him with her muscular thighs. Her arms pulled him to her in a tight hug.

"It's okay," she whispered in his ear. "You can take it easy. I'll do all the work on this one."

The strange knot of tissue at the base of her pussy opened up again and engulfed the swollen head of his cock. It rose up his shaft and then gripped him with a gentle sucking, tugging sensation. Tim relaxed in her arms. She was right. He didn't need to do anything. Her pussy squeezed, tugged and sucked on his cock as if she was milking him. It was all internal and it blew away all his previous benchmarks of sexual pleasure.

Oh yes, this was going to be big. Tim felt the orgasm beginning to bloom inside him. It was as if all the energy from the rest of his body was flowing down to his balls, filling them up in preparation for one massive ejaculation.

Given what she claimed to be, this might have been cause for concern, but while she was wearing the condom he was okay. Safe sex.

Her wings folded round and wrapped around him like warm blankets. There was a pleasant sensation between his legs as if a finger was tickling up and down the sensitive skin between balls and anus. It couldn't be a finger though, her hands were already roaming the rest of his body in caresses that encouraged and stoked the erotic tension within him. Her pussy continued to suck. Remorseless and irresistible.

Oh yes, he was going to give her a big one all right. A massive one.

Muscles clenched. He grimaced. He felt it rising inside him. His balls clenched and he felt their contents race up his throbbing shaft. He let out a loud gasp of profound satisfaction as he emptied into her.

It was his last gasp.

He slumped down on her, lifeless. She rolled him off her and laid him on his back. She looked down at him, kissed her finger and pressed it to his lips.

"Artificial construct built to reinforce and perpetuate the hegemonic dominance of the patriarchy." She shook her head and chuckled as she got off the bed.

* * * *

"I hate these things," Eunice, whose real name was Eunectis, said as she held up the latex condom. "It feels completely wrong."

"I like the extra challenge," the succubus Eryx, who went by the human name of Erica, said. "No vaginal aphrodisiac secretions to melt their will to mush. It's harder with only muscular motion to stimulate them."

"I hate it," Eunectis said. "It's frustrating to have a human helplessly ejaculating away in my arms and not be able to taste it at all."

"It's what Annette wants," Eryx said. "We can't give her the residue of his soul if we've already eaten it."

Eunectis held up the latex tube. A substance resembling glittering sand had collected at the end.

"I think she's going to be disappointed with this one," she said. "Looks a very dull specimen to me."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
love erotic horror

So many intoxicating stories. When he fell back, I thought out of her too. Leaving him on the floor with the condom latched onto him sucking away his soul as she watched with an evil grin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Bit difficult to stomach all that stupid activist talk, but the end to the story was worth it. A suitable end to a loser. Well done. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
On the patriarchy part

It amuses me when I saw the sentence: "Artificial construct built to reinforce and perpetuate the hegemonic dominance of the patriarchy." What a nice satire on those feminist lunatics! Isn't it?

TarotbTarotbabout 9 years ago

I have to admit being surprised Tim didn't make it; moralising aside, he seemed a decent guy, however the sex was hot and her cute 'excuse me while I eat you' attitude was, well, cute.

I can't help but wonder (and hope) that this is set in the same universe as Miss Kitson and Annette is one of her opponents; whereas Miss Kitson seems to want to make the world a better place, these are the more traditional succubi?

Anyway, thanks for another great story.

HurbsterHurbsterabout 9 years ago

Hey, the bloke dies again. Never expected that.

And like when you killed off that banker (because all bankers are evil, money grabbing bastards, right ?) in another story I felt I was being lectured to a bit.

Now how about some stories where your main villain (Koontz) doesn't have every single thing he has done go perfectly all the time ?

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