Sorority Plaything


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Before they began their business Mistress Raven reached over from her seat beside me. She placed her hand on my ass. I noticed it was soft and cool, and I felt goose bumps rise on my skin. She asked the girls

"What do you think of our centerpiece, Ladies?"

There were murmurs and a few giggles from her audience, but Mistress Rose said "I don't know, I feel something is missing..."

From the audience, I heard a voice call out "If she is the centerpiece, shouldn't she be decorated?"

The whole exchange sounded rehearsed, and I realized that it was a set up. I didn't know where they were going with this, but I knew I was not going to like it, not one bit. Mistress Rose stood suddenly and told Mistress Raven

"I know just the thing, come and help me."

They hurried from the room, and returned seconds later, confirming my suspicion that this had been planned. Mistress Raven addressed me.

"Look, Princess, we found you a decoration."

I craned my neck to look back, for the first time having to turn my face toward the group from this position. I was struck by how many eyes were on me, and felt my face grow hot again. Then I saw what Mistress Rose was waving in her hand. It was a small flag, like the kind people wave at parades. This one was purple, with the Greek letters of their sorority in gold. Even before Mistress Raven produced a small container of Vaseline, I knew what they were planning. I tensed to stand up and bolt, but saw the look on Mistress Ravens face. It said 'go ahead, the prison bus is waiting.'

I pleaded silently, but knew it would do no good. Mistress Rose dipped the tip of the pencil size pole in the Vaseline, then asked for a volunteer to assist with the 'decorating'. I turned my face to the floor, but Mistress Raven gave a sharp slap to my ass and told me not to be rude; I was to look at my audience. The young woman who had made me kiss her bare butt at the door stepped forward as the 'volunteer'. She stood by my hips and spread my cheeks apart, much farther than necessary. I felt the cold glob of lubricant touch my anus, then pressure as the small stick pushed into me. The audience erupted in cheers as my cheeks were released, and I was left with their flag sticking out of my anus. I couldn't help it, the tears began to trace down my face as the humiliation washed over me.

Even in my shame, I knew that my eyes were not the only place that was wet. I could feel moisture between my legs, knew my pussy was wet. I could not admit what was happening to me; that my body was responding with pleasure to the cruelty of these two girls.

Mistress Raven stepped back and announced

"Now she is the perfect mascot."

Done for the moment with humiliating me, they moved on to their sorority business. Tonight, all the pledges would be inducted as full Sisters in the sorority. The pledges were called forward and formed a line facing the wall. Their sponsors stood to their left and lifted their dresses to show their butts. Unlike me, the pledges were allowed their thongs as a modicum of dignity. Another Sister stood to the other side, and on command offered one quick slap to the bare behinds.

As the pledges had now become Sisters, Mistress Rose ordered me to crawl down the line of girls, still with the flag sticking out of my ass. These were girls who not too long ago would have been lined up for corporal punishment in my classroom. Now they were lined up to have my lips pressed to their butts. I gave each the kiss on the buttocks they had been denied on arrival. Then I was returned to my place on the pad and Mistress Raven addressed the group.

They were all invited to file behind me as I knelt there, so they could all have a good look. After everyone had had a good look (and a few had taken the opportunity to torment me by wiggling the flag and making me squirm), Mistress Raven announced that they had a special surprise. Mistress Rose addressed them and asked a question.

"How many times have you wished you could take revenge on a teacher? Well, now is your chance. This slut belongs to us. She is thirty-five, but she will follow absolutely any command we young ladies may give her. She was very bad earlier, and so she must be spanked."

Rather than having one person administer my punishment, I would be placed in position, and each person present, including the bartenders, would be allowed to deliver one slap to the cheek of their choice. As soon as I heard that, I quickly calculated, realizing I was about to be spanked at least 45 times. Mistress Rose quickly corrected that by pointing out that she and Raven would first administer five slaps each. I was stricken with fear, and I heard some laughter from one of the guests seated near me.

"Look, everyone, her ass is already trembling. It makes the flag wave. Isn't that precious?"

The girls gathered their drinks, and I could hear them giggling and discussing me as they filed by in small groups. Mistress Raven stood by my hips, occasionally patting my ass as she spoke to her friends. My only comfort was my face being turned away from them. I was actually hoping this would go on for a long time, but all too soon, Mistress Rose announced that it was time.

She had me stand up and follow her to the middle of the room, where another pad had been placed for me to kneel. I was directed into position, on my hands and knees with my butt elevated and my breasts dangling. Mistress Raven explained that in this position, those waiting their turn would have a nice view of my face as I was being spanked. She also pointed out that this position left my breasts dangling. . She laughed as she pointed out to my audience that while my tits are large, I am thirty five, and they are somewhat soft and prone to shake when I move. She reached out and gave my left breast a little slap to demonstrate, and her audience laughed in approval of her evil humor. I felt my nipples grow hard at her touch, prayed no one would notice.

