Slavegirl Auction


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Krissy had continued her impromptu striptease, turning her back to the audience, and then very slowly and deliberately gripping the sides of her thong panties, wiggling her butt seductively, and then sliding the panties down over her legs, leaving her gorgeous ass and legs now on full display as she posed completely nude before them.

"Krissy, you really deserve a spanking for this," Joyce laughingly scolded her before continuing to take bids. "And whoever wins this beautiful girl here tonight is encouraged to give her exactly that... we have nine-hundred dollars bid... A THOUSAND... one-thousand, one-hundred... twelve hundred... thirteen, no fourteen... FIFTEEN-hundred, are you sure? Seventeen hundred to the women in the green sweatshirt... eighteen-hundred to the woman in the back... nineteen-hundred... nineteen-fifty... wow, TWO THOUSAND!!!"

Krissy, totally nude, had gotten down onto her hands and knees, giving her very appreciative audience a side-profile view of her gorgeous, glistening body. She slowly lowered her head and arched her back to show off the delightful curves of her ass and at the same time allowing the bidders an excellent view of the fullness of her perky, well-formed breasts.

"Is is getting hot in here or is it just me?" Joyce asked, continuing to call out bids. "Do I hear twenty-one hundred? Anyone? Anyone? YES! We now have a bid for twenty-one hundred dollars for this gorgeous slavegirl... How about twenty-two? What's that? Twenty-five? Thank you, ma'am! TWENTY-FIVE hundred dollars bid by the lady in the green sweatshirt! Anymore? Anyone willing to go higher than twenty-five hundred? No? Then SOLD to the lovely woman wearing the green sweatshirt!"

That woman was Krissy's Aunt Amanda!

There was an enormous round of applause in the room as the crowd cheered the sale of the beautiful blonde freshman girl to the tall, fortyish woman with sort brown hair in the green sweatshirt.

"Come on up here, dear lady, and claim your prize," Joyce said. "What is your name, madam?"

The applause continued as Amanda stepped up onto the platform and before replying to Joyce she instead pulled the kneeling blonde to her feet, and then to loud applause she kissed the girl squarely on her lips.

"Congratulations," Joyce said, and then as the kiss continued for several more seconds, joked, "Excuse us, but this is a public place!"

Inwardly Joyce was overjoyed at how much money Sigma Kappa had taken in tonight, thanks mostly to pretty Krissy Kessler going for a record $2,500! "What is your name, madam?"

"Amanda Morton," came the reply at last. "Some of you know me. I own and operate the Morton Female Fitness Centers here and upstate. I even recognize a few of my customers! Hello, Martha!"

There was a further smattering of applause.

"In any case, I'd like to thank the girls of Sigma Kappa for their work here tonight helping our community, as I'm sure everyone here who purchased one of these lovely slavegirls will agree."

"Thank you, Ms. Morton," Joyce responded, amidst more applause. "We appreciate your generosity and certainly hope you all enjoy your purchases. And be sure to come back again next year!"

As Joyce finished speaking Amanda turned Krissy around and slapped her loudly and firmly on her pretty butt! Once more the room erupted in cheering.

"Once we have your check, Ms. Morton, your pretty nude slavegirl will be all yours to take home and spank all you want," Joyce laughed. "And she's not due back until Sunday night!"

The applause died down as the various women collected their newly purchased girls and began slowly making their way towards the front door and to their cars parked outside.

Meanwhile pretty blonde Krissy Kessler was flushed with excitement as she quickly stepped back into her silky white thong panties and skimpy white slavegirl outfit she had discarded during the auction. All this while her new mistress wrote out a check for her purchase.

"Do you have any rope or twine?" Amanda asked Joyce, after handing over the check. "I'd like to bind the wrists and ankles of my new slavegirl before I depart with her."

"Certainly, Ms. Morton," Joyce responded. "We'd be happy to accomodate you."

Krissy looked puzzled, but quietly complied as a ball of twine was swiftly produced and her limbs were soon secured.

"But how will I be able to walk?"

"You won't," Amanda Morton said. She then further astonished the girl by easily picking her up and cradling her in her arms. "Good-bye girls. I'll be leaving with my property now."

"Thank you again, Ms. Morton," came Joyce's voice as the older woman carried Krissy to the front door. "Have fun! Bye, Krissy! See you back here Sunday night!"

Another Sigma Kappa girl held the door open as the older woman proceeded to bodily carry the beautiful blonde girl out to her car, where she then eased her into the passenger seat of her silver Lexus SC 430 and fastening the girl's seatbelt for her.

