Sorority Pledge Pt. 06


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Harmony was sent back to guest room 1 with Lexi whilst the rest of the pledges were set to tidying up the party room ready for the food's arrival & when they heard the doorbell both girls assumed that it was the food being delivered. A minute or so later Taylor knocked on the door & showed in a woman in her mid twenties who Harmony didn't recognise,

"Jenny sent one of her colleagues, Emma, to check on you Harmony as she couldn't get here tonight herself.".

Taylor left but allowed Lexi to stay as Harmony wasn't exactly likely to be embarrassed at showing off her injuries in front of a blind girl. Harmony undressed & was thoroughly examined by Emma & once the doctor was finished & Harmony was back in her pledge robe Taylor & Ashley were called in to hear her verdict.

"I'd imagine you're still quite soar Harmony, but the good news is the burns from that cattle prod don't seem to be as bad as they looked to Jenny straight after the attack. I'd say that by the end of the weekend you'll barely notice them, although definitely keep using the cream on them until this time next week to be on the safe side. Your breasts are heeling faster than Jenny had expected too, as long as you get plenty of sleep & keep using the gel bras they should be fine by Monday or Tuesday, but again keep using the gel bras for the full nine days as Jenny instructed just to be safe.".

Everyone thanked Emma as Ashley showed her out, when the room door was open Taylor saw Zara handing a wad of cash to a delivery driver, so she told Harmony & Lexi to come into the party room as the food had obviously arrived.

The meal was totally uneventful & afterwards Jess & Catalina were told to clear up & do the washing up whilst the other pledges went back to guest room 1. As she was eating Harmony's eyes did fall upon the whiteboard which again listed everything the pledges had done since entering the house, but she quickly averted her gaze to the other board that listed the pledge challenge scores & showed that she had a 27 point lead over Catalina who was the highest score of the two girls currently outside of the qualifying places for earning a place in the sorority.

After they had eaten Ashley & Taylor again met with Chantelle & Dr Fiona, Fiona explained that she had put Lexi & Harmony in guest room 1 & asked for someone, to share with them as she wanted them to have a normal night's sleep in that room so that neither of them would develop any sort of fear of the room based on both of their bad experiences that started there the night before. She added that she didn't actually expect a problem, she was just playing it safe.

"Unless there's anything else you need me for Ashley I'm going to have to go," Chantelle told the sorority president,

Ashley stood & gave the young lawyer a hug before saying,

"Thank you so much for all of your help today Chantelle, as I said you're welcome to visit anytime Lexi wants you to.",

After stopping in to guest room 1 & saying goodbye to Lexi & Harmony, Chantelle left & soon after the other pledges were sent up to their rooms for the night.

It was an uneventful night in Michelle's room, the junior of the sorority's two vice presidents didn't want Jess there & Jess didn't want to be there, luckily they both had a strategy to avoid having to talk to each other. Michelle went for a long bath & by the time she was finished Jess, who had spent twenty minutes smoking weed on the first floor balcony before going to Michelle's room, was already fast asleep.

Amy had chosen Poppy to spend the night with because she wanted to speak to the pink haired girl about her own feelings for Penny & Poppy's experiences as a lesbian. In truth their conversation went a lot like the one she had enjoyed with Amber a couple of nights previously, but it made her feel more certain about things when she had heard it from a second person. Like with Amber nothing sexual happened, but both Amy & Poppy enjoyed relaxing on the bed & talking, whilst watching a trashy film on TV, with both girls ending the night feeling that they had a lot in common & that they wanted to be friends.

Catalina's time with Rachel was equally enjoyable, they sat talking whilst watching the same film as Amy & Poppy, but their conversation was far more shallow. They talked about boys, about the other girls in the sorority, about how it felt to be so much better looking than everyone else, about how having money was really cool as it meant they could do almost anything they wanted & other equally bitchy subjects. Rachel told Catalina that she hoped the Colombian American girl would get a place in the house, but she advised her to try a bit harder to hide her bitchy side as she was a bit too overtly mean at times, even if Rachel did usually find herself thinking the same thing as the Hispanic girl was saying!

As soon as Amber got to Tiphany's room the Chinese American girl made an exaggerated show of being really tired, fake yawns & the like, so within ten minutes both her & Tiphany were laying in the big chested blonde's bed watching TV, although they had picked a better film than the other pairs were watching.

