Shelly Slips into Depravity

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Shelly discovers the joy of BBC.
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This is the third in a series of stories about Shelly, a small town pastor's wife who falls from grace. It may be helpful to have read the first two, "Shelly" and "Shelly is a Bad Girl."

It was mid-morning on a Tuesday. Shelly was lying naked in bed with Caroline, both totally relaxed after half an hour of sex. Neither woman was a strict lesbian. Shelly was married to Sam, the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richards Branch, Alabama. Caroline was married to Lyle, the Junior Pastor of the same church. All four of them were young, barely into their mid-twenties.

The two women had vastly different relationships with their husbands. Shelly and Sam did not have a successful marriage. As near as Shelly could tell Sam had almost no interest in sex, or in anything for that matter other than his political ambitions to rise within the hierarchy of the Southern Baptist Convention. Up until a few months ago Shelly had accepted that limitation on her life and dutifully played her role as the charming and attractive young wife of a rising young pastor. Then at a major Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville Shelly had been seduced by her old friend from High School, Laurie. Laurie's seduction of Shelly opened Shelly's eyes to sex. The orgasms and sex play she had experienced with Laurie that week in Nashville became something Shelly felt a deep need to repeat. She also enjoyed the marijuana Laurie had introduced her to. After their return from Nashville Shelly had tried to get Sam to participate but it was clear that he simply had no interest. For several months her only sexual outlet was masturbation, which she became quite adept at, including the use of a few toys Laurie had mailed to her and, on one occasion, masturbating at the dinner table while Sam sat across the table from her. He was so oblivious that he never noticed that one or the other of her hands were beneath the table throughout dinner.

Caroline and Lyle had a very different marriage. Like Shelly, Caroline had grown up in a small Southern town and was trained in the restrictive concepts of proper sexual relations of the Baptist church (her father was a minister). But she had rejected those rules when she married Lyle who was raised in a hippie commune in California. That is not to say that Lyle and Caroline were not religious. Quite to the contrary, Sam and Caroline believed deeply in their duty to minister to the religious well-being of their flock, but that didn't include dictating their flock's sex lives. They had totally rejected the Church's teachings about sex. In their view sexual mores had no place in religion. Unlike Sam and Shelly, who had virtually no sex life in their marriage, Caroline and Lyle had a very active and varied sex life. That included what is commonly known as an open marriage—each of them free to have sex with the other or with anyone else that they found attractive, including as it turned out, Shelly. Their only limitation they observed was practicing enough constraint and discretion so as to not damage their ability to carry out their mission as pastors of the church.

Shortly after their arrival in Richards Branch Caroline and Lyle had seduced Shelly initiating an ongoing three-party relationship that had gone a long way towards satisfying Shelly's sexual cravings. Shelly worked closely with Lyle and Caroline on church matters and then fucked them with gusto and abandon when Sam was out of town, which was much of the time. Shelly considered the new arrangement a major improvement in her life.

Sam was gone much of the time preferring to leave day to day operation of the First Baptist Church of Richards Branch, Alabama to his new assistant Lyle and their respective wives, while he spent his time in Nashville at the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention. For Sam, his ministry was not about ministering to his flock in Richards Branch. He would leave that to Lyle, Caroline, and Shelly while he spent his time playing church politics in Nashville.

"Hmmm. This is my idea of how to spend a Tuesday morning," Shelly said. As she spoke she began to rub her thigh against Caroline's pussy. It remained very wet, slippery, and warm, from the orgasm Shelly had driven her to a few minutes earlier.

Caroline groaned. "My God Shelly. Lyle and I have created a monster with you. Aren't you ever satisfied? How did you ever get by before you started having regular sex with us?"

"I was miserable," Shelly responded. "Or at least I would be if I had to go back to that lifestyle again. Masturbation was okay, but I really was missing out on a lot until I became acquainted with your tongue and Lyle's cock. " She slipped her hand between her thigh and Caroline's pussy beginning to rub it, and then sliding two fingers into a still hot and slippery cunt.

"Oh, shit," Caroline gasped. "That feels so fucking good. Do we have time?"

