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She finished her hair, bounded into bed and slid in next to Ryan, on the side of the bed toward me. I curled up on the edge of the bed, determined to stay awake to see what happened. But I was out like a light in no time.

I woke some time later and realized the TV had been left on. The room was lit by a flickering glow and the laugh track from some late night sitcom re-run was the only sound in the room.

At least it was the only sound at first.

As my eyes adjusted to the light and I driftd into a semi-aware state, I became conscious of another sound -- a sound emanating from the bed next to me. I was on my back, at this point, and I turned my head to my neighbors.

Shay was on her side on the edge of the bed, facing me. Ryan was spooned up behind her with one arm draped over her body. His head was invisible -- tucked down behind Shay's slender shoulders. The covers had fallen off and her eyes were closed. They were fucking.

They weren't fucking hard. It was like Ryan was moving in slow motion. But it was clear, beyond a doubt, that he was inside of her and moving back and forth. The sight turned me on no end. I was hard almost immediately and my erection tented the white sheet covering me. I could have been modest and turned one way or the other to hide it. But, I didn't. I held it at the root so it was sticking straight up. And I watched Ryan and Shay fuck.

It certainly wasn't what I had come to expect from these two given their past efforts. But I did know that Ryan was pretty drunk and half asleep and I was actually kind of impressed that he got it up at all. I'm sure Shay had poked and prodded him until he was hard enough for her to have something to play with. But, it was not their finest hour.

Still. He was fucking her. I was watching. And I was turned on.

I couldn't tell what state Shay was in. But it was as I was watching her with my hard cock in my hand, still under the sheet, that she opened her eyes. She looked at me in the flickering gray light and smiled. Her eyes quickly became riveted on the teepee formed by my sheet and I decided to tease her as she got fucked from behind by Ryan. I suppose there was a chance that he would suddenly pop his head up and wonder what was going on. But I kind of doubted it.

I slowly began to pull on the sheet and dramatically drag it across my erection. Shay smiled and moaned softly. I slid the sheet up and off my cock and exposed the rock hard mass to her view. I could hear a momentary gasp as she tried to corral her excitement; something she was not used to doing. It was at that moment that she reached out her right hand and I reached out my left hand.

We clutched one another as she got fucked and I began to stroke my cock for her. I was hard and huge and I could see by the look in her eyes that she was enjoying the show. It turned me on to be watching someone I'd fantasized about. But it was just as arousing stroking my cock for her.

As Ryan pumped into her and she pushed back to meet him, she slipped her free hand down between her legs and began to touch herself. But her focus was on me and the sensory overload for both of us was off the charts.

As I watched them fuck I became excited to the point of no return. I would not have cared if Ryan had seen me stroking at that moment. I was lifting my hips up, my hard cock puncturing the flickering gray light of our room as Ryan began to move faster in his sideways spoon position. I had listened to enough of Shay's orgasms by this point that I could tell, even without her vocalizing, that she was getting closer to an eruption herself.

I was going to come soon -- very soon -- and I wanted her to watch. I shoot cum very hard and she was going to be in for one show if she kept her eyes open. I turned my hips slightly toward her and began to stroke at a rapid pace. My cock was thick and throbbing and I'm sure Shay could see that I was on the verge of release. Our hands were locked together tightly and it was if we were each encouraging the other.

I gave her the slightest quiet groan as my body tensed and prepared for lift-off. I heard her growl deeply as her eyes focused on my hand and my cock. Our grip tightened further on one another and I could feel her fingers digging into mine. With little ceremony, other than a slightly breathy exhale from me, my cock spasmed and rocketed forth spurt after spurt of hot white cream into the air. Shay winced and groaned as she came as well, her body shaking and quivering to her own drummer.

My cum went everywhere and I felt at least one strong spurt land on our locked hands. My cock pulsed in my hand and looked like a spent fellow after a minute or two. Our grip loosened and we looked into each other's eyes as we softly let go. I pulled the sheet over me, turned over and went to sleep almost immediately.

I'm not sure what had just happened -- or why -- but I would think about it tomorrow. A long day had just had a perfect ending and I was ready for sleep.


