Secrets of the Suburbs Ch. 03


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"I've never seen anything like it either," Joy said, her voice cracking like electricity across the room, "I'm getting jealous!" Before she understood the words, Susan expected that the two younger members of the Liston family would jump up nervously, that they'd run to their clothes and cover themselves, that they'd feel ashamed. Instead, the siblings turned their heads slowly over towards their mother. They smiled brightly.

"Hi mommy!" Bethany said, "How long have you been watching?" she asked. Not terrified, merely curious. Maybe even a little excited. Susan's head swam. She hadn't even gotten over how weird the last thing was and now it was getting worse. She just tried to focus on what was happening.

"Long enough," Joy said. Now that she had her children's attention she took a couple of steps in their direction. They were still tangled together on the floor of the room. Joy found a low-slung chair just a foot or so away from the siblings and she sat down languidly. Her body looked flawless as she moved and her breasts and ass jiggled only slightly as she sat down.

"You should've joined!" Martin said and Susan felt her breath catch in her throat. For some reason, that idea was far more scandalous than even the siblings...playing. A mother...that was different. Except...not to the Listons.

"You were doing such a good job with your sister, I didn't want to interrupt. And from the looks of her, you were having fun," Joy responded. She looked down at Bethany. Bethany was still swirling her fingers in her brother's cum. She smiled up at her brother and then popped her finger in her mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned.

"Don't tease your mother like that!" Joy said smiling. She leaned over in the chair slightly, dropping her hand down towards her daughter's body. Her index and middle fingers ran across Bethany's stomach, scooping thick white sperm out of her belly button. Susan could see the streak where Joy had expertly removed every last drop of sperm. She then quickly brought her fingers up to her lips. Some of the sperm dripped off of her finger and landed directly on her right nipple. It didn't seem that she noticed as she plunged her fingers into her mouth. Now her eyes closed and she moaned. Susan could see the other mother's tongue swirling around in her mouth as she swallowed down her son's cum.

"So good baby," Joy said and Martin blushed, "And so much of it! I'm surprised you have a drop of liquid left in your body. I mean its hot down here too." Joy said, looking down at her son, "You must be thirsty."

"I am mom, so thirsty!" Martin said.

"Me too mommy!" Bethany added. Joy nodded sympathetically. Joy crossed her arms around her body, sort of underneath of her breasts so that her forearms lifted them up and squeezed them together. Then she looked down at her large breasts and her long, hard nipples. Susan blinked a few times, she couldn't be sure, but it looked like...

"Well mommy has been waiting all day for you two. Her boobies are hurting pretty bad and she needs your help. If you're thirsty, why don't you drink from mommy?" Joy said in a baby girl voice. And then it was confirmed. Joy's heavy breasts and her large, dark nipples suddenly made more sense. Susan hadn't been seeing things. There really was...milk forming at the ends of Joy's nipples. Just little beads of it, right on the very tip as she squeezed her breasts, but it was there. But how? Joy's youngest child was Martin...And what was she thinking? How could she feed her adult children like that...?

If Susan had questions and concerns, Martin and Bethany did not. As soon as Joy offered the invitation, they were rising up off the floor. Martin, on his knees, was able to get up more quickly. His hand slipped off of his softening cock and he walked towards his mother. He half-circled around her until he reached the far side of hips mother. Then he dropped down onto his knees once against next to her, his face just a few inches from Joy's left breast.

Bethany hadn't been waiting for her brother to get in place. As soon as he was out from between her legs, she was sitting up quickly. Susan watched as the droplets of sperm that had splattered across Bethany's body began to stream down her skin as she rose to her knees. Martin's cum tumbled over her nipples, ran over her flat stomach, coated the soft lips of her pussy, and even dripped down her legs. Most of it stayed on her body, making her shiny and sticky. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. She sort of walked on her knees the short distance separating her from her mother. Soon, her position was mirroring her brother's, on her knees with her face just inches from her mother's dripping nipple on the opposite side.

"Watch out Bethany," Joy said, 'Some of your brother's cum is on that nipple." So she had noticed. Bethany, rather than being deterred, seemed excited by the prospect. Her eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. She didn't wait for any further invitation from her mother. Bethany's head pushed forward, her mouth wrapping around Joy's nipple and her hair cascading across her mother's breast. Susan could see the girl's tongue swirling around her mother's long nipple, then her lips sealed tightly and Susan could see that Bethany was sucking.

