Step Siblings Ch. 01


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Sarah's eyes were closed while his touches became stronger and moved up and down her arm. This was the tenderness that was missing with Brian that she wanted so much. Suddenly some dishes in the kitchen on the movie crashed to the floor. She jumped and took his hand in hers like she was still afraid.

They watched the movie but both minds were on their hands and fingers interlocking and touching. Jake's shorts were almost ready to rip open when she pulled his fingers to her lips and she kissed each one and then sucked on the middle finger.

"Sarah," he whispered as his whole finger disappeared into her throat. She slowly pulled it out and turned her face to his. Their eyes closed as their lips pressed together and his tongue took the place of his finger. The movie sounds covered their moans as they kissed and turned together. Her leg curled over his lap until it pressed into his hardness. It was then the doorbell rang.

"Shit," Sarah gasped. She took a deep breath and moved off his package. "Stop the movie and I'll pay for the pizza."

Jake stopped the movie, somehow got his senses back and moved into the hall restroom to throw cold water on his face. He looked into the mirror disgusted to be messing around again with his new sister.

"Jake are you coming out?" Sarah asked through the locked door. When it opened she fell into the room. "Pizza is here." She reached for his hand but he moved it away as they walked back into the den. The pizza was on the coffee table with two beers next to the box.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" he laughed.

"Maybe," she giggled. For the next ten minutes they ate their pizzas quickly so they could get back to the movie.

"This is the good part," she whispered before turning off the overhead light and moving back to lean against him. She grabbed his hand and again pulled it over her shoulder.

"The scary part?" he asked.

"Not really," she giggled. They watched as the possessed teenage son walks into his sister's room and starts flirting with her. When they kissed Sarah turned her head and whispered. "I wish that we were possessed."

Jake looked into Sarah's eyes and felt her guide his hand over until it pressed into her soft covered breast. "I am possessed," he whispered as he opened his hand and completely cupped the tender mound.

"Ahhh," she moaned. Their lips again met and their tongues didn't hold anything back. She managed to pull down the top of the dress and then her bra cup. His fingers caressed her bare titty and his fingers teased her tiny hard nipple. Her hand dropped to his lap and squeezed and explored his length and hardness.

Sarah broke her lips from his and whispered in his ear, "I didn't use the condoms."

He nibbled on her earlobe. "I didn't either."

"I want to but we can't," she whispered.

"I know," he groaned as she pulled down the noisy zipper and reached inside. But he grabbed her hand before she touched his hot flesh. "If you do that we won't be able to stop."

Sarah reluctantly pulled her fingers out and leaned her head into his chest. "What are we going to do?" She felt him pull back up her bra cup and dress.

"I don't know."

A minute later Sarah turned and gave him her hottest wettest kiss. "That was the last one." She stood and walked from the room.

An hour later Jake's mom and new father came home and found him watching Sportscenter.

"Your mom tells me that you are a very good tight end," Jim smiled.

"I didn't start playing until midseason last year," Jake said. "But I guess you could say I had some nice games."

"Nice enough to get some recruiting letters," Ann bragged.

"I think the Kennedy tight end graduated last year," Jim said. "I'm sure they will need you."

Jake remembered that Brian was the starting quarterback. "I don't think the quarterback likes me."

Jim grinned. "The coach is my brother."

"Oh," Jake grinned.


Sarah found a few voice mails on her cell phone and then called Danielle. "Hi."

"What's going on?" Danielle asked. Sarah had told her to not come over to watch the movie.

"Nothing, well almost nothing. We had pizza and watched a movie."


"And we kissed," Sarah whispered.


"And he touched my breast."


"God Danielle he is so big!"

"You didn't."

"Well not really but I touched it through his shorts, Sarah giggled.

"So are you two are going know?"

"No we kissed one last time."

"Right," Danielle laughed.

Sarah heard the call waiting beep and hung up with Danielle. It was Brian. "What's up?" He asked like nothing had happened.

"What do you want?"

