Single Again Ch. 09


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"Please, most of the guys couldn't even talk to her. It was so funny."

"What else did you do?"

"We went to a spa and had some skin treatment done, then to the beauty salon for hair and makeup. Then dinner. That's where we planned the whole thing. We were talking about some of the things we had bought and I made the comment about how much fun it would be to model some of those things for you. Brandy took it to another level. I don't know how she did it but she insisted on one more stop and got me to buy the outfit you're about to see. I would never have bought something like this."

Maybe it is my heightened arousal but I could smell Tina's arousal as well. She is really enjoying this and I can't wait to see what she is hiding beneath the robe.

"I'm glad you both had a good time."

"Well, it's all thanks to you. I still don't know what you said to her, but what you said helped me have some fun with her. It means a lot that you would say those things. And this is your reward." She stands up and walks away from me a few steps. Still facing away she unties her robe. After dropping the tie she looks over her shoulder and asks, "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be." I'm almost panting in anticipation.

She slowly turns around holding the robe closed. Slowly she opens one side of the robe and then slowly opens the other side. The outfit she has on is criminal. The top layer is just about transparent and very lacy. The matching bra and panties are nothing more than small pieces of fabric coving the most intimate parts. The lower, I'm not even sure I can call them panties, fabric barely covers her pussy and leaves her entire pubic mound free. The material over her breasts is just big enough to cover her nipples, which are protruding through the material. It's so small I can almost see the edge of her puffy areola.

Tina lets the robe fall off her shoulder and she spins around. The only thing covering her ass is the translucent material of the outer layer and the strings that disappear down the crack of her ass. While looking over her shoulder she spreads her legs and then slowly bends at the waist. The material is so thin that it doesn't even cover the puffy lips of her pussy and I can see the shiny wetness of her arousal.

I moan as she reaches between her legs and moves her fingers lightly over her inner thighs. Her index fingers trace the along her puffy lips and in a move that I will dream about the rest of my life she slowly licks her sweet nectar from her finger.

Unable to control myself I crawl over to her, gently lift the light outer layer and gently lick her inner thighs. My nose rubs along her pussy followed by my tongue licking along the material currently buried in her slit. She moans as she feels my rough tough move along her pussy and I notice that she is a bit sweeter tasting than usual. She is still bent over but is now holding her ankles for support. She steps a little wider to give me better access to her pussy and I continue my oral assault on her pussy.

"I've been dripping wet since we left the store. I can't believe how aroused I got just trying this on and imagining your reaction."

Taking a break from her sweetness I ask "Is this what you imagined?"

"Yes, but it feels so much better that what was in my head. Please, don't stop. Make me cum."

The desire in her voice makes me work harder. With both hands I spread her ass and then continue to lick her slit. Her juices are running freely out of her and the buried material is soaking wet. She is so sweet tasting that I actually suck on the material.

Tina arches her back as I continue to work her towards her first orgasm of the evening. As she gets closer she starts to rock her hips. With her ass pulled apart I do something I've never done before. I start at her clit and after a prolonged lick move my way down her pussy and then up towards her ass. I've never licked someones ass but I am so aroused that I just have to try it. As my tongue makes contact with her little rosebud she moans and pushes back against me. I am happy to find that she tastes just as sweet back here as her pussy does.

With my face buried in her ass I move a hand to play with her clit. I move the string of her thong out of the way and push my tongue against her anus. Tina moans loudly and pushes back against me. When my tongue pushes through the tight ring of her ass Tina screams as her orgasm crashes through her. My hand between her legs is instantly soaked with her cum and she has to reach forward to keep from falling over.

She has another huge spasm as I continue my oral assault on her ass and then a third, even more powerful one. After the third spasm her legs give out and she falls to her knees, pulling her ass away from me. Before I can move she spins around and jumps on top of me, knocking me to the ground. She is almost crazed as she unsnaps my pants and in one motion pulls both my pants and underwear from my body.