Now that the meal was started, Martin couldn't wait any longer. With the same speed and excitement as his sister, Martin's face pressed into his mother's breast. He quickly made a seal around her nipples and began to suck deeply, passionately from her. Joy sighed contentedly and then wrapped her arms around her children's shoulders.

At first, the children just drank deeply from their mother's breasts, their cheeks sucking in as the liquid poured down their throats. But, obviously, there was more going on than mere drinking. Susan could hear Joy moaning deeply as her children drank from her and she could tell that the children were growing more excited as well. Martin's cock, almost completely softened after he'd ejaculated all over his sister, was growing plump again and Bethany was squeezing her thighs together tightly as her right hand rose to squeeze on her mother's breast, pouring more liquid into her mouth. Joy looked on her children with a bizarre mixture of maternal affection and pure, animalistic lust. Susan had never seen that combination before, but somehow it seemed to work, it seemed to build on itself.

After a few moments, Bethany broke her grip around her mother's breast, her mouth moving away from Joy's nipple. However, the tip of the nipple remained against Bethany's lip as she spoke, "Oh mommy," she said and a thin stream of milk spilled over her lips and dribbled down her chin, "It tastes so good mixed with Martin's cum!" Then Bethany's left hand dropped down to her own breast. Susan saw the girl's hands swirl through Martin's sperm, collecting a large glob of it. Bethany's fingers returned quickly to her lips and she pressed the thick white mass of her brother's sperm into her mouth. She groaned, but as soon as the liquid was in her mouth, her lips were once again wrapped around Joy's long nipple and she was sucking. Once again, mother's milk was flowing into Bethany's mouth and mixing with her brother's sperm. She was swishing it around in cheeks before swallowing it down.

"Oh baby, that's so beautiful," Joy groaned, a shiver running through her body, her eyes closing involuntarily, "Jesus, it's making mommy so wet!" Almost as if that were some sort of signal, as soon as Joy had spoken, Martin's left hand, which had been gently resting on the outside of his mother's taut thigh, began to move. It slid easily across Joy's smooth, silky skin. His fingers climbed up over the swell of her thigh before plunging down the other side. A most later, Joy gasped and her eyes shot open.

"Oh fuck Martin, you dirty boy!" she said, but not as though she were disappointed, but instead as though she loved it. Her legs spread slightly farther apart and Susan could see that Martin's fingers had found their way directly between his mother's legs. His fingers were pressed against her hard little bud of a clit, her dripping pussy lubricating his hand as he worked furiously. Martin smiled around his mother's breast as he felt her body tense against him. But he kept sucking on her nipple.

In the meantime, Bethany had not been idle. She had continued to suck hungrily on her mother's nipple, pulling the milk into her belly. Occasionally, she reached down harvesting more and more of her brother' thick cum from her body to add to the cocktail. It apparently wasn't an act, she really did love the way the two flavors tasted together. After several minutes, something seemed to occur to her.

"Mommy," she said, "Do you want to try it?" she asked. Joy was moaning gently and rocking her hips back and forth on the chair. At first, it didn't seem like she'd heard her daughter. Then, after a sort of delayed reaction, her eyes fluttered open and it seemed like she registered what was said. She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't. She looked over at Bethany and nodded her head vehemently. Bethany smiled, and then immediately got to work.

Once again, Bethany scooped up some of her brother's cum, most of it now coming from her throat and the tops of her breasts (she'd eaten most of the rest of it) and then she shoveled it into her mouth. Her lips once again wrapped around her mother's nipple and Susan could see from the girl's mouth that she was sucking deeply. After a few moments, Bethany's cheeks began to bulge with milk and cum. She took a few more deep sips and then carefully pulled her mouth away from her mother's breast so that she wouldn't spill a drop. Bethany then rose quickly to her feet next to her mother.