Making herself sound deliberately sleepy to catch Tiphany off guard Amber looked across at her & said,

"The only thing better today than pissing on that bitch Cindy's face is getting to kiss, lick & suck your breasts!",

Tiphany looked across surprised & said confusedly,

"But you haven't kissed, licked or sucked on my breasts?",

Smiling & surreptitiously raising her feet up the bed Amber said quickly,

"Yet!", before springing across the bed & yanking Tiphany's night dress up.

For the next thirty seconds both girls were in fits of laughter as they playfully wrestled, before Amber got Tiphany's night dress up over her face causing enough of a distraction for her to get her lips on the tits she had been fantasising about ever since she had first seen Tiphany. As the richest girl in the sorority pulled the night dress off entirely so that she could see again she felt Amber's lips on her left nipple & before she could do more than gasp the Asian girl had pulled the right breast close, opened her mouth really wide & taken both nipples into her lip lock at the same time.

Amber started by running her tongue around the edges of both nipples, doing a circle around them, as her teeth gently teased one of them & her left hand made its way down Tiphany's side until it found her surprisingly wet cunt. As Tiphany moaned loudly in immense pleasure Amber started to firmly lick across the nipples that she was now sucking on whilst her fingers pumped her blonde friend's slick slit.

After a couple of minutes Amber's right hand was in her own pussy & the excitement of the nipples in her mouth & the oh so erotic sound of Tiphany's moaning, gasping & panting combined with the knowledge that it was her causing those sounds meant that she was able to cum very hard at the same moment she pushed Tiphany over the edge too.

"Oh wow!" Tiphany managed to exclaim as she panted for breath twenty seconds later,

"You're really really good!".

When, a couple of minutes later, the girls were laid next to each other on the bed, still naked, a grinning Tiphany looked across at Amber & asked her,

"I guess you didn't listen when Ashley told us that tonight wasn't about sex then?",

Amber laughed before replying,

"Oh I did, I listened very carefully! She told you wicked sorority sisters that us innocent little pledges weren't here for your sexual amusement tonight, but she never said anything about pledges taking advantage of sorority sisters! Well that's how I interpreted what she said anyway!" Both girls laughed at this.

"Besides I've been fantasising about your boobs ever since I first saw them & Poppy told me that they looked even better naked, so I couldn't resist the chance to find out for myself!" Amber explained with a big smile on her face.

Nothing else sexual happened that night, the girls chatted about nothing in particular for around half an hour before falling asleep. Amber had planned to have a bit more fun in the shower the next morning, but as it turned out they both over slept & had to hurry to be in time for breakfast.

Within a couple of minutes of Taylor entering guest room 1 Lexi, Harmony & her were all in bed, Lexi on the left, Harmony in the middle & Taylor on the right, meaning that she was closest to the door.

When she had gotten into bed Harmony had thought that she was really tired but instead of falling straight off to sleep she lay there warm & comfortable talking with the other two girls with the TV on in the background. They talked about how likely that Harmony & Lexi were to get into the sorority now that there were four places available, they talked about where Harmony could take them all in her new car, they talked about who in the house they all liked & who any of them didn't (Catalina was top of all of their lists of girls they disliked) & then they talked about what they found attractive.

Taylor told the other two about how she considered herself to be a bit of a slut, but in a good way. During the previous year she had slept with each of Ashley, Michelle & Zara on a regular basis & that she had a different dynamic with each of them, before she added,

"If I'm being honest the girl I really have feelings for is Zara & I think sooner or later, probably sooner, we'll end up in a relationship, but both of us find other girls attractive too & like the idea of having girls we both like join us in bed sometimes." She stroked Harmony's arm under the covers as she said this.

"I'd have to really trust both other people I think if I was going to have a threesome," Lexi said in a considered voice,

"I do see how it could be a lot of fun, but I don't think I'd want to do something that intimate with anyone I wasn't totally comfortable with.".

"Michelle's had at least three threesomes, she might have had more & just not told us, but I know about three. For two of them she picked up two guys in a bar & let them share her, the third time her & a boyfriend found a submissive girl online & met up with her at a hotel, heaven only knows what they got her to do knowing Michelle's imagination!" Taylor said cheekily.

"Ew, those first two are just nasty!" Lexi said before adding,

"The one when it was with her boyfriend doesn't sound quite as bad, but it still wouldn't do it for me." She added.

