Sibling Sex Therapy


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"Hmm, what happens in Stage Two?" he asked.

Jessie leaned forward again, her face coming just inches away from his cock, hesitated a moment to look up at him, then stood and turned away, walking towards her room. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find that out," she said. "I'll see you at five o'clock tomorrow."

He watched her close the door behind her, which left him standing in front of the couch with an oily, raging erection, and two more days before he was allowed "resolution."

Stage Two, Day One

For the rest of that night and most of the next day, James contemplated what Stage Two might be, and he had conjured up some pretty amazing visions by early afternoon. Meanwhile, Jessie was at home trying to decide if she needed to stop the therapy before it got out of hand. She was leaning towards canceling the whole thing when she got a text message from James telling her how much the therapy had meant for him, and how he felt like it had changed his life.

So Stage Two was on go, she couldn't let him down.

James came home a little before 5, nearly trembling with anticipation. He wasn't sure what to expect when he opened the door, but he was disappointed to find Jessie sitting in the recliner working on her laptop when he got home.

"So what's the story on Stage Two?" he asked impatiently.

She looked up momentarily. "I need to finish something up, why don't you take a shower, get naked and we'll discuss it," she answered.

He nodded and headed off to the shower, relieved that at least he would still be naked for Stage Two.

When he came back into the den, he was surprised to see that Jessie had changed into a long, silky, white bathrobe and was standing facing him as he walked in. He stopped in front of her and waited.

"So are you ready for Stage Two?" she smiled.

James' mouth was too dry to respond, so he simply nodded.

With a quick move, Jessie unfastened the tie on the robe and let the front of it open up just slightly. Before that could even settle on James, she shrugged the robe off her shoulders and let it slide off onto the ground.

James felt every part of his body go limp, except for one. Jessie was dressed in a silky, lacy white teddy, held up by spaghetti straps and cut high on the sides, showing off her long, lean legs. James had always known his sister had a great body, but seeing her standing there in lingerie took his breath away. In a breathless moment, he took in the beauty of her jet black hair and olive colored skin, much of which was on display. As a black belt in karate and a part time yoga instructor, Jessie kept herself quite toned and fit. Back when they were in high school together every haplessly misguided guy in school wanted to be James' friend just to get a shot at Jessie.

She smiled at his reaction. "Perhaps I should clarify the plans for Stage Two," she said. "The intention is to, shall we say, heighten your arousal, to challenge your new found control abilities."

James nodded, trying not to move, he was afraid he might have a resolution right there on the floor.

"Now the rules about us not having sex still stand, so don't get any ideas," she said. "I am just going to dress, and do things, that will ... hopefully ... turn you on. It is going to be more difficult for you to control your ... urges, though, so we are going to have to work on some strategies to avoid.. getting overly turned on."

"I'm pretty turned on right now," James said. "Maybe you should start giving me some strategies."

Jessie laughed. "Well first of all, you need to breathe. Deep breaths, try to relax, and create a vision that will distract you from your... passion."

James took a deep breath, held it and let it out, never letting his eyes wander from Jessie's body. "Okay, I have a vision," he said. "It's a cornfield."

"Hmm," Jessie murmured and took a step in his direction. "I love a long, hard ear of corn."

James looked like he might wilt.

"Another strategy we are going to use involves this," Jessie said, showing him a black collar and then quickly, deftly stepping up close to him and wrapping the collar around his neck and fastening it with a velcro strip. "This is a battery operated collar designed to distract you when you get overly aroused."

"Distract me?" he asked warily.

"Yes, when you get to aroused, say, above an 8 on a 10 point scale, then raise your hand and I can activate it to deliver a mild shock," she said. She held up the remote, pointed it towards him and pushed a button.

James felt an odd tingling in his neck, it wasn't quite like a shock but it was definitely a distraction. He could see how it would level him off.

"Okay, I'll go along with this, but don't be overdoing it with that thing," he said. "I could see you forcing me to do the dishes every night...though if you dress like that, I would probably do it willingly."

"Easy big guy," she said, walking up to him and circling around him slowly. "Remember, this is all show, and no flow."

James grimaced and nodded. "Right, no resolution until tomorrow."

The rest of the night, Jessie pranced around the apartment, talking, acting and looking incredibly seductive. James didn't need nearly as much self-stimulation to maintain an erection, and there were a few times when he started feeling over heated and had to ask for the collar zap. Like when Jessie leaned over in front of him allowing him a free look down the front of her teddy. Or when she showed him some of the latest yoga stretches from her class. Or when she reclined across the couch in front of him and slowly ate a banana. Actually the banana eating required two zaps. James had to admit the zaps did the trick. They were just enough of a distraction to allow him to maintain control.

