Sharing Sherry with Friends Pt. 03


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"Yeah," confirmed Ben and it sounded as if they left the room because although neither said anything more in our presence, I could hear my wife cough from much further away.

I opened my eyes, "Have they gone?"

"Yes, they turned left, looks like they could be heading for your kitchen, perhaps a midnight snack?"

"I bet I can tell you where they're NOT going."

"Why, where's that?"

"I'd bet money that they're not heading out to your car to do it in the back seat."

"Ha ha! Yes, you'd be right about that, only I have such crazy ideas, eh?"

"Never mind, I liked it, although I was a bit hesitant at first."

I pulled my head up off the pillow, moving over her chest, taking her closest nipple between my lips, proceeding to suck and lick on both for the next few minutes. My cock had only a moderate response, not hard enough as yet to get back inside Becky's body, but she must have liked the surge enough that she slipped a hand down between us and began stroking me gently.

I loved the touch of her caressing hands and my cock began to grow. Suddenly, she stopped and let go of me. "Hey," I protested, "that was feeling really good."

"And it will again my lover, just be patient." Becky rose up off the bed, "They left the door open," she explained as she walked across the room. Even in the faint light of the moon coming into the room, I could watch her wonderful naked arse undulating. She closed, then locked the door again. As she returned to bed, I could check out her naked front, blatantly and unashamedly, even rising up to lean on one elbow.

"Having any man see me naked, front and back like this, would embarrass me in any other circumstance. But you - my gorgeous lover - are getting to me. I am not proud of my body the way some women are and have always dressed very conservatively, but here I am, loving to have you look at me all you want."

"I like that you want me to look Becky ... but I have noticed that about you in the past. I mean, I've known you now about five years, yet before tonight, I've never had even a glimpse of your breasts. Now that I've seen them up close, I can't see why you hide them, they're beautiful."

She re-joined me in bed, "So what do you think of my new name for you?"

"What's that?"

She giggled infectiously, "You must have heard me, I called you my lover! Do you like it ... my lover ... ooh yes, that's what I'm going to call you from now on ... my lover? I've never had a lover, never wanted one, I guess ... until now."

"I don't know Becky, just Mike will do," I suggested cautiously, Anyway, why do you think you want a lover?"

"Because Ben's become a pain in the arse and our marriage is becoming a sham. I want to be loved properly, the way you do it."

"Hold on Becky, I hope you're not seriously suggesting that you think I'm the answer to your marriage problems ... and if you do, then you've got this night all wrong. Listen to me honey, tonight is only about having sex with a different guy - for one night only. Nothing more than just sex with no commitments."

"But you've been so sweet and caring with me. When Ben rushed off to get at Sherry quickly, you sat with me because you could see I was nervous. You eased me into it and then you truly made love to me. It wasn't just sex Mike, I know it wasn't. It was with Brian but not with you ... you're so different from any man I've known."

I had to be blunt with this woman or things could get out of control quickly, "Becky, don't confuse caring with love. I don't want to spoil your image of me, but what you thought of as caring was me ensuring that I didn't miss out tonight. I wasn't sure how convinced you were to do this and I didn't want to spend the night on my own while Sherry fucked away till morning."

"No lover, don't say that, I'm not imagining what I saw and what I felt. You do care and you have made love to me tonight and you can't deny that. And I'm going to give back to you now."

Becky had been on her knees by my side since returning from locking the door. Now she bent over my body, took my half-hard cock in her hands and brought her lips down to enclose over the head.

She then proceeded to give me one of the more exceptional blow jobs of my life. In spite of that previous reserved nature that I guess had already been shattered tonight, she was really good at it, even knew to ease off when I sounded and looked like I was about to cum, only to re-start with renewed vigour, lifting me to a new peak.

Would she want to swallow? Did I want to cum into her mouth or would I prefer to be inside her vagina again? I had to decide soon, my testes were on overtime to produce more semen. She should have known from the sounds of my breathing, but it's polite to give her the option, "I'm gonna cum," my voice breathless.

