Sarah Has Another Bad Day Ch. 03


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Suddenly there was a noise outside the changing room and Sarah spun round in alarm. For the first time she noticed the slightly open curtain and she nearly fainted in fright. Trying hard to cover herself with her hands even more effectively, she cringed and begged her friend to close it properly. There were voices coming! She looked to Gemma for rescue but the younger girl just smiled and assured her that no-one else would be coming in here; the voices would be other customers going into neighbouring cubicles. As Mary pulled the curtain closed, Sarah's panic slowly receded and her breathing began to return to normal.

"I've changed my mind. Just give me the stuff you've chosen, Mary, and I'll take it all."

"Don't be silly, Sarah. There's no need for that. You're quite safe with Gemma and I here. Let's just get on with it, shall we?"

She could see the sense in her friend's words and she really didn't want to turn up in the UK with a bunch of underwear more suited to a brothel than her mother's home but she was still very nervous. As she heard the voices outside trail past her cubicle she relaxed just a little and nodded her head. Still trembling, however, she looked to Mary for instruction.

"Why don't you start with your bra?" she suggested, helpfully.

Stealing a glance at Gemma, who she was sure was now openly licking her lips, she reached up behind herself and undid the hooks on her bra. She could feel her own breath becoming more and more shallow; she could see her breasts rising and falling; she could feel her mouth becoming dry; she could feel her pussy becoming more and more wet. But she was totally unaware of the effect her slow striptease was having on the other two women. The bra straps slid down her shoulders and, just for a moment, the cups remained in place, before they too fell down and her bra was off.

Handing it to her friend, she stepped back, aware that she was now almost naked. Her nipples were as hard as they had ever been and she was amazed that they were aching to be touched, even here, even now. She longed to hold her breasts, stroke her nipples yet couldn't believe that these thoughts were going through her head in front of two women. She shuddered when she realised that she could cum very quickly if anyone even breathed on her nipples. Suddenly she felt like a slut and wanted to cover herself again. But Mary held her clothes. Mary held all the cards. And Mary wanted more.

"Now your panties, Sarah. I imagine you'll be glad to get rid of those ones."

Sarah almost cried at her friends words. She knew her panties were big and unattractive; she knew Mary would be wearing something much smaller and much more sexy against her pussy but, more than anything, she knew her own panties were now soaking. She could feel them pressing against her lips; she could smell her musky aroma filling the cubicle and her face burned in shame that the other two women must be able to smell that unmistakeable smell too.

Lost in her humiliation, she instinctively did as she was told and took hold of her panties on both sides and began to slowly pull them down her smooth thighs. She knew she had shaved close this morning and was glad of it but now, when she was about to reveal her bald pussy, she trembled all over again. Nearly crying, she bent forward and saw her own clit appear, waiting to be touched, then her dripping slit, until finally, she was able to peel her panties from her sticky pussy, all too aware of how obvious her arousal now was to the other two women. Trying hard not to stumble, she lifted one foot then the other out of her sodden panties and stood up straight, naked, embarrassed, her shame now complete.

Mary smiled at her friend's embarrassment but was secretly enjoying every minute of it; almost as much as she was enjoying finally getting to see Sarah's naked body. Tearing her hungry eyes from the other woman, she simply dropped Sarah's clothes on the changing room floor and turned to Gemma who was no holding the selection of underwear. She picked through the tiny pieces of lace, cotton and silk before finally deciding which one she wanted her friend to model first.

"Try this one," she said, holding up something that to Sarah looked no more than a few strings of material tied together with a tiny piece of cotton to cover her pussy. But she was glad for anything that would help to cover her nakedness, no matter how small it was. She slid her feet into the tiny white thong and listened as Mary and Gemma discussed her body, telling her how sexy she was going to look.

She knew she liked skimpy underwear but even she would never have chosen this. Even after her close shave in the shower earlier, she knew she would have to shave every day to be able to wear this thong properly; in fact, she knew her pussy would have to remain totally bald. Lifting her head to face Mary and Gemma, she muttered something about it not being really suitable.

"Nonsense. It looks great. Now turn around and let us see how it fits at the back."

Sarah didn't know if her face was burning because of what she was wearing, because she was listening to Mary discussing shaving her pussy in front of Gemma or because she was about to show her almost naked ass to the two women but she could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks. As she turned her back on them, she could feel the weight of their stares on her body and particularly on her gorgeous bottom. She knew that the back strap of the thong had slipped between her cheeks because she could feel it rubbing against her tightest hole.

"It looks great, Sarah. Doesn't it, Gemma?"

At first Gemma could only nod. She could feel her own pussy flooding her own panties and wondered if she had any chance of getting inside this woman's tiny thong privately. She would have loved to have pulled out the strap from the woman's tight cheeks and inhaled her wonderful aroma but she knew it was more than her job was worth. If she went that far, she might not be able to stop herself.

