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Pete let her go and went back to Cally. He kissed and caressed her other breast as he had done to the first. Her knees started to weaken. He stopped and kissed her mouth. Their tongues danced together and their arms held on.

When the kiss ended Pete looked at the two women and said, "It is time that I went to bed. There is room for all three of us. Come."

He hugged both women and they walked to the bedroom. Beth hesitated.

She was walking into another woman's bedroom. All her training as a child said she was wrong.

"Beth, we both want you here. We both love you. We are going to sleep together. Sometimes I snore."

At the edge of the bed he released them and undressed himself. Cally went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Pete got down to his boxers and Beth hadn't moved.

Pete turned and went into the bathroom. He peed and then brushed his teeth. He didn't close the door. Before he came out of the bathroom he took off his boxers and put them in the hamper. Beth watched him come out of the bathroom and walk to the bed. As he passed her he said, "The bathroom is yours. Cally put out a new green toothbrush for you. Hurry into bed, OK?"

She hurried.

As Beth came out of the bathroom she shut off the light and saw that room for her was there in the bed, in the middle. Cally got up and let her in. Cally was naked. She knew Pete was naked. She still had on her white cotton panties. She always wore them to bed. In all the years she had never asked herself why she wore panties to bed. She realized she was here to have her pussy licked and that would be difficult with the panties on. As Cally watched she bent and stripped them off. She got into bed and slid over next to Pete.

Cally got back into bed and Pete helped Beth get right where he wanted her. He was lying on his left side facing the center of the bed. He gently put his hand on Beth's hip and guided her so she spooned with him, her butt against his penis, and his arm over her torso and his face right behind her head. Cally faced Beth and leaned towards her until their faces were just an inch apart.

"Beth, I'm glad you're here. Sleep well. If you are like us and need to get up in the night just do it. We might wake up but we both go back to sleep easily." That said she leaned the inch and kissed Beth good-night. Pete lifted just enough to be able to kiss Cally over Beth's shoulder. He also kissed Beth's shoulder.

As Cally and Pete settled in for the night Beth's thoughts were going fast enough to keep her awake for a while. 'Where do I put my hand? On Cally? I can feel Pete's thing touching my butt. If I wake up do I crawl over Cally or Pete? Is Pete going to touch my breasts? Do I want him to? Yes."

While Beth was busy thinking Pete and Cally went to sleep. Their breathing slowed and their bodies relaxed. Pete passed gas. It wasn't very long before the sounds and the warmth soothed Beth and she fell asleep too.

Pete's eyes opened. He lifted his head just enough to see the clock's digital readout: 3:24am. He woke up because his bladder was pressing on the nerve that sent a signal to his brain saying, "Get up and go!"

He slid slowly out of bed and went to the bathroom. As was his practice he sat to pee at night. 'It makes less noise that way', he reasoned. When he came back to bed he stood for a moment and looked at the two women and he smiled. He lifted the blanket edge and slid in.

As he settled in Beth woke up. She wasn't aware of Pete moving as the cause of her waking but she was suddenly aware of two things; that she was in bed with Pete and Cally and that she needed the bathroom. She lay still thinking about how to get out of bed. She decided that since she was facing Cally she would climb out over her and when she came back she would climb in over Pete.

At her first move Pete opened his eyes. He watched Beth slowly climb over Cally. He noticed the blanket pull away from Cally and bare her breasts and he noticed Beth's breasts drag over Cally's body. Cally didn't move. Beth stood beside the bed and looked at Pete.

'I'm going to let him love me," she thought. She turned, went to the bathroom, sat down and let her stream go. She tore off two squares and wiped and without thinking flushed the toilet. When you live alone you don't worry about waking someone if you flush. She realized it was noisy and sat still to muffle the noise. She sat until the toilet shut off then went back to bed.

Pete was still awake. He heard Beth come to the bed behind him. His right arm was on top of his right side. Beth pulled up the covers and started to climb over Pete. She straddled his warm body and pulled the covers back over them both. Her body was on his arm. His bicep was between her breasts and his hand between her legs. She hesitated just a moment enjoying the warmth of being against Pete's body. She got the blanket where she wanted it and started to slide off of Pete to the inside of the bed.

As she started to slide Pete lifted his hand and cupped her pussy.