"Yes baby give it to me!' Joy said, finding her voice again, but it was small and husky, barely above a whisper. Bethany smiled as best she could with her cheeks bulging pulled herself up to her full height. Then she carefully leaned herself forward, above her mother's head. Joy seemed to instinctively know what to do and she arched head back and opened her mouth. It seemed somewhat difficult for her to stay still as she was writhing under her son's caress, but she managed.

Once Joy was in position, Bethany carefully opened the slightly, pinhole opening between her lips, just sort of pursing them. After a moment, a thin dribble of white liquid began to seep out of Bethany's mouth. It was the color of milk, but it was very frothy. And thick. It didn't pour out of Bethany's mouth, but sort of hung down from her mouth, a little beat suspended by a long, thin string. Susan realized that it was mother's milk mixed with her son's cum and her daughter's saliva and shuddered (but couldn't really tell if it was a good feeling or a bad one). Slowly, the ball of milk, cum, and spit closed the distance between Bethany and Joy.

Joy, unable to contain herself, slipped her tongue out from between her lips, reaching up and stabbing at the milk. It hit her tongue and then spread out across it. Joy groaned with a kind of satisfaction that Susan wasn't sure she'd ever felt before. A string of their combined body fluids held mother and daughter together. Now Bethany opened her lips slightly wider, letting a thicker ball of liquids pour from her mouth. These splashed down into Joy's mouth audibly and the mother groaned around the taste. More and more milk began to pour down from Bethany's lips and against Joy's rigid tongue. Susan couldn't believe how much there was. But Joy just kept taking more and more of it inside of herself.

After a while, the last few drops of milk and cum and spit dribbled from Bethany's lips into her mother's mouth. Now Joy's cheeks were bulging and she slowly closed her mouth and lifted her head back up. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement and arousal, her body trembling all over. As soon as she was sitting up, Susan saw that she was swishing the dense liquid around in her mouth, gargling it in the back of her throat, essentially coating every inch of her mouth with the combined juices of the three lovers. It must've been so thick in her mouth, Susan thought. Finally, after she'd tasted every bit of the combined flavor, Joy threw her head back once more and, in a single gulp, swallowed down her own milk. She sat up again.

"That was delicious baby!" she said, smiling brightly, her lips glistening with sperm and milk, "I can't believe you gave me all of that!"

"I'm not thirsty anymore mommy," Bethany said meaningfully, "Now I'm hungry." Bethany bit her lower lip. A lupine smile spread across Joy's face. Joy looked down at Martin and saw that he too had ceased drinking from her. His face was still pressed sideway against her breast and his fingers were still playing with her clitoris, but they were done drinking.

"I have something you can eat, if your brother will let you have it," Joy suggested.

"But mommy, I'm playing with it!" Martin whined. Joy smiled indulgently and ran her hand through her son's hair.

"Stand on that little table next to your knee, yeah that one right next to mommy. And I will make it up to you," she said. The two grown children began to move as though they were drawn by mystical strings, pulled by some immense puppet master. Martin rose up off of his knees, pulling his face away from his mother's breast and wiping her milk from his lips with the back of his hand. There was a small table next to the chair, apparently used for setting glasses and Martin quickly stepped up on it as though it were a stepstool. It raised him a foot and a half or so higher in the air. He put his hands behind his back and leaned his hips forward. His penis was, once again, fully erect and it was now eye level with his mother, pointing towards the side of her head.

Bethany had moved at the same time as her brother. While he was climbing up onto the table, she was moving quickly around to the front Joy's chair. Joy had spread her legs even wider than before, her thighs pressing against the wooden frame of the chair. Her pussy lips were glistening with her own juices and her clit looked red and aching. Bethany quickly moved between her mother's legs and then dropped down onto her hands and knees on the floor, her eyes tilting up, looking at her mother's body spread out before her with ravenous eyes. Bethany's ass was high in the air, her own pussy, the lips dripping liquid down the insides of her legs, was clearly visible.

For a moment, no one moved. Joy's eyes fluttered between her son and her daughter. A sly smile crossed her face. Both of her hands started moving at the same time. Her right hand rose up off of the chair and the slowly worked its way between her legs. Eventually, the tips of her fingers reached the top and back of her daughter's head. Joy started putting the slightest bit of pressure on Bethany's head, pulling her daughter's face into her lap. At the same time, Joy's left hand had reached up quickly, forming her index finger and middle finger into a sort of peace sign, or like she was holding a cigarette. She kept pressing her fingers up until the tip of her son's cock slotted perfectly between the upturned fingers. Martin shivered as his mother turned her face towards his body, pulling the tip of his cock gently towards her face, her mouth opening.

