Secrecy is Important


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"You didn't seem to be having fun, Mama?" Was his first query. "Like when we do it?"

"A woman doesn't always feel like screwing." I answered him, adding sternly. "Especially when her son is within earshot or spying on her.

"But I have watched you and dad fuck many times before and I like to watch you move."

Such information surprised and disturbed me, causing me to sigh deeply.

"You seem to like that word - fuck?"

"Screw - fuck - make love. You said they all mean the same? I like to say fuck. I like to hear you say fuck."

I declined to answer him as I rarely said "fuck", preferring "screw":

"You and dad weren't playing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dad's thing was inside you. You like him filling you pussy. I've heard you tell him to do it. You didn't last night."

"Beg was more accurate and he apparently had heard much." I thought, but instead rebuked. "Never you mind! And don't spy on us again, or we - you and I - won't be screwing - fucking or making love - any more. You hear me? I've told you us playing "daddy and mama" is unusual and your dad, not to mention the authorities - the mounties - would be very upset. You getting caught spying could bring our little sin to light."

He declined to answer me and I regretted saying the word "sin" the second it left my mouth.

"I would like to hear you tell me to fill you pussy." He whispered instead.

Again, I remained silent on the subject.

Life was good at our home in Port Hardy. Bruce began to spend more time on the road in his new position with the company. He was now spending weeks away from home. I was always careful to set the alarm on the house so as not to be surprised. Clarence and I had settled into a routine and he seemed as content as he ever had. He had gotten a promotion at his job also, bringing him out of the shipping area to stocking the shelves.

Using his new promotion as the reason, I gave him more of what he desired; if I had just spoken to his father and knew knew him to be an airline flight from home I would clean house skimpily clad, a white shirt with panties, or skipped the panties, or, sometimes served him dinner completely nude, allowing him to fondle me whenever I was within reach. With my ass on the table, I often offered him desert. I introduced him to the dildo and taught him to use it on me. I continued to be amazed at the amount of semen the boy could produce! To please him, as he was mounted a top me in simulation, getting a hand job, I would beg him to fill my pussy.

My weight had become a problem in my mid-40s. I went from diet to diet struggling to get my former self back. Bruce blamed me for our boy's simple mindedness, and accused my added weight for my lack of interest in sex of late. How was I to tell Bruce that our simpleminded son had a lot to do with my lack of sex drive, desiring Clarence more. That, and taking care of him sexually, my desire to be satisfied by him in the many ways I had taught him never let my desire build like it naturally had before. Clarence always provided direct stimulation and it beat the hell out of my husband's average cock and self centeredness. Bruce never considered an alternate to missionary screwing and I had never asked.

Summertime arrived and we left for the cabin for an extended six-week stay. It was not a total surprise when I suspected my husband was screwing a single woman who had purchased a cabin at the far end of the lake. His canoe was sitting there often. Our high-powered scope confirmed it, though he attempted to hide it. When confronted, he confirmed it, blaming it all on me. I was told to accept it or fill for divorce.

Given my age, lack of work experience, and insurance concerns, and creating an upheaval in my son's life, I accepted it. I got even by giving the married men in our watery community what they had wanted for years - a piece of my ass. I'd send Clarence somewhere on the lake to retrieve a stick of butter or such. I was then busy servicing are being serviced by one of the men of the lake. Bruce found out and blew a gasket! Hell, I told him! He could do nothing but except it, as I had. I could have taken him to the cleaners, and he knew it. But, I was not that person I had tried to become and I soon cut the men off, giving each a last taste, to show them I wasn't upset with them. My cabin door had become like a revolving door and Clarence had suffered because of it. My husband spent more time at the bitches cabin...nights too.

Hey, I didn't need his cock, did I? I cut him off completely too. The winter months back at our home found him gone even more. He didn't deny he was visiting the woman in Vancouver. I suppose I couldn't blame him for what was inevitable.

February and March were especially harsh that year. Clarence missed work a lot and it was as if my husband did not even exist. He was snowbound or icebound at work or in Vancouver.

Clarence was his frisky self. With the alarm set, security catches in place, I allowed him to share my bed at night. I never grew tired of him touching, caressing, kissing my body and stroking my more delicate, womanly areas. He still yearned to just cuddle and suck a nipple.

