Saved From Extinction


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"Keaton is also a homo linderi," my mom said. I stared at her, wide-eyed. "You and Keaton were inherently attracted to each other, because you're more sensitive to pheromones. And you were so much more fertile than any of the other females we raised. We didn't quite know how to deal with it, but now we know better." She smiled at me.

"Where is Keaton?" I asked.

"He's at another breeding center in Australia," my mom said. I started crying.

"You and Keaton aren't genetically compatible. There's another female in Sydney who matched his genetic profile better," my dad said and I cried harder.

I was taken back to my white room, heartbroken. My mom gave me a hug. "This is the last time you'll see us," she said and I panicked. "It's time for you to get to know your linderi family. Soon, you'll meet your breeding partner." I collapsed on my bed as the door closed. I wanted to run after them, but I knew I couldn't.

Laying on the bed was a vibrator that was similar to the one in my mother's nightstand that I always used when she wasn't home. I was ashamed looking at it. How did they know how often I masturbated? I thought of all those days when I had actually taken her vibrator back to my room. I had locked myself in and masturbated the whole day, pretending I was sick. I wasn't interested in food or anything else, except pleasuring myself. Did they know what I was really doing? As I stood there, I couldn't ignore my arousal. Watching all those naked people fucking had turned me on. I looked around. There were no windows in my room, only a skylight that showed the evening sky, dark blue fading into indigo. I knew I was alone. I picked up the vibrator and realized it was the exact same vibrator I had used at home. They knew I had been using it and they had brought it here. For me. I was mortified but I still couldn't resist it's allure. I lay down and turned on the vibrator. It hummed in my hands, exciting me even more. Perhaps I would feel better once I'd climaxed.

I pressed the vibrator to my clitoris and moaned softly. I slowly put it inside me, letting it stroke my g-spot as I pressed the palm of my hand onto my throbbing clitoris, rubbing in circles. I teased my hard nipples with my free hand, licking it first. I thrust the vibrator as deep as I could, feeling the orgasm approaching. I tried to block everything out of my mind except the delicious feeling between my legs. My moans were echoing in the sterile room as I brought myself closer and closer until I finally broke through, screaming out as I came. I could feel another one building inside me and I went with it. Just as I climaxed again, the door opened and Halley entered the room.

"Wonderful, just wonderful!" she exclaimed as I recovered. "The females usually don't start masturbating again so quickly after their arrival." I closed my eyes in shame.

"You're ready." She took the vibrator from me and helped me get up. I was still trying to catch my breath. My heart was beating rapidly, but it was hard for me to know if I was nervous, or if it was due to my recent orgasms. I followed her as we walked down some different hallways and we walked into an elevator. She opened a panel and placed her palm on the glass surface and I saw a green laser scan her hand.

"Why don't you let us live with you out in the real world? Why do we have to stay in here?" I asked.

"It's for your own protection," she answered.

"Not in the wild, but why can't we live with you in society. Have jobs, go to school."

"You have much to learn about yourself. For one thing, linderi are too sexually promiscuous. Your instinctive drive to mate is too strong and once you go into heat, which is quite often, linderi will have sex anywhere." I blushed as I remembered the time I had fucked Keaton. It was just that one time and we couldn't control ourselves as we let our desires take over.

Growing up, I only had a handful of friends and I learned the most about sex from them. They all lived in my neighborhood and went to the public school and they told me details about their boyfriends and what they did together. But I spent most of my time with Keaton and his family. We had often gone on vacations together. There were camping trips and beach trips. It was on one of the camping trips when Keaton and I had sex for the first time together.

We had snuck off to go on a hike and as I followed him through the trees, I stared at his ass and his muscular legs the whole time. I was wondering when he had turned into such a tall perfect man, no longer the boy of my childhood. We stopped to rest and we just looked into each other's eyes. We were both breathing heavily, sweaty and hot from more than just the physical exertion. I leaned against a tree, unable to look away from him. I don't know if he took a step, or if I pulled him towards me, but we just started kissing. He had reached his hand under my shirt and it felt so good as he rubbed my hard nipples with his hand. He lifted up my shirt and moved my bra aside and put his warm mouth on them, driving me crazy. I moaned loudly as I looked up into the trees. He was making me feel so good.

