Sarah's Worst Day


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He stood there, his dripping cock inches from her face and, once more, brought out his phone. This was the shot to beat them all; his young teacher lying on her desk, her mouth open, his spunk dripping down her chin and her face streaked with a very obvious string of his white cum. She pleaded one last time.

"Please, Tommy, you've had your fun. Please let me go. You promised you'd delete those photos."

"Well, slut, I don't think I actually promised anything. Besides, these are priceless and they are my insurance that you won't involve the police. Now be a good girl and lie there, nice and quiet."

Just to ensure that Sarah had no choice but to do just that, he replaced the blindfold, blocking out her sight and once more stuffed something wet into her mouth. She knew it wasn't Diane's big knickers as it was much smaller but there was certainly a familiar scent and taste from her new gag. Sarah sobbed once more when she realised that her ex-student had just silenced her with her own tiny knickers and the taste she recognised was that of her own pussy juices which had poured into them before he had ripped them from her helpless body. Thinking it couldn't get any worse, she heard Tommy open the door and leave her to her fate, leaving the door open for anyone to find her in her slutty position.

She began to lose all track of time, aware only that she was going to be late for the Headmaster's barbeque – if she ever got there at all. She was beginning to think that she was never going to be released from this nightmare when she heard a gasp of shock as someone new appeared at her classroom door. She tried to turn her head to see who was there, tried to beg them to release her but she was prevented from doing either by her gag and her blindfold.

Then she heard whoever it was step into the room and close the door. The sudden realisation that she was about to be freed made her more relieved than she would have ever thought possible and she knew she would never be able to express her gratitude enough to whoever this person was. Then she heard the key in the lock turn once more and, to her, it sounded ominous.

The turn of the key had sounded so loud in the otherwise silent room and, just for a moment, Sarah feared that she was not about to be released after all; that some other man, or student, was about to use her and abuse her also. Then she became aware of the scent of this person's perfume and she relaxed, knowing that this person was a woman, and not a student. This was a mature woman's perfume, sophisticated, delicate and she began to say "thank you," even though her mouth was still stuffed with her own knickers. That was when she felt the woman's hand on her naked thigh.

She sensed the person changing position and it sounded like the other woman was kneeling down. Once more, Sarah tried to relax as she imagined the woman was going to untie her ankles first, although she wished it had been her eyes and mouth that were attended to. She wanted to see who her saviour was and to thank her, over and over again. She didn't think she would ever be able to thank the other woman sufficiently but she would certainly try.

But the woman wasn't kneeling down to untie Sarah's ankles. She had a very different plan in mind. She licked her lips in anticipation of her new best friend suddenly being presented to her in this way. She had lusted after Sarah ever since the young woman had joined the staff and now she had the perfect opportunity to make all her dreams come true. She smiled when her captive jerked as she kissed her way up one smooth thigh and then the other.

The string of cum across Sarah's face was very obvious and it told its own story. She was not the first person to have found Sarah in this predicament and she wondered if it had been another member of staff who had cum across her friend's face. Or was it Tommy Wilson? She had seen the boy run out of the school long after the other students had left and wondered if even he would have had the nerve to do this. One thing was for sure, it wasn't just the unknown male who had been aroused. As she leaned closer to Sarah's wonderful pussy, she could easily smell the aroma of her friend's arousal and wondered if her previous "guest" had let her cum.

Sarah was becoming desperate now and, once more, managed to work the knickers out of her mouth with her tongue. It was a good deal easier this time as her own tiny thong was much smaller than Diane's dirty knickers had been but the important thing was that she could speak again. Gulping in air through her dry mouth, she raised her head from the desk and, blindly, begged her new assailant.

"Please, whoever you are, please let me go. You don't have to take off my blindfold; just untie my hands and I'll do the rest. Please, you must let me go."

But the other woman knew there was only one thing she MUST do and that was taste Sarah's pussy. She began to kiss her prisoner's legs once again, up one and down the other, making sure she never went anywhere near her real target. Sarah started to squirm under the insistent mouth and, just as she had with Tommy, she could feel her pussy start to moisten and wondered if her body was really going to betray her.

