Star Wars: The Legion Saga


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"Master Qui-Gon." Senior Jedi Mace Windu addressed him. "You don't know the problems you have caused here on Coruscant."

"Problems?" Qui-Gon asked incredulously. "In the Senate?"

"Yes." Mace went on. "You have all but forced a settlement upon the Trade Federation at the point of your lightsaber. The Neimoidians have rallied unprecedented support in the Senate by showing images of you storming their bridge and holding them hostage."

"Hostage!" Qui-Gon exclaimed in anger. "They tried to assassinate my apprentice and I! They murdered Republic citizens and they have a droid army larger than any I've seen ready to-"

"Never the less," Yoda interrupted. "Great sentiment against the Jedi you have created. Even the senator from Naboo denounces your intervention."

"We've saved his planet from an invasion!" Qui-Gon protested. "Surely the senator must see that. If he is denouncing our actions then he has his own agenda and is not representing his planet's interests."

Qui-Gon paused then continued. "And what of the Sith? The fact that they were behind this proves-"

"Not substantiated the return of the Sith has been." Yoda explained calmly.

"All the Senate sees," Mace Windu continued. "Is that two Jedi have stepped in and forced a treaty upon the Trade Federation and the Naboo. Two Jedi have usurped the power of the Senate and the Courts to make the law. We've never seen so much anti-Jedi sentiment on such a scale before. I've been arguing on your behalf before the Senate all morning."

"Many of the Jedi," Yoda continued, "Recalled to the temple have been. Now need we solidarity, more than ever."

"Masters..." Qui-Gon spoke slowly, trying to contain his frustration. "I have acted for the good of the Naboo and believe I have prevented a Sith plot. I acted by following my conscience and the will of the force. If I have exceeded my mandate, I tell you it was for the greater good."

"Greater good you say, Master Qui-Gon?" Yoda asked cryptically, "What greater good has come?"

"Return to Coruscant at once with your apprentice." Mace Windu ordered sternly. "We will discuss these matters in person."

"Masters, I tell you this: If I leave the Naboo system now and don't see this treaty through to its completion, the Neimoidians will invade and conquer this planet. I cannot return now. I cannot leave until peace has been assured here."

"No more action can you be permitted to take." Yoda pointed his finger at Qui-Gon's hologram as he spoke. "Already much damage done has been. Return to Coruscant, you must."

"Masters, with no third party to complete this mediation, the Naboo lose all their bargaining power. They will be at the mercy of the droid armies of the Trade Federation."

"Return to Coruscant." Mace Windu repeated. "That is all."

The transmission was cut abruptly. Qui-Gon stood from the Viceroy's chair in disgust. How could they be so blind?! How could they ignore his warnings of the Sith's return? And to leave Naboo now, at this most critical was madness.

Qui-Gon calmed himself, then stood and walked to the bridge, the doors sliding open to reveal Obi-Wan standing next to the ornately dressed Queen Amidala as the negotiations with the Viceroy dragged on. As Obi-Wan saw his master approach, he silently walked to his master's side.

"What did the counsel have to say, master?"

"Apparently," Qui-Gon said quietly, "Our actions have provoked a galactic controversy. The counsel orders us to return to the Coruscant immediately."

"What?!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, then lowered his voice as the Neimoidians looked over to him suspiciously. "If we leave now, the entire treaty will fall apart. The Federation will probably invade."

"I know." Qui-Gon said ominously. "That is why you and I must find another solution."


"Pull up a star chart." Qui-Gon ordered, his mind working rapidly, "Find the nearest Hutt-controlled world."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened at the suggestion. But seeing the determination in his master's face he assented with a nod.

"And then?"

"And then..." Qui-Gon said pensively. "Instruct the Neimoidians to set a course."

Chapter 3

Qui-Gon Jinn led Sio Bibble and Padmé and her two handmaidens into the cavernous palace of Jabba the Hutt. The Neimoidian delegation of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako followed behind, Gunray's mecho-chair gave him an overly dramatic, regal countenance, far out of place in this vile building. The dark, dank structure was a stark contrast to the bright desert they had just left. Landing the Queen's ship not far from the palace, the envoy made its way cautiously into the looming building.

A strange mechanical spider holding a humanoid brain inside a jar of liquid staggered by them, causing Padmé to gasp in horror.

"A B'omarr monk." Qui-Gon explained to the young girl. He had found himself acting as her unofficial advisor more and more in the midst of this crisis. "They believe they can only achieve enlightenment once free of the confines of the physical."

