Stepping through the Hedgerow


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"We are the people of the forest, love. We have tended them from when the Mother and Father first made life on this world. As with your history, much of ours is also lost to legend and myth. We live just a half of a step out of sync from your world. We live just the other side of the hedgerow. I have spent over twenty years looking for you."

"I dreamed of you when I was a child. So, are you the wood elf of my dreams?"

"I've dreamed of you for over a century. We are not what you call elves. We don't have a name other than the people. There are the bears, the beavers, the elk and we are the people." She sighed contently as they shared thoughts and emotions.

"Is that why you saved me from killing myself that day?" He asked wondering just how much of a setup this was.

"No... I didn't even know you would be there. I just crossed the hedge from telling my sire goodbye. I've searched the world over, looking for you and you were always just right there. Half the world away from where I thought you would be." They stood there and shared their thoughts until the chill of dusk penetrated their bodies.

"When did it get dark?" Michael asked looking around.

"Not too long ago. The moon will be rising soon. We need to get you back to the house. Tomorrow we need to get more food and a few things." She said as she wove her fingers with his and unerringly started back down the path to the cabin. Michael sighed contently at the warmth of her hand in his.


The next day, he took her to an old quarry next to his grandfather's property. He shocked her when he handed her the keys. "Here, you try it. There isn't much you can hurt out here."

"Really...?" She gasped excited.

Michael showed her how everything worked and then held on for dear life. For the next hour, Estelle laughed and Michael tried to keep his lunch down, as she tried to do laps around the big empty space. He finally had to call it quits and go to the restroom. When he came back, Estelle jumped into his arms and kissed him until his knees went weak.

"Thank you...! That was fun. Can I drive into town now?" She asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Um, no... I don't think so. Maybe after you learn some control. Beside they have laws about who can drive." He kissed her again, never wanting to let her go. As they stood there kissing, a bright warm feeling washed over them. Michael looked at Estelle wondering if that came from her.

"No my love.... My parents have finally reconciled. This is a joyous day." She spun out of his arms and did a dance in her joy.

Michael stood there transfixed. He watched her dance and wished. He wasn't sure what he wished for, but it was the first time he wished for a future and it had her in it. "It's time to go. We have to get there before the store closes." He didn't want to interrupt her, but it was getting late in the afternoon.

Estelle snuggled against Michael as he drove. They waltzed through the store, buying the things she said they needed. They smiled as Jeb, the manager greeted them. As they left, Estelle saw the monument in the park at center of town.

"What is that?" She asked perplexed. "Can we stop?"

"Yeah, but not for long...." He pulled into the small parking lot. "It is some kind of memorial. You can find something like this in almost all small towns." He pulled into the parking place and helped her out of the truck. She held his hand as they neared. She could feel his apprehension grow.

"What's wrong?" She asked not wanting to use magic for this.

"They place these things so we can remember the ones who have fallen in whatever battle they fought in. When will they ever learn?" He said sadly. "I wonder if...."

"If what?" She pressed.

"If they will ever put one up for the ones lost this time... and if I could ever look at the names?" He thought of his team. Their faces passed before his eyes as he saw them the day they left for their last routine patrol.

"Well, look it here. If it isn't Beauty and the Beast." Tony sneered as he walked by.

"Ignore him." Estelle said as she felt Michael tense up.

"I can't... I just can't." He turned. "Well hello; you useless, overeducated, idiot. Have you done anything worth a damn lately?" He asked with sarcasm.

"You asshole... I ought to...." He stepped forward.

"How is your arm?" Estelle asked trying to interrupt the budding confrontation.

"Yes, yes I am... I've been trained for it. Now that we have acknowledged you are useless and I'm an asshole, what ought you to do?" Michael smiled.

Estelle sent out a silent plea for help. She didn't want Michael to get into another fight and she wished the arrogant boy no harm. She started feeling bad that she asked to stop. She sighed when she saw the big SUV pull up.

"Anthony... Mr. Sparks... Is there a problem here?" The Sherriff walked up and stepped in between them.