Suddenly she felt another kiss; it was where she longed for it be and where she dreaded. Those unknown lips started at the bottom of her wet slit and kissed all the way to the top, ending at her clit and sending a shiver through her whole body. But now she knew this stranger was going to tease her, to torment her and had no intention of releasing her.

"Please, I don't know who you are but you must know I'm a teacher here and you mustn't do this to me. Please just release me and I'll never say a word to anyone."

In response, the warm lips returned to her legs, up and down her smooth thighs, once again avoiding her desperate pussy lips. Sarah understood that this tease was not kissing another woman for the first time, she knew exactly what she was doing. She couldn't stop her body from squirming on top of her own desk, as the kisses eventually began to get closer and closer to her slit. Finally, when she felt those soft lips working up her own wet lips once more, she could no nothing but sigh in pleasure. When her assailant's mouth reached her swollen clit for a second time, Sarah instinctively raised her hips to meet that same mouth.

Her new lover wrapped her arms around Sarah's thighs, drawing her closer to her greedy mouth and, finally, began to lick her pussy with a passion neither woman had ever felt before. The feeling of power over the younger woman was intoxicating and, as she ran her tongue up and down Sarah's pussy, she knew her young captive was enjoying it as much as she was. As she began to slightly thrust her tongue between Sarah's opening lips, she smiled as the young teacher moaned in uncontrolled delight. But, much as she wanted to prolong this, she knew she had to get to get ready for the barbecue so she decided to crank things up a notch.

Sarah couldn't help herself; she was secured to her desk and she could do nothing to release her arms and nothing to escape the tongue that was taking her to new levels of pleasure. It was when the unknown woman started to focus on her clit that Sarah felt her hips rising off the desk, forcing herself harder against the woman's mouth, moaning and screaming as the pleasure rolled over her in waves. She couldn't stop that tongue, nor did she want to as it lapped faster and faster at her engorged clit and she knew it was going to happen.

She knew she was going to cum; she was going to cum on her own desk, in her own classroom and it was all going to happen on the tongue and mouth of a woman she couldn't even see. Her fingers tightened against the side of the desk as she cried out and her orgasm finally reached its incredible peak. The tongue never stopped as she came again and again, not even when she finally started to come down again and her body relaxed.

As her breathing slowly returned to normal, and she was about to beg once more for a different kind of release, her unknown lover took one last lick of her pussy, gave one last final kiss to her clit, and then she got up. She kissed Sarah lightly on the cheek, and before the shattered woman on the desk could say anything, she heard the door open once more was left alone to recover.

Sarah lay there, sure that her own body was flushed from the biggest orgasm of her life, and began to realise that once again she was exposed to any one else who happened to walk by. The next person who walked by, however, did not keep quiet.

"What on earth is going on here?"

"Oh, no," thought Sarah. Could the day get any worse? What was the Headmaster still doing here? He should be long gone, making sure everything was ready for the barbecue. She shivered in embarrassment as the thought hit her that he was looking at her naked body and she was sure he would be able to see how puffy her pussy lips were; she was sure that he would know she had just cum.

He immediately ripped off her blindfold and she couldn't tell if his face was angry or bemused. Without saying a word, he untied her arms and legs and helped her to sit up. She blushed once more as she saw him staring at her small breasts, her nipples still erect, and she shuddered when she saw the smears of her own juices on the tops of her thighs. Wrapping her dress around herself, she forced herself to lift her eyes and look at him.

"I don't have time to deal with this right now. We are both late for the barbecue and my wife will be wondering where I've got to. Lucky for you I always take a walk round all the classrooms as a final check on the last day of term. Now make yourself decent and I will meet you in my car. No, I don't have time to argue. My guests will be waiting for me and you are one of them. So, if you want to be back here next year, you will do as you are told and meet me in five minutes by the car."

