Sister-in-law Fills In


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Could it be? Surely not, she seemed so against it.

[Author's warning: I understand that some readers of Mature stories might have a distaste for Anal stories. The subject matter of this final chapter is primarily anal. So, you decide if you prefer to cease reading this story at this point or read on to the end after Janice experiments with Anal.]

Chapter Eight

"I heard Carol tell you there was a treat, Peter. I'm your treat, as I have been for nine weeks, and you mine. But tonight, so is my arse. Carol told me to tell you to pick up the tube and smother your ... err ... your penis with the gel and then she said that you'll know how much to put on and in my bum."

"But Janice, you told me that you'd never do anal, and that you never have."

"It's true that I never have but my sister has convinced me I should try it just once in my life. Her advice too was that she recommends you as the expert. She said you would do it gently and not hurt me ... or at least not hurt me much."

"Wow!" I never expected this. Oh my god! Are you sure, Janice?"

"Don't give me any reason to have doubts, Peter, because I'm not sure. I still can't believe I said yes to her. But Carol said I must not miss out on trying it once; she says you're the best there is, so go for it, honey. My bum is all yours tonight."

My cock that has been up and down in stiffness for most of the afternoon, has suddenly reached its maximum stiffness, poking at my towel to be released in between the cheeks that I stare at in wonder and awe.

"Carol's been at me since Sunday to do this and when I eventually gave in to her constant nagging, she suggested I come over early and she'd open a bottle of wine. She said a few glasses would make me a bit more receptive to you putting your ... um ... your, err, your cock into my arse, Peter. But I didn't get here as early as she wanted me to, so I've only had two glasses and I'm not floating quite the way Carol is."

"Yes, I haven't seen her that drunk in many years."

"As I said, she got a head start on me."

"Would you like me to go to the kitchen and get another bottle before we start?"

"No, I am actually quite relaxed laying here naked. Oh, how you have changed me over these past nine weeks. That isn't a bad thing, Peter ... you've brought my body back to life. I never thought I'd ever lay so wantonly displayed to any man, and invite him to use my arse for his pleasure. I know I never would have to Vic, because he only ever wanted to have sex in my vagina. Carol has told me often in recent weeks how much you like doing it in ... umm, err, from behind."

"She seems to like it as much as I do, Janice. I wouldn't go there with her if she didn't want me to, and it will be the same for you. If you really don't like it, just tell me and I'll stop."

"Yes, she has told me how much she likes it. Even described in graphic detail what I can expect to feel. She advised me to go to the toilet if I could before coming here. I'm fortunate that my movements are quite regular, so I had no trouble with that. I pooped about midday."

"That's great, honey, and it does help. Leaves plenty of room for my cock to fill your anus and rectum."

"I think I'd prefer not to talk about that aspect, Peter. Do you want to just go ahead and do it ... now? Before I chicken out."

"Yeah, sure! You don't want to start with normal sex before I go anal?"

"No, I'm still quite scared so I'd rather just get it over and done with. I've thought of little else for most of the day."

"Ok! I'll just spread some of this KY then." I pick up the tube, remove the cap and squeeze out a large glob and lather it up and down, all around the shaft and head of my cock. I kneel on the bed and crawl across to where she lays on her stomach, her face turned away from me. I place both hands on her thighs and move her legs wider apart, causing her cheeks to separate and I get to look down on her tight crinkly little anal ring, through which I will shortly push my cock.

I squeeze out another glob of KY onto two of my fingertips and press them onto her tiny little pucker. Janice gasps, either from not expecting my fingers yet or because the gel is cold. My fingers circle the ring a few times, giving it a coating of the lube. I apply pressure with my index finger, and I watch in awe as that finger disappears inside Janice's arse to the first knuckle. I hear her draw a deep intake of breath.

"Just my finger for now, Janice ... nothing larger," I tell her, ensuring I don't spring any sudden surprises on her. "When you are comfortable with one finger, I'll add a second."

"Oh ... ok. Thank you for telling me what you're doing. That's good, keep doing that please, especially tell me when you're about to put your penis ... err ... cock in."

"Of course, I will, honey." I continue to move that one finger around inside her arse. As she relaxes her sphincter more, I begin to swirl my finger around inside her anus. My cock is so hard that the taut skin is almost painful. You could say that I am aching to get my hard cock deep inside that sweet arse.