By 10 pm, they were both exhausted. James had been rock hard for five straight hours, and Jessie, in addition to working hard to keep him that way, had been enjoying her own very heightened state of arousal. She had surprised even herself with just how horny she had become showing off for her brother.

James hit the bed aching for sleep, and/or resolution, and a half hour passed before his erection went down. It didn't help that he was certain he could hear the low hum of a vibrator and some muffled moans coming from his sister's room.

Stage Two, Day Two

James woke up, remarkably, with morning wood, and he felt like a kid at Christmas. Today he would get to enjoy another day of seeing Jessie's awesome body parading around in lingerie, AND it was a resolution day. A resolution he badly needed.

In the adjacent room, Jessie felt like a parent at Christmas. She needed to buy some batteries.

Over the course of the day, both siblings felt an incredible build-up of anticipation. The therapy really was working, and though neither would openly admit it, the therapy was incredibly fucking hot. James was able to leave work early but then drove around the neighborhood for 20 minutes because he didn't want to appear overly anxious.

After his shower and get naked routine was complete, he came out into the den where Jessie was waiting for him, once again dressed in the silky white bathrobe. She didn't have to ask him to get aroused.

This time when she shrugged off the bathrobe, she had even less on. She was dressed only in a pink bra and lacy pink thong. James spent several minutes just taking her in, not speaking with words, but saying volumes with his deep breaths and subtle nods. Jessie was totally enthralled by her brother's speechless response.

After a solid five minutes, Jessie broke the silence. "I think you like this outfit," she said softly, taking a slow, deliberate turn, showing off the fit curves of her exposed abdomen and her shapely ass.

Unable to formulate a response, James simply raised his hand. Jessie had to zap him three times in a row before he dropped his arm, and in a few minutes his arm was back up.

In fact, James spent quite a bit of Stage Two Day Two with his arm up. Jessie had really stepped up her game, practically torturing her brother with her sexy antics. Her boldest escalations came in the form of touch, as she used any and every excuse to create physical contact. Touching him lightly on the arm or leg while talking, coming up close behind him when he was looking in the refrigerator, playfully slapping him lightly on the chest and slowly dragging her hand down over his abdomen. But the worst (or best) was when they were watching television, each of them laying on either end of the couch, with their legs meeting in the middle. Jessie had her legs and feet running up and down James' legs, occasionally coming up high onto his thigh. The zap collar was in frequent use, and neither of them watched much of whatever it was that was on tv. All James could see was cornfields.

As much as James was enjoying it, he could not help but keep an eye on the clock, because he knew that at 10 pm he was going to go into his room and get some resolution, maybe resolutions, because he recalled that Jessie had never said just how many resolutions he was allowed. He felt like he needed double digit resolution.

As the clock neared 10 pm, Jessie ramped up her game even further, sliding closer towards him on the couch and wrapping her long sexy legs around his. She was loving every minute of turning him on, and had become quite impressed at his ability to maintain control. Just as the clock hit 10 pm, she suddenly sat up and moved over him, straddling him on the couch. The inside of her thighs were tight against the outside of his, and her crotch was pressed down on him just beneath his aching balls. She looked down at him seductively.

"I think that we...or you ... should have your resolution right here," she said softly. Her hands came up and she dragged them lightly across his abdomen. "I think if you do it here, I can coach you to go slow and easy."

James took a deep breath and looked at the hot body of his sister perched above him, and all he could think was that he wouldn't last 30 seconds. He was so horny he couldn't think. He nodded ok.

"Ok, Jessie said slowly. "I want you to imagine that I am your girlfriend, and we are making love, and you are inside me."

James' mouth was bone dry, he could only nod.

"Remember, if you get too ... hot ... just raise your hand," she smiled.

He raised his hand. She gave him a double.

For the next hour and a half, Jessie sat there perched above her brother, alternatively gyrating like they were fucking and then stopping to talk him back down, and occasionally zapping him with the collar. James desperately wanted to resolve all over the place, but not as much as he wanted to keep this game going all night. He couldn't help but be suspicious that Jessie was enjoying it as much as he was, though she did an excellent job of appearing clinical, even when she was grinding down on his legs, rubbing her tits with both hands, closing her eyes and rolling her head back toward the ceiling.

Finally, after a six and a half hour boner to end all boners, James couldn't take it any longer, and he told his sister it was time. "I can't look at any more corn," he said. She smiled at him warmly.

"Cum for me James, I want to watch you cum," she murmured, smoothly grinding down on him and running her hands all over her body. When she leaned toward him the lacy material from her thong, brushed up against his bare cock.

James brought his hand up and started stroking himself, slowly at first and then gradually faster, more urgently, all the while looking up at his beautiful sister perched above him. As the orgasm built up more and more he began to lose total control of his thoughts and physical movements, and he began gyrating hard up against her. His free hand latched on to her waist to keep her from being thrown off, and then the wave was upon him, and his entire body went into a spasm.

