Seasons with Samantha: Summer


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Bryce returned to the Lake House around 1 in the morning, as he tied the boat he heard a car pull up to the house. He was confused but the sound of giggling made him remember what George said about teenagers using the house as a lovers' lane type place. Bryce quietly went back inside and listened as they searched for a key under the doormat, the same key he and Sam used to get in earlier that day and had now taken inside. After about five minutes of them searching Bryce turned the outside light on and terrified them, he knew it was cruel but still hilarious, he opened the door to let them know they were know they were alright.

"Do you two mind keeping it down, some of us are trying to sleep."

"You scared the shit out of us man, we didn't know this place had anyone living in it, we thought it was abandoned." The guy was talking, probably trying to act protective of his girl or some shit.

"Ain't abandoned, me and my cousin belong to the family that own this place and we're having our summer here. Why don't you two fuck at your own house?"

They both blushed at that, the girl spoke up. "We can't, his parents are at his place and mine, well they don't approve of us that much."

"So, there's other places you can go, the back of the car, the movie theatre, hell find a hotel or something but this place is taken."

With a look of defeat on their faces the couple left, Bryce turned the light off so as not to wake Sam but she was already up and standing at the top of the stairs.

"What was the noise about?"

"Young couple coming here to fuck, happens a lot apparently. That's why I washed the sheets before we went to bed, just in case."

"That's both sweet and disgusting. Well I'm going back to bed, see you in the morning."

"Night Sam."

As Sam walked back to her room Bryce got a good look up her night dress, her bare arse peeking out at me.

"Eyes down little brother."

"How do you always know?"

Sam went back to her room while Bryce got another drink from the fridge, a few minutes later he went up to his room, on the way he passed Sam's room, the door was opened so he went to close it but inside he got a peek at Sam. She was kneeling on the floor praying, her back was to him but he could tell she was crying.

"Lord, I need your help. I've been trying to talk to you for so long, I'm so confused. I don't know what to do Lord, I've followed your word but this, I'm feel like I'm giving in to Lust, I can't rid myself of these feelings, I feel aroused every time I see him and it kills me. Lord I need guidance now more than ever. I know it's wrong Lord but I can't help it, I need him. But fuck he's my cousin..."

Bryce stopped himself from yelling out in surprise, Sam had feelings for him, not only that but she wanted to have sex with him.

"...and it's wrong. Lord I need to know if this is part of your divine plan and I'm to follow these feelings or if I'm giving in to temptation. Am I doing the right thing by falling in love with him or am I sinning? Please I need your help."

Sam did the sign of the cross and went to bed.


I went to my room stunned, I couldn't believe that Sam had feelings for me, feelings above and beyond those for cousins. It explained the teasing but did she believe something was going to happen between us. As I lay in bed mulling over Sam's prayer the thought came to me that really I would be ok with it, not only would I be fine with starting a relationship with Sam but I wanted it.

Jesus was I in love with my cousin.


Chapter 4: Born On The Fifth Of July

As the morning came the teen couple weren't the only uninvited guests, at around 9 in the morning there was a knock on the door and since Sam was having a shower Bryce answered it. There was another couple but they were middle aged, late 30s early 40s if he had to guess.

"Excuse me." The man of the two spoke up, his voice had a thick American accent. "Could you please tell me where I could find the Willard campsite please?"

"Um, I think it's a couple miles that way." Bryce said pointing in a general direction. "But I'm not sure, I'm here on holiday."

"Us too, we're here for the July 4th holiday."

"Oh right that's today, what you doing here in Scotland, I thought you'd stay in America or something for this."

"We have some family that can't make it out, we're going to meet them at the campsite and have a barbeque, maybe set off some fireworks."

"Well good luck to you both, sorry I couldn't be more help."

"That's fine, thanks anyway."

The two of them left just as Sam was coming out the bathroom.

"Who was at the door?"

"Couple of Americans looking for a campsite, they're here for the July 4th holiday. And that means tomorrow's your birthday."

"Glad to see you remember, got anything planned?"

"Perhaps, I might have something." He said remembering his visit to the restaurant yesterday.

"Don't tease me little brother I'm only 22 once."