The tip of Martin's cock was about to enter Joy's lips at about the same moment that Bethany's tongue was going to press into her pussy lips. But, inexplicably, Joy suddenly stopped moving. She no longer pulled Bethany into her pussy, no longer tugged on Martin's penis. Instead, the smile on her face grew wider, and her head turned slightly, looking beyond Martin to the door of the room.

"Hello daddy," she said in a sultry voice. Susan's eyes suddenly unglued themselves from the vision of Bethany and Martin surrounding their mother, following the trajectory of Joy's gaze. She felt her stomach rise into her throat and her skin prickled all over. Standing in the doorway, a pile of clothing on the floor around him, was James Liston.

Susan suddenly felt a deep sense of shame wash over her. She had almost forgotten what she was doing. She'd become so engrossed by what she was watching, that she had almost forgotten to realize that it was sinful and wrong. In fact, she realized now, the only thing she'd been feeling was arousal, and intense arousal at that. A kind of need, longing she hadn't felt for years. And she realized that she didn't feel guilty because of this arousal, she felt guilty because she didn't feel guilty. Her mind was reeling terribly and she felt like she was shaking all over. But the events in the basement wouldn't hold back. They just kept coming, one on top of the other. As Susan continued to watch, Bethany put her hands on both of her mother's thighs, lifting herself up slightly and looking over in the older man's direction.

"Hi Grandpa!" she said, excitedly. Martin nodded at the older man. For the first time, what had been said wormed its way into Susan's understanding. Daddy? Grandpa? What strange things to say. Susan could see even from way up above the Liston's that Joy and James were wearing matching wedding rings. She'd heard someone...Claudia Parks say that they were married and that Martin and Bethany were their children. Why would Joy call him Daddy? Why would Bethany call him Grandpa? Maybe it was some sick game they played on top of what they were already doing.

Or maybe it was just because James was a much older man that his wife. Susan had once guessed that James was 75 years old, she was close. He was actually 78. And while he was certainly still quite sharp and his body still vigorous, he looked his age. He was tall, around 6'0 and he looked as though he had once had quite a strong build, though now the muscles were slightly flabby. He had a smattering of gray hair across his chest and between his legs that matched the more-salt-than-pepper hair on the top of his head. He had a handsome, if naturally wrinkled, face with bright eyes and teeth so straight and white that Susan was certain they were dentures. The only thing about the man that did not seem to match his age was his cock, which as he stood in the doorway, was nearly 7 inches long, uncircumcised, and fully erect. His balls hung down low and heavy from his body as he walked into the room. Whatever mystery there was behind these names, Susan quickly lost the thread.

"Don't let me interrupt," James said in his calm, resonant realtor's voice, as though he were explaining the illusory difference between a powder room and a half-bath. Joy smiled at her husband.

"Oh we wouldn't dare let you interrupt," she said coyly, and as she spoke, she turned her head towards her son again, closing her eyes and opening her mouth. Susan watched as the tip of Martin's cock slipped dreamily into his mother's mouth. His body went stiff and his hands clenched in fists as Joy's tongue swirled around his penis. At the same time, Joys hand was pushing her daughter's face back down, into her pussy. Bethany allowed her mother to pull her easily, but just as her lips were about to kiss Joy's labia, she spoke quickly.

"You aren't interrupting Grandpa, we want you to join!" Bethany said. As the word passed through her lips, Bethany kept her mouth open and quickly pushed out her tongue, flat, as the last centimeter of distance separating her from her mother disappeared. Bethany made a low rumbling noise in the back of her throat as her rough tongue slowly slipped up through her mother's dripping slit. Joy's body tensed she let out a low groan, but she kept Martin's cock pressed firmly between her lips, not missing a beat as she swirled her tongue around him. She must've licked her own daughters' juices off of the tip. At the same time, Joy's fingers pressed more firmly on the back of her daughter's head, trying to drive her daughter's tongue more deeply into her vagina.