Janice even makes little cooing sounds giving me the impression that it feels good for her ... or at least better than she may have expected. I push a second finger in alongside the first and she gives a little grunt but doesn't object. Her legs are still widely spread the way I placed them. I move my legs to kneel between her knees. Reluctantly, I withdraw my two fingers from out of her rectum.

With both hands again free, I place them on the outside of each hip, lifting her lower torso up off the bed, forcing her to bring her knees up underneath her. She supports herself on hands and lower legs. "Don't forget, you have to tell me to tell me", she says nervously, a tremor in her voice.

"I'll tell you when," I again reassure her. Now that she is on all fours, as the saying goes, I use one hand to bring the tip of my erection in between her cheeks. I slide it up and down within her arse cleavage, pausing each time the head rubs over her tiny pucker.

"Oh, my god!" she mutters anxiously.

"I'm just getting you used to the feel of my thickness right there," I explain as I feel the round head of my erect cock slot into her lubed tight little anal ring. "Oh fuck, so fucking good. Oh Janice, thanks for saying yes. Now, honey, try not to tense up, that's the worst thing you could do. Just try to relax everything back here ... I'm coming in."

"Oh god, no," a panic in her voice now. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Honey, don't you dare stop me now," I urge as I begin to exert pressure at where my erection sits cosily at her anal opening. I watch her anus completely swallow up the head of my cock. What a great and inspiring sight! Feels great too!

"Oh god! Oh god! No ... no!"

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask hesitantly, fearful of her answer.

"No ... not yet," she whispers back to me, "it does hurt though."

"Do you really mean hurting, honey, are you talking actual pain, because Carol describes it as merely discomfort."

She offers no response for a moment ... possibly assessing my suggestion. I pause in applying pressure for a moment, allowing Janice to catch her breath. "No, you're right, Peter, and Carol's right too. It's really only discomfort, that's all."

"Wonderful," I tell my sister-in-law as I push my hips at her torso once more and I feel another inch of my hard-on tightly captured within her anus.

"Oh, my god!"

I take her latest exclamation as simply that. Not a judgement, nor a protest. So, I push a bit firmer and watch as another inch burrows inside her anus.

"Oh! Peter, can you stop for a moment?"

I do as she asks, taking time to relish the tight grip her anus has on my erection. I reflect on how long t's been since Carol and I did this. What a wife I have? I am so thrilled that Carol thought of persuading her sister to let me into her virgin arse.

"Is there much more, Peter?"

"Could be two inches, honey."

"Oh, no, the way it feels ... I mean so full, I was certain I had it all by now."

"I tell you what, let's start fucking with what I already have inside you and then, as you become accustomed to that, I'll go just a little deeper on each stroke. Okay?"

"If you think that's best. I'd be happy with what I've got so far."

"No, Janice, you've come this far, you can't give up now. You have to take all of me for the full anal experience."

She has no answer; the silence in the bedroom broken only by her long deep sighs as I unhurriedly withdraw the gains made and then gently and ever so slowly push my erection back up inside her. I begin to develop a gradual, gentle rhythm in and out of her tight arse. Janice seems to resign herself to letting me do what I want inside her body. She grunts loudly on each inward stroke but makes no request to have me stop or even pause.

Then, a breakthrough. I watch and feel my sister-in-law actually push her arse back toward me on every forward thrust I make, enveloping my erection inside her arse on every stroke. So tight, so hot!

Oh yes, really feeling good now as I anally fuck Janice. I haven't cum for three days/nights, Carol having given me an incomplete blow job on Monday and telling me I would have to wait - on edge - until tonight for completion. So, I am so ready to blow my load, launching my cum deep into Janice's rectum. Oh yes, any second now ... I quicken the strokes. I love that Janice is fully participating, pushing back firmly on every stroke.

"Oh fuck! Janice, I'm gonna cum! Oh yes!" I push hard on the last stroke needed and I feel a long moment of suspension, like time stands still, before my hard cock begins to spasm inside Janice's tight arse. I look down and can't see any part of my cock, it's totally buried deep inside her arse as it jerks and spews my cum into a place Janice has never before felt a man's cum.

Her body collapses beneath me, her knees unable to support us both. Our coupled bodies crash forward, tightening even more her arse's grip on my bursting cock.