"What?" Shelly responded. "Of course we have time. Lyle's minding the church." She let her thumb slide up between Caroline's pussy lips until it was pressing against her clit, still leaving two fingers exploring the interior of Caroline's cunt.

"Oh fuck." Caroline gasped. She whimpered for a moment and then said, "But we have to be at lunch at the country club with the Church Council's wives."

"Oh, I forgot. The Church Wives. That is going to be a very boring lunch with those four old biddies," Shelly responded.

The Church Council was a small group of men of status in Richard's Branch—the Mayor; the County Sherriff; the owner of the local John Deere dealership, who was also a long-standing member of the City Council; and a very successful local farmer, whose brother was the local District Court Judge. The nominal role of the Church Council was to oversee the functioning of the Church run by Sam and Lyle, but in reality those men had effective control over most anything that occurred in Richards Branch, and their wives, the four women Shelly and Caroline were supposed to meet for lunch at the Country Club, exercised, through their influence with their husbands, a very discreet and far less obvious, but similar level of power. Shelly and Caroline understood the 'old biddies' they were meeting for lunch controlled, through what some called pillow talk, Sam's and Lyle's compensation, even their continued employment here in Richards Branch.

'It's okay," Caroline said. "We still have time if we hurry." The two women quickly rearranged themselves into a 69 and began lapping at each other's sex. Within minutes each of them had loudly climaxed. They quickly showered and dressed, in appropriately conservative clothing for small-town pastors' wives and hurried to the Richards Branch Country Club, arriving a respectful few minutes ahead of schedule. Shelly was not looking forward to this lunch, fearing that lunch with the Church Wives would be like the lunch she had endured with her friend Laurie at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville. The older ladies sharing the table in Nashville with Shelly and Laurie had been cold and unfriendly, so Shelly and Laurie had resorted to discreetly fingering other beneath the table. It turned out to be a great lunch. Neither Shelly nor Laurie had a clue what the church leaders on the podium had said.

Shelly's fears couldn't have been farther off base. Even though Shelly and Caroline were right on time, the four women they were to meet were already seated at a table in the back corner of the nearly empty country club dining room. The women rose and introduced themselves as Janey (the Sheriff's wife); Linda (the City Councilman's wife); Sharon (the farmer's wife); and Sarah (the Mayor's wife). None of them were anywhere near as old as the women who had so offended Shelly at the Baptist Convention luncheon, the oldest not being much past forty Shelly thought. In true Southern style hugs were exchanged all around. Sensing that she could smell alcohol, Shelly looked to the table and saw that each woman had a partially filled wine glass before her place. There had been no wine on the table in Nashville.

As soon as they were seated the Mayor's wife began talking, "We are so glad you ladies could join us today. We know that your husbands will be working with our husbands from time to time on management of our little town's fine church. But I'm sure that you understand that in the church, just like a lot of institutions, the spouses have a lot of impact on how the place operates. The men run things, but their spouses have their say too," she said with a smile.

While Sarah was talking, Linda gestured for wait staff attention. When a black waiter dressed in a coat and tie approached Linda said, "Excuse me Sarah, but I thought I should get these ladies some drinks."

"We certainly should," chimed in Sharon. "After all we've been here for a while and are a bit ahead of them."

"At least a couple of rounds," echoed Janey. All four women chuckled.

"You ladies do drink don't you?" asked Sarah.

"Oh yes," responded Shelly, "but with Richards Branch being in just about the last dry county in Alabama, not so often as I might otherwise." She didn't mention that Sam was a teetotaler which meant that her drinking was limited to the sipping from the Gin bottle she kept hidden in her sock drawer, and then only when there was no risk that Sam would notice it on her breath.

Caroline nodded in agreement, saying "That's something that is taking a bit of getting used to."

"That's why we have our luncheons here at the Country Club," Linda said.

"Yes," Sharon echoed. "My Daddy was one of the good old boys who built this club and they were smart enough to buy an extra parcel next to the golf course for this clubhouse. It's just over the county line into Beckman County, which is definitely not dry. So all of us that are members can have a drink or two with our dinners and luncheons out. And no one seems to care much about what goes out onto the golf course in the to-go cups."