Harmony couldn't help feeling a tingle between her thighs as she listened to this conversation, she had been a little excited ever since Taylor had started to talk about her lesbian adventures but it was that mention of Michelle letting two guys share her that had really peaked her interest, only in the pictures filling Harmony's mind it was two girls sharing her. A thought crossed her mind, she was in the middle of the bed with a girl in just a night dress on either side of her, if they both wanted something to happen she would be completely at their mercy, she didn't know why but that thought sent a jolt of electricity shooting through her crotch, so much so that her breath caught in her throat when she tried to join in the conversation.

The girls talked for a few more minutes before falling silent & attempting to sleep. Within a few minutes Taylor's loud breathing made it obvious that she had dozed off but Harmony was equally sure that Lexi was still awake.

Harmony inched up the bed & after lightly touching Lexi on the shoulder moved her ear to the blind girl's ear,

"Are you okay?" she whispered,

Lexi felt around for a second before finding Harmony's hand & holding it firmly but gently as she replied,

"Yes, thank you." With obvious warmth in her voice,

"I'm the one who should be thanking you, we both know what would have happened to me if it wasn't for you." Harmony whispered back.

The two girls hugged each other & stayed like that for at least half a minute, when Harmony lay back on the bed she had a sudden impulse & reaching over again gave Lexi an eskimo kiss, both girls giggled quietly,

"What was that for?" Lexi asked,

"I know eskimo kisses make you giggle & I wanted to lighten the mood a bit!" they both giggled again before Lexi initiated another, far shorter but just as warm hug.

Both Harmony & Lexi soon dropped off holding hands & both felt very content as they drifted into sleep. Harmony's last thoughts of the day were a mixture of how nice Lexi was, how close they both were to getting a place in the sorority & how much she loved her new car.

* * * * * * * * * *

To be continued.

* * * * * * * * * *

I'm planning one final part to this story & then a much shorter, probably three part, follow up about what happens to Harmony when she does or does not get into the sorority.

As always I love all your comments and suggestions, I'd particularly like to hear from other girls with comments, suggestions, requests and idea's for this or other stories.

Love and licks, Lucy X X X X X X X

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very sad that harmony’s torture in the house kinda subsided. As I’m not much for physical pain I would have loved for Cindy to shit in her mouth. This was prob my least favorite one I’ve read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Not fan of physical pain, the part with Cindy's torture was really uncomfortable to read.

I was, weirdly, very turned on about the whole full toilet use she had planned for Harmony. Kind of disappointed she didn't get to go through with it, would have preferred that to the whole torture thing. It would have been the ultimate humiliation, forever establishing Cindy's dominance over Harmony.

lf36201lf36201over 6 years ago
The Good and the Bad

Good story idea but got very wordy in places. And a personal scream for all the pages that ended with a comma. Annoying.

If you have an idea for a story (and this was good with many laudable parts), finish the story before posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Part 7?

When can we look for part 7 to come out? Im looking forward to the interaction between Harmony and Rebecca after what Cindy did. Hope its soon

JackDoodleJackDoodlealmost 7 years ago
Lexi & Harmony

First and foremost, great story so far I absolutely loved the revenge twist and the skating so close to actual irreparable harm before implementing it. While I do feel like there is a hint of a slight threat remaining from Cindy it would be better left as that was driven out of her with the golden showers. Honestly with the gap in update, even though I only found this work about a year ago, I had already come up with a "Cindy oversteps and gets fucked for it scenario" so I am quite happy with how this has turned out. But, if I may make a suggestion, I would let Lexi offer Harmony a position as her personal assistant/companion, you know the concept. She is already doing so much of it now just out of the goodness of her heart all Lexi would have to do is find some sort financial "gift" to help Harmony along, I mean 1K per month even with all other expenses covered will only get you so far. If not the companion scenario then most definitely lovers, although I am not sure Lexi is ready to admit that she is a lesbian either which is why I suggest the companion scenario as a segue into their relationship blossoming to fruition.

Whatever you decide on Lexi/Harmony status, I do think that it would be best all round if Rebecca were to drop all interest in entrapping Harmony. Mostly, I doubt if Harmony's little entourage would let it happen so Rebecca needs to either have a change of heart or get thwarted at every turn. Another possibility would be it just needs to be dropped and never picked back up again in the story. The events with Cindy just put what Rebecca was doing a little darker than grey if you know what I mean.

In closing, best of luck and I am sure I will read and enjoy the closing no matter you chose. I just might not enjoy it as much if you continue down the Rebecca is a first class bitch path.

Don't Take Too Long,


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