The same month that Clarence turned 25 his father and I had a remarkable reconciliation. Bruce was back in my bed and we were fucking like newlyweds. It made sense, really, financially and emotionally. Though I never truly forgave him, I made certain not to ignore his sexual needs, But faking orgasm often. Between Bruce and Clarence, I spent a lot of time on my back, my legs spread, my panties off, getting truly screwed or giving a hand job or getting oral. No need to fake oral!

Within 5 months the unthinkable came to light. The bitch had lured Bruce back between her legs. During a heated, shouting argument, about his lying, him demanding I screw him then and now, he followed me to the bedroom. Kicking the door before I could close and lock it, a wrestling match ensued. I struggled to keep my house dress and panties from been ripped off. I lost and knew I was going to be raped.

Now, Clarence had been taught to go to, or stay in, his bedroom if he heard me and his dad shouting at each other. He, afterward, told me he heard us physically fighting and desired to protect me. I was struggling against being penned in place on the bed and penetrated when Clarence literally snatched Bruce off me and the bed. An awkward swing landed a fist in Bruce's gut, doubling him over. Recovering instantly, he shoved Clarence to the floor.


Bruce stormed out of the bedroom and continued out the front door, slamming it. I was angry as hell at both of them, though much less at my son.! Had Clarence been at work, what would have happened? Still, he could have been hurt trying to defend me, or, worst, witnessed me being raped. I was proud of his gumption. I determined Bruce would pay, though he would never know.

I brushed aside my nakedness and rolled from the bed to help Clarence up, giving him a once over, asking was he hurt. Satisfied he was all right, I asked if he wanted to join me in bed. I told him to strip.

I entered the bed, placing myself on my back, my head on the pillow. I beckoned him to join me. He walked around to my right, entered the bed, lying on his side facing me. I made no movement, wanting to see what this simpleminded son of mine would do with what was before him. Clarence seemed at a loss as to how to proceed. Though his eyes wandered over my body they always returned to my bush. I had always moved on him or directed him as to what to do. It seemed as if his body was trembling with anticipation or fright. Finally, I felt I needed to intervene before he stroked out. I was still mad as hell and trembling a bit myself. Having my nipple suckled, I figured, might calm me and get Clarence calm and firm. He appeared to be limp and wrinkled up at the moment, still a bit frightened no doubt, rather than aroused.

"You want a nipple, sugar?"

He took the offered nipple into his mouth and began sucking lightly. I closed my eyes for long minutes feeling the tension flow out of me but I remained determined to seek my revenge. My right hand dropped and sought out Clarence's cock, happily finding it firm.

"Rub my belly for a bit, then, you can explore my body the way you like to." I directed.

My body relaxed as his hand massaged my belly. My fingers toyed with his cock, my hand squeezing it occasionally. I felt his hand inch down my belly to my mound. He played with my pubic hair and massaged my mound a long minute, then, I felt his middle finger push lightly into my labia seeking, I knew, my clit. I spread my legs a bit more to give him access.

"Ohhhh, Clarence, that feels good!" I moaned. "Can you come kiss mama without stopping?"

Releasing my nipple, he maneuvered to his knees, expertly keeping his right finger massaging my clit, compressing it lightly. He hesitated briefly before leaning in to kiss me. He kissed me very softly, warming my heart, making me rationalize that what I was about to do was necessary to avenge both of us. For the first time in our relationship, I put my tongue into his mouth. He jumped, but quickly recovered, putting his tongue against mine. I pulled my tongue back into my mouth and his followed. I sucked on his firmly. I pushed back and he sucked firmly my tongue. We repeated the tongue play numerous times while we both manipulated the others sexually until my pussy was on fire with incestuous desire.

Without releasing his cock, I pulled him atop me, spreading my legs and lifting my knees. I positioned it to me.

"Clarence, you have always been a good boy, doing everything Mama tells you to do. I want you to stick your cock in Mama this time. I want you to fuck Mama for real."

"You mean like daddy does?" He questioned. "You said we could never do that?"

"You don't worry about that. You let me worry about it." I replied. "You want to fuck Mama, don't you? I'm telling you it's okay! Now push it in me."

Clarence pushed as I pushed against him, holding the thick, domed shaped, head his cock until it was embedded in my pussy.

"Push, baby." I whispered in a supportive tone. "Push it deep. That's good, Clarence. Now, move but make sure it doesn't pop out.".