She froze! She thought he was asleep! He opened his eyes and was an inch or so from her face. He kissed her. In the kiss she slid off of him and onto her side. His hand still cupped her pussy. Her left hand seemed to find its way to the side of his face. They kissed again.

Pete moved a finger to her slit and probed into her lips. She lifted her leg just a little to give him easier access. He kissed her again, this time with a touch of tongue. She welcomed the tongue and wiggled her hips welcoming the finger as well. 'Oh God, don't let him stop! He needs his sleep but don't let him stop!'

For the first time in a couple of years she felt her wetness become a flow and it reminded her of the line in the Bible, "My cup runeth over.". His touch had triggered the slippery liquid and she loved how it felt. Pete slid his finger along between her lips and into her opening. Beth's body arched as the finger penetrated her. She bit down on her own tongue to keep from moaning and waking Cally.

Pete shifted on the bed, moving his head down toward Beth's breasts. He sucked and kissed her skin as he worked from her face to her breasts. His hand kept slowly moving into her pussy then out and up to her clit, then back down and in. Beth's mind was alive and awake fully attempting to take in and savor what she was feeling. Pete kissed her breasts and then kissed her nipples. Beth had avoided touching her nipples for a long time. The response she always got when she touched them was so strong that Beth believed there was something wrong, with her. At the touch of Pete earlier on her nipple she had almost had her knees buckle, almost fell to the floor. Now there was no fear of falling, just a delicious feeling that there was a nerve that went from her nipples to her pussy. As Pete kissed and sucked she could feel the sensations heightened in her pussy and she wanted more!

Pete slid down farther in the bed. His face was at Beth's belly. He lavished his kisses on her skin. His hand kept up the slow penetration and stroking inside her lips. Slowly he pushed his left hand under her waist and onto her back. Then he shifted them both and he was lying on top of her, her legs spread and his face on her belly.

'Oh God, he's between my legs!" Beth loved how his weight felt and how right it felt for him to be there. His finger now felt different as it entered her. Her body arched again. She felt a tingling she had never felt before. It started in her pussy but she could feel it everywhere.

Pete slid down farther and Beth felt his breath on her pussy. Pete used both hands and parted the hair of her bush so he had unrestricted access to her wet pussy. He breathed in a long deep breath through his nose, savoring the smell of a woman in heat. The musky smell was Pete's favorite smell in the world.

Beth waited, knowing he was about to touch her inside with his tongue. She heard him suck in a deep breath and hoped she didn't smell badly. 'God, what if I stink and he hates me?'

He let that breath out and Beth felt it on her most intimate parts. He took another breath and touched her with his tongue. The taste of her was wonderful! Enough like Cally that they could have been sisters but different too. Pete lapped up all the wetness he could, licking all the slippery areas his tongue could find. He avoided her clit, believing that when she came it might end his enjoyment. He wanted to munch her for a long time.

His hands released her pussy and he reached for her breasts and nipples. He held her breasts and squeezed gently. They were just a bit more than a hand full and still somewhat firm. When he touched the nipples Beth grabbed his head and forced his lips and tongue to her clit. He knew how to accept guidance and sucked her nub in. Her back arched and trembled.

Pete pinched her nipples and flicked her clit. It was enough. Her body stiffened and then shook. Cally opened her eyes, and then smiled. Eating pussy in the middle of the night was Pete's favorite. Beth's eyes were shut, her head thrown back and her back arched. From down deep somewhere an unfamiliar moan came from Beth. As she shook it grew and became a scream. Her hands still held Pete's head. Her legs drew up and involuntarily squeezed Pete's head.

As the orgasm started Beth lost control completely. Her thoughts started but didn't finish. Her breathing was erratic, gasps more than breaths. Then as her orgasm grew she took a full breath and it came out as a scream. No thought for Cally next to her in bed or for the neighbors a quarter mile away. She was fully engulfed in her very first orgasm.

As Beth began to calm Pete let go of her breasts and pulled his face from her pussy. He wrapped his arms around her hips and lay still holding her. When she could put two thoughts together she looked over at Cally and Cally moved to her and kissed her.

"Pete's really good, isn't he?"

"Oh God, Yes!"

They held each other and kissed again. Pete smelled that Cally was very close and turned on. He had the thought that he could follow eating Beth with Cally for dessert. Then, he fell asleep.