"No... no problem. I was just showing Estelle the war memorial. She hadn't seen it, as your son walked by." Michael said tightly.

"He was talking about if his friend's names would ever be on one of these. Then they were discussing Tony's education and Michael's training." Estelle wanted to laugh at the look on the young boys face.

"Tony, go get in my vehicle." He looked at his son.

"But Dad... I didn't do...." Tony protested.

"I said move. NOW...!" He stepped close to his obtuse son. "He's already handed you your ass once. He'll do it again. You just got the cast off." He shoved his son toward the vehicle. He turned to the couple. "Mr. Sparks... Ma'am...." He tilted his head and walked behind his son back to his SUV.

Michael shook off his anger and smiled ruefully. "I don't know why his type always sets my teeth on edge. I'm sorry, but... if you are going to yell at me about it. Please do it in a language I understand. Let's go home." He reached to to see if she would take his hand.

"At least you are learning control." She sighed and took the offered hand and walked with him to the truck.

Back in the Sherriff's SUV, Tony was fuming. This was the second time his father had taken that fucker's side. He would know why.

"I'd take that look off your face before you see your mother." The Sherriff told his son.

"Why did you let him go again? He's nothing but a war mongering loser." Tony bit out.

The Sherriff rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I guarantee you that he didn't want to fight in the war. But yes, he is a veteran; and he deserves our respect, if we like him or not."

"Why? If he was smart enough he would have went to college and made something of himself. Now, he's just a useless ugly loser and a drain on the economy."

"Son, you seriously need a wakeup call. That man was disfigured giving you the right to sit here and bitch. He lost his friends maintaining that right for you. You will show him the respect he's earned. You don't think I didn't want to tear him a new asshole when he broke your arm? I'm the Sherriff. But that also means I have to enforce the law equally. He defended his woman, who you should've never touched. I had to let him go. He could've killed you, if he wanted to, and been justified. Just like today. He didn't start it, you did! All because you've got the hots for his girlfriend." He tried to get through to his entitled, spoiled, son.

"He's just a nuisance and should be run out of town on the rail. I don't see what she sees in him." Tony huffed petulantly.

"Son, it's time for you to grow up! You're supposed to be a man now." He sighed, not wanting to deal with the ramifications of his decision. "Son, I love you and I mean it. But, I think it is past time for you to learn about the real world. Not the one your Namby-Pamby professors' spout about it in school. I think it's time for you to find an alternate living situation."

"You're kicking me out?" Tony asked shocked. "How am I going to survive?" He asked confused and terrified.

"Like everyone else, you'll go out and find a job or go hungry. We'll pay for your tuition as long as you pull your grades up to A's and B's. It's time you stopped floating through life. Welcome to the real world son. You've got two weeks." He started the vehicle and ignored his son's protests as he drove him home.


That night, Michael watched Estelle with a smile on his face, as she prepared dinner. He ignore the twitching of the damaged muscle, he couldn't help himself. Every time she called him 'love', his heart wanted to burst out of his chest. He had never felt this way before. This wasn't about getting her into bed. This was about wanting to share everything with someone else. If that was love, then he was deep in it.

That night as he dreamed, he saw himself as a white haired man, watching over his family in a golden wooden palace. His children sat at his feet, listening to every word he said as he told them the story of how he met their mother.

Estelle entered carrying a long staff of power and her hair was held in place by a woven circlet. She smiled and stuck her tongue out at Michael then turned to face the crowd who waited her ruling on some matter of state or another. He would have to quiet two of his daughters' as they would tend to giggle.

"You must show decorum when the Queen speaks. Even if she is just your mother." He told his children.

"Yes father." They said in a choral voice.

He heard Estelle's voice, but it sounded older, richer more mellow and mature. "As of now, I proclaim the Princess Laurel, to be my heir and successor. In five hundred years, if she or I do not perish before then, she will assume the crown and rule with the wisdom of her ancestors." Estelle held her arms open as a tall figure walked down the aisle. She stopped in front of Michael.

"Father, you must wake up. Mother needs you." She kissed his forehead and faded away.

