Sorority Pledge Pt. 05


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Poppy finally untensed & allowed Harmony to shuffle backwards away from her, the pink haired girl stood & took Harmony by the hand & with a smile helped her up before gently pushing her towards the chair she had just vacated.

As Poppy sank to her knees she was surprised & delighted to find that Harmony was already wet, she loved the thought that the submissive pledge had seemingly been turned on by going down on her as this might mean she'd be up for a repeat performance. Poppy hadn't bothered to put her own pledge robe back on & now she enjoyed gently removing Harmony's so that she had a full view of her when she returned to her knees. After the sneaky taste of the beautiful blonde's pussy she had stolen the night before Poppy had been really looking forward to getting a more thorough tasting so as she moved her mouth to Harmony's shaven haven she opened her mouth wide & stretched her tongue out taking a long slow sensuous stroke along her moist slit.

Nobody had ever gone down on Harmony before but the seated girl felt confident that as she had just spent the best part of five minutes on her own knees between another girl's thighs she couldn't possibly be at all turned on so she'd be able to last a substantial time. This illusion was shattered seconds after she heard the beep of the watch when she felt Poppy's gentle tonguing begin & she let out an involuntary moan of sheer pleasure.

Hearing this Poppy moved even slower than before, she could have finished Harmony off in less than a minute but they had a deal & she fully intended to honour it. So as she gently lapped at the beautiful girl's snatch she savoured the taste, Harmony's juices were delicious but then again she loved the taste of most girls she had sampled. She thought back to high school, there had been a sweaty girl after a final year field hockey game who hadn't tasted great & a couple of goth girls who weren't really her type who by the taste of them were experimenting with not washing very often as well as with girls, they hadn't tasted at all good, but in high school she had been in a serious minority as an out lesbian so she had had to take what she could get.

As she continued to reminisce about some of the hotter & nicer tasting girls she had slept with Poppy felt a tap on her head & immediately opened her eyes focusing on the stopwatch which was just passing three minutes. This meant she could now go to work properly & try to make Harmony cum as soon as possible.

By slowing her pace Poppy had allowed Harmony to get herself under control a little more but as the tongue in her twat sought out her clit & flicked over it fast & hard Harmony knew she couldn't hold out for long. She focused all her concentration on the stopwatch as she desperately tried to pass the next girl's time, she knew Amber had reached about 3 minutes & 40 seconds, that wasn't far away but the seconds seemed to tick past like hours as the skill of Poppy's lips & tongue rapidly started to overwhelm her.

Poppy drew her teeth gently across Harmony's clit causing the seated blonde to shriek with ecstasy but she wasn't cumming yet, she tried her hardest to hold out just a little longer, just a few more seconds, just a little more, but the instant the stopwatch reached 3.40 she gave up & noticeably relaxed back into the chair.

Poppy felt Harmony relax as she submitted to her will so she pounced on the opportunity, she sucked hard on her friend's clit as she flicked it very fast & very gently with the tip of her tongue, she knew it would work & when the watch showed 3.49 Harmony's thighs clamped her head like a vice as she screamed several times through the biggest orgasm of her life so far.

When about twenty seconds later the pressure eased & Poppy withdrew her cum coated face she was greeted by a round of applause from the other girls as Ashley exclaimed,

"Wow she came hard! Either you're great in bed Poppy or our little Harmony's a screamer!".

"Maybe it's both!" Poppy replied with a smile.

The watching pledges all had different views on what they had just seen, Amber wondered if Poppy was really that good or whether it was just Harmony's inexperience that made her react so dramatically, either way she was keen to try Poppy out for herself. Jess was simply pleased that she was still leading the task with just one girl to go, Catalina was wondering if she could get a go on Poppy's tongue that night & Lexi was regretting the fact that she was to go last, hearing Harmony & Poppy pleasuring each other had left her extremely turned on & she was doubting that she could last longer than anyone except Catalina had done.

When Harmony regained her composure she stood & moved out of the way so that Taylor could guide Lexi to the now vacated seat. Lexi decided to keep her pledge robe on & both Harmony & Poppy took the opportunity to put their robes back on, so to Ashley's disappointment she had no naked girls to look at any more.