Becky responded by sucking even harder on my cock, her lips wide, taking my now full thick erection in deeper, sucking and licking me, intent on drawing my cum up from my balls. The warning issued, I settled back, carefree and relaxed to fully enjoy the moment of release. I relished the complete sensation, felt my cum rising up within my shaft, felt it spasm into Becky's mouth, heard her muffled gasp as my cum exploded to the back of her throat.

Undaunted, she accepted it all, every last drop. Her lips never slid off the head of my cock until I had ceased pumping. And when her face rose up to hover above my chest, a slight cheeky smile appeared, a trace of creamy cum on her bottom lip. My words of praise for her wonderful blow job flowed as voluminously from my mouth as the cum had poured from the eye of my cock-head.

"I'm glad you liked it," her smile endorsing her words, "yes, it could be the best I've ever done. Because you gave me something substantial good to work on, not like Benny's..."

I could see where she was heading and cut her off quickly, "I told you earlier Becky no comparisons please."

"Sorry, I only wanted to tell you that I saved my best for my special lover."

She moved to cuddle up close to me, her head in the crook of my neck as I lay on my back, one of her arms and a leg thrown across me. There, we dropped off to sleep, the door of our room remaining locked to our spouses until Becky deigned the time was right to let them share with us in this night of sharing.

I thought only of Sherry as I drifted into sleep and again as I roused with daylight breaking outside. How had this night been for her, had she enjoyed having Ben as a sexual partner for the whole night? How would she compare it with our previous occasion? Did she miss the fun and challenges of all being in one bed?

I heard knocking at our door ... at first just a light tap, then harder. Becky stirred in my arms. "What? What's happening, who's at the door this early Benny?" She raised her head, looking around, discovering unusual surroundings and seeing her bed partner was not who she was accustomed to waking up with. She looked at me and blinked, realising I was not Ben. "Oh Mike, oh my God, I'm sorry. I was so deep asleep that I forgot where I was and who I was with. Oh, I'm so sorry lover."

"I better get the door."

"No, leave it," she wrapped her arm tighter around me to discourage me from getting out of bed, "We don't want them in here, I want my new lover all to myself."

"Are you guys alright? Come on, open up, I don't like locked doors in my house," the words were Sherry's, coming through the closed door.

"Becky, I want to let them in," I insisted, prising her arm from around me.

"No, don't you go, I don't want Benny to see your thing, even in that state ... I don't want him to know what's made me very happy this night." She reluctantly scrambled up out of the bed and headed to unlock the door. Again, I admired her naked arse as she walked barefoot away from me.

She unlocked and opened the door to admit our spouses, but rather than greet them warmly, she turned to scurry back to the bed as Sherry and Ben entered.

"What's going on, why did you lock the door?" Sherry sounded peeved.

I gave Becky time to answer, but she was sullenly silent, almost like a spoilt child as she half lifted the sheet to slip back under, careful not to raise it high enough that Ben might see the dimensions of my semi dormant cock.

Sherry stood beside the bed, arms folded over her naked breasts, waiting for an answer, oblivious that we could see Ben's cum leaking from her pussy lips. Ben stood alongside, his cock totally limp and flaccid but appearing to be coated in bodily fluids ... it had obviously just been in use.

In Becky's silence, I was forced to answer, "Becky is very self-conscious of being watched while having sex with someone other than Ben and she's not interest in watching you two either."

"That's fine, but why does the door have to be locked? Just close it, we won't intrude ... we'll get the message."

"You came in before," Rebecca at last spoke, blurting her words out petulantly, "sometime during the night,"

"We did come in, but the door was open then. We were only curious to see how things were going with you two. How was it, did you both have a good night?"

Before I could form the words to enthusiastically express how good my three cummings had been, including one of the best blow jobs ever, Becky jumped in, "Oh, it's been okay, I guess."

Sherry looked surprised at Becky's ho-hum response. She looked at me, "What about you Mike, how have you enjoyed the night?"