Michael jolted awake. He looked for Estelle, but she wasn't anywhere in the house. He looked outside and found her dancing in the moonlight. There was a new lushness about her as she glowed in the pale light. He didn't want to interrupt her dance, but he felt the urgency pulling him to her. He felt the warmth as soon as he walked outside.

It didn't register that he should've been cold. All he could do was keep his eyes on Estelle. As she danced in circles, he entered the space in between. When he caught her eyes, he noticed the deep change in them.

Estelle spun closer to Michael. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She thought she still had more time. But the choice was upon her. She couldn't fight it any longer. She had to choose, nature demanded it. It was the time of her mating. She had become fertile and now her children were calling on her to be born.

She stopped in front of Michael. "I'm sorry love." She said sadly.


"The choice. I have made mine, now you must make yours. What we do this night cannot be undone. It is forever." Her pulse quickened.

"What choice? I need to know what I'm choosing." He tried to rationalize what she was trying to tell him.

"If we join, we will always be joined. If we do not, we never will. I'm sorry; I thought I had more time. But since mother and father have reconciled, there is now an urgency on me. I can't explain it and my mind is on fire so I can't even show you."

"Try...." He leaned in and touched her forehead to his. At contact, an explosion of visions swarmed his mind. In the middle of the fire stood Estelle. He was either choosing her or denying her forever; right here, right now. "Then I choose you." He answered her mind.

"Mia esodda... My love, my life, MY MATE...!" Her mind screamed in ecstasy.

They stood there naked in the moonlight. She wrapped herself around Michael. As they kissed, the magic flowed. Michael grasped onto her like his life depended on her support. His mind and body craved her like no other. He needed her to complete himself.

He carried her to his bed, now their bed. He laid her down and stroked her warm skin. He saw the fear in her eyes and the passion that controlled her. He slipped into the bed with her and started kissing every inch starting at her feet and working up.

He avoided her sex for the time being, as he worshiped her body. When he moved up, Estelle opened herself to him. He knew she had never done this, so it was up to him to do it right. He put all his thoughts on her pleasure as he captured a nipple in his mouth.

Estelle gasped at the intense contact. Her body writhed and the fire coursed through her. She tried to control the magic that bloomed inside her. She felt his mouth on her and welcomed it. She felt his hard manhood between her legs and wished for the connection to be complete. Once he speared into her, they would be one.

He felt her heat and moisture. He allowed himself to rub her furrow and gain lubrication. When they could stand it no more, he put the tip against her opening. He looked into her smoke filled eyes and knew what had to be done. He captured her lips in a fierce kiss and penetrated her in a firm fluid motion.

As her barrier broke, so did her control of the magic. It shattered into a million pieces as she tried to regain her senses. She knew they were now one. She could feel him fill her completely. She knew they were joined at the hip in the oldest of rituals. As the pain passed, she started undulating under her mate. The only mate she would ever have.

Michael felt the movement and added to it. Every fiber of his being was focused on their copulation. He felt every cell of his member as it slowly moved in and out of her tight warm depths. He poured everything in his heart into the special creature who took him unconditionally. Taking action, he pulled Estelle on top of him without losing contact. He settled her on his hips as her eyes closed. He gave her the control of their loving. This wasn't just sex, this was so much more. He groaned as she started her hesitant movements. He held onto her hand full sized breasts to hold her up. He felt her nipples swell into his palms. He didn't know how long they danced. He didn't care.

Estelle finally understood how it could be too strong. She felt her mate's heart and all the love he held in it. Her body craved the physical connection of their union, but her mind burned with the sensations of their shared experience. As her body moved faster and harder, she felt the magic build again. She hoped she could control it this time. But as soon as that thought crossed her mind, her body exploded. There was no warning, all of a sudden she was clasping and contracting on him. Sucking him in farther until he joined her and gave his seed to their future. It was too much. She couldn't control it.

Michael felt her contraction and his mind burned with his orgasm. He shot volley after volley of his pent up seed into her. It crossed his mind that now his children could be born and then his mind went blank. Fast as he was fading he could have sworn that the cabin had moved with their climax.

