Slumber Party Consequences


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Myra cleared her throat, "It will take me a few minutes to break my date, and I'll be right over. What's your address?"

I gave it to her and my phone number as well, and she said, "Okay, guess I'll show up in about 20 to 30 minutes if that is all right?"

"Yes." I said and Myra hung up. I hurried upstairs for a quick shower.

Jaime put her tee-shirt back on, and I loaned her a pair of panties and a pair of terrycloth shorts. The shorts were so snug that even wearing panties, Jaime was displaying a slight camel toe. But the tiny, tight terrycloth shorts displayed her muscular legs to a degree that was practically lewd. I loved it and told Jaime so, and she said that was good enough for her. I chose a light cotton casual green dress, zipper in the back, the skirt about knee-length and with snug hips. I thought I looked sexy and Jaime whistled. I wore absolutely nothing underneath this time. For shoes I slipped on green heels, and Jaime went barefoot. We by no means matched, but we were trying for variety because we had no idea what Myra would wear.

We had just enough time to microwave the pizza and pour 3 glasses of white wine when the doorbell rang. I left Jaime to set the dining room table and went to answer the door.

Myra strolled in wearing a dark blue blouse and matching skirt of a casual style that came to about 6 inches above her knees, but she was taller and longer legged than I and could get away with that length without showing panties every time she sits down. "Myra, you look stunning! Was that what you were going to wear on your date?"

"Yeah, dinner and a movie," she shrugged looking me over, "So you have some kind of runway model job later tonight?"

I laughed, kissed her cheek and led her to the dining room, "No, but without heels, my calves aren't even close to the same league as yours and Jaime's. I'm compensating."

Jaime set the wine glasses on the table and walked over to give Myra a peck on the cheek, one that Myra returned. Jaime complimented Jaime on her dress and Myra looked Jaime up and down. With a wry grin, Myra said, "Jaime if you stepped out the door looking like that, you'd be arrested in seconds if you weren't already gang-raped."

Jaime grinned, "I'm not stepping outside. I just wanted to look sexy for a couple of girlfriends."

Myra and I both said, "You do!" at the same time. We all had a little chuckle and sat down around the table.

"Nothing fancy, just fuel," I said, "But if you haven't eaten you might need the energy."

Myra gave a little grin, "I'm starving; I was going out to dinner; remember?"

So we all ate pizza, drank some wine and chatted until Jaime suggested we take a fresh glass of wine to the living room where we could be more comfortable. Jaime was turning out to be a better hostess than me, but I'm sure there are many things she can do better than me. I'm sure she would be a better seductress since I had never done that. After all, with boys, all you have to do is be there.

Jaime and I sat on the ends of the sofa and Myra sat in the middle. Since it was a crescent shaped sofa, we could all still see each other. Myra glanced back and forth between me and Jaime then asked me, "Did you tell Jaime about our gym conversations?"

"Yes," I said feeling suddenly like I'd been indiscreet, "But I can vouch for Jaime's discretion, but I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings. I also mentioned your lovely shaved pussy to her, but that didn't really seem like a secret. I think everyone in our gym class has seen it."

"No," Myra smiled, "It's just that I had acted a little on the mysterious side with you and I feel like I owe something of an explanation." She took a sip of wine and set the glass on the coffee table, "I didn't shave myself. I spent a lot of time and money on laser treatments, thus I don't have redness, rashes or blemishes commonly associated with shaving down there. And that's not to mention constantly re-emerging itchy stubble. After all that trouble, I mean think of a tattoo, you kind of want to get some feedback, you know?"

Jaime interjected cheerfully, "That's perfectly understandable. I've heard that some women after breast enhancements tend to show them to practically everybody!"

"The fact that you said it was pretty, even though I know you were only being polite," Myra went on, "made me feel really good, and a little thrilled, you know? So I confess that when I showed it to you the second time, there was definitely an exhibitionist element. I was getting off to the look on your face when you looked at me. Thanks very much for that, by the way."

"I wasn't totally just being polite. I was puzzled at first, but I really do think you're very pretty." I smiled. "All over. And beautiful between your legs." I was really getting off on talking about her pussy – I felt like such a perv – and that made my own pussy tingle.

"Okay," declared Jaime setting her wine glass on the coffee table, "Now I am really starting to feel left out, Myra. Won't you please show it to me like you did to Karen?"