Beneath the sheet, I felt Becky's hand close around my balls, her grip tightening threateningly. I read the implication in her move, recalling how she didn't like Ben knowing how much she enjoyed swap sex. "Yeah, it's been okay," I agreed.

"Oh well, I'm sorry you guys, it doesn't sound like it's been that great," said Sherry, raising her arm to wrap around Ben's waist as she turned to look at him, "Ben and I have had a wonderful night, didn't we buddy?"

He exceeded her assessment, "Yeah, it's been really awesome having Sherry."

"Okay, well we'll leave you two to fully wake up," said Sherry, turning and taking Ben with her as they left, calling back over her shoulder, "We're both about done, but take your time, we'll have a shower and then I'll whip up some breakfast."

They disappeared out the door and Sherry released her grip on my balls, "Thank you lover for not telling Ben how good the night was. Mike, you are the greatest, we have to do this again, and very soon."

"We'll see Becky, it has been great, but Sherry and I are both agreed that when we find a couple who enjoy swapping, it should only be a one-off."

"No lover, I've got to have you again, and I don't mean now, which is about to happen. I mean again and again next week or next month. But we'll work that out in time. Come on, I want you inside me again lover."

She rolled onto her back, throwing off the sheet and spreading her legs. I rolled my body over on top of hers, my cock quite stiff, a bit of morning wood. Yes, I could do with taking a piss, but she was not to be denied. Becky appeared frantic for another solid fucking and so I obliged. She became even wilder this time, loud in orgasming which she did three times ... along the way I noticed that she had forgotten to re-close the door when Sherry and Ben left.

I struggled to cum, having deposited so much in her vagina and mouth during the night, but after what seemed an age, I managed to get there, greeted with happy cries of "Yes, fill me lover!" as I spasmed into the heaving hot body beneath me.

I was surprised that she had been as noisy and uninhibited as she had, given that the door was partially open. But it seems she was so obsessed with having one more that she didn't even realise. When she eventually rose up from the bed after our final solid fuck, she saw the open door, "Oh my God, the door was open all that time, they could have heard us."

"I'm sure they did."

"Oh no, what will I say to Benny?"

"Tell him the truth, tell him you did enjoy yourself, you're entitled. It looked like he did."

"But there's so much he doesn't know, like how I really do like the idea of swaps, and how different your wonderful thing is to his. What if Sherry tells him about your size ... do you think she will?"

I was well and truly over her façade, "I don't know, what does it really matter if she does?"

"Benny thinks I only like them around his size, and you - my lover - could never be considered that small. Oh damn, I'm going to have to plan what I'm going to say to him on the car ride home. He will definitely have some questions."

"Yes, like why is there a wet spot on the back seat?"

"Oh no, shush, don't bring that up."

We further wallowed under a cleansing shower, then dressed before joining our spouses in the kitchen.

Chapter Eleven

After serving up a nourishing breakfast for the four of us, Sherry and I found ourselves out on the front porch waving farewell to Ben and Rebecca, who came to dinner Saturday night and stayed to sleep over and enjoy uninhibited sex.

So as our guests' car disappeared from sight down the street, I wrapped my arm around my wife, "So tell me honey, was Ben good for you, I've been so anxious to hear how everything went?"

"Oh, pretty good darling, why don't we go back to bed for a couple of hours and we can tell each other about our night?"

"Sounds good to me," and in less than 60 seconds, the two of us were cosied up together in our big bed. "So Sherry, number one, I was so disappointed that we couldn't all be together in here like we were last time."

"Yes, it looks like Rebecca turned out to be a bit of a wet blanket Mike, she wasn't too enthusiastic about her night. I hope she wasn't too much of a let-down?"

"Honey, that's just it, she never let me down. Becky is most definitely not a wet blanket. She just doesn't like the idea of all being in the one bed because she's really into having another guy but she doesn't want Ben to know that. Honey, she goes off big time."

"No, I would never guess ... you must be kidding me?"

"Couldn't you hear us out in the kitchen after you left the room? We had one final fuck and she went off again, but you left the door open."

"No, we didn't hear any of that, but then we did have the radio on quite loud."