Sam went back up to her room to get dressed.


I hadn't told Sam about her prayer from last night, I was still getting over the fact that Sam was in love with me as well as my own personal revelation that I may also be in love with my cousin, the girl that had looked after me and protected me. Fuck, even my own fucked up moral compass couldn't deal with that.


Once they were both washed and dressed they sat down for breakfast, because of the immense heat Sam was only wearing a bikini covered by an open white shirt and jean shorts, it was quite distracting for Bryce, he had seen Sam wear a bikini before but this was the first time since he realised he might actually have deeper feelings for her; the black top was essentially two triangles held together by string, the swell and curve of Sam's magnificent breasts were evident. As the heat got to them both he watched as a bead of sweat travelled down Sam's neck, towards her chest, past her crucifix necklace and down in between her cleavage. He was snapped out my trance when Sam stood up.

"I'm going for a swim little brother, you mind holding onto my necklace."

"Uh, sure yeah."

Sam took off her necklace, her raised arms pushing her breasts out even more, and gave it to him, then walking out the house she took off her shirt and jean shorts -- Bryce imagined she done the same thing when he found her naked the last time -- left them on the pier and dived into the water.


Like a mermaid she swum, elegant, graceful, she almost belonged there, the sun beaming off the water shone behind her, giving her the look of an angel in the water. For the whole ten minutes she was swimming I watched her with admiration.


When Sam had finished she pulled himself out, the water had made her bikini all the more tighter and the cold had hardened her nipples which Bryce could evidently see poking through. He considered getting her a towel but a surprise erection put an end to that idea.

"The water's great during this time.' Sam came in drying her hair. 'Why don't you go swimming?"

"Don't have a suit."

"That shouldn't stop you."

"Well not wanting you to see my dick is a good enough reason."


Sam put her shirt and shorts back on, both of them dressed and refreshed they took a drive into town together, see what had changed since they were last here three years ago; asides from the new stores a few of the older buildings had been renovated and people they knew had moved on. They had a chance encounter with Cameron -- the boy who had a crush on Sam -- and his wife, she was six months pregnant and they were expecting a boy. Looking at Sam as she felt the baby bump Bryce saw tears of joy in her eyes. They continued their stroll through the small town, at one point they ended up holding hands. Bryce looked at Sam again, this time the look on her face was one of content and happiness, almost like she belonged there, by his side. He let her stay there, not wanting to let her go. Feeling bored and wanting something else to occupy him at night they headed into an entertainment store and had a browse, Bryce picked up a couple new C.D.s and waited outside for Sam, she skipped out a few minutes later holding a bag.

"What you buy?" He asked her.

"New film, 28 Days Later, dirt cheap."

"Didn't know you were a zombie fan."

"I'm not really but I need to be prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

"The inevitable zombie outbreak."

"Ha, Sam please don't tell me you're one of those weirdo's that has a plan for a zombie attack."

"No but I want to be ready."

"That's ridiculous."


"Because zombies will never exist, living dead it's stupid. Something like your film there, a virus, possible but no less bullshit."

"What about Revelations?"

"What about it?"

"The end of days, one of the plagues; 'And the dead shall walk the earth.' It's in the Bible."

"And you follow every word in that book? Come on Sam the Bible's been rewritten so many times to tone down for a more mainstream audience, plus it was written by people who were only guessing about the events. I wouldn't be surprised if the original Bible was Sonic the Hedgehog fan-fiction."

"You're disgusting little brother."

"And yet you still love me."

Both of them laughing they headed back to the car, Bryce went a carefully chosen route so they went past a dress shop. When they went past it he made a point to stop.

"Hey Sam, what do you think of that dress." He pointed at one that he thought she would like.

"Wow that actually looks really good, the price is too steep though and when would I ever wear it."

At that he pulled out a few notes and gave them to Sam. "How about tonight, when I take you out for dinner?"

"Bryce, are you serious?"

"Yep, booked a place at the restaurant around the corner tonight, for your birthday. I know it's a little early but I wanted to spend all day with you tomorrow on my own. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't.' Sam hugged him. 'Thank you little brother."


