Sandie's First Swing Pt. 02


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Our eyes met and I looked at him in silence, embarrassed by my forwardness, my heart thumping in my chest as he rose silently smiling to greet me. He was naked, the muscles of his sculpted chest and arms clearly defined in the candlelight. His strong thighs were toned, his buttocks tight and firm, his cock already long, thick and rising.

How could a man this gorgeous, this perfect want a woman like me? My nerves began to fail; surely only humiliation could follow... and yet there he was, smiling as he crossed the room towards me. Silently I turned and locked the door.

And then he was in front of me, the heat of his body close to mine. His hands were on my shoulders, on my arms, on my cheeks, stroking my face. His finger was under my chin, raising my lips to his. Then his lips were on mine, easing my mouth open, delving deep inside. My tongue found his and entwined with it as his fingers began to unwrap the towel from my body.

My hands instinctively grabbed at the material to save my modesty but his grip was strong and my will was weak. A moment later the towel was around my ankles. Again instinct made me try and cover my exposed breasts and vulva but Paul took my hands firmly and lowered them to my sides leaving my womanly body naked in front of the Adonis who had so recently confessed his love for me.

"Sandie you are so... beautiful..."

His voice in my ear was low and smooth; his words, however improbable, were intoxicating and I let them wash over me as his lips found mine again. We kissed long and deeply, his fingertips dancing over my back, hips, buttocks and upper thighs then rising to my boobs and gently kneading them before toying with my hard, pointed nipples.

"Paul I..."

"Shhhh!" he hissed in my ear as he steered my naked body towards the bed, "it will all be all right, thrust me!"

I didn't need to trust him; I wanted him every bit as much as he wanted me and for a long time we stood together, melting into each other's mouths. I was still under-confident; too shy to do anything but comply helplessly with his desires but thankfully Paul had no such problem. As our tongues writhed together like snakes in a pit, I surrendered complete control as I had in Wales.

His hands moved all over my body from my boobs, down my arms to my fingertips then crossed to my hips, thighs and buttocks before finally cupping my vulva. I froze as a long, thin finger began to work its way between my outer lips, clamping my thighs involuntarily as if to prevent its progress.

"It's ok, Sandie," the voice in my ear said softly and reassuringly, "just let it all happen."

It was enough. As his mouth dropped to my neck, nibbling me gently my legs relaxed, my thighs parted the merest fraction and his finger slipped smoothly and confidently the length of my slit.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned.

I closed my eyes and felt Paul's expert fingertips exploring my most private places, parting my lips confidently, exposing every part of me to his wonderful touch. My head span as his hand moved from the base of my slit to my clitoris and back, and then dipped into my wet vagina before moving upwards again to draw tiny circles round my sensitive nub.

My legs trembled and my knees went weak as my helpless body responded, my legs parting still further until I had to lean against him for balance. Again his finger dived into me, this time deep within my dark passage, exploring every millimetre of soft, soaking wet flesh until my whole body shook with arousal.

Sensing my readiness, he gently backed me towards the bed. My trembling, unsteady knees bent readily and as his hand left my vulva, my legs folded beneath me until I lay full length on the soft white sheets.

"Oh Sandie..."

Paul smiled down on me, his pupils huge and black as he climbed onto the bed. Seconds later his knees were between my thighs and he was sitting back on his heels gazing at me.

"Please... please don't stare..." I mumbled, still ludicrously self conscious about my body.

I felt another instinctive desire to cover my boobs and close my legs but his body was firmly between my thighs and his strong hands simply brushed mine away before taking my wrists in his fingers and holding them down either side of my face.

I should have felt threatened, pinned down on the bed but all I saw in his face was a mix of lust and what I hoped might be love.

"You know how long I've waited for this?" he asked then, without waiting for a reply, gripped both my wrists above my head in his strong right hand as his left fell out of sight.

There was fumbling between my thighs, his knees forcing them further apart then a moment later I felt the tip of his cock against my vulva. It moved up and down and I gasped with anticipation before it rubbed against my hard, wildly aroused clit. I winced in excitement. A moment later the smooth head had found the entrance to my vagina, I felt my inner lips being confidently parted and something smooth and firm began to work its way into my body.

Paul paused looming over me, my small frame dwarfed by his powerful body; his erection poised waiting to penetrate my unresisting flesh. He looked deep into my eyes as making sure I wanted to take this last big step. I met his gaze, his pupils black and huge in the candlelight.