"Geez, Sarah we had one little argument and now you want to break up."

"Little argument! You tried to rape me!"

"No I didn't," he said calmly. He had practiced what he was going to say. "You know I wouldn't have pushed it in unless you said I could."

Sarah sighed. "We need to cool it for a while. My father is ready to kill you."

"And your new brother," Brian said. "And I don't want to mess with him."

"You better not give him a hard time tomorrow in school."

"I won't."

"Promise me."

"I promise, "Brian grinned.

Later Sarah called Danielle back.


Ann had Jake's cereal ready for him when he came down the next morning. "And my baby is going to school for the first day."

"Ma!" Jake said glancing over at Sarah who was grinning.

He said good morning to Jim and Sarah who again pretended like nothing was going on between them. Fifteen minutes later Sarah stood and grabbed her book bag. "Do you want to ride with me?"

"Yeah I guess so since I'm not sure where to park," he said. He grabbed his mostly empty book bag and kissed his mother before running into the four car garage to jump into Sarah's car.

"So did you sleep good last night?" She asked as they sped down through the huge homes.

"Not really," he answered. Again she was showing a lot of thigh under the denim skirt.

"You can go out with Danielle if you want," Sarah said not looking his way.

He grinned. "I didn't know that I had to ask for your permission."

Sarah stopped the car at a red light and punched his bicep as hard as she could.

"Ouch!" He said grabbing his sore arm.

"If we can't do it then I get to pick the girl," she frowned.

Jake sat back and tried to remember the way to the school since he would be driving his own car the next day. As they drove through the senior parking lot Sarah waved and yelled to most all of the kids as they gawked at Jake wondering who he was.

As soon as the car stopped Brian rushed over to the car. Jake immediately jumped out to stop him.

"It's OK," Sarah said as she grabbed Jake's arm. "We talked last night."

"You did?" Jake asked showing his disappointment.

Sarah saw his reaction. "Yes we are going to be just friends for a while and take it slow." She said loud enough for Brian to hear her.

About that time a herd of girls ran over to the car. "Well who do we have here? "A cute red haired girl with freckles asked.

Sarah laughed. "This is my new brother Jake. No one can date him unless you get permission from me first." She turned and walked towards the school with Brian.

"Hey wait!" He yelled. "Where is the office?"

"I'll show you," Danielle said as she pushed the other girls aside and took his arm in hers.


Brian registered and made it to the second period class where he discovered Brian waiting for him by the door. "Are you all registered?"

"Yeah. Are you in this class?"

"No, I'm across the hall."

"OK...uh hey I'm sorry for twisting your arm at the church yesterday," Jake said to make piece with the quarterback.

Brian patted him on his back. "Listen as long as you stay out of my way with Sarah we will get along just fine."

Jake wanted to slam him up against the wall but held back. He didn't need to get kicked out of school on the first day. Suddenly someone grabbed his arm and he turned to see Danielle. "Come on the class has started."

"Are you in my class?" Jake asked happy to know somebody.

"I'm in all of your classes," she giggled. "My mother helps out in the office."


The rest of the morning went fast and Jake never saw Sarah until Danielle guided him into the lunch room where she was sitting next to two other girls.

"Hi," Sarah said smiling. "How are you doing?"

"He's doing just great," Danielle said before he did.

"She lets me go to the bathroom alone," he laughed.

"I have cheerleader tryouts after school,' Sarah whispered when he sat next to her.

"I have football tryouts too," he whispered back.

"You play football?"

"A little," he grinned as he looked over at the table of large boys where Brian sat in the middle of them. Brian looked his way and held up his milk carton. Jake grinned. "Will you model your cheerleader uniform later for me?"

Sarah slid her hand over under the table until it landed on his hard muscular thigh. She squeezed it before whispering, "Yes if you wear only your jersey for me later."

"What are you two whispering about?" Danielle asked while leaning over towards them.

"Nothing," Sarah smiled as she bit off her carrot stick. .