The flag was abruptly pulled from my butt and I braced for the pain as my Mistresses moved into position. Then they seemed to be engaging in a whispered conversation. Mistress Raven knelt beside my head. She whispered a question in my ear. "I have an offer for you, precious little slut. I could simply order you to do what I want but I would prefer you actually do it by choice. Rose and I will forego our five slaps each, which I can guarantee will be severe, publicly kiss our asses as you did in private earlier. You have ten seconds to choose."

My mind raced. It would save my poor ass from ten very hard slaps; but it might open a door I didn't want opened with all these mean young girls watching. Besides which, I could already imagine the laughter and comments I would have to endure, the degradation I would feel. I made my decision at the last moment, just as she shook her head and stood up.

"Wait...I'll do it, Mistress."

She smiled at Rose and nodded her head. I heard Mistress Rose move up beside me and call for the girl's attention.

"Ladies, we have a real surprise for you today. Our toy here may look like a slut, but she is here only because we have information that could hurt her. She is actually a very modest and demure lady, and some of you even know she was a teacher. So what you are about to see is not a whore doing her job; it is a woman driven to accept humiliation because we own her. We have turned this lovely, sexy woman into a slave that will follow all commands. If you have any doubt about how far she will go to please her Mistresses, sit back, watch, and enjoy the show."

During this little speech, I was forced to maintain my position, with my face turned toward the girls in the audience and my ass on display. I could still feel the cold lubricant on my asshole, knew it must be visible glistening there.

Mistress Raven was again kneeling by my head. She whispered her last command quietly in my ear. As I stood up, she took my place, standing in front of me. Following her command, I asked the audience to come as close as possible, and that I would be repeating my performance with Mistress Rose. My face was burning so bad my I could feel the heat on my shoulders as I knelt behind Mistress Raven and lifted her dress. Mistress Rose stepped forward to hold it so my hands could be free. I placed one hand on each cheek, and as I gently spread them apart, I asked

"Mistress Raven, may your slut please be allowed to kiss your sweet ass?"

She couldn't just say yes, she had to make the humiliation complete.

"Shut up and get your face in my crack and your tongue up my ass, Slut."

I leaned forward amid a chorus of laughter from the sorority girls. I put my face between Raven's cheeks and began to lick. No sooner had I begun than my desire to lick her pussy returned. Where was this coming from? I had always been rather a prude. I had certainly never given the female body a second thought. Now, there I was on my knees, being forced to perform the most humiliating act I could imagine. Yet, my lips wanted more. I wanted to taste her. Making my horror even greater, I felt my body responding again. Yes, I was getting wet, could feel heat rising through my belly from between my legs. That was the worst horror for me. Could I be so depraved that I was enjoying being abused? Had these girls chosen me because they felt it?

My reverie was cut short as Mistress Raven moaned aloud, and gave her audience a play by play.

"Oh, yes, her tongue is licking my ass. She is a natural at ass licking."

Finally, she pulled away. I was forced to turn and face the audience as Mistress Rose took her place, then I repeated the display. Again that horrible desire flooded through me. I noticed it was even stronger with Rose. Perhaps she smelled different in her arousal? I didn't care why I felt these feelings; I only wanted to not feel so confused. When she was satisfied, I was told to stand. I felt a humming in my pussy, was afraid everyone would see my arousal.

Again, I noticed Mistress Raven looking at me expectantly. I knew she was looking for something from me, but I didn't know what. I had no time to reflect on it, because my fears were quickly realized.

A girl in the audience asked if she could give my tongue a try, and Mistress Raven ordered me to my knees again. Not all the girls wanted it done, but several did. I spent the next several minutes with my face and tongue buried in one ass after another. I never felt the same burning, the same desire, as when I had done this to my Mistresses. It was actually a relief to feel only degradation.

In my shame, I had forgotten that I still had the spanking to endure, but the spoiled little bitches all around me had not, and wasted no time reminding my Mistresses. I was again ordered into the 'spanking position'. The girls formed a line behind me, and one by one approached to deliver their allotted slap. I was hoping that some would be timid, but apparently, with only one slap allowed, no one wanted to waste her opportunity. Each slap was delivered firmly.

I maintained my composure through at least ten, but after that I jumped and cried out with each loud 'pop' that came from my rear. Yet, with each slap, the rising heat from my ass was matched with a rising heat from my pussy. I wanted to grind my legs together, let the pleasure build. I could not let myself do that, could not let myself actually enjoy this.

As my Mistresses had hoped, my breasts were bouncing as well, and this caused quite a bit of amusement for those who had already had their turn and were watching. Although they had been told that they could choose a cheek to slap, most were concentrating on my right cheek, and I realized it was a game to see how red they could make it.

I made it through somehow, and was hoping I would be allowed some ice, when I was reminded that the boys had not gotten their turns. Their slaps were delivered even more forcefully, as if hurting me proved their manhood to the girls watching.

After the last slap had been delivered, I begged my Mistresses to be allowed some ice. They conferred for a moment and then told me I could crawl over to the bar. Just as I got there and reached for the ice, my obnoxious former student called out

"Wait. Shouldn't she have to do something to earn the ice?"