Krissy's eyes met those of her new mistress. The woman's ardent gaze sent a thrill of fear and expectation running throughout her entire body.

***** Seconds later they were on their way toward the older woman's luxury brownstone flat in the wealthy Fort Pierce part of town.

"You put on quite a show back there during the auction," Amanda commented as her car sped onto the interstate, her hand gently but firmly sliding up Krissy's slender bare leg while she spoke. "And you certainly cost me a lot of money. But I think you're more-than-worth it. In any case, I'm certainly glad I own you now."

"Thank you, Aunt Amanda, for your generosity," the girl responded, blushing. "I thought it was fun."

"Tut, tut, my pretty angel, but I want you to start addressing me as 'mistress' from this point on, understand?"

"Oops, sorry... uh, mistress."

"That's better," she murmured, her hand continuing to gently stroke and caress the pretty blonde's bare thigh. "I think you're going to enjoy this experience... for the most part, anyway. For example, how would you feel about lying across my knee and getting your gorgeous ass spanked?"

"But why would you want to do that?"

"Don't you mean, why would I want to do that MISTRESS?"

"I'm sorry. Why would you want to spank me, mistress?"

"Well, for several reasons," the older woman smiled, her right hand continuing to squeeze and fondle the girl's pretty leg. "First of all, because I'd think I'd enjoy it. I think you have a beautiful tushie, and also because the thought of watching your lovely rump wiggle and squirm as I spank it excites me."

Krissy gulped before speaking.

"Excuse me for asking, Aunt Amanda, but I haven't seen you in years. Why have you never visited or called us?"

"Well, for one thing, Krissy dear, your mother and I are hardly on speaking terms. She never wanted me to marry her brother in the first place, and I'm quite sure she'd be horrified to learn that her pretty daughter is now my slavegirl."

"You're not angry at ME, are you"

"No, Krissy, not at all. But that doesn't mean I won't use this golden opportunity to get my own petty bit of revenge against your mother."

"Revenge against her?" Krissy was almost afraid to ask the next, obvious question. "You don't mean you're going to be mean to me?"

"No, not at all. But purchasing another woman's beautiful daughter as my slavegirl is just too good," she laughed. "Especially a woman whom I detest. I can think of an infinite number of enjoyable ways to spend my weekend with a gorgeous hottie like yourself, doing things with you your mother would never allow."

"You're scaring me, Aunt!"

The older woman laughed, and once again gently squeezed the girl's bare thigh.

"I'm not going to be cruel to you, Krissy," she said softly. "But I do fully intend to enjoy this beautiful body. And I'll almost certainly start by spanking your pretty butt if only as a punishment for your forgetting once again to address me as 'mistress.'"

"But why punish me at all, mistress?"

"Because you're my slave, and because you have no choice but to submit to my desires. You WANT to please me, don't you?"

"Yes... mistress."

"Then you should WANT to offer me your pretty behind for my pleasures, shouldn't you?"

"Yes, I guess so. This is all so new to me, ma'am," the girl responded. "But I really will try to please you."

"Very good, my pretty slave. And you will succeed. But first, I need to make one stop on our way home. You remain here in the car, OK?"

Krissy could hardly do otherwise in her trussed up condition.

They came to a stop in front of a small shop. Krissy read 'something-something Adult Emporium' on the small sign near the door. Amanda Morton exited the vehicle and quickly entered the store.


"What do they sell there, anyway?" Krissy asked as the older woman returned to the car a couple of minutes later. "That place has a sleazy look. What did you buy, mistress? Something for me?"

"This 'sleazy' place, as you call it, specializes in grown-up toys, my pretty slavegirl, and yes, I got several things just for you!"

The older woman placed the small bag at Krissy's feet. Inside Krissy could make out some furry handcuffs, some lacy outfits, and also a dark plastic object with straps.

"We're going to have some fun tonight, my pretty girl," Amanda remarked, leaning over to kiss her warmly on her lips, and then continued kissing her down the side of her face to the girl's exposed neck. Krissy raised her head moaning softly as the woman's lips and tongue travelled hungrily across her bare throat. The older woman then once again settled in behind the wheel and soon they were back on the road, headed for Amanda Morton's upscale residence.

"You've heard the phrase, 'your ass is mine,' haven't you, Krissy? Well, tonight your gorgeous ass really IS mine," she laughed.