I reached my hands inside his shorts and found his hard cock. I rubbed it and it felt so hot. Suddenly, I knew I had to have him. We ripped off our clothes and we fucked right there in the open. It only hurt a little bit at first. We heard our parents calling our names, but we didn't care. We held on to each other tight, gripping each other as we both climaxed. When they found us, we were still laying there, naked and muddy. I remember my mom crying when she realized what we had done.

Afterwards, I had been thoroughly embarrassed, unsure of why I had let myself get so carried away. I thought my parents would punish me, but they seemed more disappointed in themselves. They had taken me to a doctor and had cried with relief when they found out I wasn't pregnant. We had driven hours to see a special doctor, I remembered. Looking back on it, they had probably taken me to a breeding center for the exam. I had only seen Keaton a few more times after that, and always with one of our parents in the same room. That happened just a few months ago and now I didn't know if I would ever see Keaton ever again.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out into another long sterile hallway. "But all the textbooks, they never said anything about this. How could it be?" I asked her.

"The Homo Linderi Protection Society keeps your existence a secret, for your own safety. When the homo linderi were first discovered, only a handful of scientists knew about it, and they were all sworn to secrecy. If the wrong people found out about you, you would be exploited for their own perverse pleasure. And when linderi children find out they're different, they never reach sexual maturity. We don't know why that is, we're still studying it."

As much as I didn't want any of it to be true, I slowly realized it was all starting to make sense now. My parents were older than the other parents I knew and they never allowed me to use their computer or to watch TV. They had been very strict with me. All of my brothers and sisters were much older, and when they came home for the holidays, they had all treated me like I was their pet. As a child, I had loved the attention, but now I knew why they were always fascinated with me. I was the newest homo linderi my parents were hand raising.

"Linderi also prefer to be naked," Halley continued. "As children, you'll put up with clothes, but once you reach sexual maturity, clothing starts to actually hurt your delicate skin. Already, you're more comfortable being nude." I blushed as I realized she was right. I had actually forgotten that I was naked.

We walked down another long hallway and I was led into a small room that looked like a luxurious hotel suite. The far wall was covered with mirrors and I knew there were other people on the other side watching me, observing me. There was a couch and a large bed, a table with four chairs. There was a bathroom with a large jacuzzi tub and separate shower. As I looked around, I noticed some of my things from home were here. My stuffed animals that I had left at my bedroom at home, my books, my comforter and pillow from home. Halley walked over and placed the vibrator on the nightstand and I flushed with embarrassment knowing that I was expected to use it.

I felt homesick as I looked at all of my familiar things. I felt tears rolling down my face as I held a stuffed bear, remembering when I had received it for my 5th birthday from my dad.

"You'll stay here for a day or so in isolation. Then we'll slowly introduce you to some of the other linderi pairs. Once you've met your breeding partner, you'll be ready to assimilate into the regular linderi population. You need contact with each other in order to thrive."

After she left, I crawled into bed and started crying as I clutched my bear. But I felt too warm and claustrophobic under the covers, I felt like I was drowning. I tried to resist the urge to kick off the comforter. This was the first time I had been allowed to cover up and I didn't want to expose my nudity anymore. Part of me was hoping that Halley was wrong. Maybe they'd made a mistake and I was human after all. But I was having a hard time breathing under the blanket and it was starting to itch. I finally ripped it off me. I realized Halley was right, I wasn't human.