The journey to the Headmaster's house passed in total silence. He was obviously angry with her and she was too embarrassed to even look at him. She sat there in the passenger seat, cowering, thankful that her boss was unaware that she was sitting there, the picture of respectability, all but for one detail. Her last assailant had obviously decided to take her knickers as a souvenir and Sara was very conscious of her bare bottom, and her bare pussy, sitting on the cold leather seat of her Headmaster's car. She could only hope that her pussy didn't leak any more juices and leave a puddle beneath her for him to see when they got out.

When they arrived at his large house, the Headmaster made straight for the party and assumed his role as host. Sarah was forced to make small talk among the rest of the staff and she realised that her plan to wear her short dress had gone badly wrong when she was naked underneath. The male teachers, and even one or two of the female ones, seemed to realise that she was uncomfortable and they were becoming more and more amorous as the drink loosened their inhibitions.

After a few hours the Headmaster gathered them all round to make his traditional end of school year address. He began by reviewing the year and then went on to wish them all a happy summer with their friends and loved ones, hoping that they would all come back refreshed for the year ahead. Sarah was just about to believe that her nightmare day was almost over and she would be allowed to go home when the Headmaster announced that he had one more point to address.

"As you all know we have had a new teacher this year and, at the end of her probationary year, I think it is only fair to inform you of my decision whether or not she should return after the holidays. Until today, Sarah has proved herself an exemplary young teacher but now I have to share with you all something that, in all my years of teaching, I have never come across.

"In her very own classroom, I found Sarah bound and gagged on top of her own desk, her body exposed to anyone who happened to walk by. Luckily for her, it was I who found her but this is something which must be investigated further. Sarah, would you please come over here?"

The poor teacher felt as if every member of staff had turned to stare at her. She had been quietly trying to retreat backwards through the other congregated teachers when the Headmaster had begun to speak of her earlier predicament. There had been gasps of shock when her colleagues discovered what had happened to her but there was also some giggling and some leering glances. Now her faced burned bright red once more with the public humiliation she was facing.

She began to make her way slowly to the front of the assembled guests, trying to ignore some whispered comments from the other teachers. Standing beside the Headmaster, before all her colleagues, men and women, she looked at her Headmaster questioningly.

"Face your fellow teachers, Sarah. Thank you. This young woman was found in a very compromising position that could have ended up with her being attacked or, even worse, of corrupting one of her students. Now, she has denied being complicit with those who put her in this position but I intend to get to the bottom of this matter and I intend to do so right now. To enable me to do this correctly I will need the help of a couple of the male teachers; any volunteers?"

Sarah was almost bowled over by the rush of male colleagues volunteering. Eventually, the Headmaster made his choices; Mr Beattie and Mr Mason, the two football coaches. Sarah wasn't sure what was about to happen but she became even more alarmed when the two very fit men suddenly came up from behind her and took her by the arms. As they led her over to a long wooden table on the furthest edge of the garden and bent her over it, they secured her legs to the wooden legs and held her arms outstretched in front of her over the far end of the table. Sarah knew that every eye there was on her short dress and her bare legs, while all her colleagues were, just as she was, wondering what was to happen next.

She looked round at the other teachers and saw that they had all gathered closer, obviously not wanting to miss a single thing. All she could think was that this was so unfair and so humiliating. What did the Headmaster have in store fore her? She was about to find out. She saw the Headmaster walk over to her, stand beside her and turn once again to address the staff while she trembled in fear.

"The first thing we must determine is whether this young woman deserved to be treated the way she was and I think the best way to make sure she didn't tease someone into tying her up is to examine her underwear. With that Sarah felt her short dress being raised over her bottom and thrown across the small of her back. There was a collective intake of breath as all the men were treated to the sight of Sarah's beautiful, naked bottom; all the women had the same view, some were jealous, some were as turned on as much as the men. One woman, the one who had made Sarah cum earlier with her tongue, licked her lips with that same tongue and savoured the memory of their brief dalliance this afternoon. Sarah hung her head in shame and knew that this was so unfair. Even if she had only been wearing her tiny thong at least her arse hole would be covered.

"It would appear that you were not entirely blameless for your predicament, Sarah, and I think it is only appropriate that I punish you now, in front of your colleagues, so that we can all forget this whole episode and resume our celebrations. Do you agree? If you do, then we will be delighted to welcome you back next year as a fully fledged member of staff; if you don't, I'm afraid I would have to inform the Education Board that you are not morally responsible enough to be a teacher. What's it to be?"