The summer was coming to a close soon and Shay would be heading back to school in Lacrosse. Serendipity, however, had one more card to play and it came out of the blue.

Late in August Ryan informed me that he had to attend to some family matters in Indy over the weekend. No problem with that. I could hold the fort. But then he added that Shay needed to spend Saturday night here as her roommate was, once again, sexiling her out of the small apartment they shared. I shrugged it off like it was no big deal, even though my brain and heart were doing double flips.

"No problem, man. She's more than welcome." Of course she is -- she's hot as fuck! But I didn't say that part. I just acted like I was a little put upon, but I could deal with the imposition.

As it turned out Shay wasn't around much during that particular weekend. She had worked the morning shift at the coffee shop and then had attended a reception of some kind in the afternoon. I had wanted to go out for a bit, but I hung tight, not wanting to miss her.

I dressed modestly in jeans and a tee shirt and was just chilling when I heard a key in the door and she walked in around six pm. She may have been a little tired from a long day, but she looked like a million bucks. She was wearing a very sexy summer dress. It was a short, but modest in its cut around her legs. The top had broad straps that cupped a bodice that hinted at a delicate décolletage. She was wearing a thin black choker that had some sort of small ornament at the front of her throat. And she was wearing, most importantly of all, those strappy wedding high heels that had come to define her sexuality in my book. Her hair was down and tousled in a casual way. She was a complete and utter fox. I stared with, what I imagine was, the dumbest look imaginable on my face. I did my best to keep my tongue from lolling out of my mouth.

"Hey, Zach! Sorry to push your goodwill any further than I already have, but Ryan said it was alright for me to crash here and, so, here I am."

"Don't be silly, Shay. You're welcome any time -- especially dressed like that," I added.

She did a little twirl, her skirt flaring up just enough to show a hint of her slender thighs.

"You like?" she asked, knowing full well what my answer would be. I didn't deem the question worthy of a reply. She could tell by my ogling eyes what I was thinking.

"But I'll tell you what is killing me," she stated rather emphatically. "These heels!"

She saw the look of consternation on my face.

"Oh stop being a man for a minute. I had these on all afternoon. I need a break," she said.

She sat down on the couch -- we were almost in the identical spots as last time we sat there together -- and crossed her legs to unstrap and remove the first heel. Then she recrossed her legs in the other direction to remove the other one. The removal itself was sexy as hell, but the way her short dress rode up her sleek thighs was downright sinful.

She knew the show she was putting on, but she acted as if it was just what had to be done. She was very unselfconscious about her beauty or the effect it was having on me. She also made no move to lower her skirt once the heels were sitting pertly under the coffee table. She reached down and squeezed her feet and grimaced.

"Can I ask you a favor?" she inquired demurely. I nodded and raised my eyebrows in question. "How are your foot massaging skills?"

I maintained composure, not wanting her to know how incredibly exciting the thought of touching her feet made me.

"Of the highest caliber," I assured her. "Women from miles around descend on Villa Zachary for the chance to experience my awesome digital technique. My "pedi" massage is how I advertise it." She rolled her eyes. "They're awesome, to answer your question."

"You are so completely full of shit," she laughed. "But I'm gonna give you a chance anyway, cause my feet are killing me!"

Without asking more she moved over on the sofa, tucked into the corner, and put her feet up on my thigh. Thinking quick I placed her feet on the sofa and begged my pardon for just a moment. "I'll be right back," I said. I returned a minute later with a plastic bottle of massage lotion that Lisa and I enjoyed sometimes. I also brought a soft towel.

"Tools of the trade," I smiled.

She giggled as I returned to the position I had left her -- her feet on my thighs. I looked down and grinned as she wiggled her toes, recently painted in deep red. I wanted to make some wiseass comment, but I was at a loss for words. I turned and positioned her feet appropriately -- her left one on my right thigh against the back of the couch and her right resting carefully on my left thigh. I took a sip of the IPA I was working on, did a few digital calisthenics, and then carefully placed my hands on her right foot.

Now I'm not one who necessarily has a foot fetish. Don't get me wrong, I love a woman's foot as much as any other part of her body. And I was quite conscious of all the nerve endings on one's foot and how much of a turn-on it can be for some women (and men, of course) to have their feet touched by someone who appreciates them -- and knows how to touch them.