I felt another itch that started deep within me, and I realized I needed another orgasm. My body was betraying me. I wouldn't do it. I looked at the mirror, wondering how many people were standing on the other side, watching me. I saw my reflection as I lay there on the bed, my legs spread wide, my pussy dripping with arousal. I was breathing heavily. I was covered in sweat, my skin was gleaming and my nipples were already hard. I tried to resist. I saw the vibrator on the nightstand and I started crying. I didn't like who I was. I didn't want to be a homo linderi. I wanted to be human. But I couldn't help it. I leaned over and grabbed the vibrator. I turned it on high and shoved it deep within me, arching my back and letting out a satisfied howl. I was so close already. Barely two seconds later, I screamed out in pleasure. My body felt like it was on fire. I continued masturbating, crying the whole time. I didn't know how much more I could take, but I couldn't stop. Everything was changing. With tears streaming down my face, I finally fell asleep.


Chapter 2

The next day, I woke up to a bright light in my room. I slowly opened my eyes and found that light was streaming in from a skylight above me. I could see blue sky and clouds and I wondered if I'd ever see the outside again or if the skylight would be my only exposure to the outside world. The vibrator was still on, humming silently on the bed. I reached over and turned it off, resisting the urge to press it between my legs. I found that someone had brought my favorite breakfast into the room. French toast with strawberries and whipped cream. I sat down but I found I wasn't hungry. I forced myself to take a few bites, but even that was too much. I walked through the room, inspecting everything, trying to ignore my own reflection which always reminded me that I was naked and very aroused. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush I found next to the sink. I thought about taking a shower, but when I saw the familiar shower massager, I stopped. I didn't trust myself.

I walked back out into the main room. There was a TV, which was strange since I hadn't been allowed to watch TV before. I turned it on and flipped through the channels, but nothing caught my interest. There was a bookshelf and I took out a book and started reading it but found I couldn't concentrate on it. It was getting harder and harder to ignore that urge deep within me. I would be stronger today, I said to myself. I could resist it. I knew I could. I decided to take a cold shower to rid my body of these overwhelming desires that were invading my body. If I closed my eyes, I wouldn't see the shower massager, and I would be able to stand firm. I wouldn't humiliate myself again.

I stepped into the shower and noticed that one wall inside the shower was a mirror. Someone could stand right next to the mirror on the other side and they'd be inches from my naked body. I wondered how many people were in that big round room watching me. I closed my eyes and turned on the water. I shrieked when water hit me from everywhere. There were hidden sprayers in the walls that pulsated on my breasts and my clitoris. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off, and it wasn't helping me cool off. It only accentuated my sexual needs and I started moaning. It felt so good. Before I knew it, I was holding onto the wall, aiming the pulsating water jets right onto my clitoris as I came hard, my moans echoing through the bathroom. I knew they were all watching me as I came again and again but I didn't care. All I cared about was my next orgasm. What was wrong with me?

I don't know how long I stood in the shower, but it had to have been a long time because my fingers were wrinkled by the time I shut off the water. And yet, I wasn't satisfied. I walked around the bathroom looking for a towel, but I couldn't see any. I saw air vents along the wall, and I stepped towards them, looking for a way to turn them on. As I stepped closer, they turned on automatically, blowing warm air onto my body, drying me in seconds.

I returned to the room and saw the vibrator and it was calling out to me. It was as if my body had taken over. I couldn't stop myself. I had to have more. I lay on the bed and continued masturbating. The whole day, I slept, masturbated, showered, masturbated some more, slept, masturbated again. I was insatiable. Soon, I was no longer concerned with the people on the other side of the mirror as I achieved one delicious orgasm after another. The vibrator constantly hummed against my clitoris and I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation as I came again.

I heard a noise and opened my eyes. Halley was standing there with another naked girl. They were smiling at me. I quickly turned off the vibrator and sat up.

"Trista, I'd like you to meet Elle."

The girl stepped forward to shake my hand. She looked a little older than me, but I couldn't tell. Perhaps she was my age, but she seemed more comfortable with her nudity as she stood there, rubbing the underside of her large full breasts. Milk was dripping from her nipples and I could smell each droplet as they flowed out of her breasts. It smelled like warm sweet milk laced with honey and I was horrified to realize that I wanted to put my mouth around her coral nipple and taste it.

"Welcome," she said.