As Sam hugged me I took a whiff of her hair, something I'd never done before. It smelt like, I don't know, all I know is that I liked it and my love for my cousin grew.


That night at 9 they got ready for dinner, Bryce managed to get a tuxedo on short notice. Sam was taking her time to get ready but there was no way he was going to rush her.

He looked up and saw Sam come down the stairs. She had bought a black and white flower pattern dress, it reached down to above her knees, the dress was tight but in all the right places, her cleavage was there but not over-shown creating a classy but utterly sexy look. Sam had used muted make-up so as not to overpower her face and most surprisingly her hair wasn't in a pony tail, she had let it hang down and curled it, very Greek goddess looking. Sam giggled at her cousin's jaw drop.

"I take it you like?"

"Wow Sam, you look, there are no words to describe how gorgeous you are. How come I've never seen this side of you before?"

"You never taken me out to dinner before, just so you know, I don't put out on the first date."

"Feel like breaking that rule?"

"Only with you little brother."


And then Sam kissed me, softly, on the lips. It was quick and it was quiet but it was still a kiss. I was shocked that Sam had done that but the satisfied look on her face calmed me down.


"Shall we go then, I guess you're picking up the bill?"

"Well it's your birthday I don't expect you to foot anything. Especially not looking like that."

They took the car and drove to the restaurant, all through the night Bryce found himself looking at Sam's legs and ass, he couldn't see a pantie line so his mind was plagued with thoughts that Sam wasn't wearing any underwear.

Sam knew Bryce was looking at her and she was enjoying the effect she had on him, this was obviously not helping her own situation but she saw no harm in testing the waters. After all if this was God's will and Bryce did follow through with her advances then what was the harm?

They arrived at the restaurant around 9:30 and where shown to their seats. Bryce feared that there would be a million eyes on Sam but he was wrong, in fact there was only the two of them in that restaurant. Not literally obviously there other people eating but Bryce found him and Sam in their own little bubble oblivious to the rest of the world. They sat down and ordered their food, as soon as the waiter left a song came on the speaker; 'Layla' the acoustic version by Eric Clapton. The two cousins looked at each other and without saying a word made the decision not to start an argument.

"So how's the band going?" Bryce asked to keep the conversation friendly.

"It's good, we're getting more and more people coming thanks to word of mouth, although before we went on holiday we had to stop for a while, our bassist broke his arm."

"Ouch, how'd he do that?"

"Seeing if he could jump out the third floor window of an apartment onto a couple of mattresses."

"Really, what a drunken idiot."

"No, that's the really sad thing, he was sober at the time."

"Ha. Asides from the band what are thinking of doing?"

"Actually the band is what I'm thinking of doing. We're in talks of releasing a C.D., maybe get a record label or something."

"You know how difficult that is Sam?"

"I know it'll be unlikely but you're allowed to dream. What about you, what's your dream?"

"Don't laugh, but I want to be a doctor."

"Doctor, really, I didn't expect that. Why a doctor?"

"I want to find a cure for my insomnia, I've learnt to live with it but I still hate it, also there was that head disease that my dad's brother had, maybe find a cure for that as well."

"You want to help change to world and I want the world to change me, sounds like we sound be in different seats."

"Don't hold it against yourself Sam, you're doing something you love and that's all that matters."


Just then their food arrived, they talked a little more about what to do for the next few days but it wasn't until the dessert came that Bryce decided to confront Sam about her prayer.

"Sam, I have to confess something."

"Bless you father for you have sinned."

"Samantha I'm serious."

That got her attention; Sam was only called by her full name when she was in trouble, even her parents called her Sam.

"What is it?"

"I heard you last night, I walked past your room and I heard your prayer."

The colour drained from Sam's face. She put down her spoon and looked away from Bryce.

"How much did you hear?"

"I think all of it."

"Was that the first you heard?"

"Yes, there have been others?"

"God Bryce I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out."

"Jesus Sam why didn't you say anything?"

"What and tell you that I've been wanting to fuck you for years. You'd think I was sick, you'd hate me."

"Sam that's impossible. How did this happen, you've never shown any feelings towards me except the obvious cousin one."