She engulfs my cock with her mouth, but only long enough to get it nice and moist. As soon as she is satisfied she climbs up my body, takes my cock and points it towards her pussy. With her free hand she moves the material over her crotch to the side and in one swift motion drops her body on top of mine, piercing her pussy with my hard as diamonds rod.

"Oh fuck," she screams as her pussy clamps itself around my cock. She has another powerful orgasm before she starts to ride me. I pull her down on top of me, reach around and grab her ass so that I can thrust up into her. In my already aroused state it doesn't take me long before I'm pumping a huge load of cum into her pussy.

I continue to thrust as I flood her pussy with possibly the biggest load of cum I've ever unleashed. It feels like my orgasm goes on forever. Through the pounding in my ears I hear Tina scream again as another orgasm overtakes her. My hands have her ass in a vice-like grip and I continue to pound her from beneath.

Finally we both calm down. I stop thrusting and let go of her ass. Tina doesn't move as she lies on top of me. I can feel her heart beating through her chest and realize mine is pumping just as hard as hers is. I hug her against me and caress her long hair till we both recover enough to move.

Somehow I am still hard inside of her but she doesn't move for a long time. "Are you ok?" I ask slightly concerned.

"I've never been better," she responds quietly. "I just don't think I can move yet" She turns her head and we kiss. "My limbs feel like jello. I've never had an orgasm like that. Actually, I think it was several, just all on top of one another."

We kiss some more and she finally moves to get up. By now my cock has deflated and easily slips out of her. She stands up on wobbly legs and looks down at us. The carpet below me is soaking wet as are my legs and crotch. Her outfit is a mess. The bottoms are soaked through and the top has come off of her tits.

"I guess I won't need this anymore tonight, can you help me off with it?"

I stand up and have a bit of a head rush. I grab onto the wall to steady myself. "That was one incredible ride. I'm a bit dizzy myself."

She just smiles at me till I get my balance.

"OK, I'm better. My god your incredible." Her smile just gets bigger as she waits for me to remove her lingerie. "That was so damn sexy I just lost control."

"When you stuck your tongue in my ass I lost it."

"Was that planned?"

"Yes. I made sure I cleaned myself just before I came over."

"I could tell. You must have used the same stuff all over."

"I did. Did you like it?"

"Holy shit, are you kidding? Did you feel how hard I came? That was completely intense."

Once I had the lingerie removed she wraps herself around me and holds me tight. "Well, that was round four. What did you think?" I have no response and she just laughs. "You don't have to answer. I can feel your cum running down my leg. That's answer enough."

"You're becoming quite the dirty little girl."

"I know, and I'm liking it. Can we take a quick shower though?"

"Sure, I'll get this tomorrow."

I lead her to the bathroom where we gently wash each other. "I have one thing to do, so I'll meet you in bed."

I kiss her and leave her alone. A few minutes later she joins me in bed. After such a powerful orgasm, I am content to just lay with her snuggled against me.

"So, any other surprises for me?"

"Does it surprise you that your work isn't done for the night?"

"Not at all and I'm looking forward to the next round."

"Good. I've been thinking about this all afternoon. That orgasm was exactly what I needed, but now I need one other thing."

"What's that?"

"Make love to me. Nice, sweet gentle love."

I kiss her gently on the lips. "Whatever you want."

"Just lay here with me for a few minutes. I want you to hold me." I'm starting to wonder what she has in mind or what she's thinking. "You're probably a little freaked out right now."

"Are you psychic too?"

"I felt you tense up a bit. Relax, I'm not falling in love with you, at least not in the sense of relationships. While I was having lunch with Brandy I saw a couple about my age and I watched them for a while. They were very good together. Now of course that's just an observation during a thirty minute lunch. For all I know, they may not even be married to each other. I hope they are, but these days, who knows. Anyway, I realized that is what I want from a relationship on top of the awesome sex. With you, I have the awesome sex, but I don't have the other thing. And don't try and tell you can give it to me because you can't. You do realize I'll be fifty in less than two years?"