"Perhaps your "friend" would like to try the same garment in pink?" she suggested helpfully and quickly produced an equally tiny thong from the bundle she held. Gemma had been overtaken by lust now and, whether she lost her job or not, she knew she had to get closer. Sarah didn't know where to look when the younger girl knelt in front of her and expertly began to pull her white thong down. Her face burned red while Gemma smiled to herself as she practically had to peel it off the other woman's wet pussy, knowing her own pussy was just as wet and her own panties were just as soaked.

Mary watched as her friend silently suffered this new humiliation as the shop assistant slid the white thong down her smooth legs, and then replaced it with the pink one. She was jealous of the attention Gemma was paying to Sarah's pussy and ass as she professionally pulled the new thong up then proceeded to run her hands along it to smooth out any imaginary creases, pulling it in tight at the back to separate her friend's cheeks once more.

"Thank you, Gemma. It seems to fit very well. Don't you think so, Sarah? You'd better just keep those ones one because your own are soaking and so are the white ones. Do we have a matching bra, Gemma?"

After a few moments of searching, the shop assistant realised that she couldn't find the required bra in pink or white and left the cubicle to go back to the shop display. When she hadn't returned within a few minutes, Mary went to see what was holding her up. Finally, Sarah was alone and turned to look at herself in the mirror, very aware of how badly she needed to touch herself.

She could feel the thong nestling between her cheeks; she could feel her sensitive, bald pussy soaking it once again; and she could feel her nipples and clit aching to be touched. As she watched herself in the full-length mirror, her hands instinctively moved up to her breasts, caressing them, squeezing them. She knew she shouldn't; she knew Mary and Gemma would be back at any moment; she knew she just had to do it.

Once more startled by other voices, she reassured herself the curtain was tightly closed, ran one hand down over her flat tummy, aiming directly for her thong-covered pussy. As her finger stroked the length of her dripping slit through the soft material of her thong, the other women's voices suddenly seemed to be spurring her on to be even more daring. They were so close; they were probably trying on lingerie too; their own semi-naked bodies were only feet from where this seemingly respectable teacher was touching herself.

Her breathing became quicker; her breast rising and falling, her gasps increasing as her fingers worked their magic and she knew it was too long, way too long, since someone had touched her in this way. Her other hand was playing with her nipples now, first one, then the other, flicking them, pinching them, as the heat from her pussy began to cause her whole body to flush.

She needed more. Reluctantly, she abandoned her nipples and moved her hand down to pull her thong aside, too desperate now to bother taking it off. She needed her fingers in her pussy. As she saw herself in the mirror she wondered who this slut of a woman could be but knew very well that it was her own fingers plunging into her own sodden pussy and she gasped in delight.

Through her own soft moans, she could hear the voices outside again and, somewhere in her mind, she thought they sounded closer than before. Biting her bottom lip to stop herself from becoming any louder, she began to fuck herself, feeding a long neglected need, unconscious of anything else. She could feel her legs going weak but she was almost there; she couldn't stop now. Somehow, the woman in the mirror spurred her on, spurred her on to take greater risks, spurred her on to fuck her herself even harder.

She could see the woman's juices covering her fingers; she could see the woman's breasts flushing with excitement; she could almost hear the woman's moans of pleasure as she felt her whole body tremble with the start of her orgasm. Her fingers moved faster and faster, just like the woman in the mirror, as her pussy grabbed them and contracted around them. She let the waves wash over her and fell to the carpeted floor, still plunging her fingers in and out.

Just as she began to come down, she opened her eyes. There stood Mary and Gemma, the curtain drawn wide open and two other customers standing behind them, unable to believe what they were witnessing. On seeing them all standing there, Sarah began to cum again and this time there was no stopping it.

She rolled around the floor, writhing in ecstasy, her moans no longer inhibited as she gave herself up to the most wonderful orgasm. She no longer cared about the other women. She no longer cared what they thought. She no longer cared about anything but the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. When the words of the other customers filtered through to her lust-soaked mind, "Slut," "Whore", she'd never felt so embarrassed; she'd never felt so exposed; she'd never felt so good.

Finally, she opened her eyes and only Mary stood there. Smiling down at her friend, she gently removed Sarah's fingers from her pussy and, looking her in the eye, licked them clean. Helping her friend to her feet, she dressed her, almost like a child, and hurried her from the shop.

"I know we haven't paid for the thong you're wearing but somehow I don't think they're going to want it back. It's time we went to the airport but I think I'd better drive now."

Sarah was grateful for this kindness as she didn't think her body would ever be co-ordinated again. As they arrived at the airport, Mary practically had to lift her from the car and push her through the check-in desk towards security.

"I'll see you when you return. We've got a lot to talk about."

Sarah blushed again at the though of what she had done, at the thought of what Mary had seen her do and at the thought of what Mary would want to do next. On still weak legs she smiled as she waved nervously to her friend and walked towards the queue in front of the security desk. Somehow she knew that today would be the day when it would alarm and she would have to let someone else touch her still tingling body.