"Yes!" I whispered so softly I could barely hear myself, "Please! I want you so, so much... Oh God!"

I gasped as the tip of his cock moved into me the tiniest bit, parting my lips further. I spread my legs wider to ease his way. He pressed a little harder and I moaned aloud as the tip of his strong, firm erection finally began to enter my body.

Something inside me screamed that there was still time to stop him; that it wasn't too late to keep what remained of my battered virtue but there was no moral strength left in me. I surrendered completely as Paul pressed harder; the whole head of his cock burst through what little resistance remained and entered my body.

I gasped again with the sheer pleasure of the penetration, my entrance stretched wonderfully tightly around the smooth bulb within me.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly as my body fought to accommodate the large, unfamiliar intruder.

All I could do was nod. Paul immediately thrust a little deeper, then pulled back until just his head was still within me. I felt the presence of his body inside mine and let out a soft moan of pleasure. A moment later his powerful body tensed, the muscles of his strong, fit thighs contracted, his hips moved forwards and in one mighty, totally irresistible thrust, his strong thick shaft was forced deep into me.

"Oh my God!" I gasped as if feeling a man's cock inside me for the first time. It felt huge, unfamiliar and wonderful all at once.

"Sandie... Oh, Sandie..."he mumbled, his eyes soft and dreamy.

He pulled back slowly then his buttocks tensed again and his hips were thrust forward, forcing him even deeper into my vagina which was now lubricating for all it was worth.

"Oh! Oh yes!" I heard my breathless voice cry out.

There was another slow, smooth withdrawal then in a single irresistible thrust, Paul's wonderful cock slid its full length into my body, halting only when his pubic hair ground hard against my mound. My vagina tensed around the huge, invading monster as it reached deep within me, my whole body filled with his wonderful presence.

He paused again, his face over mine, our bodies now united. My heart thumping in my chest, I looked up into his clear, honest, open eyes and in a moment of total submission felt myself yield completely; my thighs fell wide open, the tension in my spine relaxed.

There was no going back; he had seduced me once again. I was his!

Memories of the first time he had penetrated my body flooded in, but this time it felt different. This time I didn't feel self-conscious, wicked or frightened. Instead I was filled almost to overflowing with love and lust. The weight of his body pressed me hard into the bed and I loved the feeling, trapped between his warm skin and the cool sheet, the hot, strong pole of muscle within me reaching almost to my chest.

"I've wanted this for so long," Paul smiled down at me, wriggling his hips slightly and grinding himself against my already-inflamed clitoris.

"I... I..." I began but no words would come.

Then without another word he began to fuck me! There is no other word for it and I didn't care. Making love was for other people; at that moment, in that room and with that man, I wanted to be fucked!

There can be no doubt that Paul delivered the goods, starting slowly and lovingly but quickly building in both pace and energy, forcing my readily-yielding thighs even wider apart and filling the room with soft slapping sounds.

"Mmmm. Mmmm"

I heard myself moaning in time with his thrusts as the small but wonderful ridges along his shaft were dragged across the sensitive entrance to my most private place over and over again.

He smiled at my obviously rising passion and I raised my fingers to his cheeks, stroking his handsome face. I thought of the first time he had fucked me, of how he had made me climax whether I wanted to or not; of what I had done to him so inexpertly and self consciously; of the orgasms he given me so many times that night.

"Oh yes! Yes! Oh fuck me Paul!"

His thrusts were growing harder and faster now, and the ripples of pleasure were rolling over and through me. For a moment the memory or our last copulation flashed through my mind; of the morning after; of the frightening pregnancy; of the terrible termination. I blinked them away as hard as I could but as my body rocked with the power of his thrusts, my mind filled with new images; my cheating husband in bed with Paul's wife, fucking her as I had heard them fuck on holiday in Wales. The sound of Lisa's orgasmic cries filled my head and tears began to run from the corners of my eyes. I tried to blink them away.

"Am I hurting you?"

I shook my head emphatically and ran my fingers over his powerful shoulders, his strong chest and sides, looking deep into his eyes as his pace quickened yet further. A warm glow began to grow deep within my hips, spreading gradually outwards into my lower belly and upper thighs, the faint beginnings of a much-desired and long-awaited orgasm.

But surely this was too soon? He had barely entered me; how could I be climaxing so quickly, and yet...

"Oh my Goooood!"