"Well, the furniture arrangement is different," said Myra standing, "So you will have to put up with a little closer look." Then she stepped in front of Jaime, propped her left foot on the sofa besides Jaime and raised her skirt to her waist. While I could only get a rather magnificent view of Myra's left leg and thigh, it was obvious from Jaime's face that she was totally rapt and interested. And I was quite intrigued by the fact that Myra had evidently not worn panties.

"Oh yes," murmured Jaime, "It is beautiful." Myra visibly flinched when Jaime raised her hand to touch her, but stood there a moment longer while Jaime added, "Smooth as a baby's bottom and lot's more interesting."

Myra chuckled and lowered her dress and reseated herself in the middle. She was blushing pretty red. Jaime apologized, "I know, I shouldn't have touched your vulva, but honestly, it is really lovely."

Myra turned even redder, "That's okay; you just caught me by surprise, that's all."

"Hey," Jaime shrugged, "Something that lovely, that close, you're lucky I didn't kiss it!"

Myra tossed her smooth dark hair as if trying to recover her aplomb, "Well, Jaime, I might just give you that opportunity sometime, so be careful what you say." She was grinning but her blush was receding, "And thank you both. After going to all that trouble, you two have definitely made me feel vindicated in my decision to get the laser treatments. It took about four you know, every few months, and that laser stings!"

She glanced at me; "You said you have been satisfying your curiosity over the phone. So may I take it you two have been making out or something?"

Now I blushed, "You're very direct, Myra," but I moved closer to her and put my hand on her arm to let her know I wasn't offended, then I went on, "I've been learning a number of things, like, I thought I was a good kisser until Jaime showed me that kissing a woman can be a very pleasant experience. Would you mind if I kissed you? Just to show you how much I have learned of course."

God, I know that was weak. Jaime was the real seductress, and I had no idea I had decided to take on that role – me and my impulses. But Myra just smiled, so I leaned close and kissed her, just one of Jaime's friendly gentle pressing together of the lips, prolonged much longer than just friendly. Then hoping she would follow my lead, I allowed my lips to part slightly and ran the tip of my tongue to the edge of her lips. She responded by letting my tongue barely touch hers, and we kept that up for a minute, until my heart was pounding and I hoped hers was too.

I pulled back and smiled, "I'm no where as good as Jaime, but I am learning." Myra slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

"That was really sweet, Karen." She gave me a little smile, "I wouldn't mind some more of that." That gave me a thrill, but Jaime was already putting an arm around Myra. Jaime kissed her two or three of the brief friendly kisses.

"Watching girls kiss really turns me on," whispered Jaime, then she gave Myra one of her special long slow kisses. And she was right about that being nice to watch. I thought it was beautiful watching them kiss each other, and it went on and on. I moved closer again and brushed aside Myra's long soft hair and gave her a kiss on the neck. Myra moaned from my kissing her neck, and I could see her kiss with Jaime was becoming a great deal more passionate and lusty with a lot of tongue action. Myra slid one arm around Jaime's waist and put her other arm around my neck.

Myra broke her kiss with Jaime suddenly, and practically panting she said, "Ok, let me watch you two kiss." Jaime and I put our outer arms around each other so that we were all hugging in a circle and Jaime and I began kissing each other. Myra kissed both our cheeks and whispered, "Oh yes, it is quite sexy watching girls kissing. If you two were planning to seduce me, you're both doing a great job!"

I turned my head and started kissing Myra again using my tongue vigorously to explore her mouth. Jaime began unbuttoning Myra's blouse while kissing Myra's neck. I ran my right hand up her leg and caressed her thigh. Jaime had her blouse opened in short order and began kissing one of Myra's breasts. I lowered my head and kissed her other one. She had puffy aureoles and flat little nipples that with just a little sucking grew out nearly an inch to be just about the longest nipples I had ever seen. She moaned while we sucked her breasts then panted, "Oh my! You girls are making me very hot. Could we just slow it down just a little? I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed."

"Of course," I murmured, raising my head from her breast and giving her a kiss on the cheek, then I sat back a little to calm my breathing a bit.

Jaime sat back too, rubbing her own thighs, "I'm so sorry, Myra, I guess I was just enjoying your kissing to much, and I got carried away."