"Yes, mistress," Krissy nodded in response.

Upon their arrival moments later at Amanda's place, the older woman got out, went around to the passenger door, opened it, and proceeded to scoop the pretty blonde back up into her arms and then carried her bodily up to the front porch of her home, setting her down before the front door.

It was dark out, but under the porchlight Krissy shivered while her mistress fumbled for her keys. She was well aware of her current state of near-nakedness, and couldn't help wondering how this must look to any neighbors who might be watching.

"You look beautiful, my pretty slave," her mistress half-whispered to her, guessing her thoughts while gazing at her loveliness. "Now let's get you inside so the fun can begin."

She then unlocked the door and slapped Krissy on her ass.

"Move," she commanded.

Krissy's ankles still being tied, the girl could only hop over the threshold and into Amanda's front hall. The older woman laughed as the pretty blonde's body bounced its way through her front door. Again she slapped Krissy on her ass.


If somebody had told the pretty blonde back on Monday that she would be making out with an older woman that upcoming Friday night she would have told them they were crazy. But here she was, doing exactly that. No, in some ways, this was hardly making out. Amanda Morton held the girl's body tightly and was kissing her passionately, but it was hardly reciprocal.

Krissy wondered if she was being raped. That is to say, this older woman had complete possession of her body, and was in the process of enjoying her regardless of her willingness to be enjoyed. A part of her might have wanted to resist, but another part... a stronger part... had already completely surrendered to the desires of this dominant, powerful, older woman.

Amanda continued to hold the girl possessively in the foyer of her flat, her lips moving unimpeded down Krissy's face, neck, and shoulders while her hands travelled the length of the submissive blonde's body, along her back and sides, caressing the girl's breasts, then gliding down to her soft hips before coming to rest on her gorgeous ass, which they squeezed lovingly.

"All this belongs to me," Amanda hissed, her mouth sliding up Krissy's neck to nibble the girl's left ear. "Say it. Tell me you belong to me."

"Yes, mistress," Krissy whispered. "I belong to you."

"And you're here to please me, aren't you?"

"Yes, mistress, I'm here for your pleasure."

"Good girl," Amanda said once more before again kissing the captive slavegirl on her pouty, beautiful lips.

The older woman then paused to untie the twine binding the pretty blonde's ankles and wrists.

"You're free," she noted, "for the moment."

She then reached into the bag of goodies she had purchased on the drive home and pulled out a pair of furry handcuffs.

"I bought these for you, my pretty slavegirl," she noted. "Let's see if they fit, shall we? But first, take off your clothes."

As Krissy was wearing only her tiny white slave dress and matching panties it didn't take long for her to become completely naked.

"Ah... very nice," her mistress murmured. "Such beauty." She then clicked the handcuffs onto Krissy's wrists behind her back, then turned the girl back around to face her.

Amanda's eyes delightedly appraised the beautiful nude body standing nervously before her. She looked deeply into the pretty blonde's eyes, her gaze then travelling down to Krissy's pert breasts, then further down past her flat tummy to her shaved pussy. The older woman's hand brushed against the girl's lovely vagina only briefly, but it was enough. Krissy moaned softly, her face blushing deeply while being boldly inspected in this way.

"Turn around," Amanda ordered. Krissy immediately obeyed. She could hear the older woman's intake of breath as she crouched down to inspect the girl's sexy round rear end. "So beautiful," she purred, softly kissing the smooth ass cheek so close to her lips. Then she added, "Time now for your spanking."

Before the pretty blonde could react Amanda was standing up again and gently pulling the girl into her living room towards a large comfortable couch set against the wall.

She turned on a small lamp at an adjoining table before sitting herself down, pulling Krissy close to her so that her hands could easily stroke the nude girl's slender, soft body. Then she tugged the frightened girl down over her lap.

"Arch your back some, my pretty slavegirl," Amanda commanded. "Yes, just like that... very nice... you look so very beautiful."

Both of the older woman's hands then kneaded the flesh of the pretty blonde's gorgeous bottom, her head then leaning down to kiss both of the girl's beautiful ass cheeks, her tongue lightly licking the silky-smooth flesh, leaving a saliva-moistened mark on Krissy's round rump.

"This is what I love most," she gloated.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Ow! Please, mistress! That hurts!"

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Yes, I know it does, my beautiful playtoy. Now, hold still and take your spanking like a good obedient slavegirl."

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Ow! Please stop, mistress!"

"You don't mean that, do you? Don't you like the feel of my hands on your ass?"