I had not set the house alarm! My husband could return at any moment to make amends - to apologize. I did not care, in fact, I would have been happy to have him return and find Clarence between my legs - screwing me. If he walked to the open bedroom door this second, he would see his son's cock stroking the pussy he considered his property. I no longer considered my pussy to belong to anyone except my son.

"Fuck me slow, sugar." I whispered. "Enjoy the feeling of being inside a woman, inside Mama, for the first time. I am enjoying the feeling of your cock inside of me. Hold your orgasm until mama comes. I just want to screw a while."

I was fully engaged in slow, sensuous, lustful, incestuous copulation. I was butt-hole naked under my son, my knees ratcheting as if in slow motion, in a compromising position of the most disastrous sort should we be caught or observed. My pussy was wet in the extreme, my nipples ultra-sensitive, feeling my son's chest rake across them. He was lovingly keeping his weight off me. I did not care about anything! I could feel his balls rubbing against my ass, knowing they were getting wet with my lubricant, knowing they were full and waiting to fill my pussy.

Still, something gnawed at me, eventually reveling that my madness was in-part caused by the violent fight and near rape. I had never experienced such a strong desire to be manhandled and screwed.

"Look at me, Clarence." I requested.

He went from cradling me to stiff arming himself over me. "Are you happy to be inside mother?" I asked lovingly.

"Yes Mama."

"Your cock feels really good inside of me - inside of my pussy."

I held his gaze as I began to flex my hips, stabbing myself with his cock. Whether voluntary or involuntary, he began to stab back - in perfect rhythm. My face contorted and my breathing quickened.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked.

"Yes! NO!. It's a good hurt." I praised, the pain not in my belly but him slamming into my crotch. 'You are a good mother-fucker! Don't stop. Keep stabbing me.."

I felt a slight pang of disappointment, wishing his cock could be a bit longer, causing pain deep in my pussy, as I shoved hard against him. It became an obsession to get him as deep as possible.

"Hard, Clarence!" I pleaded. "Push it deep, dammit! Son of a Bitch! Harder! Push! Faster, now! Yes! OHHHhhh FUCKKKKKK!"

The orgasm gripped me hard. I was whooping like I was in labor looking up at my red faced son, who continued to stab me with determination.

"OK, OK, ok, ok!" I panted. "That's good! You made Mama come. Ease up! God damn! Give Mama a kiss."

He kissed me passionately, but haphazardly and unschooled, as I pulled him down. He cradled me once more as we continued screwing slowly.

"Lord have mercy! That was good - but quick!" I said with labored breath. "Are you all right? You don't feel a giant urge to come yet, do you?"

"Not at all. Do you want me to fuck you some more?"

"Oh yes!" I answered with a desirous tone.



I am fully engaged, thrusting my ass up, matching his, now, moderate rhythm. His thick cock is scrubbing the inner-walls of my vagina making it come live. The windows are forgotten, caution replaced by incestuous lust.

"Do you like Mama's pussy?" I whisper in his ear.

"Yes. Very much." Clarence replies.

"You know you put your cock in me without my permission - without regard to secrecy" I accuse, without anger in my tone. "Maybe "pussy" should make you pull it out for disobeying your mom?"

"No! Please

"You daddy is my husband and your father.. Married don't." He begs, sounding alarmed. "Daddy never needs permission!"

As much as I hate to admit his dad is again back home. Poor boy could not grasp the marital concept that husband and wife have sexual duties and obligations. I had tried to explain it to him. I am weak and afraid of being on my own, I suppose.

Also, I had found referring to my pussy in the "third person" would cause Clarence focus his attention, believing "pussy" to be all powerful. It is after all!

"Married couples screw all the time." I explain for the umpteenth time trying to nip a prolong discussion in the bud. "You are my son. Moms and sons usually do not screw. There are exceptions and you and I are an exception. Boy, can't you just screw your mama without all the chatter!"

" "Pussy" is not going to make me pull it out?" He asked with relief in his tone.


I wedge my right hand, palm down, between us and I am wet, my bush slowly becoming matted. After stroking his slick shaft, I invert my hand and cradle balls fondling them softly. I extract my hand and grab his ass with both hands, and begin to ratchet my knees and ass in an ever quickening rhythm. My breathing and moaning increases as Clarence follows my rhythm.