Minutes, days, weeks later, they came back to themselves. She was still astride him and though soft, he was still inside her. He was the first one to move. He reached up and pushed her hair behind her ears, tickling the tops. She contracted on him as she giggled.

Estelle took a deep breath, not wanting to break the connection. She tried to move slowly but her body twitched with their motions. Her eyes went large as she felt him growing inside her.

"If you are trying to seduce me again... it's working." Michael groaned. He pulled her down into a kiss, that when done, he knew he was fully hard again. Carefully he turned his lover over and took control.

Estelle gasped as he started the dance again. Her brain burned warmer, deeper with this mating. She felt him with every movement. She reached up and held onto his strong arms as he made her his completely.

Michael took his time. He wanted her to have the pleasure without the work. He gave until he could give no more. He lasted until she started contracting on him for the third time. He didn't know or care how long they had been making love. They both cried out at the time of their completion. Then they slept.


In the morning, Michael wondered briefly if it was all a dream. If it was, he never wanted to wake up. It was her warmth that told him that he might not have been dreaming. She was still there beside him. He opened his eyes and found her looking down into his.

"I was wondering if you were going to sleep the day away." She smiled.

"When did you wake up?" He asked stretching.

"Only a few moments ago..." She told her mate honestly. "We need to get cleaned up. We are a mess." She nipped his chin playfully.

"If you keep that up, we're not going anywhere." He pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"Please don't start again. I find I am sore in certain places." She blushed.

"Sorry my love, but you did start it." He smiled and pulled her out of bed. "Let's go take a shower." He pulled her behind him and headed into the big bathroom. After letting the water warm up, he pulled her into the spray and lovingly washed her body.

Never had she experienced a bath like this one. As her body responded to her lover's hands, she wondered how her parents ever found the strength to stop the physical part of their love. She also wondered what had happened when the magic got away from her. She knew there would be a price to pay.

"So, does this mean we are married?" Michael asked, thinking about the forever part of what happened.

"Not yet. The Queen must approve of our mating." She said and sighed as his hands relaxed her body.

"The Queen? Why not the King?" He asked wondering just what he got himself into this time.

"We don't have a King. Remember we honor the Mother first. Our land is governed by the elders and the Queen. She holds the keys to the Magic. It will be the Queen who will have the final say. Her Protector can only counsel, not rule."

"Oh, I guess that works as good as any form of government." Michael said trying to piece it all together.

"Mother will be reasonable. She knew I was coming out here to find you." Estella said, automatically, not realizing the ramifications.

"Mother...? Your people call your Queen, mother?" he swallowed hard as a stray thought crossed his mind. He realized he didn't really know that much about the woman he had just mated for life.

"Um... no, they call her Your Majesty. I call her Mother...." She ducked her head.

"And who do you call your father?" He asked so he didn't have to ask the question screaming in his brain.

"The Queen's Protector and Concubine is his official title. Her husband as you understand the concept. " She said quietly.

"You're their Princess? Is that what you are not trying to tell me?" He didn't notice the cooling water as he looked at Estelle.

"I wasn't hiding it, my love. There just wasn't enough time to explain everything." She said defensively. "I never expected my mating to come on me so quickly. I thought I'd have time to tell you in a way you would understand. We have been growing closer every day." She reached and tried to turn off the water. "Why, does that change how you feel for me?" She asked with wounded pride.

"No...!" He said seeing her fear and pain. "You've bewitched me from the first moment I saw you. I've been waiting for you all my life. I'm just a bit shocked." He said trying to comprehend everything that had happened. "How long have you been with me? I've seemed to have lost track of time."

"Seven moons, six of your months have passed since you first saw me." She said truthfully. "I must return to my people before midwinter's eve."

"Do you always tell the truth?" He asked, knowing it for what it was.

"With you, always! When I become Queen, I can withhold certain things but our society is based on the truth as we perceive it. But be careful, perceptions can be changed and twisted." She warned him.