"All new players over here!" John yelled as he looked at the bunch of kids milling around. The returning players were already going through their stretching drills. He noticed the one boy who looked to be around 6'3" and was all muscle. "Everyone do some laps around the field until I tell you when to stop." Jake started to take off but the coach pulled him aside.

"You must be Jake."

"Yes sir."

"My brother called me this morning and told me you were trying out. I guess this make you my nephew."

"I guess so," Jake smiled.

"Well don't think that you will get any special treatment," John snapped back. "The rest of the team knows about our relationship and will give us both a hard time if I treat you any different than the rest of them."

"I wouldn't want it any other way," Jake said seriously. "Can I go and run now?"

"Hell yes. Get out of my face!" John yelled loud enough for the returning players to hear him.

The returning players all stopped and watched Jake as he passed kid after kid around the track. He didn't even look winded.

"What position does he play?" One of the kids asked Brian.

"How the fuck should I know?" Brian asked back. Right then he hoped it wasn't quarterback.


Jake finished practice early and was in the showers when Brian walked in with a towel around his waist. Jake remembered the condoms and grinned as he turned displaying his dangling manhood. "Man it felt good to be practicing again."

Brian turned and pulled off his towel and spoke to the wall. "The guys were wondering what position you play."

"Mostly tight end but I played some linebacker at my last school too."

"That's good," Brian grinned. He could use a tall tight end who could catch the ball because he was still waiting to hear from Stanford about a scholarship. "We need a tight end."

Jake hurried to get dressed because he wanted to watch some of the cheerleader tryouts. He moved up on the bleachers and looked down at Sarah and Danielle wearing their cute little uniforms. Danielle saw him first and waved. It caused all of the girls to look and stare.

"Hey look at me!" Sarah said snapping her fingers. "Let's go through the routine one more time before we have the first cuts." As the girls and a few guys smacked their hands together and cheered she peeked back at Jake and saw Brian move up to sit next to him. Things were so screwed up.

"The list will be on the bulletin board tomorrow morning," Sarah said to the girls. Minutes later she and Danielle walked over to the boys.

"I think you should make them do more handstands," Jake laughed.

"Right," Brian laughed. He was actually starting to like Sarah's new brother.

"You dirty ol' man," Danielle giggled before grabbing Jake's arm and walking towards the locker room. "We need to take a shower. Do you want to wash my back?"

Sarah frowned and kept her hands around the stack of papers listing all the new cheerleader's names. She didn't want to hold hands with Brian and had thought she would be alright with Jake matching up with Danielle but knew she wasn't.

"I'll drive you home if you want," Danielle said to Jake at the entrance to the girl's locker room.

"He's going home with me," Sarah said quickly. "We...uh....have an errand to run for our parents."

"OK see you later," Danielle whispered before leaning up and lightly kissing his lips.

"Me too?" Brian whispered to Sarah but she turned without acknowledging him.

Jake was sitting in Sarah's car when she walked out wearing her uniform. "So where is our errand?"

Sarah punched him again. "Our parents won't be home for another hour."

"So." He said not sure what was going on.

"You want me to model for you right?"

"Uh...yeah but what about Danielle?"

"Danielle is your girlfriend outside of our house," she giggled while backing up.

"Shit," Jake thought as he peeked at her cheerleader skirt rising up...up...up over her.." He gasped when he saw regular white lacy panties instead of the solid dark blue cheerleading panties he had seen on the girls when they were practicing. He tried to control his excitement but he knew it was helpless.

Nothing was said on the way home or even when they exited the car. He followed her into the house and tossed his book bag next to hers on the sofa and started to sit down.

"Come on," she said before turning and heading up the stairs. He followed like a puppy while peeking at her pink buns. They moved into her bedroom and she closed the door.

"Sit on my bed." Jake did as she said and then watched as she moved to the middle of the bedroom. Suddenly she leaned forward, landing on her hands and pushed her feet straight upward. Her skirt tumbled down over her hips and white undies.