The thought had barely passed through my mind when the first wave of orgasm rolled over me, taking me entirely by surprise. I felt my tummy muscles tense, lifting my back violently from the bed then suddenly releasing me.

"Sandie you are SO beautiful when you cum!"

Paul's soft low voice melted me almost as much as the feel of his cock in my tightening vagina as he maintained his rock steady pace.

"Ooohhhh! Jesus..."

Within seconds, another wave of climax rocked me, this time much stronger, tightening my chest, my nipples hard and painful, and still he thrust steadily.


The incoherent sounds escaping my mouth were hardly recognisable as a third then a fourth wave broke over me. My head left the bed sheet then thrashed left and right as I lost any remaining control. My hips bucked wildly against his shaft as his thrusts finally became faster and, if it were possible, deeper, depriving me of breath completely as a final monstrous wave of orgasm broke over me.

"Oh God! Oh Jesus! Oh my fucking God!"

My chest hurt so badly I thought I would die, my legs flailed around his thrusting hips and waist, my fingernails dug hard into his shoulders and arms. I thought my hips would melt beneath him, that I had peed myself on the bed, I was so far gone in ecstasy.

"Sandie! Sandie!"

Paul's voice only inches above my face was hard and crude as his pace became fast and uncontrolled. His body slammed hard into mine in a crude cacophony of wet, slapping sounds mixed with animal grunts. A moment later he thrust hard into me once, twice, three times, driving me bodily up the bed with each powerful surge of his legs until with a coarse grunt his tension broke and I felt the unmistakeable and wonderfully life-affirming feeling of a man ejaculating inside me.

I don't know how long Paul took to empty his body into mine but it felt like half my life. Eventually the core of his passion was spent and his body went still. I could hear him panting and feel the dying pulsing and throbbing within my tender vagina. With each pulse I pictured the hot, sticky semen cascading from its tip and into my body and felt desired and attractive for the first time in many months.

There was a long silence during which we stared into each other's eyes as we recovered our breath. Paul's erection softened rapidly within me then slipped out, leaving me feeling a little sad and empty. As if understanding this he kissed me gently on the lips for a long time then rolled alongside me.

"Are you alright?" he whispered, his hand feeling for mine and squeezing it.

I stared at the candle-lit ceiling. There was no simple answer to give. How could I be alright when I had just been willingly, deliberately unfaithful to my husband? I should have felt dirty, vulnerable and ashamed.

But I didn't. I had given myself completely to this beautiful man and in return he had given me the most intense orgasm of my life. He had made me feel whole, attractive, desired, a real woman again.

"I'm ok," I replied, wholly inadequately and felt him squeeze my hand again.

There was another pause before Paul spoke in a quiet, controlled voice.

"I do love you, Sandie," he said.

I rolled towards him and kissed his muscular shoulder, gripping his hand tightly in mine. He kissed the top of my head.

I fell asleep, exhausted.

We made love again during the night. I awoke in total darkness from a strange dream to find Paul's cock pressed against my perineum as if searching for my vagina from behind as I lay on my side. I raised my leg a little and he slipped easily into my wet, stretched passage until the hot skin of his upper thighs pressed against my buttocks and his wonderful erection reached deep into me.

I could quite happily have slept the remainder of the night with his body deep inside mine, filling me fully, joined together as if one person. But no man would have been content with this and for a few long, wonderful minutes he fucked me from behind, slowly and lovingly until I felt his body tense, his breathing stop and he climaxed within me once again.

I don't know whether we tried to make love for a third time; my memory is too hazy and my mind too full of dreams but my soreness the next day suggested we did. What I do know is that I spent the night in the arms of the best lover I had known in my rather inexperienced life.

I hardly gave my unfaithful bastard of a husband and his slut of a mistress another thought.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
EkphrasisEkphrasis4 months ago

An outstanding three-parter. I think I'm in love, JennyGently, Kxxx

QilseaQilsea7 months ago

"it will all be all right, thrust me!"

2112literotica2112literoticaover 1 year ago

So having that abortion really didn’t bother her as much as she said. Dumb bitch I’m not one to tell anyone what to do with their body, but it bothered her soooo much

Prairieboy3gWMPrairieboy3gWMover 3 years ago

It's a great story though needs greater attention to details like confusion over Tom and Paul. Also there's that issue of present/past tense ie: 'spun' is the correct past tense of spin not 'span' and there's a few more need correcting.

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitabout 7 years ago
Really Really good

This is a great story, i cant wait to read the final chapter, 5 stars.

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