"Raise your arms please, miss," said the female security guard, as she ushered Sarah to the side, allowing the other passengers to pass through.

Her body seemed to still be in a state of heightened sensitivity and, even though the other woman was being strictly professional, she couldn't help but squirm as the woman's hands ran up and down her bare legs, over her round bottom and across her breasts. Finding nothing that could have set off the alarm, the guard ran a hand-held scanner to move over Sarah's embarrassed body. Once again the alarm sounded and the guard asked her to step into the small cubicle to the side. As she walked into the cubicle and the curtain was closed behind them, Sarah couldn't help but think back to the shop where she had disgraced herself so wonderfully behind another curtain. There was scarcely enough room for both her and the guard as the woman faced her, their two faces less than a foot apart.

"I'm sorry, miss, but I have to ask you to take off your blouse."

Sarah blushed at the guard addressing her as "miss", especially as she was obviously much younger than Sarah herself. She was blushing too because she knew she never did find a matching bra for her thong in the shop and she knew her thong was still soaking wet and sticking to her pussy lips.

As she undid the buttons on the front of her blouse, pulled it out from her skirt, then slid it off her shoulders, she became very aware of the younger woman's eyes on her naked breasts. She liked her breast but she would never be someone who would be comfortable showing them off to another person, male or female, and she felt her cheeks burning again. As the guard indicated for her to remove her skirt also, Sarah opened the button at the back and, as it slid down her legs, she bent to pick it up and, on standing up, noticed the younger woman eyeing her breasts almost hungrily. Once more she stood in front of another woman, topless, her breast flushing with the same embarrassment as her cheeks and her pussy moistening all over again, just as it had in the shop.

If that was bad enough, even worse was to follow. The guard explained that some women had been known to secrete contraband under large breasts and, while Sarah's weren't that big, she still had to take a closer look. The poor teacher wasn't sure if she was more humiliated by the fact the guard seemed to be insulting the size of her breasts or by the fact that the woman was now lifting them, almost cupping them, to ensure there was nothing underneath but Sarah's tingling skin. She prayed that her body would not respond but she nearly let out a sob when she felt the guard's hands brush her nipples and those same nipples stiffen at the touch. If she'd had any choice, she would have run away there and then but she knew she would only have been in even more trouble if she did. Besides, how could she pull back the curtain and expose her topless body to a whole crowd of strangers yet again?

"I'm afraid your panties have to come off too, miss." Sarah didn't think the guard was "afraid" about this at all; in fact, the more naked she became, the more the other woman seemed to be enjoying it.

As she once again was forced to peel her thong away from the sticky pussy lips that seemed determined to hold on to the tiny garment, Sarah stepped out of it and handed it to the guard, turning around as instructed. As she placed her hands on the cubicle wall, she nearly sobbed as she sensed the guard kneeling down in the tight space and gently pulling her ass cheeks apart.

Without waiting to be told, Sarah instinctively opened her legs wider and allowed the younger woman to run a finger along her dripping slit, explaining that she was going to have to insert that finger to check Sarah wasn't smuggling anything in there. Sobbing openly now at the humiliation of the full body search, Sarah was relieved when the guard almost perfunctorily pushed just one finger into her wet pussy then pulled it out again.

Thinking her ordeal was over, she cried out when she felt the guard's juice-soaked finger rubbing against her asshole and pushing in. Sarah was astonished to think the other woman was using her pussy juices as lubrication to enter her tightest hole but the humiliation of being invaded in such a manner was too much to bear and she felt her pussy flood once more.

All of a sudden the guard withdrew her finger, stood up and ordered her to get dressed. Sarah was only too glad to do so and practically threw her blouse and skirt on. As she searched for her panties, however, they were nowhere to be seen. Risking a questioning look at the guard, she was met by an insolent stare and decided that, panties or not, she was getting out of there. Puling back the curtain herself, she left the guard standing there and ran to the departure lounge.

When her flight was called not long after, Sarah had never been so glad to get on a plane. She sat next to a friendly looking man and blushed slightly at the fact that she was still naked under her conservative blouse and skirt but relaxed thinking that, surely, nothing else could go wrong on this holiday.

Later that day, Tommy Wilson was scrutinising the incoming passenger list from the US. He was enjoying his new job as a security officer at Heathrow but his face brightened even more when he saw a familiar name on the list. It had been a few years since he had humiliated Sarah Tucker on his last day at school. Was it even the same slut or just someone with the same name? He didn't know but he was sure going to find out and he made his way to the arrivals desk.

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gspanker051gspanker051about 11 years ago
Well Written

Well written good read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I have a dripping erection.

The story kind of droned on. The best part was when the guard stuck her finger in her ass. After spreading her cheeks I would have at least sniffed her bunghole first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I hope to see Sarah get some real action in the next chapter!

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