In all honesty there wasn't an inch of this young lady's body that I didn't appreciate, and her feet were no different. I applied a little lotion to my hand, cupped her slender heel in my left hand and wrapped my fingers around the middle of her tiny foot. While my thumb curved and caressed her sole, the other fingers spanned out to gently squeeze the top of her foot in several different places.

As I was working my magic I noticed that, at least for the moment, she had closed her eyes and leaned back on the pillow. She seemed unaware, and certainly unconcerned, that this position -- with her dress already hiked up somewhat and her legs slightly splayed -- meant I could see up her dress and had a clear view of the tight little black triangle of what had to be a tiny black thong. I did my best to ignore this particular view, but that was like asking for someone to ignore the car wreck they are creeping by in a traffic jam. I couldn't look away -- nor did I really want to.

But, despite the view, I really did focus on her and did my best to find all the appropriate nerve endings and spots where her foot might be distressed from the angle and height of the heels she had been wearing. I found that perfect pressure -- not too light, but not too deep -- and settled in for a nice long foot massage. I was rewarded by the incredible view as well as soft moans and whimpers that would occasionally escape her pouty lips.

There was something wildly erotic about this moment. Shay was relaxed and leaning back in a short dress with her feet in my hands. And we were alone. I marshalled all my forces to make this foot massage as enjoyable, relaxing and arousing as possible. I was hoping to turn her on, but with purely therapeutic concerns as my focus. If she got tingly or a little wet from my manual ministrations, it wasn't my fault. I was doing her a favor.

I started at her ankle and caressed my way ever so slowly over the top of her foot, eventually working my way down to her toes. I massaged her toes, slid my slippery fingers between them and underneath them. I approached her foot from every angle and watched the look on her sweet angelic face as I gently fondled her foot. I finally worked my way to the soles of her feet and particularly focused on the underside of her toes, her heel and her instep.

Her eyes were still closed, but she had a sweet smile on her pretty face. Every once in a while I would gaze down at the lovely black triangle between her legs, knowing what lay below was the same sweet pussy I had seen protruding under her pink panties the last time she had visited and we were alone.

And while I was hoping this venture was turning her on, and it certainly seemed to be, I was also quite conscious of my own state of arousal. Touching the bare skin of her foot, gazing up her slender, slightly parted thighs, and seeing the look of increasing arousal on her face was all having a similar effect on me. I could feel myself thickening, but the current position was making it rather difficult to expand. Perhaps it was time to switch feet.

Before I did, however, my hand left her foot and wandered slowly up the backside of her calf. I literally could not resist touching her more. This move caused her to open her eyes, albeit with a sexy knowing smile on her face. Her calf felt so smooth and soft in my hand.

"God, your skin is so smooth," I blurted out. She clearly was not offended by my limited exploration away from my pedi-massage.

"So your massage expertise extends beyond the female foot?" she inquired with a wicked smile.

"It does," I replied, "sometimes."

"Mmmm," she groaned softly. "Good."

Determined to take my time and get the most benefit from this journey, I shifted in my seat and decided to move to the next foot. Moving allowed me to reach down and adjust my erection a bit so it had room to move. I tried to do this subtly, but she noticed with a sly smile without commenting. I positioned her right foot on my left thigh and began the same process with her left foot, starting with the ankle, working down to the toes and around to the bottom of her slender foot.

As I was doing so, I felt her right foot slide down between my slightly spread legs and take up residence there. It felt like she did it innocently, at first. Her eyes were closed with a blissful expression on her face as I worked on her other foot. With her eyes closed I could look up her dress at her legs and the tight panty-clad black vee of her pussy with impunity. But, as I gently massaged and kneaded her left foot, I felt her right foot begin to press softly against my groin, almost moving in a kind of rhythmical way as I squeezed and caressed.

As I looked down I saw her manicured toes now anchored against the gigantic bulge in my jeans as I finished up my work. If she could play that game, I guess I could too. I finished up her left leg the way I had finished her right, with a tender slide up under her calf. Except this time I went a little further up her calf and gently caressed the back of her left knee. A soft groan and fluttering of her eyelids told me that I wasn't being turned away.