Krissy said nothing.


"You like it, don't you?"

"Yes, mistress!"


"Say it again, my pretty slave!"

"I like it, mistress!"

Smack! Smack! Smack!

As quickly as it started the spanking ended.

"Now... that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Are you really through, mistress?"



Krissy's eyes closed and she couldn't help purring somewhat as Amanda then ran her hands and fingertips softly over the girl's reddened rump.

"You've got such a gorgeous ass, Krissy," her mistress intoned, her head leaning downward as she spoke. Krissy felt the woman's warm breath half-a-second before she then felt the older woman's wet lips hungrily kissing and nibbling her ass cheeks.

Krissy moaned aloud.

"Oh, mistress... that feels so good!"

Amanda continued to lick and kiss the pretty blonde's upturned rump, at one point gently biting down onto the gorgeous firm flesh, eliciting a yelp from the girl. The older woman laughed.


"Up now, my pretty slavegirl," she said, pulling Krissy into a sitting position onto her lap.

"You know, you're worth every penny I paid for you!"

"Thank you, mistress!"

Amanda's mouth closed on Krissy's right breast while her hands continued caressing the girl's warm butt for another several seconds, her nails sinking into the tender flesh of the pretty blonde's rear end. Krissy's body smelled delicious. Amanda wanted to devour the girl then and there, but there was so much more she still had planned for this night.

She then grabbed the key and unlocked the handcuffs from the younger girl's wrists, leaving Krissy perched helpless on her lap.


For the next several minutes the two women passionately made out. The pretty blonde had to admit that her Aunt Amanda was certainly a good kisser, the older woman's lips running aggressively and purposefully all over the girl's pouty mouth and face, gliding slowly to her ears, then down her slender neck, and eventually settling on the girl's smooth, silky shoulders which she licked, kissed, and devoured. While this was going on Amanda's hands remained busy as well, feeling their way all over the nude girl's body, continually gliding up and down her long legs, her curvy hips and sides, occasionally squeezing the girl's still sensitive ass cheeks, and eventually returning to the younger girl's perfectly formed breasts, which she hungrily squeezed, caressed, and fondled.

"I want to eat you up," she murmured, pushing the pretty blonde back against the couch, her mouth moving in to kiss and suckle on Krissy's exposed nipples, both of which showed undisputable evidence of the girl's growing level of arousal. Amanda's mouth greedily mouthed, nibbled, licked, and sucked on the girl's beautiful breasts. Krissy moaned aloud as her body was thus enjoyed.

While her lips were concentrating on the pretty blonde's breasts, one of Amanda's hands found its way to the girl's moistening pussy, and began gently rubbing along the shaved exterior before partially inserting a middle finger to test the girl's state of excitement. It was warm and wet when she removed it.

Krissy's moaning was becoming much louder.

"I think my pretty slavegirl is about ready to be fucked," Amanda whispered.

The younger girl looked frightened in response.

Her mistress then paused and gazed deeply into Krissy's eyes before speaking again.

"You know you belong to me, Krissy, don't you?"

"Yes, mistress," the girl whined, her eyes widening in fear.

"Have you ever been fucked by another woman?"

"Not exactly, mistress. I mean, I've kissed other girls. But nothing beyond that."

"Are you enjoying our time together so far?"

"Yes, mistress, you're very good at this!"

"Good answer." Her aunt kissing her on the lips again before asking, "Are you ready to go upstairs with me?"

"What's upstairs, mistress?"

"Upstairs is where I'm going to fuck you."

Krissy blushed. "I'm... not sure... are you sure this isn't going to hurt me?"

Amanda leaned in and kissed her again.

"Does it matter if it is?" She laughed. "You're my property now, remember? I can do anything I want to with you."

"Please, aunt, I'm afraid!"

"Quiet, my lovely slave," she ordered, kissing the girl a third time. "You belong to me, and that's all that matters. Mistresses can do whatever they want with their pretty nude slavegirls, can't they?"

"I suppose so," the girl replied, pleadingly.

"And you said you wanted to please me, didn't you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, that's exactly what you're going to do."


She then ordered the beautiful nude blonde girl to cross the room on her hands and knees toward the stairs, the older woman leading her by her ponytail, which she held as a sort of leash. The thick, soft carpeting felt good under Krissy's hands and knees as she slowly traversed the room. At one point she could feel her aunt's hand caressing her bottom, squeezing it lovingly as she walked alongside her.