As Taylor started the stopwatch Harmony's lips immediately found Lexi's slit, the Canadian girl was very wet already & she squirmed & moaned as the kneeling girl's tongue ran softly & sensuously along her moist outer lips. Harmony closed her eyes as she breathed in the blind girl's scent & savoured her taste, for some reason Lexi's juices tasted to her like bubblegum, she didn't know why, but she did know she liked that taste.

A few seconds later Lexi moaned again, more loudly than before, the sound brought Harmony out of the almost trance like state she had been in as she tongued Lexi's box with a smile on her face. The smile disappeared & she again mentally rebuked herself for thinking another girl could taste good, now she was concentrating fully she was able to take advantage of her fellow blonde's excited state & her now well practiced tongue proved far too much for her friend's attempted resistance.

Lexi couldn't see it but the stopwatch showed just 2.28 when she visibly tensed as she loudly moaned through a clearly very satisfying orgasm with a massive smile on her face. When she had calmed down & Harmony had moved out from between her legs Lexi said loudly enough for everyone to hear,

"I had heard you were good at that Harmony, but wow, that was incredible!".

Despite the fact that another girl had just congratulated her for her skill at licking pussy, something she would never have even considered doing a week ago, Harmony smiled with pride at the cute Canadian girl's praise as she subconsciously licked her lips & wondered again why she thought she could taste bubblegum.

As Harmony took a seat alongside the other girls she noticed that Jess had a big smile on her face but she wasn't sure why.

"Well done Harmony, I think your fellow pledges would all agree you are seriously talented with your tongue!" Ashley giggled as the other pledges nodded their heads in agreement,

"Congratulations to Jess for winning this task & earning ten points in the pledge challenge contest, Poppy gets seven points, Harmony gets five, Amber three & Lexi one." Ashley stated in a cheerful voice before stepping away from the bar.

When Ashley moved the girls saw Taylor writing on the whiteboard that contained the overall scores of the pledge challenge, when she was finished Taylor turned the board to face the girls before reading out the scores for Lexi's benefit. The leaderboard looked like this,

Pledge Challenges Scoreboard

After task 7: Hold your orgasm

Poppy 36

Lexi 29

Harmony 27

Amber 21

Catalina 21

Jess 14

As Taylor read out the scores Ashley looked closely at all the pledges to observe their reactions when they heard their scores. Jess, Poppy & Harmony all looked pleased which didn't surprise her, Jess finally had some useful points on the board, Poppy had built up a sizeable gap to fourth place & Harmony after all she had been through over the past eight days could finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Lexi showed no real reaction but Ashley had expected that, although the Canadian girl was still in second place her position had been much stronger at the start of the day. As for Amber & Catalina both girls showed annoyance & frustration at falling a little behind the all-important top three positions but neither was so far back that they couldn't turn it around very quickly.

When Taylor had finished reading out the scores & had sat down Ashley told the pledges that they had ten minutes to have a wash, go to the bathroom or do anything else they wanted before reporting to the kitchen at 4.45 to prepare dinner for the whole house. As the girls headed off in their different directions Ashley frowned as she saw Jess rushing up to the balcony on the first floor for a smoke, she wasn't keen on how dependent the least interesting girl in the pledge class seemed to be on cigarettes.

Harmony hurried to the bathroom to wash the rapidly drying cum off of her face, she felt a little happy a few minutes later when she went to the kitchen to help prepare dinner, it wasn't until Amber leant close to her & sniffed loudly before saying with a giggle,

"Someone's got pussy breath!" That she realised she hadn't brushed her teeth or used mouthwash or anything after going down on Poppy & Lexi.

When she realised what Amber meant Harmony blushed & turned her face away which prompted Amber to bring her mouth close to her ear & say quietly,

"When that yummy girl cum taste wears off I'm sure I could help you get it back!" she laughed before adding,

"And as I'm way hotter than those other two I bet I taste far more delicious!"

