Sister Cities Ch. 05


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Taking a deep breath Sarai said, "Tell me I'm not just a duty to him."

Madigan rolled her eyes. "Woman I tell you he's ready for YOU." She let out a puff of air and exchanged a look with Leona before continuing, "Normally I would not pass on a confidence someone else told me, but it seems you need this. Jaspar wanted to do this and not just for the education advance. He told me on his entrance exam that he was hoping for a woman that looked older and so would have a bigger change. His heart is so loving and so giving that he wanted a woman with whom he could make a real difference. It's another reason why he was picked for you. You two are perfect for each other."

"But..." Sarai started again.

Leona interjected, "No more buts." She gave a quirky smile, "Not even butt play is allowed until after your change. Gotta put the goods where it needs to go."

Madigan erupted in laughter and Sarai blushed scarlet. "Come, girl, let's get this done," Madigan pulled Sarai to the bed to begin her exam. Once completed she reminded Sarai, "I'll be out in the hall. There has never been a problem with any woman's change since I came on board. But, with your health being a little shaky, do not hesitate to call out or send Jaspar to get me. If you'd feel better I can stay?"

Sarai was shaking her head no before her mouth even got open, "an exam is one thing. Watching me? Oh no. No, no, no."

Leona pulled her in for a hug and then left the room, tossing out over her shoulder, "I'll go get Jaspar."

Madigan pointed to the hallway, "I'll be on the couch. Do not hesitate," with a final warning glare, she left the room as well.

Left alone, Sarai ran a hand over her plump hips and soft slightly sagging belly. A look in the mirror showed her hair that had gone gray early and stormy gray eyes. She was just gray and felt like that could apply to her life as well as her looks. The last time her life had color was when she had been holding her baby boy. She may never have another baby to hold, but maybe, just maybe, she could find a man to love her and bring color back to her.

The door swung open and a tall young man stepped through. Sparkling green eyes and tumbled brown curls topped a body lean and strong. When he found her, he gave a big smile that had her heart jumping in her chest. "Miss Sarai, hello," his voice was warm and filled with enthusiasm.

She gave a trembling smile and tried to greet him back, but felt like her jaw had simply locked up and wouldn't work.

Jaspar could easily read her fear and nerves. "Oh hey, it'll be okay." He approached her slowly, holding out his arms. "How about a hug? Just a simple hug."

Sarai gave a jerky nod and nearly fell into his open arms. He gathered her close, strong and steady and just held her against him. She breathed in his clean scent and slowly relaxed, snuggling into him just a little.

"No rushing here. No pushing. We go at your pace," he whispered quietly.

After a bit Sarai pulled back, she tried to smile and meant to say something nice, but what fell from her lips was, "I'm fat." Her eyes went huge at the horror of what she'd just said.

Jaspar shook his head and then looked around the room. Spotting a couch, he nodded to is and taking her hand, pulled her over to sit. He settled them in, sitting close to her but not close enough to crowd her. Turning to face her, he took her hands in his, "I believe in honesty. Okay?"

She nodded, feeling the sting of tears behind her eyes.

"Are you shaped like the woman who has already changed? No. Were they shaped like they are now before they changed? No. Isn't that just one of the points of doing this? Those marks have gifted you with another chance, a way to change and start over. That's what we're doing here today. We are giving you a second chance. Do I care that your body isn't perfect? No. Because I know what I'm doing, I know what we're doing. This is how it's supposed to be."

Sarai tilted her head to the side in confusion, "Supposed to be?"

Jaspar smiled, "Think about it. If you were perfect if you had a perfect life, would we be sitting here now?"

Understanding bloomed inside her. She started to speak but Jaspar placed a finger over her lips.

"I think you're fine. Mistress Madigan told me about your health issues and told me what you need from me. I'm ready to give you what you need. I don't care at all what you think about your body now," he shrugged, "I want to know what you look like after and I hope that it's all you've ever dreamed of." He moved his finger off her lips and stroked along her cheek.

Butterflies fluttered in her belly at his touch. Sarai nodded. "I've only ever been with my husband and that was a long time ago, but I'm ready to be new again."

With a soft chuckle, he leaned toward her and whispered, "Then let's be virgins together, huh?" Shifting, Jaspar pulled her closer and gently kissed her. Soft and exploring, he waited until she opened for him before dipping in to taste. She met him with a tentative touch of her own.

Slowly and softly, gently, they moved together. When he began to pull at her robe and Sarai tense, he slowed down and they just kissed some more. Lips and tongues touching and tasting, exploring and feeling a slow build of heat between them. When Jaspar finally opened her robe and cupped her small breast, she moaned and felt the heat down low.

Wanting to feel more, she shoved his soft shirt up and he quickly pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. Jaspar gripped her plump thigh and pulled her to straddle over him. She hesitated only a moment before moving over him. Pressing her bare chest against his, she reveled in the feeling of warm firm skin against her own.

Jaspar shifted his hips and she felt his hard erection pressing against her soft core. Amazement flitted through her that she, a gray old woman could cause such a reaction out of a young man gave way to a feeling of empowerment. Her rocky past faded away as new feelings rushed in. She began to rock against him, arching a bit to rub her clit over that iron rod throbbing under her.

With a gasp, Jaspar pulled back from their heated kisses. "Oh god, this is way more intense than I thought it would be. Damn that feels good." His hips jerked uncontrollably and he lifted her a bit to shove down his pants. Once his cock bobbed free, he gave it a fast stroke before pulling her close again.