We lay there for a long time, the weight of my body on her back, both breathing heavily. My face is against her hair. I move my lips to her ear and whisper, "I better get off you so you can breathe again."

"No, don't move yet, Peter. I like feeling the warmth of your body. It's like your final possession of me, I never expected to say this, but I even like that I have you inside yet another part of me."

"So, how did it go, honey?"

"Better than I could ever have expected, I am glad that I let Carol persuade me to try it with you. I don't know that I'd ever do it again, but at least now I can satisfy myself that I know what it feels like."

"You probably didn't cum, honey, so I'll get up and go take another shower, just to get my cock clean so I don't carry any faecal matter into your vagina."

"I'll come with you. Everything we do is going to be our last tonight. Our last shower together and then once you've recovered, Peter, we'll have our last fuck together. Is that good, Peter, do you like me saying that to you? Our last fuck together ... our last fuck."

"I don't like that it will be our last fuck ever, but I do like that you have come so far in these nine weeks that you can actually say the word now. It is only a word."

"Fuck ... fuck ... fuck ... fuck! Happy, Peter?"

"Yes, deliriously happy, Janice. Come on, let's go take that shower."

It becomes quite a long shower. Janice has first use of the soap and spends an incredibly long time lathering up my cock and her soft hands manipulate it in such a way that it responds quite quickly. Having cum only once since Sunday, it responds well. I insert it in her natural pleasure passage, and we fuck long enough standing up under the warm water for her to cum once.

Satisfied that she has had at least one orgasm tonight, I turn off the water and grab a towel to pat dry her naked body. Then she reciprocates and we return to bed. We fuck some more, and she manages to orgasm twice before I give in and cum again.

We drop asleep but at sometime in the middle of the night, I am jolted awake by a light switched on and movement in the room. I see Janice sitting on the side of the bed buttoning her blouse. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Home, Peter, our time is up, we've had a wonderful adventure together, thanks to Carol."

"No, don't go, we're not done yet. You don't have to leave until morning."

"Peter, I only stayed overnight back when Carol was in the hospital. Ever since, when you've been coming to my house for the Wednesday evening sessions, we never go beyond midnight. I always ensure I send you home to Carol."

"But honey, tonight is special because it's our last night together. I'm not done yet and I'm sure you'd enjoy some more."

"Oh, I'd love to, but with my sister in the next room, I feel we should call it quits now."

"Honey, you saw how much wine she had. Carol is dead to the world, she won't wake until after nine. Come on, come back to bed, I've got at least one more fuck in me and you know what that means ... several more orgasms for Janice, that's what."

Janice sits on the side of the bed, staring at me, her fingers still at the buttons on her blouse. She appears to be pondering whether my suggestion is plausible. Then, she begins to unbutton what she had just secured, and the blouse comes off. She stands to remove the bra and drop her panties to around her ankles. She is again naked to my gaze.

"Well, since you put it like that, Peter how could any woman resist," Janice says as she climbs back into bed alongside me. With no urgency for me to cum again ... in fact, even a doubt whether I can muster up enough semen to do so, we embark on our longest fuck of the whole nine weeks and when we are all done at 2 a.m., she tells me she is totally fulfilled, having enjoyed four more raging orgasms.

One week later, Carol and I take Janice out to dinner and invite along a male friend of mine, also widowed within the last twelve months. The pair hit it off remarkably well and go out again together for dinner and a movie two nights later. Carol tells me when Janice reveals that she has been to bed with my buddy. The future looks promising for both of them.

As for me, Carol and I are harmoniously back to our hot sex life, although I do have some wonderful memories of an amazing very sexual two months with my sister-in-law, courtesy of my wonderful wife.

The End

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
hornyolderwomanhornyolderwoman3 days ago

Beautifully written and very believable hot characters. 🔥

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Nicely done, there was a sense of love in this the way you wrote it, not just people fucking.

You set the characters up and the descriptions very well.

freakersball1988freakersball19887 months ago

Good to see you writing again.

RykolinRykolin7 months ago

Thanks for a great story, I found the dialogue added to the story and made it far more realistic. As a personal preference I was hoping for a threesome ending with the two sisters. Once again thank you.

Crusader235Crusader2357 months ago

Welcome back Bopper, and thank you for this great story. Five stars!

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