I looked away, trying not to inhale deeply so I wouldn't be overcome by the strong scent of her milk. "Elle is going to help ease you into your new home," Halley said. "We had hoped to wait but you're more mature than we realized. We're going to have to move quickly."

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here, isolated. I didn't care how many people were watching me, as long as I didn't have to see them, I'd be fine.

Elle gently, but firmly took my hand and led me out the door. Milk was dripping off her nipples, splashing onto her smooth belly and her legs as she walked, but she just ignored it. Every now and then she would catch a few drops with her fingers and taste them. We entered a long hallway and at the end, she opened a door and led me outside into the bright sunlight. It was like a resort. There were swimming pools, large grassy areas and even basketball courts and tennis courts. In the distance, I could see horses tied up in a corral at the foot of the nearest mountain range.

"Where exactly is this place?"

"We're just east of San Diego. All the linderi want to come here because we have the best weather. You can use the outdoor pool year round."

As we walked around, I didn't see anyone except humans. Elle and I were the only ones naked, but the humans didn't seem to notice our lack of clothing. I wasn't sure I would ever be able to get used to it.

"Usually this place is crawling with linderi, but it's off limits today because you're in heat so we can't have you mixing with the general population. Once you've been fully assimilated, you can come here as often as you like with your partner. Of course only on the days when you're not in heat."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "I'm in what?"

"Heat. You're in heat. If you ever feel like you need to orgasm, just let me know and we can stop if you like."

I shook my head. She had talked about it so casually as if she was talking about the flu or something. Is that why I could never feel satisfied? I remembered all those days back home when I had spent all day in my room masturbating. Had I been in heat then? After every orgasm, I had been so ashamed at my lack of self-control. At first, it only happened every few months, but after Keaton and I had fucked in the forest, it had been once a week. I was in heat. It just sounded so barbaric.

She showed me her own apartment, which looked just like mine. But I didn't see any signs of anyone else living there. "Do you have a partner?" I asked tentatively.

"I did, but we're both being paired up with another breeding partner soon. We just had a baby a few weeks ago, and your foster parents took her home yesterday," she replied happily. "As soon as my milk dries up and I'm fertile again, I'll be ready." I casually looked around her room, not wanting to stare at her personal items. I saw her bed with a whole collection of vibrators on the nightstand. I fought the urge to jump on her bed and start masturbating. I couldn't believe how strong the desire was.

She led me into a building that could only be described as a spa. "This is my favorite room." She opened a door and there were rows and rows of chairs that looked like the ones in a dentist's office. "Come here. Step up and let me show you how to use them." I sat in one of the chairs and she pushed a button and my legs were forced open and I saw the familiar metal cylinder rise up between my legs. Part of me wanted to stop it, but I could feel the familiar stirrings again. I didn't want an orgasm, I needed it. The chair adjusted itself until the phallus was firmly inserted in my pussy and I moaned as it entered and filled me completely. It turned on and I found myself being fucked again. A vibration started low and deep right on my clitoris and I could feel it building again but I didn't fight it this time. Within a few seconds, I was screaming as I climaxed. I came again and again moaning louder with each one. This was so much better than the vibrator in my room.

Finally it turned off and I opened my eyes. I could see Elle's milk was quickly flowing out of her breasts in steady drips. I tried not to breathe in her scent, but it was hard to ignore as I tried to catch my breath. "Did you like it? Mostly unattached females use these. They're open for all females, but usually the ones who are attached prefer to be with their partners than use the machines. But when you really need a good orgasm, this is perfect. There's also a room for the guys as well. I've heard it feels better than a blowjob." I could only nod as my breathing slowed. Strangely, I wasn't embarrassed about it. I had just needed a release so badly.

"Frequent orgasms help keep us fertile and it dries up our milk faster." She sounded like Halley. She showed me a door at the end of the hallway that led to the wing where my room was located. "When you're in heat, you can come straight here through this door to use the machines. When you're in heat, it's important that you don't interact with any of the other males, only your partner." I blushed as I remembered Keaton ripping my clothes off to fuck me. He had seemed possessed.