As his lips closed around her plump nipple, his fingers stroked into her wetness. He moaned, his breathing fast and labored. Sliding through her dripping pussy, he gently pushed a finger inside and then gave a soft whimper.

Sarai's head fell back on her shoulders. She felt hot, wet and ready after only kissing him. Never had she responded this fast. Her pussy clenched around his finger, wanting more, wanting cock. Her juices coated him. "Now," she whispered hoarsely. "Please, now."

Happy and eager to oblige, Jaspar carefully lined up to her and she sank slowly down onto him. He filled her, stretched her so that she felt a pinch of pain. But her greedy pussy wanted more. Having been denied for nearly twenty years, it was sucking him, ready for a pounding.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Jaspar breathed, "so tight, so fucking tight. This is way more, way too much. I can't... I can't hold it."

At his words, Sarai jerked up, pulling off him quickly. Once free, he gave a strangled groan and Sarai immediately felt empty. She took his face in her hands and forced him to meet her gaze. "You will hold on. You will do this," she demanded.

He gave a jerky nod. He was sweating and breathing fast, his teeth clenched to hold back his orgasm. She took his hand, and place it on her slick folds, guiding his finger to her clit. He began to rub and circle, and Sarai hummed in pleasure.

Soon she was close to the edge and meeting his gaze, reached down to clasp his cock. Giving him a slow stroke she pushed his bulging tip inside and then sank down once more. He hissed in a breath and said, "You are so fucking tight. Feels so damn good."

Rocking her hips, she began to ride. When his hands moved to her hips to help guide her, she slipped a finger down to her clit. Moving slow, waiting and watching his face, she rode him while she stroked herself. When his body tightened and he gave a harsh groan, she flicked her clit hard and together, they rode the wave that took them.

When her pussy clenched tight in spasms, her body convulsed in pleasure. Jaspar shouted and with a hard jerk of his hips, began spewing his hot load inside her. They clung to each other, hot and weak as their bodies pulsed in ecstasy.

Sarai let her head drop onto his shoulder, "That was amazing," she whispered.

"I'm sorry," he whispered back.

Leaning back to see his face she frowned, "Sorry for what?"

"I couldn't hold out. Your pussy is just so goddamn tight. I wasn't expecting that."

A surprised giggle escaped her, "Well what were you expecting?"

Jaspar rubbed a hand over his face, "The guys said it was like putting on a hot, wet glove. But a glove doesn't fit like that! It was like you grabbed me and squeezed the hell outta me."

Still sitting with him deep inside her Sarai wasn't sure how to respond. "Should I be the one apologizing?"

"Oh hell no!" Jaspar exclaimed. "I just really want to do it again with you and I'm not sure how to ask that because you won't need me again."

Leaning down to give him a soft kiss she said, "I'm sure we can do it again. Maybe even more than once."

A smile crept across Jaspar's lips, "Really?"

Before she could answer though, her body gave a hard cramp. Jaspar gave a wild cry and pulled her off him. She dropped down onto the couch next to him but before she could say or do anything, her body began to seize. She never heard Jaspar yelling for help and never felt the hands that pulled her onto the floor.

It was hours later when she woke in the university hospital. Looking around in confusion, she found Matron Leona sitting in a chair nearby. Lifting a hand to exam the IV needle there caused Leona to note that she was awake and called for Madigan.

Madigan swept into the curtained cubicle, her eyes full of worry. "Sarai, how are you feeling?"

Blinking a few times, Sarai took stock. There were no aches, no pains, no lingering of the fatigue that had plagued her for months. She was fine. "I'm okay. Why am I here? What happened?"

Madigan began to examine her, speaking as she went, "You had a full seizure. Scared the hell out of Jaspar." She took a moment to look into Sarai's eyes, "Scared me too. This is a first for the change."

"But did I change?" Sarai asked.

Leona stood beside the bed and pulled the neck of Sarai's hospital gown out and pointed down the front. Sarai looked down at what she could see of her naked body. Her breasts were still small, but now the high perky round of her youth. Her stomach was flat, and while she couldn't see very well that far from her position, her hips looked curved but womanly, not plump. Looking up, she found Leona holding a hand mirror.

Sarai stared in shock. Light blond hair, nearly white in color fell around her shoulders. She hadn't seen that color since she was a young child. Once gray eyes were now rimmed with blue and sparkled with new life. Plump, full lips smiled hesitantly at the strange face she now wore.

Madigan stepped back and said, "You appear perfectly normal. Lab results show no trace of illness, your heart sounds fine. I can only assume that your change was so hard because of the illness. Now I know and if this happens again, don't care what she says, I or a doctor will be in attendance at that change." Her voice was firm even as her eyes softened in happiness for Sarai.

"Is Jaspar okay?" she asked.

Leona stepped outside and waved to someone there. Jaspar cautiously stepped into the room and stopped to stare at the woman in the bed. As the other women left with quick squeezes of her hands, he approached the bed.

"Wow. You're beautiful. I mean you were before but now... wow." His gaze roamed over her face.

"I'm sorry I scared you," she said.

"I'm just happy you're okay."

Taking his hand in hers she smiled, "Very okay. Just let me get out of here and we can have our second round. If you still want."

Relief filled his eyes and he propped a hip on the side of the bed, "Oh yes I want. Very much."

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PinkIrisPinkIrisabout 4 years agoAuthor

Hey guys, I skimmed through this and it doesn't have the edits that my editor did. Evidently, I uploaded the wrong copy. I hope it's not too horrible and please forgive any mistakes here. Props to Charrla even if her assistance didn't make the cut cuz I oopsed. (picture me totally slapping my hand to my forehead)

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