Mistresses Raven and Rose were obviously shocked at being questioned, but quickly agreed.

"Princess, you can have your ice...if you let the bartenders apply it."

At that point, I didn't care. I simply turned, presented my ass, and begged them to rub it with ice. They got to work immediately, and with great pleasure. In only moments, the burning stopped, although I knew it would be days before the soreness went away. When I told my Mistresses I was done with the ice, I was sent to stand in the corner. Even in the corner I was not safe, as the girls were told they could play with my tits and cunt while I stood there. My nipples were pinched, and several girls made me lick their fingers before they inserted them into my pussy. Then I had to lick them clean when they took them out.

I just knew one of them would notice how wet I was, comment on my arousal, but they were too concerned with enjoying me to care whether I was getting any pleasure from this. For the first time, I was grateful for their egocentricity. Being humiliated at someone else's hands was bad enough. To be humiliated by your own bodies response was a shame I was not sure I could endure.

I was made to come back to the middle of the room and pose as directed. This went on for quite some time, but finally, three hours after it started, my ordeal seemed to be ending. Almost on cue, the bartenders packed up and they and most of the girls began to leave.

Four of the girls stayed behind, and I was told they would be with us for the rest of the evening. So, I would still be performing for six, and I recognized them as the ringleaders of the group. They were all among the girls who had made me lick their asses, or who had put their fingers in my pussy.

They all gathered on chairs in the living room, and I was told to come and kneel in front of them. The young lady who had been my student reinserted the flag into my anus. Mistress Raven continued talking to her friends, and absently pinched and squeezed my breasts. I heard the doorbell ring, and assumed someone had forgotten something. Mistress Rose slapped my ass, asked what I was waiting for, and sent me to get the door.

I opened the door, naked, expecting one of the girls had returned. I was shocked to find five very young men standing on the porch. All five were former students of mine. They also must have known what was going on, for they merely whistled and walked by me to the living room. As the last on passed, he whispered in my ear

"Nice outfit, Teach."

I felt myself blushing furiously as I suddenly realized that not only was I naked, I still had the stupid flag sticking out of my butt.

When I got back, I noticed that some had formed couples and some were sitting in a group. Mistress Rose explained that three of the girls had asked to invite their boyfriends, and that two of the boys had brought friends along. With a smaller group, Mistress Rose decided to tell me their ages. They ranged in age from nineteen to my Mistresses twenty three, both the youngest and oldest being females.

For the boy's knowledge, it was again pointed out that I was a thirty five year old woman, but they interrupted to explain that they had all been in my class. The boys seemed to find this very erotic; I simply found it more embarrassing. Having missed the show, they openly asked how far I would go to follow orders. Mistress Raven told me to kneel and tell them what I had done earlier, in detail. I went to where the boys were sitting, knelt in front of them so they could look at my face, and told them.

"Before you got here, I got on my knees behind the girls, spread their cheeks, and licked their asses for as long as they wanted me to. I let them put their sorority flag in my ass. Then I knelt naked as they each took a turn spanking me."

Again I felt my face flushing. I don't know which was worse, being made to perform for a female group or a male group, but I know for certain that the humiliation is most intense when both are present. I had just made the most humiliating admission I had ever made to another person.

Mistress Raven found the moment she had been waiting for. Leaning back on the couch, she looked at me with that same look of expectation she had been giving me all evening. "No, dear," she said "those are the things that were done to you. Those are the things you were told to do. Now, tell me what YOU did."

I was confused for a moment. I didn't know what she was asking of me. She continued to look at me with the same expression, and suddenly I understood. She knew. What I had prayed all night was my secret, she knew. Every time my body had betrayed me. Every time I had become aroused. Every time I had felt desire. She knew, had known all along. She knew and she had been waiting and watching.

For the first time I saw something else in her eyes. She actually looked supportive. I glanced at Mistress Raven. She was also looking at me patiently. She gave me an almost imperceptible nod of her head. I took a deep breath, aware of the others in the room, that they were confused and getting restless.

As if from far away, I heard my own voice, speaking quietly but confidently. I spoke only to my Mistresses, ignoring everyone else in the room. "When I was on my knees, kissing your ass, it was pussy I wanted my lips pressed against. When you pushed the flag into my ass, I got wet submitting to you. When I was spanked, the humiliation and pain made me wet again, and I wanted to play with myself as I was spanked."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I like this story and definitely like to read more on how the teacher is used by the sisters and their friends and others and maybe even the judge and maybe some out side play...

twatlickertwatlickerover 5 years ago
Great story

This was a great story! I'm looking forward to more. I would have liked more description of what the two sorority sisters made the teacher do in the meeting before the party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Absolutely a truly enthralling story!

To the best of my knowledge the first of this ilk. You have the opportunity to make this last for many, many sensual, exciting, and compelling stories. Don't stop now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
NIce butt...

I love you setup. A suspension of disbalief goes further in a jackoff story. Just try to avoid the passive voice. it would avdd a lot to your story if you were less passive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
well done

Great story, loved the public humiliation

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