Cally heard his breathing change and said, "Pete fell asleep." They made sure he was covered and let him sleep right there between Beth's legs. Beth liked how it felt for him to be there. Cally snuggled with her bed partners and touched herself until she had a small orgasm.

The alarm sounded at six-fifty. It was set for that time every day so Pete could take his meds before seven-thirty. All three jumped and Cally twisted and shut it off. Pete lifted his head and saw he was still between Beth's legs. He smiled and said, "This is heaven. Waking up with pussy in my face."

"No, it isn't heaven. I need to go!" Beth said.

Pete rolled to Cally and asked, "Got time for breakfast Honey?"

"God yes! I watched you with Beth and if you hadn't fallen asleep I would have asked you to eat me then."

She opened her legs and assisted Pete in getting his face into her pussy. At first touch her hands went to his head, positioning him right where she wanted him.

Beth finished on the toilet and stood up. She picked up the toothbrush and turned on the water. As she did she heard a noise in the bedroom. She looked and saw Pete with his face in Cally's pussy. Her feet were up on his back, her hands holding his head. Beth was transfixed. She watched and noticed that her body reacted. Her body flooded her pussy with her juices and her nipples tightened. Her body temperature went up.

She stood in that spot until Cally moaned a low deep groan and stiffened. Then she went back in the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Cally joined her in the bathroom, started the shower and as she got in she said, "I got mine too." She was smiling.

When Cally got in the shower Beth was standing in front of the mirror looking at the naked woman who looked back at her. She wondered what happened to the Beth she knew last week.

Beth felt Cally grab her arm and pull her into the shower. They both remembered the slogan from the sixties, "Save water, shower with a friend." They washed each other and they talked. Cally was surprised at how OK she was with seeing Pete loving Beth. She concluded that because they had already been friends for years and nothing was hidden it really was OK.

After the shower and the drying off were done Beth said, "I guess I ought to go home, give you two the rest of the weekend."

Cally looked at her and took her by the hand into the bedroom. Pete was still in bed and back asleep.

"Except for the days he works, Pete sleeps. He'll get up and eat a little but mostly he sleeps and takes meds. In a few minutes I'll wake him and he'll take meds. That's why we set an alarm even on the weekends. I'd love it if you would stay. I have some things to get done today and we can talk and hang out while I get them done."

"OK. I don't want to be a bother so when you've had enough toss me out, OK?"

"OK. Hungry?"


"Pete loves French Toast. If we make it he will eat some and then he can take his meds. He's losing weight and I want to get him to eat if I can."

"Do you have egg bread?"

"No. Just regular bread."

"Baker's, in town always has egg bread on Sunday mornings and they have cinnamon raisin bread too. I'll go get some. Which would you like?"

"Cinnamon raisin. You really don't have to do this."

"I don't have to, I want to."

"Get dressed before you go."

They both laughed. Beth found her clothes scattered around the house and put them on. She grabbed her purse and out the door she went. Cally knew it was ten minutes each way to Baker's. She walked back into the bedroom and noticed Beth's panties on the floor. She smiled. 'I'll bet that is the first time in years she's left the house without panties on.'

Cally bent and kissed the sleeping man. He kept sleeping. She went into the kitchen and made the egg mix for French Toast. She started the coffee too. She got out some sausage and started cooking it before Beth returned.

Beth parked in front of Baker's. Every time she had shopped here she thought Baker's was a great name for a bakery. She opened the door and stepped inside. She saw Helen standing at the cash register. They waved and then said "Hello." Beth ordered a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread thick sliced and Helen said, "Making French Toast?"

Beth blushed, looked down, hesitated and then looked at Helen and said, "We're having French Toast at Cally and Pete's this morning."

"Oh, really?" Helen noticed the blush. They walked out of Baker's and once on the street Helen said, "You were at their house last night, weren't you?"

Beth nodded.

"Well? Did you and Pete?"

Beth nodded again.

"Oh my God! Was Cally there?"

"Yes! Helen, I cannot tell you how great last night was. I cannot tell you how wonderful Cally is and how loving Pete is. I have never felt more loved than I felt last night and I feel right now."

"I was getting some bread for sandwiches. If I get the fixins for sandwiches do you think it would be Ok if I dropped by?"