They say that during very traumatic moments, the passing of time can become elongated, so that a few seconds can feel like a few minutes. For James, a few seconds felt like a few hours. He saw Jessie's face contorted in passion and pleasure. He looked up and down at her beautiful body, from head to toe, taking time to admire each curve, every patch of delicious skin. He noted every color in the scene, every sound from his sister's low moans to the ticking of the clock on the wall. He felt himself completely black out, and then come to again. When he came to she was naked, impaled on his cock, thrusting spasmodically up and down on him, screaming in ecstasy. On one level he realized he was dreaming, but it seemed so real. He could see his sister's face looking down upon him, her mouth falling open in shock, her eyes getting big. Physically, every cell of his body was on fire and in motion, and it felt like his entire brain was passing down his spinal cord, down through his gut and straight out of his cock. Then he passed out again, then came to again, and she was looking at him. somehow back in her bra and panties, with a mix of concern and mirth. She was saying something but he couldn't understand it. His mind and body were complete jelly, but he could still feel his cock twitching uncontrollably.

As his brain slowly cleared, his first thought was for Jessie. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, his hands coming up to hold her lovely waist.

Relieved that her brother hadn't had a stroke, Jessie smiled and laughed. "Hell no, bro, I thought I had hurt you!"

"How long was I out?" he asked.

"Did you pass out?" she asked worriedly. "I don't think you did."

James blinked and tried to think. "That was unbelievable," he stammered.

"Yes, I would call it very unbelievable," Jessie replied, looking down at James stomach.

James followed her eyes down to his stomach, and then his eyes got big. There was a virtual lake of cum all over his stomach, rolling onto his chest. Jessie had a good bit on her as well, and her panties were a mess. In his wildest dreams, he could not have imagined that much fluid coming from one orgasm.

To his surprise, Jessie brought her hands down onto his stomach and corralled the lake, carefully spreading it over his torso so it didn't run off onto the couch. Then she leaned forward and laid down on top of him, her head on his chest, the warm, wet fluid creating a sticky bond between the two.

"Wow," she said breathlessly. "That was the best sex I ever didn't have."

They lay there for quite some time, feeling each other's breathing and heartbeats slowly return to normal, both reveling in their own thoughts. James' cock, trained so well over the past week, had never even gone soft, and was a rock hard lump between them.

After a long while, Jessie sat back up on his lap, allowing James to see her cum covered torso, which had now soaked her bra and panties. She held out a pinkie finger, and with what strength he had left he hooked her pinkie with his. The promise of this secret moment did not even need to be spoken. It may have been the most erotic thing he'd ever seen.

"Brother, I think that we have resolved the premature issue," she said, slowly rising to her feet and standing above him. "But I've created another issue."

James looked at her curiously. "What's that?" he asked.

"Well, all of my previous experiences with men have been, shall we say, less than fulfilling," she said. "I've been pretty sure for the past five years that I was a 100% lesbian."

She turned to walk away towards her room, and just as she got to the door she turned around.

"I'm not so sure about that anymore."

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RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 1 year ago
To turn a Lesbian Straight.

It is unheard of to believe a Brother could turn his Lesbian Sister straight,and get her to actually have sex with him,but ironically Jesse broke her own rule that they would not have sex.So Jesse freely disregarded her own rules and penetrated her pussy on her brothers cock.

It was basically inevitable for Jesse to remain strictly clinical watching her brother night-after-night walk around naked without being attracted to his erect cock.Hell just reading how Jesse was literally hypnotized by her brothers staff guaranteed Jesse would turn from lesbian to straight.

And her comment about how she wanted James to imagine she was his girlfriend was her way of telling James she wished she was his girlfriend and wanted him completely. Honestly I think that would be a brilliant idea and they become a brother and sister couple,but if Jesse's girlfriend comes back maybe Jesse can convince her to be in a threesome relationship with her and her brother and have lots of straight and bisexual sex between the three of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Teija psykologisisko ja minä menimme yöksi hotelliin. Huoneessa oli vain yksi sänky.

Vastaanotto oli kiimainen. Nussin siskon pillua paljaalla. Thaimaassa olimme avioparina. Rachel serkku näki meidät sängyssä ja tuli kolmen kimppaan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fucking HOT !!

Can’t wait for my resolution

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yowza !

That was incredible ! The buildup to the final encounter and explosive orgasm was nothing short of amazing. I was hard the whole time as well . Good job. Needs one more chapter. A definite 5. More please.

mfmccann1942mfmccann1942almost 8 years ago
you do a great job with this category of storywriting.

Great writing. Suspenseful build. Good character development. I encourage you to do more writing about siblings. You have a real gift.

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