"You don't need to be sorry, either of you," said Myra looking close to tears, "It's me that should be sorry. I just start feeling panicky when I feel totally out of control, and I don't know... Now I sound stupid." She swallowed and peeled her blouse completely off. Her long nipples were still sticking way out from her puffy aureoles. "Come on girls, let's take our tops off and play with each other's breasts a little. How's that? I am really having fun, I just want to go slow enough to appreciate everything."

Of course Jaime pulled her tee-shirt up over her head right away, but I hesitated. "Myra," I said softly, "My dress is one piece and I'm not wearing anything under it." I could feel my face getting red but I simply couldn't comply without being completely naked and I didn't want to panic her by getting nude too fast. I was trapped in a conundrum and my mind was totally not working at all.

Jaime was rubbing her own breasts, but she was looking at Myra's, "Just let Myra unzip your dress, dear, then you can let the top fall to your waist." That was sensible, so I turned my back to Myra and felt her unzip me. I turned around and both other girls were looking at my breasts. Myra smiled, "I've seen them before, but I never get tired of looking at you, Karen." Myra reached out and put one hand on my breast and her other hand on one of Jaime's. "And you should both touch mine, too." She added with a smile.

I put one hand on Myra's right breast and my other hand on Jaime's left breast. Jaime put her left hand on my right and now we were all touching each other's breasts. It felt a little weird and kinky, like a porn movie or something, but it was definitely nice, and I was enjoying it. If Myra needed to feel in control, that was okay with me, and I could see that Jaime was fine with it, too.

"So how far have you gone," asked Myra while she was more and more obviously enjoying the breast fondling, both giving and receiving. Jaime actually blushed a little, so I answered, feeling my own face heat up a little as I said it.

"All the way, Myra, and while I respect your being in control, I'm getting really horny. How about if one of us went down on the other in front of you, and you can pick who does what to whom. Would you like that?"

Myra took her hand off my breast and put it on the back of my neck to pull me close, and she kissed me, slipping her tongue underneath mine to lick me, "I would love that, Karen," she murmured, "I'd love it if you would take off Jaime's shorts and go down on her in front of me."

"And you already know how I would feel about it," quipped Jaime, who stood up in front of Myra, while I pulled down her shorts from behind. After I pulled her shorts over her feet, I pulled down her panties. Jaime sat back down very close to Myra and put one arm around her while spreading her long sexy legs for me. I left my dress around my waist and knelt in between Jaime's thighs. I spread her dark-furred bush and began kissing up and down the slit, giving her little licks between kisses, and then I stuck my tongue up her vagina and wriggled my head a little. Jaime moaned and gave me a little hug with her knees.

I glanced up and Myra was watching what I was doing raptly. "You can get a closer look, if you want." I said between licks. Myra bent over and rested her face on Jaime's thigh Just inches from my face. I began licking and kissing on Jaime's clit, which made her gasp and her hips twitched a little. After a few more licks I slipped a couple of fingers in her moist vagina and began giving her slow strokes. I raised my face from her clit for a moment to kiss Myra. Myra kissed me back almost feverishly, sucking hard at my tongue and breathing heavily through her nose. I knew that she was tasting Jaime's pussy through my kiss and I enjoyed the thrill I was giving her.

I went back to sucking and licking Jaime's clit and her hips started moving, fucking at my face. Myra rose to kiss Jaime first on the mouth a few times then to suckle at her tits while Jaime's orgasm got into full swing. Jaime came while clutching my head to her pussy and holding Myra's head to her right breast. Then while Jaime recovered from her orgasm, Myra and I both kissed her breasts and thighs. "Thanks so much," Jaime sighed breathlessly, "That was great, two women loving on me. It's a treat that I think we all deserve. Who wants to be next?"

"I'd love it," I said, "but I'll let Myra choose."

"That's all right, Karen," said Myra, slipping off the bottom half of her dress, "I'd love it to be you, too." She stood and kicked her dress away from her feet, then I stood up and she pulled my dress down and off. Then she knelt at my feet and began kissing my reddish-brown fur and nuzzling me there. I sighed my acceptance and propped one leg on the couch to open myself to her, and used my right arm to steady myself on the back of the couch. I watched Myra spread my lips and take a good look inside me. I'd love to know what she saw. I've tried it with a hand mirror but that is just so distant.