"Call Cally. I know we plan to be around all day and that Pete will sleep a lot. I'll tell her we bumped into each other here. I'll bet it will be fine."

They hugged and Helen went back into Baker's. Beth drove right back to Cally's.

As they made the French Toast Beth told her she had bumped into Helen. Two minutes later Helen called.

After Cally hung up she told Beth, "Helen wants to hang out with us. She's bringing sandwiches and cold drinks for about twelve thirty."

"The toast is ready. Shall we wake Pete?"

"Would you mind? Kisses work well."

Beth smiled and walked from the stove to the bedroom. Inside she did something she had never done before; she pulled her shirt and bra off and bent and kissed Pete. "Breakfast is ready. Wake up Pete."

His eyes opened and he saw two breasts in front of his face. His hands went to them and held one to his mouth. He kissed the nipple and encircled the areola with his lips. His tongue traced a circle around her nipple.

Beth felt her juices flow again, soaking into her jeans. She looked up and saw her panties on the floor by the bedroom wall. She smiled.

"Pete. I can't even tell you how good that feels, but your breakfast is ready. You need to eat. Come on." She drew back and kept drawing back until Pete lost his lip lock on her breast. She pulled her bra and shirt back on. Pete pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt.

Back in the kitchen Cally said, "I peeked. Nice way to wake someone up."

"Pete seemed to like it."

"I'd like it too. Maybe tomorrow morning you can wake me that way."

"Are you...? What is the word? Are you a lesbian?"

"I've been married to Pete over thirty years. I love him and love sex with him. I'm discovering I also love women. Until yesterday I had never kissed a woman. I'd never touched another woman's breasts. I'd never seen another woman have an orgasm. It turned me on like nothing ever has. When Pete ate me this morning I peaked so quick it was amazing. I think the word is bi-sexual."


"Am I scaring you?"

"No. Well, a little. I feel like you. I never kissed a woman either. When we kissed I really liked it. Maybe I'm bi-sexual too."

"I don't know about that but breakfast smells great!" Pete said.

Cally loaded a plate for each of them and served. They sat at the table and talked as they ate. After the weather, their jobs and politics were handled Beth looked at Pete and asked, "Why did you want to make love to me?"

"I love you."

"Did you love me five years ago?"


"Then why now and not then?"

"I didn't know I was dying then. I was living inside my agreement with Cally to love, honor and forsake all others. I wanted to make love to you back then."

"God! I wish we had known back then what we know now." Cally said.

"We didn't. You didn't know how much you would like sex with a woman. I thought if I even mentioned wanting to have sex with your friends it could end our marriage."

"I want to be honest with you both. I want more of what happened last night. I've never felt anything like what I felt last night. And, I want to have sex with you, Cally. And, I'm scared. I don't want to go to hell. I don't want to be a lesbian. I just want to love you both. I do love you both."

"Let's finish breakfast and then I'd like to talk to both of you out on our deck. It looks like a beautiful day." Pete said.

Cally watched and was pleased. Pete ate a piece and a half of French Toast and two sausages. He drank a glass of orange juice too. She and Beth cleaned up breakfast and put things away. Pete went out on the deck behind the house. Their house sat on a low hill and from the deck they could see about a mile or so towards Kansas. The deck had four chaise lounges, five chairs and a round table with an umbrella. Pete moved one lounge over near another and he sat in a chair. The ladies joined him shortly after he sat down. He pointed to the two chaise lounges. They sat.

"Was there something you wanted to say, Pete?"

"Yes. I want to watch. When I saw you two touch last night I loved it. I want to watch as two women I love learn about each other, love each other and get the joy I get when I can bring either of you to an orgasm. May I watch?"

Cally looked around and asked, "Here?"

Pete nodded. Beth looked at Cally and they both nodded. They giggled and Beth said, "My mother would never believe this."

They stood and helped each other out of their clothes. They hugged and as their hands explored their lips became better acquainted. By the third kiss they were not thinking about being watched, only about how they felt and how they might please the person in their arms.

Cally knelt down and took Beth's breast in her mouth and hands. She nibbled the nipple and Beth went weak.

Cally helped her sit on the chaise. She continued to kiss, fondle and suck on Beth's breasts. Finally Beth said, "Sit down. I want a turn at your tits!"