Padmé suppressed a shiver as the strange creature disappeared into the shadows. She felt proud of herself for having risen to the occasion. She had been as strong as anyone could have for her people so far. But now...entering the stronghold of a notorious gangster and crime lord to seek his help as a mediator for her dispute with the Trade was such an unorthodox solution to their situation. But Qui-Gon Jinn had thought it the only possible solution. With pro-Federation sentiment now stronger than ever in the Senate and a treaty as yet unsigned, this seemed to be her only hope to avoid an occupation army of droids defiling her world. Still, the thought of involving a hutt in her planet's affairs felt a bit like turning to the dark side.

Qui-Gon led the two parties to a set of large, pig-like Gamorrean guards. Not being the world's greatest conversationalists, the guards merely grunted and clanged their axes together in the universal gesture for 'Do Not Enter.'

"De wanna wonga?" A creaking voice called from the shadows. A pale skinned, evil looking Twi'lek male stepped from the darkness.

"We want exactly what I explained to you on the holo-channel, my friend." Qui-Gon answered calmly. "We seek an audience with your master to mediate a financial dispute."

Padmé shifted uncomfortably as she looked around the foreboding structure. She didn't like the characterization of their dispute as purely financial. Surely that was what had the Neimoidians here, but to her there were fundamental freedoms at stake. Still, she realized that the only way a Hutt would ever agree to mediate was if there was money at stake. This gave them the opportunity to take a any good gangsters would. She remained silent and let Qui-Gon take the lead.

"Ne Jabba, no bada." The majordomo answered with a sneer. It was clear there would be no getting past him without a bribe.

"Huh!" Nute Gunray shouted from his uncomfortable mechno-chair behind them. "I told you this was pointless! We need FREE negotiations with no Jedi and no Hutt interference."

Qui-Gon waived his hand and spoke directly to the Twi-lek. "You will take us to Jabba now and you will be rewarded."

The Twi-lek shrugged and gestured for them to follow. "I will take oo to Jabba now." He muttered.

Qui-Gon smirked at Sio Bibble who raised his grey eyebrows in surprise. Padmé suppressed a smile of her own. It was handy to have a Jedi on your side. Walking to the back of the group, Qui-Gon addressed the Neimoidians.

"You will conduct yourself as gentlemen and negotiate in good faith here, my Neimoidian friends."

"Huh." Nute snorted. "And if we don't you'll run us through with your laser-sword, no doubt."

"Viceroy," Qui-Gon continued as he walked along side them into the depths of the palace. "Being disrespectful to a Hutt is far more dangerous than the tip of my blade."

As the delegation made its way into the heart of Jabba's palace, Sio Bibble drew close to Padmé. He looked fearfully towards the path ahead and whispered to the young queen.

"Take care, milady. There are going to be sights in this palace far worse than anything you can possibly imagine."

Padmé smiled at his warning, wondering how the old aristocrat would react to the sight of she and her handmaidens devouring each other's pussies. Probably he'd have a heart attack.

"I don't know..." Padmé mused. "I can imagine quite a bit..."

Sio Bibble's eyes widened at her statement, but before he could reply, they descended the stairs and were in the presence of Jabba the Hutt himself.

Padmé had chosen not to use Sabé as a decoy, despite the obvious dangers of seeking mediation from a Hutt. Captain Panaka nearly had a conniption over it and even more so at having been left behind on Naboo. But with an invasion still a possibility, she had wanted her chief of security home, to guard against the droid threat. Now suddenly, as the myriad of alien gangsters, petty criminals, and bounty hunters all eyed she and her party, she wished very much for the disguise of a handmaiden, and Panaka's blaster at her side.

Qui-Gon walked into the center of the court and bowed before the mighty Jabba as the majordomo whispered in his slug-like master's ear.

"STATE YOUR BUSINESS." Jabba bellowed.

"Mighty Jabba, we seek your wisdom and ask your indulgence." Qui-Gon explained. "A financial dispute of massive proportions brings the Naboo and the Trade Federation to your great court, seeking mediation."

"HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO." Jabba laughed disdainfully. Padmé felt her blood chill at the cruelty behind the huge slug's mirth. "I AM TO CLEAN THE MESS OF A JEDI."

Qui-Gon nodded, undisturbed by the insult. Clearly, the Trade Federation was flooding the holo-net with his image.

"Indeed, I have made a complicated situation worse." He conceded. "We come before you in the hopes your wisdom will succeed where mine has failed."

"WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME?" Jabba asked, all eyes in the court looking to the massive gangster. "I DON'T MEDIATE FOR THE REPUBLIC."

"Mighty Jabba!" Padmé implored, seizing the moment as she stepped to Qui-Gon's side. "We ask only that you mediate our dispute as you would any other. If you can help bring about an end to our quarrel I can promise you the eternal devotion of my people. I beg you..." she implored, taking a knee on the dirty floor. "To treat both us, and the Trade Federation with the even-handedness your people are renowned for throughout the galaxy."

Padmé continued to kneel before Jabba for an agonizing few seconds before his voice filled the room.


As Jabba licked his lips and gazed down at Padmé with what was unmistakable lust, she shivered at the thought of being any closer to the creature.


Padmé exhaled with relief and returned to her delegation.

Rune Haako leaned in close to his Viceroy's ear. "Sir, Jabba is attracted to the young queen."

"Disgusting." Nute whispered as he watched the Nabooians follow one of Jabba's Weequay minions to their temporary living quarters. "But how does that help us?"

"Humanoid females excite him, sir." Rune explained as they began following their own escort to their quarters. "Perhaps it is a weakness we can exploit to our advantage."

Chapter 4

Padmé walked next to Qui-Gon Jinn as the two descended into the depths of Jabba's palace, with R2-D2 rolling along behind them. The negotiations had been dragging on for two long days. She wished they could have talked candidly with Qui-Gon inside the small rooms Jabba had provided. As seedy as their accommodations were, at least they were less ominous than then dark lower halls of the palace they currently walked through.

Padmé had been allowed to bring a trusty astromech droid from her ship into the palace. Ostensively R2-D2 was there to provide technical data regarding alternative taxation methods for the outlying star systems. In truth, the droid was there to scan for listening devices. A quick scan of their quarters had already revealed half a dozen bugs. And so they descended together into the hidden depths of Jabba's vast palace, seeking some privacy to speak.

R2 beeped his assent that they were finally clear of listening devices. Padmé spoke first.

"I am grateful for all the help you've given me, Master Jedi."

"I fear I have not done enough." Qui-Gon answered morosely as they turn another dark corner. "But one thing remains true. For over two centuries the Hutts have decided financial disputes fairly. Their solutions are often harsh, but they are just."

"Even Jabba?" Padmé asked doubtfully. She had already seen more in this palace than she cared to remember.

"It is a code no Hutt will dare violate. And it is the only type of deal in which a Hutt cannot be bribed or bought."

Padmé nodded as they entered an archway. At least Jabba would provide a resolution to this fiasco. And allowing her planet to be blockaded or invaded was far too one-sided a solution for Jabba to appear fair. It would have to be a reassessment of taxation routes and a lowering of the Federation's yearly payments. That would likely end the debate.

"Are you an angel?"

Padmé turned to see a small human boy sitting on a table, surrounded by droid parts. In his hands was the white, skeletal head of an 8D8 series droid the boy had been tinkering with.

"What?" Padmé asked, surprised to see such an innocent looking youth in this den of inequity.

"An angel." He replied. "They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe."

"You're a funny little boy..." Padmé replied, "Do you work here?"

"I'm in charge of Jabba's droids. I repair them, program them, whatever he needs." The small plainly dressed youth turned and deftly connected the 8D8 head to its waiting body. The skull-like face lit up and it looked to the boy stupidly, awaiting instructions.

"Report to our master's main audience chamber for instructions." The boy ordered. "You are to assist in the Diva's performance."

The droid nodded and walked off to complete its orders.

"You're a slave then?" Padmé asked.

"I'm a person...and my name's Anakin." The boy said defiantly.

"I'm sorry," she replied. "This is a strange and frightening place to me. I don't fully understand everything here. My name is Padmé."

Qui-Gon stepped forward, taking a keen interest in the young boy.

"My name is Qui-Gon Jinn. Have you always lived here in the palace?"

"Heck no." the Anakin answered, jumping down from the table to walk across the room and begin tinkering with a small power droid that was rolling in circles. "Jabba just bought me this week. I used to belong to a Toydarian. An especially greedy Toydarian named Watto. But Jabba bought me after I won the Boonta Eve pod race. And now I tend to his droids. Jabba wants me to race for him in the next large pod race. Until then, I need to make myself useful in this slimy place."

"You won a pod race?" Qui-Gon asked, genuinely impressed. "You must have Jedi reflexes to have accomplished such a feat."

Anakin eyed the tall man suspiciously. "I heard Jabba call you a Jedi. I can hear everything down here through these droids. So are you a Jedi?"