The time spent getting the food ready was fairly uneventful but when it came time to eat Harmony was bringing the last couple of trays out as everyone else was sitting down which meant she didn't get to choose who she sat with. When all the food was set out Harmony looked around & saw there were only two seats left & as one was across the table from Cindy she had to choose the other which left her sat with Amber, Amy, Britney, Tiphany & a second year introduced to her as Summer. The second year girl had strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail to just below her shoulders, she was 5 foot 5 and had 34B breasts, but it was her choice of clothing that really stood out, it was definitely a bit punk. She wore blue jeans & a black top highlighted with streaks of pink and bright green as well as flecks of silver.

Summer had on a beautiful silver necklace that drew Harmony's eye but her focus was quickly drawn back to the conversation around her when she heard Amber talking about her,

"So it turns out Harmony might enjoy tonguing twat more than she's been letting on! I noticed when we were getting the food ready that she had some serious pussy breath and that was right after we'd all been given a break so she could have easily brushed her teeth or used mouthwash or anything, I think she liked the taste so much she didn't want to get rid of it!"

Harmony was about to put a large forkful of pasta in to her mouth but Tiphany reached out a hand to stop her & tickling her arm lightly asked her to open her mouth, as she did so the big breasted blonde leant forward & sniffed before laughing as she said,

"Oh wow it's true! So whose snatch am I smelling on your breath Harmony?"

Harmony blushed as she felt a hand on her right thigh, looking down at her food she replied quietly,

"It's Poppy's and Lexi's, I went down on them both as part of our last pledge challenge & I must have forgotten to brush my teeth afterwards."

Even though she was looking away Harmony noticed out of the corner of her left eye that Tiphany had a big smile on her face as she was speaking & when she finished the richest girl in the house laughed & replied,

"You must have forgotten ha! Oh absolutely we all totally believe that!"

Tiphany's words were gently mocking & when the giggling they caused subsided she lightly pinched Harmony's nipple & added,

"After you've finished that pasta & salad I'm sure any of us would be happy to find you something else to eat, something really juicy that would refresh the taste you forgot to wash away!"

That caused more laughter around the table, both Amber & Britney nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion whilst Tiphany gave her nipple another quick pinch & the hand that she realised must be Summer's gave her right thigh a firm squeeze before settling back to rest there.

After that the conversation reverted to less sexual matters as the girls ate, Harmony was surprised to learn that Summer was studying accountancy & financial management as she certainly didn't look like any accountant or banker she had ever met. Summer didn't say much which Harmony assumed was why she hadn't noticed her before, but her hand spent a lot of the meal resting on Harmony's bare thigh & the little she did say suggested she was very intelligent.

As the girls were finishing their pudding Taylor & Michelle went to each table in turn telling some of the first years & all of the pledges to stay behind when the others left. A few minutes later as the room started to clear Summer gave Harmony's thigh a long gentle stroke before smiling & winking at her as she stood to leave. Rebecca was sent by Michelle to fill the empty seat as practically everyone at the table she had been at had left the room.

When the pledges and selected first years were grouped together and were the only ones left in the room apart from Ashley, Zara, Rachel, Taylor & Michelle the sorority president stood & addressed them,

"Firstly well done pledges, that was a very nice meal, as usual you'll be doing the washing up, clearing the tables etc & you can have a rest until 8 o'clock when you've finished. At 8 we'll be having another pledge challenge which I need the rest of you here to help with. So I want to see all of you in the meeting room at 8. After the challenge we'll be having a sleep over, each pledge will be spending the night in the room of the girl assigned as their big sister. Breakfast will be at 9 in the morning with the first pledge challenge of the day at 10. I won't reveal what that one will be but I will tell you that later in the day we'll be seeing which of you can lick a girl to an orgasm the quickest."

That last sentence caused so many different reactions in the room that Harmony didn't know where to look, Catalina & Jess both looked horrified, Lexi looked nervous, Poppy & Amber looked pleased & most of the first years present looked excited.

As Ashley sat back down Amber stood & turned to face her,

"Sister Ashley, I don't mean to speak out of turn but won't Harmony have a bit of an unfair advantage in that challenge as she's already been down on so many girls that whoever she's paired with she will already know what that girl likes & will be able to get her off faster."

"You don't have to worry about that Amber, we've already decided that each of you will be paired with someone you haven't been down on before." Ashley answered with an approving smile that suggested she was pleased someone had thought to ask that question.