With my work complete I leaned back and placed a hand on each leg at the top of her ankle. She opened her eyes and smiled at me as I began to slide both my hands up her legs, along her shin bones, over her knees, and beyond. We gazed deeply into one another's eyes as my fingers spread out north of her knee caps and began to ascend the soft smooth skin of her thighs. The kneading pressure of her foot against my cock told me I had a green light.

But there was no hurry here. We had all night. I wanted to tease her and be teased. I went halfway up her partly spread thighs, then reversed course. I slid up and down her thighs, several times, going a little higher each time. I added some lotion to my hands and returned to focus on her soft inner thighs. I did this for a few more minutes, then stopped and leaned back against the sofa. We just stared at one another for a full minute, as if we were trying to assess the situation. Her foot began to move up and down my bulge and I groaned.

"We shouldn't be doing this, should we," she offered; move of a statement than a question.

"No. We shouldn't."

But neither of us moved or looked like we were backing away.

"That felt really good, Zach. You have amazing hands," she said softly. I smiled at her remark and thanked her. She pulled her foot away from between my legs and I had a sinking feeling that we might be curtailing our little adventure. But I was wrong. We were just getting started.

"Mmmm. So, my turn now," she said as she sat up and placed her feet on the floor. "Stand up."

I did as she suggested as she took my hand and pulled me over so I was standing in front of her. Her legs were parted and her short dress was riding way up her lithe thighs. She seemed unconcerned. Her legs looked so good -- long, smooth and lean. Standing highlighted the fact that I had been sporting a mammoth erection this whole time and, while it had been somewhat contained when I was sitting, it was strong and thick and aching for freedom once I stood. I could see Shay's eyes zero in on it immediately as it bulged vertically in my jeans.

While her eyes looked at the thickness that awaited her, her hands panned out and slid up and down my torso in a teasing way. She was clearly aware of my erection: she'd had her foot on it for the past 15 minutes. But she was going out of her way to keep her hands away from it, at least for the moment. As her hands moved up my hips she grabbed the bottom of my tee shirt and lifted it; a sign that I was to remove it. I did and threw it on the floor.

Now I felt her bare hands on my skin and I shivered with desire. Her hands slid up my stomach and up to my nipples. She grazed them lightly with her fingertips, smiled, and began to slide her hands down my chest, over my stomach... I thought she was going to head toward my cock, but she stopped at the waist of my jeans and hooked her delicate fingers over my belt, looking up at me.

"We shouldn't be doing this," she said again, as she began to ever so slowly unbuckle my belt.

"No," I agreed. "We shouldn't."

Her eyes never left mine as she pulled the thick black leather out of the buckle and repositioned her fingers to unsnap my jeans.

"Are you wearing your high tech underwear?" she smiled. I gazed down at her beautiful face. I couldn't believe how hard I was and smiled to myself at what she was about to uncover.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." She smiled at my comment, unsnapped my jeans, plucked the zipper and pulled...slowly.

"I'm not going to have to wait and see very long," she answered. No, she wasn't. She unzipped me and began to pull the flaps of my fly apart, uncovering a flash of white. They were, in fact, the same type of tight boxer briefs she had seen before, only bright white. She grabbed the waistband of my jeans and pulled, as I assisted. She pushed them down to mid-thigh and re-focused her attention.

"Oh my. They are the same, only white," she stated with hunger in her voice. My erection was stretching the tight briefs and my thick hard shaft was clearly defined in the stretchy white material. "I love a man sporting a hard-on for me in tight white briefs. Fuck." I leaned over to push my jeans down and off and stood up straight before her. She eyed my rock hard bulge hungrily and looked up at me with a sly smile as she reached out to touch me with her hand...for the first time.

"Oh, Zach. It's so big and hard," she cooed as her tiny hand lightly squeezed and fondled my hardness. "It feels bigger than Ryan's," she opined. "Thicker." Could be, I thought, though Ryan and I had never compared erections. If I was, so be it. She seemed to think so and that's all that mattered at the moment.