Shelly smiled to herself. The Church Wives had arrived early to spend a part of their morning drinking while she and Caroline had spent the morning in bed having sex. Each to their own vice, she thought.

After another round of wine, luncheon was ordered, with the wine glasses appropriately refilled. Even Caroline was impressed with how well the Church Wives seemed to be able to hold their liquor. The conversation before and during lunch flowed smoothly, not really focused on the Church, but mostly an exchange of local gossip, including some descriptions of whose marriages were in trouble and who was perhaps having an affair with who—all very much small-town gossip. The Church Wives were providing Shelly and Caroline with a road map to the white population of Richard's branch—who to trust and who to look out for and all the usual information, true or exaggerated, that surrounds a small town.

At some point Janey asked, "Do you ladies know Rev. Carlisle?"

"I know he is the pastor for the black church over on Elm Street," Shelly responded. "But I've never met him."

"Oh you should," Sarah responded. "He is one of the most handsome men in town."

The other church ladies laughed. "Down Sarah," one of them teased.

"Well he is handsome."

"But he is black dear," said Linda.

"Oh really. I guess I hadn't noticed," Sarah responded. "But he does run a black church doesn't he, now that you mention it."

"Well, Sarah's right," Linda chimed in. "He is handsome."

"And I hear he gets along very well with the ladies," Sharon said.

"Any particular ladies we might know?" Linda asked.

"Oh I wouldn't want to gossip like that," Sharon responded with a sly smile. Shelly found that amusing since the four women had been gossiping shamelessly throughout lunch. Maybe it was a little too close to home she wondered.

There was a silence. Sharon was sucking on a bread stick in thought. Then she asked, "I wonder if what they say about black men is true?"

More laughter. Then Janey, who was looking a bit drunk spoke up, "Oh you mean that they are well hung?"

"Well that's what some of my sorority sisters at Alabama told me," Linda added to the conversation.

There was a general laugh. Then Janey responded, "You Alpha Phi's were such sluts," the wine clearly getting to her as well.

"Well you Chi Omega's weren't exactly virtuous either," Linda responded in kind. The comment generated more laughter from the full table, including Janey and Linda who didn't seem to be taking the insults seriously.

Sarah looked around the table and smiled. "Well I'm sure none of us would know . . . would we?"

There was no response for a brief period before Janey spoke up and said, "Oh my look at the time. I must be getting home." That brought everyone to their feet, with repeated hugs all around. Shelly noticed that Sharon's hug was particularly tight, mashing their breasts together.

As they drove back to the Church Shelly said, "Well that was not at all what I expected."

"Really?" Caroline responded. "They reminded me a lot of the Church Wives group in the town I grew up in. A group of well married women with not enough to do who drink more than they should and like to gossip." She laughed. "Makes me feel right at home."

"But Shelly," she went on. "I saw the way Sharon was hugging you. I think you are going to hear more from her."


"I think she is a lesbian or at least swings both ways and she looked like she has the hots for you."


"Wait and see."

"And one more thing. I think you should get to know Reverend Carlisle. Those ladies want us to find out if he has a big cock, and you could use some BBC, given your husband's lack of interest."


"Big Black Cock."

"Oh." Shelly was silent for a mile or so and then said, "Yes I suppose I should get to know him."

"Definitely," Caroline responded.

Shelly agonized about Reverend Carlisle for a couple of weeks. Sure she told herself, getting to know the spiritual leader of more than half of her little town's population made good sense. But that wasn't where the agonizing came from. It wasn't that Shelly thought of herself as racist. Sure she had been raised in the South but she didn't believe that white people should have any special rights or privileges compared to blacks. But a part of her youthful training that still stuck was the idea that good white girls didn't marry or have sex with other races. Intellectually she still knew that was nonsense, just like the separate but equal schools had been, but still, sometimes the way you are raised is hard to avoid. On the other hand, the discussion amongst the Church Wives about black men having bigger cocks had stuck. Sure she had heard it before, but she had ignored it as nonsense, but now she felt a need to find out. She sensed that those women had reason to know. Besides, she was one of the bad girls now. So really, does Reverend Carlisle have a big cock and just how big is it. Shelly wanted to know.