Sarah watched his face as she slowly split apart her legs causing her panties to pull aside. The cooler air on the edges of her shaved pussy lips proved that he could see enough to weaken him.

"Jesus," he gasped as she flipped over onto her feet and stood up by the bed.

Sarah smiled and walked to her huge walk-in closet. She pulled a large football jersey off one of the hangers and tossed it to him. "Your turn."

"I...uh...better not," he said knowing his jeans were full of his excitement.

"You said you'd model a jersey for me," she glared.

Jake quickly pulled off his tee shirt and pulled the somewhat tight jersey over his stout chest and arms. He stood and allowed it to fall halfway down his thighs. "OK?"

"No you just said a jersey," she dared.

"Are you sure?" He grinned.

"Yes." Sarah sat down on the bed and pulled her skirt up over her now very damp panties. She watched as he reached up under the jersey to release and then lower the jeans. Seconds later his boxers fell to his feet where he kicked them aside. When he stood back up erect something else erect pushed out the front of the jersey.


"Well what?" He laughed. "What do you want me to do?"

"Model it," she giggled. "Move around."

Jake acted like a model on a runway making sure the jersey stayed down over his hard-on. He moved over to the bed and posed with his chin up in the air and his fingers pushing it up. He laughed until she grabbed the bottom of the shirt and jerked it up over his stomach.

"Oh my God!" She gasped when she saw the size of it.

"Hey!" He yelled while jumping back causing the shirt to fall down resting on top of it. It still pushed out about eight hard inches.

Sarah laughed and then he did the same before covering the pink pole.

"You're right. I mean since we live in the same house I guess we need to get used to seeing each other this way." He sat next to her on the bed and watched as she fell onto her back.

Her baby blues looked up at him. He knew what she wanted so he leaned forward and slowly brushed his lips across hers. "You said last kiss last night." He whispered.

Sarah's mouth opened and her pearly whites bit into his lower lip. His body fell onto her and her bare thigh pressed up under his jersey until it rubbed over his bare cock. Her fingers pulled the jersey over his hips until he was naked from the waist down.

"Fuck last kiss," she giggled before opening her mouth and devouring his. For two minutes they frenched and rubbed their bellies together until she pushed him onto his back and then moved back until she sat on his knees. Both of her small hands circled and grabbed onto his thick prick.

"Does my brother want me to jerk him off?" She asked in a little girl's voice.

"Yes your brother really wants you to jerk him off," he moaned.

Sarah gathered the pre-cum from the tip like she had done on Brian's many times before however she now needed more of it. Her then juice-filled fingers began to slowly stroke and pump up and down. "We can't let our parents find out."

"I know," he moaned.

"We can only do this when they are not at home."


"We can't fuck," she whispered.

Jake didn't answer because he wanted to fuck her so bad right then.

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes......we can't fuck."

"You can't fuck Danielle either."

"What? But if I can't fuck you then...."

"We can't fuck now. I didn't say when we can fuck."

She masterfully played and caressed his rod and caressed his balls. "It's getting late, "she giggled looking at the clock before stroking him faster and faster until his hips shot upward.

"NOW SIS........NOW!"

Sarah jerked back making sure he was not going to stain her uniform. His fountain sprayed at least two feet upward until it splashed back down on the jersey. "Now look what you did to Brian's jersey," she giggled.

Jake didn't wait before he pushed his fingers between her thighs and then under her panties. She was dripping wet when he found out she was still a virgin.

"Stop! What are you doing? "She laughed. "You shouldn't touch your sister's pussy."

Jake tried to grab her but she jumped back and ran into the bathroom.

"You better get your clothes and get to your own room," she said before closing the door.

Ten minutes later they heard their parent's voices down stairs.


The end of chapter one.

Ending note: You've asked for another sports/romantic type story. I didn't put this in the incest group because they are just step-siblings. Thanks for staying with the story and I promise the sex will pick up in chapter two. If you have any ideas on how the story should end let me know. Don't forget to vote. The votes let me know if you like the story and if I should continue it. Slick.

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