"Well, she'll be pleased about that, she was worried Ben would have heard her going off with me and have heaps of questions for her."

"Why would that worry her?"

"Honey, you wouldn't believe how hot she is."

"So why doesn't she want Ben to know?"

"Well, she rambled a bit about that. Among other things, she called their marriage a sham. She likes to have him think that she is the shy almost reticent wife who has to be talked into swapping."

"Are they role playing?"

"They would be if they both knew about her being hot for it, but I'm sure he doesn't know, and she prefers it that way. But enough of her honey, tell me how things went with Ben?"

"Oh, he was really nice although he gets really excited once he's inside. How can I put this nicely so it doesn't sound too picky? If there was a contest for over eager and a wish to impress, Ben would be a winner. He's like a kid in a toyshop who's suddenly been told he can select something expensive. He so wants to be really good at sex and to keep at it all night long. But in the end, it turns out average."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry for you."

"Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, after all I did cum a few times, but as much as he appears to have the woman in mind, he gets carried away by the moment and how good its feeling, and suddenly he's blowing long before you'd expect. He's not a patch on you, or even on Brian. Despite Brian's arrogance and his initial false start, he did make me feel pretty good most of that night with them. But darling, I'm pleased that you did have a good time after all."

"Yes, she certainly is hot, gave me an enormous blow job too ... she's really good at that."

"Oh, shame I didn't get to see that Mike."

"It's more than a shame. It's a great disappointment to me that we couldn't all do it in the same bed, like with Cathy and Brian."

"Yes, I did miss that, but then it sounds like Rebecca wouldn't have been so hot for you if Ben had been watching."

"Yeah, that's for sure. So honey, to summarise your night?"

"He's very enthusiastic, but a little rough around the edges."

"Perhaps he could do with some tutoring from you?"

"Maybe, if we intended to do this sort of thing with them again, but I had the impression that we didn't want to lock ourselves into any other couple?"

"Yes, you're right honey, that is our master plan. So Sherry, I didn't ask, how did you manage to cope with his ... err, how do I put it, with him not quite being up to size?"

"What do you mean not up to size?"

"Well, Becky implied that her Ben only has a small one."


"Yes, she even said that she thought Cathy might have mocked him a bit when they had their special night together, but she wasn't sure. I guess Ben didn't want to say anything."

"It's not thick like yours but it didn't seem that small to me. Surely Cathy would have been more discreet. You know, they do seem like quite a strange couple."

"Strange isn't the half of it, Sherry. After she'd cum a few times, she started calling me her lover. It had me on edge for a while ... you know, I might have some ongoing problems with her."

I am pleased that I thought to alert Sherry to my concern about that. Becky called me at work twice on Monday, then again on Tuesday, each time calling me her lover and saying how we must meet again, not to swap, but as lovers. She said that her marriage was nearly over, and the reason that they began swapping. She claimed that if I would be her secret lover then she could tolerate living with Ben. I was forced to tell her that I didn't want anything like that and that Sherry was the only love of my life. I had to be forceful, so we may have lost Rebecca and Ben as friends.

To conclude next time as Sharing Sherry - With Strangers

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IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 4 years ago
Great Story.. ALMOST 5 Stars... BUT only 4

I read the first 14 pages..exciting.. thrilling .. erotic.. then you (author) blew it on the next to last page... three spouses want to keep it in the same room/bed so they can't listen.. watch.. share..enjoy the pleasures their spouses are receiving... BUTT stupid Rebecca ruin it for everyone by insisting on a LOCKED separate room... stupid bitch ruined it for everyone.... I always three over rules one?? so thanks to Rebecca only 4 stars

ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 6 years ago
Great series.

This covered some of the risks of swinging. Risk of alienating the affections of your spouse, it takes years to really totally connect intimately with someone. One off sexual experiences without genuine feelings have little chance of success.

I absolutely love your writing. Solid 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Pretty good story mate. Seems like lately all the commenters are juvenile a--hats. Don't let them get to you and keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I was taught that if you couldn't say something positive

Then say:

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