At one point she even asked Sam what he thought about opening a relationship with the local black church, just as a matter of relationships of the two major churches in the town. She didn't mention the BBC issue. That would have caused Sam to have a stroke.

Sam looked over his newspaper at her and responded, "Well if Lyle wants to, I don't care, but tell him not to spend money on it. Just talk." Then he pulled the paper up again effectively cutting off further conversation.

Shelly didn't pursue it any further with Sam. Of course this wasn't Lyle's issue. It was Shelly's and she wasn't about to tell Sam the whole story.

Later when she talked to Lyle, he understood perfectly what the issue about, having been briefed by Caroline about the women's luncheon with the Church Wives. He laughed and said, "Go for it. I think it will be good for you."

Ultimately Lyle's endorsement made the decision for her. Nervous and sweating, she placed a call to Reverend Carlisle and suggested that they get together to talk about how their two churches could cooperate.

Carlisle was smooth and polished over the phone, telling Shelly that he thought a meeting an excellent idea and wondered why the two churches hadn't gotten together sooner. They agreed that Shelly would drop by the Reverend Carlisle's office behind his church after lunch on Wednesday.

After setting down the phone Carlisle said to himself, "My, my. Isn't that interesting. Two preachers over there and it's one of the wives that wants to see me. I wonder what she really wants?" He chuckled. "I've heard her husband spends most of his time up in Nashville politicking, so maybe she has another agenda. Well I can accommodate that," he told himself. "She's really a cute little trick." He felt his dick stir slightly in anticipation of what he hoped was Shelly's alternative agenda.

That was of course exactly what Shelly's agenda was. Before she had placed the call to Reverend Carlisle she had decided that the bad girl had won out. When she started her car that to go over to Reverend Carlyle's church that Wednesday afternoon her intention was to seduce him. She could feel dampness in her panties as she thought about it.

Reverend Carlisle had told her to come to the church office which was around behind the church. Shelly parked her car in the gravel parking lot behind the church and walked to the office door. She had decided that, notwithstanding her intentions, she still had to look like a minister's wife so she was wearing a dress that fell to below her knees and buttoned almost to her throat. The dress was the same one she had worn the night she had masturbated at the dinner table while her husband talked on at length about the latest gossip from the church's Nashville headquarters, never noticing that her left hand was beneath the table for virtually all of the lengthy dinner conversation. The dress buttoned all the way down the front, but unlike the night she had fingered herself while her husband ignored her, it was fully buttoned from top to bottom today. She had chosen heels, which made her legs attractive, and of course bra and panties. She knew what she wanted from this meeting, but she had never seduced anyone before so she was totally unsure about how to go about it. She had been a combination of horny and nervous all morning. Shelly wobbled a bit as her heels sunk into the loose gravel of the parking lot.

Fortunately the Reverend Carlisle was a great deal more experienced in the art of seduction. His marriage to his wife was based on the same open principals as was that of Caroline and Lyle. Seduce who you want but be discreet. Today the Reverend's objective was to seduce Shelly. He wasn't nervous about it. But he had felt aroused all morning.

When Shelly pushed the door open she found herself before a receptionist/secretary who, unbeknownst to Shelly, was the Reverend's wife, Selena. She introduced herself and Selena asked her to take a seat. While she went into the inner office to get the Reverend. Selena, of course knew all about the stated purpose of the meeting and about her husband's intentions. She closed the door behind her and said to her husband, "She's here. Shall I leave for the day?"

The Reverend smirked and said, "Please do. If this goes as planned perhaps you can join in or at least watch on another day."

Salena laughed. Shaking her head she said, "She looks very innocent."

The Reverend smiled, saying, "Appearances can be deceiving." They walked out to the waiting room together.

Salena picked up her purse and said, "I'll be leaving for the afternoon, if you don't need anything further dear." She didn't wait for a response as she stepped out into the parking lot, but she was smiling as she thought about how the afternoon was going to be for Shelly. She was also smiling about how she planned to spend the remainder of the afternoon, screwing the Mayor. Her husband wasn't the only one who like to cross the line and the Mayor did love her big titties.