Myra started kissing and licking me, and I felt Jaime using her fingers to spread the cheeks of my bottom. Jaime licked my asshole and I moaned. They pierced me with their tongues from both sides, and I moaned louder. This was wonderful beyond belief. It was hard not to fuck my hips at Myra's face but every time I did, it squeezed Jaime's tongue out. I rocked a little back and forth and Jaime found the rhythm. When Myra started to suck at my clit, I felt fingers in my vagina; and while I had no idea how many, my vagina was feeling really full. I expect both girls had fingers inside me. There was certainly a lot going on between my legs and it was driving me wildly towards a whirlpool of an orgasm, and driving me fast. I looked down at Myra's passionate worship in my reddish brown triangle, and I looked under my arm at Jaime's face in the cheeks of my bottom.

The coming was so powerful and lasted so long, I'm pretty sure I had more than one orgasm, maybe even four but I'm sure two or three. Finally I just collapsed on the couch, trying to catch my breath. Both girls were smoothing my sweaty body with their hands and kissing me all over. I just lay there limp and panting. "That was," I groaned hoarsely, "That was really wild." Myra gave me a long kiss that tasted like my pussy while caressing my breasts with her hands. Panting I asked her, "How do you like eating pussy, Myra?"

"You have such a sweet, wet pussy, Karen," She said between kisses, "And I didn't just like it. I think I loved doing that to you."

I had to go pee, and when I came back, I just rested a while, watching Jaime go down on Myra. It was a good show! Watching one girl go down on another with both of them obviously enjoying it was even prettier than watching girls kissing, especially with Myra's naked lips. The lips of her vulva were molded around Jaime's mouth, and the lips would bulge and move with Jaime's earnest manipulations inside the fleshy outer lips. Several times Jaime shook her head back and forth and Myra would moan her pleasure and pump her mound. When she finally started to come, I leaned over and sucked at Myra's long nipples while she went through a hip-bucking orgasm with her long legs wrapped around Jaime's neck.

Then we all rested a while and drank a little more wine. Finally, looking at the clock, Myra said, "I have a tennis match in the morning, so I guess I had better go soon." She began gathering her clothes and slipping them on.

"I'm going upstairs to take another shower, if you don't mind, Karen." I told her to go ahead and I slipped my dress back on without the heels.

"I'll walk you to the door, Myra." I smiled and took her arm.

"Oh," questioned Myra and smiling impishly back, "Are you planning to kiss me goodnight?"

I stopped her near the door and gently pushed her back against the wall, "Yes," I said, "I'm going to give you a really good kiss goodnight." I kissed her, a long slow kiss until she was breathing as heavy as I was, then I murmured, "You just lean against the wall here, and I'll finish that kiss goodnight." I sank to my knees and raised her skirt to reveal her smooth pussy. I began to kiss it as best I could with her thighs closed. Then with a sigh, her heels clicked on the floor as she spread wide enough for me.

Kissing her pussy was divine, like kissing another mouth, her lips smooth and fleshy. At first I would take it all into my mouth then just enter her with my tongue. Myra braced herself with her hands against the wall, her legs spread wider, and her skirt dropped over my head. The position made her ass tight, but I managed to wriggle my tongue in there, too, which made Myra whimper softly. I explored the inside of her pussy which was really tiny inside, her clit was so close to her vagina that I knew this was a girl who could easily come from fucking, and she was delicious, with only a trace of woman smell. She hardly had any inner lips at all.

I began licking and kissing and sucking at her little clit and she groaned and clutched at my head with her thighs. Then she was coming, and pumping at my face so hard that it actually hurt a little, not that I minded that. I slipped my finger in her dripping vagina and then wriggled it up her ass. She let out a loud groan, fell back against the wall and grabbed my head with her hands and pulled my face tight against her pussy as she rubbed it up and down my face pretty violently, leaving me to take little gasps of air when I could. I loved every second of it as she ever so slowly quivered to a stop with just a few random twitches.

I took my head out from under her dress and kissed her again. "You know I had to do that before you left."

"Ohhh," she moaned, "Now I want to do you again and kissed me back.

"No, you go ahead and go, sweetie," I said between quick but very wet kisses, "I'm sure Jaime's going to take care of me again tonight. Maybe we can make a date some other time. Like, you could have me over next Friday night. Maybe Jaime can make it."