Qui-Gon nodded slowly.

"Then why don't you free the slaves of Tatooine?" he asked simply. "My mother is still a slave of Watto, most of my friends are owned by one alien or another. And I'm stuck in this slug pit until the next race."

"I'm afraid that's not my mission, Anakin." Qui-Gon explained. He stretched out with his feelings and felt the young boy's strength...the boy's power. The force was strong in him. Incredibly strong for one so young. As unorthodox as coming here had seemed at first, Qui-Gon had always felt there was a reason for it. A reason he had guided the Naboo to Jabba's palace that had nothing to do with mediation of their dispute.

"Queen Amidala." Bib Fortuna's voice echoed through the hallways. "Jabba aska for oosa."

Bib entered the room with his typical sneer. "There is oona performance for all."

"Alright." Padmé said, walking to the majordomo. She gestured for Qui-Gon that it was alright for him to stay here. She could sense his interest in the young man they had just met.

"You'll be alright without me?" Qui-Gon asked as she began to follow Bib to back to the main audience chamber.

"Oh sure." Padmé said somewhat sarcastically. "What could possibly go wrong in this place? Besides, I have R2 to protect me."

The small droid beeped his intention to defend her as it began rolling after the young queen. With a smile and a wave to Anakin, she disappeared out the door.

As Bib turned the corner, he turned back to Anakin. "And oosa slave. Oosa mother is here."

"No bada for long." Bib instructed the brunette woman who entered the room.

"Mom!" Anakin exclaimed as he ran to meet her.

"Oh Ani!" Shmi called out as she embraced her son.

"I thought I'd never see you again mom!"

Looking up as she hugged her son, Shmi noticed Qui-Gon for the first time.

"I'm sorry to be here, I just had to see my son. I won't keep him from his work for long..." she explained.

"Ah mom." Anakin stepped back from her to explain. "He doesn't work for Jabba, he's a Jedi."

Qui-Gon nodded to the older woman. She was very strong in a way, he could see that. But separation from her son was tearing her in two.

"Qui-Gon Jinn. I just met your son."

"I'm Shmi. Shmi Skywalker."

"He tells me he just won a pod race."

"Oh yeah, mom..listen." Anakin explained sheepishly. "I had to pull 3PO's energy cell to get enough power for the pod racer. I'm sorry he couldn't help you around the house like I promised. But I've got a power cell here that you can use..."

"Oh Ani, I don't care about that." Shmi half cried. "I'm just so very happy to see you. And I wouldn't even know how to get that droid working anyways."

"Eh." Anakin shrugged. "It's lousy being in this place all the time. I never get to see you anymore."

"I know my son." Shmi said, her voice cracking with emotion. "But I think I can visit you once in a while. I've got an arrangement with that Bib Fortuna."

Shmi looked up guiltily at Qui-Gon as she spoke. She was sure he could infer exactly what kind of arrangement the poor slave woman had to make to even be allowed down here today. Sexual favors were a universal form of commerce in Jabba's palace.

"Mom listen," Anakin said quietly, looking over to Qui-Gon unsure if he could yet trust the man. "I've deactivated my transmitter bomb. There's so much great equipment down here that it was easy. I can locate yours and deactivate it too and then..."

"Ani, don't speak of such things." Shmi scolded him. "You have to do what Jabba says do you hear me? It is too dangerous to ever think of escape."

Qui-Gon's heart went out to the small family and their plight. As he watched Shmi embrace her son again, he began to realize that perhaps his true mission here was this young boy. There was just something about him...

Chapter 5

Bib led Padmé back to the audience chamber. The room was alive with alien music as she and R2-D2 entered and stood near Sio Bibble, Rabé, and Sabé. The Neimoidans were there as well, though on the other side of the room. For two days they had gone back and forth over every detail of a peace treaty. It had put Jabba to sleep several times and nearly driven Padmé to total frustration. But right now there were no negotiations taking place. Now Jabba had something in mind for his guests.

The criminal scum all gathered around the Hutt's throne as the music suddenly changed tempo and became a soft, sensual beat.

A voice rang out from the crowd in a pure, beautiful note that nearly took Padmé's breath away. An overhead spotlight illuminated a blue-haired woman wearing what looked like a metal bikini. The woman began to sing in a language Padmé had never before heard. But it seemed that every beautiful note from the blue-haired singer spoke directly to Padmé's soul of both sorrow and loss. It was a slave's lament...but there was hope in her voice. Padmé was in awe that such incredible talent could be found in a place such as this.