"Over yes, sugar! Screw Mama, good!"

After long minutes, I tire and slow my rhythm sliding my hands up to his shoulders to let them lay lightly.

"You're a good boy, Clarence." I praise. "Tell me you love my pussy."

"I do, Mama. I love your pussy! I love to fuck your pussy!"

He nuzzles and kisses my neck, his breathing also a bit elevated from the frenzied rhythm. I take a moment to gaze at our surroundings, taking note of the unshielded windows and think to myself, "I must be crazy screwing my boy in such an unsecured manner".

"Clarence, we need to move." I petition. "Let me up and let's go somewhere where we are not so exposed."

"I don't want to!"

"Get the hell off of me!" I command with authority.

Reluctantly, he moves off me and I feel his thick cock pull out of me. I already have a place in mind that I lead him by the hand into the bathroom. I maneuver him around and sit him down on the toilet seat. I straddle his legs and reach to hold his cock erect, squatting, as I position his cock to my pussy. With a clumsy effort because of his short length and large thickness, I scrub my ass over his crotch until I assure myself I have as much as his cock in me as possible. Putting my arms around his neck, I began to ratcheting my ass.

We have done this before and soon we are in sync, him supporting my ass as we screw contently. I feel much better though the space is confining. However, I can and do lean back against the wall so that I can see our coupling. Clarence loves to watch our coupling also and we screw like this a long while. My tits, with firm nipples, bounce rhythmically, fascinating him, and he plays with them.

I began to feel frisky and I lean forward as far as I can and hug Clarence tightly. I began to lift my ass a bit as I start to screw him with intent. My breathing is soon elevated and I am moaning passionately into his ear. It is having a desired effect on him as he begins to thrust up into me. He clutches my ass tighter.

"Yes! Yes, Clarence! You are a good mother-fucker. Screw Mama's cunt!"

The vulgar word, I have taught him a few, works its magic and I feel my son's body tightening as I drop my ass on his cock and he lifts my ass up with his thrust.

"Fuck my cock, Mama!" He stammers with excitement, repeating phases I have taught him to say. Things that turn me on too. "I'm going to mark pussy with my cum. I'm going to fill your belly! Make pussy mine!"

""Pussy" wants that too!" I return lustfully. "Pussy is hot! Are you close, Clarence?"

"YES. MAMA! Can I come? Can I ejaculate into pussy? Can I fill your belly? Can I fill pussy?"

I am confident that I can orgasm when he comes.

"Don't hold it!" I tell him. "Tell me when you're ready. Tell me when you're coming!"

Our rhythm is lustful and quick paced but it is holding steady and everything is perfect. I feel my body flush and warm. The expectation is mounting and I am having to hold by orgasm.

"I'mmmmmmmmmm! Comingggggggggg!"

I hear the "I" and let my orgasm loose. Our rhythm seems to increase to an insane pace and my knees are flexing double-time. I pray we do not lose penetration as I would hate to waste such a beautiful ejaculation smearing my ass rather than filling pussy - his - pussy.

If incestuous fornication can be beautiful, then, the moment of our mutual orgasm is truly beautiful. It could not have been timed more perfectly.

As our bodies slow to a stop, me, feeling particularly satisfied. I come to the realization that perfect would have been me on my back retaining his large amount of semen. Instead, I know when I lift off him gravity will cause his cum to flow freely from my pussy.

Before lifting myself slowly, I tell Clarence what is going to happen. He remembers and already knows. As I lift myself slowly, we watch together as his ejaculate drops in large quantities out of me and onto the head of his cock, flowing down his short shaft.

An idea pops into my mind. I lower myself down. His mostly erect cock easily slips back into me. I repeat this numerous times, dropping and lifting onto his cock, keeping it firm as we laugh and I make babyish noises.

As the playfulness wears off, I stand and ask if would like to join me for a shower.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your writing has improved some. I read an earlier work by you and it was pretty bad.......mother, daughter, brother, son story. A Teachable Moment..... was the title I think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This was nothing more than porn!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Kind of Weird...

... but not bad. However, when did Port Hardy get moved to Victoria Island from Vancouver Island? And where exactly is Victoria Island?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
OK, but...

I think he is not the only retarded person in the house.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

She needs a good cornholing

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