"Haven't you noticed Bryce, I'm not happy, I haven't been happy in a long time. All the pressure from mum and dad to follow their footsteps is killing me, I almost got dropped from uni and I'm suppose to believe this is all the plan of some omnipotent cunt. I've got my faith and my beliefs but I'm losing them Bryce, and without anything to believe in what's the point for me?"

"Fucking hell Sam, I'm sorry I never noticed, every time I see you you look so happy."

"That's because I'm with you, every time I'm with you I forget all the troubles, you light up even the darker parts of my life. I don't call you brother for the nostalgia factor, I call you it to remind you that we're more than cousins, I love you Bryce, I probably always have."


I couldn't believe Sam's confession, it felt like she had this pent up for years waiting for a chance to release it all.


"I've been so confused as well.' She continued. 'I know in my head that this is wrong but my heart can't stop telling me you're the one I truly love. I need to know if we're meant to be together or if I'm falling for the trick of lust, if I'm giving in to temptation."

"Sam, I, uh. I don't..."

Suddenly Sam jumped up and rushed outside, tears pouring down her face. Bryce went after her, he found the nearest waiter and told him to hold the table while he followed his cousin.

"Sam, Jesus wait, what's wrong?"

The tears in her eyes put a knife in his heart. "You were going to say you don't love me, you think I'm a freak, crazy, sick."

"What, no way. I was going to say I don't know how to show how much I love you as well, but maybe this will show you."


Hell for leather I kissed Sam before she could react. This kiss was hard, long, loud, far more passion than our earlier one, one that let her know I felt the same way, one that meant from now on we were no longer cousins, we were more than that.


"I love you Sam, and I'll only go as far as you want to. If you want we can go back inside and finish our food."

"Fuck the food and take me home to fuck me."

That was all he needed, Bryce ran back inside and threw at least £100 in notes at the waiter.

"Keep the change."

Bryce then ran back to the car where Sam was waiting, normally the drive to town would take ten minutes, tonight Bryce got home in half the time. No sooner had they parked the car in front of the house then they were out and kissing each other, Bryce fumbled for a key, never leaving Sam but soon he opened the door. They fell through the now open space, Bryce flew backwards and tripped over the arm of the sofa, landing on the cushions, Sam fell with him and landed on top of him. Their eyes met and locked onto each other, suddenly this all become very real for them.

"You still want to do this?" he asked, half-hoping she'd say yes.

"Of course little brother, it's just, just a little scary."

"It's fine Sam, take your time."

Sam stood up and in front of Bryce, she needed to take control of the situation if she was ever going to go through with it. Putting on a brave face she slipped off the shoulders of her dress, then she reached behind her and unzipped the dress. She let it fall to the floor and for the first time in her life she stood naked in front of another person.

Bryce was right earlier, Sam wasn't wearing any underwear. When the dress hit the floor her beauty brought a tear to his eyes. She. Was. Perfect. Everything about her screamed faultless, she was a thin girl but not grossly so, her tall height meant her fantastic legs went on forever, her curves were in all the correct places, her cunt hadn't been shaved so it still had a good bush of light blond hair and her average sized breasts swayed and bounced softly with her every scared breath. Scared because she knew she was about to lose her virginity, there was no turning back now.

Bryce leaned forward, still staying seated, and placing his hands on the small of her back he pulled her closer. He kept her standing as he placed soft kisses on her stomach, gentle and loving, she was still in control.

From across the lake the faint sound of the American's fireworks were heard.

Sam knelt over Bryce, still naked, her wet cunt soaking his trousers. Bryce kissed her breasts, her nipples in his mouth growing, this was a new experience for her and she loved it. Working together they undid the belt on Bryce's trousers, unzipped them and pulled them off or at least down to his ankles, followed quickly by his boxers. Sam laid eyes upon her cousin's penis for the first time, it grew in her hand, he wasn't lying when he said he was well endowed. The fear came back to her as she remembered how much he'd said it hurt Elizabeth. No, she wasn't going to compare herself to that slut, she wanted this and nothing was going to stop her, Sam lifted herself up and slowly guided Bryce's dick into her.