Sarah knew she had no choice. With a reference like that she would never find another teaching job anywhere; she had to submit. Choking back a sob of despair and shame she nodded her head and agreed to submit. She tried to prepare herself for what she knew was coming but, when the Headmaster's huge hand first slapped her upturned bottom cheeks, she couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Count for me," instructed the Headmaster. Sarah wasn't sure if he was talking to her but as the slaps rained down on her poor bottom each one was met by an echoing cry from the crowd of teachers.







And so it went on, each slap pushing Sarah harder and harder against the edge of the wooden table until, once again, she found her pussy rubbing against something hard. Somewhere among the slaps, the pleasure slowly began to take over from the pain and in her mind the rest of the staff disappeared as Sarah's world was centred on the pleasure rising from between her legs. It was just about to get to the best bit when suddenly the spanking stopped and the crowd went quiet.

"No, no, no!" she cried in frustration.

The Headmaster had begun to tire but when he heard her wail in her lust, he found new strength to start again. This time the man's hand came down rapidly on both cheeks and Sarah's poor body coursed with pain anew. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! There was no stopping the cruel Headmaster now and Sarah's bottom was soon as red as her face; still he went on. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! She was crying from the pain, from the humiliation, from the fact that she knew she had done nothing to deserve this. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

Just when he was about to give up again, the Headmaster looked down at the young member of his staff and saw her legs were moving of their own accord. He looked closer and could see that her young pussy was moist and starting to open. Convinced more than ever that he was punishing a whore of a girl he resumed his spanking with renewed vigour. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

Sarah was still wriggling, trying to free herself but the more she did, the more she felt her pussy rubbing against the hard table edge. She kept telling herself to lie still but the pleasure had started again even though her bottom was being severely punished. The more he spanked her, the more she wriggled, the harder she banged against the table's edge and the greater the pleasure became. She could feel her juices running down her bare legs and, even though she was embarrassed at the thought of cumming in front of her colleagues, she knew too that the pleasure was stronger than the pain, even stronger than her shame. Just when she thought she was about to reach another wonderful peak, the spanking stopped.

There was silence behind her as she felt her legs being untied and she slowly pushed herself up before turning round. Facing her colleagues, her face as red as her bottom, she smiled uncertainly. Her legs felt like jelly as she smoothed her short dress down and fixed her hair. Unsure what to do next, she simply walked back through the crowd of teachers and kindly asked the Headmaster's wife to call her a taxi.

The Headmaster just stared after her in amazement. He was quite certain that, if he had continued, she would have had an orgasm in front of them all. Well, he couldn't have that. He was a respectable man, a pillar of society and his wife was there. Nevertheless, he would certainly be offering her a job. He was going to make a point of getting to know Sarah a lot better in the years to come.

His wife, on the other hand, had already got to know this young woman very well. As she escorted her out to her taxi, she wondered when would be an appropriate time to return her knickers. She couldn't wait to taste that young pussy again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, hopefully this is one of many chapters of Sarah's adventures. I would like to hear about Sarah when she leaves the headmaster's house. Did his wife hand over the knickers in secret so that Sarah will be wondering how, or who, gave her the panties? Did the headmaster's wife contact Sarah later? Did Sarah get blackmailed by the other students during the summer? Oh, so many adventures to happen. Please write more about Sarah.

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

I can't understand why there are writers who think rape is funny and a commonplace thing. Tommy and his accomplices are going to jail for at least 20 years. But this author seems to think that women love rape and even get horny in the process. Good thing there's "me too" and all the shitty guys who are guilty go behind bars.

Gaston1Gaston1over 13 years ago
Sarah's surprise

Great story. Loved the final chapter.

badschoolgirlxbadschoolgirlxover 13 years ago
Wow !

Just wow ... At first I didn't like it because of the way she was raped, but once I was a few paragraphs in it got really good !

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
part 2

hope you have a part 2 in mind

hopw there is more hair play

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