I sat up and stared at her. "Fifty, I thought you were about forty three."

"Seriously? Do I really look that old?"

"No, you look like your daughter, just a couple of years older. Most of those guys you saw were probably thinking you were sisters, not mother daughter."

"Really? You think I look like I'm in my twenties?"

"Uh, yeah. You've got the body of a twenty five year old and your skin is flawless. And I've seen you without makeup and clothes."

"Huh, well isn't that something. But then I would have been eighteen when I had my son and not twenty three."

"Hold on, I thought Brandy was the oldest."

"No, my son is. Why did you think that?"

"That's what you told me when we first met."

"Oh, my mistake. No, I'm forty eight. I'll be forty nine this summer."

"Damn, I hope my next wife looks half as good as you when she's close to fifty."

Tina stares at me and then starts laughing. "Men are so fucking dense sometimes."

"What'd I miss?"

"You are surrounded by good looking woman all the time. First Judy and that strange woman who used to come by here during the week."

"Mandy? I haven't seen her her months although she did just call to go on a date."

"Are you going?"

"Not yet. She wanted to go Friday but I'm busy."

"And your booked Saturday?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Should have known. There's one other girl you're not thinking about."

"Not really. You already mentioned Judy and that ship has sailed."

"How do you know?"

"She doesn't live here anymore."

"You know, there is this new invention. Been around for a hundred years or so. It's changed a bit but still works pretty much the same way."

"Smart ass. We decided to cut loose. There's no way we could have made it work. Not with the intensity that we had."

"Well, that's true. I didn't think you'd make it past a month but you blew through that pretty easily. There is one other person and I know for sure she's in desperate love with you."

Click, click. "You can't be talking about Brandy."

"Don't argue with me. She told me at dinner tonight."

"Tina, there is no way in hell I'm going to date your daughter after what we have. It just wouldn't work."

"It will make holiday dinners and birthdays interesting but don't hold back because of me. Besides, you have a few months to toy with the idea. She'll be back in school right after Christmas to be with her friends. But she'll be home in May."

"Not going to happen."

"Don't be so sure. It took a lot for her to admit that to me and after struggling with it I realize it would be perfect. I love these nights with you, but that's all they are. Sooner than later things will change and I'll need to slow down."

I don't mean to do it but I laugh out loud. "Yeah, right. I don't see that happening."

"Well, whether it does or doesn't, I've been thinking of trying to meet someone my own age with similar interests. Tonight is going to be our last night together for a while. I'm going to give Brandy the all clear and she's going to rock your world because I'm going to help her. Then she'll be off to school for a few months. I've got it all planned out."

"Except the part where I don't go along with said plan."

She smiles at me and pats my cheek. "I saw you looking at her. And you said so yourself, she's got a good head on her shoulders. She really does. She's got her life planned out in front of her and I like it."

"And she's aware of this?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to you. I'll let her make the decision to pursue you and if she decides to do it than I'll be completely behind her. I know what kind of guy your are and you more than meet my approval for her. Please don't fight it."

I just stare at her as she gets out of bed and grabs her bag. She pulls out a shirt and sweats and gets dressed. "Where are you going?"


"What happened to one last time?"

"The mood has changed."

I'm speechless as she gathers her things. She gives me one last kiss and leaves. I hear her move around the den, probably getting her things.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask Pup a few hours later. It's after midnight and I'm sitting on the back deck, half a bottle of Jack Daniels is gone. Pup has been listening to me for the past half hour but hasn't given a bit of advice. "One minute I'm enjoying the most intense sex of my life and the next I'm alone in bed wondering what happened. And it wasn't even anything I said. She did all the talking." Pup looks at me but still doesn't say anything.

"Go back to sleep. I'll wake you if anything good happens." I look over at Tina's house and see the bedroom light is still on. I've probably looked over there about thirty times since I came outside. "I have half a mind to go over there. But that's the problem, the other half of my mind is pretty wasted."