Catalina responded immediately in an unkind tone,

"You mean there's a girl in the house Harmony hasn't already pleasured? She's such a little cunt whore I'm amazed there's a girl in the whole town she hasn't done yet!"

The Hispanic girl laughed loudly at her own joke but apart from Michelle nobody else found it amusing, Ashley thought about rebuking her but decided it was best just to ignore it completely.

Ashley asked Taylor & Michelle to come with her to the sorority president's office for a chat so she left Zara to supervise the pledges as they cleared up, did the washing up etc. Amber, Harmony & Poppy worked hard as they wanted to have a bit of free time & when she realised she'd have more time to get high even Jess pulled her weight, so by 7.15 everything was done which meant the pledges had a 45 minute break before the next challenge.

Ashley & her two vice presidents spent an hour or so talking over what they thought of the six potential pledges including which they hoped would get into the house. They all agreed that Poppy & Lexi would be an excellent fit & none of them wanted Jess to become a sister. All three were agreed that Harmony had shown a lot of determination & strength to still be in the pledging process & even Michelle had to admit it wouldn't be a bad thing if she was successful, although her reason for thinking this was different to the other twos. All three kind of liked Amber but weren't totally sure but both Ashley & Taylor had reservations over Catalina due to her selfishness, arrogance & bad attitude, although they had to admit she was gorgeous & Michelle definitely wanted her to get in to the house & probably her bed too.

Jess spent her free 45 minutes on the first floor balcony getting high, she had a nice big splif that left her feeling very mellow by the time she returned downstairs for the next pledge challenge. Catalina spent the time preening herself in front of the mirror in guest room two whereas the other 4 pledges were sprawled on the bed in guest room one watching TV.

When they went down to the meeting room at 8 o'clock the pledges found a few other girls were there too, Zara, Rachel, Amy, Cassie, Heather, Britney, Tiphany & of course Ashley, Taylor & Michelle.

When the pledges were seated Ashley handed Harmony a sports jacket to put on over her pledge robe, oddly it had 5 foam stars stuck to it on bits of Velcro for no reason she could think of.

Before she explained the game to the pledges Ashley used the intercom to instruct all sorority sisters to return to their rooms & lock the doors for the duration of this challenge, then she sent Rachel, Zara, Amy, Britney, Heather, Tiphany, Taylor & Michelle back up to the main part of the house.

When it was just the pledges plus herself & Cassie left in the room Ashley sat down & talked them through the challenge,

"One of the ways we come up with these pledge challenges is adult versions of children's games, like the musical faces game we played a couple of days ago. I'm sure when you were little you all played kiss chase, well this game is piss chase! It's simple, one girl runs away & the rest have two minutes to catch her, every girl who catches her will then get to piss in her mouth. Harmony will be the girl running & all the others of you have to do is grab one of the stars off her jacket to win. If Harmony escapes you all then she gets 20 points, any girl that catches her gets 4 points & if Harmony does avoid being caught she gets to pick two of you to drink her piss. Lexi you'll be waiting here with me whilst Cassie represents you. The girls I just sent upstairs have taken up positions in different parts of the house to observe & make sure nobody gets too violent or tries to help any of you out, it's each girl for herself."

As Ashley finished explaining Harmony had massively mixed feelings, she knew she wasn't that likely to win & she hated the thought of drinking the piss of yet more girls as every time she had been forced to do it had been disgusting, but she knew if she could just stay clear of the other girls for two minutes she would have an enormous lead in the pledge competition & would be all but certain of earning her sisterhood.

Ashley lined up the five chasers at the back of the meeting room & sent Harmony to the foot of the stairs, she ordered none of the girls to move until they heard her whistle. As soon as the shrill sound reached her ears Harmony took flight sprinting up the stairs into the main part of the house.

Harmony thought fast, if she went upstairs she would have to hide & could end up trapped on one floor as easy prey for all five of her opponents, if she stayed on the ground floor she might be able to stay out of sight for a while by going around behind the bar in the party room & out the room's other exit but her best option was to go down the other set of stairs that led to the rest of the basement which contained the gym, the swimming pool & a changing room area.