"You know, someone walking by might think you are crazy."

"Shit, don't do that." At first I think it's Tina but then realize it's actually Brandy. "Some watch dog you are," I say to Pup. He doesn't even look a little guilty.

"Mind if I join you?"

"No, help yourself, but I don't think I'm going to be much fun right now."

"My mom told me what happened."

"Great, and you're here to yell at me?" Brandy doesn't answer and I realize I'm being a jerk. "Sorry, not really a good night. How about you? How was your night out?"

"Not as interesting as your I see." She holds the bottle up. "Was this full at some point tonight?"

"Maybe. I don't think I broke the seal, but it was pretty close."

"Mind if I have some?"

"Go ahead. Do you know where the glasses are?"

"Tell me."

"In the door, through the kitchen to the dining room there is a bar. Help yourself. I'm not sure I can walk straight right now."

Brandy chuckles and goes into the house. A few minutes later she's back out with a glass and some ice. She pours herself a small glass of the whiskey and sits down, this time on the opposite side of the table from me.

"How do you drink this stuff?"

"Too strong for you?"


"I'm just going to apologize to you now for being a jerk."

"You're not being a jerk."

"Well, I might be at some point and I want to apologize now in case I don't realize it later."

"Is this because of my mom?"

"Not really. Just been a shitty few months and tonight didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would."

"So you're going to be a jerk to me because of my mom?"

"No, that's why I already apologized. I don't want to be a jerk to you, but it may happen."

"Hm, I see. Are you going to be around tomorrow?"

"Probably most of the day. I'm supposed to play poker tomorrow night, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen."

"If I tell you something do you think you'll remember it tomorrow?"

"I'm not that drunk. Just enough to possibly be a jerk."

"Why do I feel like I'm making a big mistake?"

"Take another sip and you'll feel a lot better." She shakes her head and takes another sip of her drink. She definitely doesn't like whiskey. "I've got wine if you'd rather have that."

"No, I'm good. I know what my mother told you. I'm not very happy with her about it. I can only guess what else she told you. Don't speak." I shut my mouth before I can say anything stupid. "What I told her was supposed to stay between me and her but for some reason she decided to share it with you. Yes, I have the hots for you."

"She used a different word."

"Shut up. I know what she said, I'm paraphrasing and since the cat is already out of the bag, yes, I'm in love with you. Although I'm beginning to wonder why right about now." That somehow sobers me up. "I said shut up. You have me at a disadvantage and I don't like it. I'm pretty sure my mom screwed up when she told me that she told you. I leave for school in just over a week to spend time with my friends before my last semester of college. This was not supposed to happen like this. I was supposed to go back to school and have fun before I had to face the real world and now I have to deal with feelings for someone that isn't going to return them."

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions"

"Please don't. This is hard enough. Maybe a few months apart will straighten some things out but I'm really unhappy about all of this. My plan was to wait for my mom to move on and then approach you, but that's been ruined." She is starting to cry now and I desperately want to hold her but I know that would be a bad idea. "I'll see you tomorrow."

She quickly finishes her glasses and starts to leave. Before she gets to the gate I grab her arm. She doesn't turn around but I can tell she is sobbing now. "Call me tomorrow, just not too early." Brandy jerks her arm out of my grasp and takes a step through the gate. I just barely react in time to her hand coming at my face. We both look at her hand and then she is in my arms.

We stand like that for a long time as she cries into my chest. I stroke her long hair till she settles down. "Do you think you'll be awake before lunch?"

"Probably. I do have a job you know." She looks me in the eyes and I see her raw emotions. Without another word she turns and walks home. I watch to make sure she gets there and without looking up she enters the house.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask Pup. Still nothing. "I'm going to bed."

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redone6566redone6566over 8 years ago
missing woman

where is heather the real estate lady? don't think I've read about her since chap 4 or 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

One of the bests histories I have read.

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